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Metal Mage 13

Page 15

by Eric Vall

  I blinked, but with Cayla nearly hyperventilating beside me, I had to recover from my shock quickly. “Uh… thank you. That’s… Davit, I can’t even express how grateful I am.”

  “I can tell,” Davit chuckled.

  “Um… ” I managed as a grin came to my face. “Well, we’re actually stationing our troops this afternoon, so if there’s any way your army could be ready to join us in Illaria within the day, then that would be incredible.”

  “Let me speak with my captain and see what we can do,” Davit said as he rose to his feet, and he patted Cayla on the arm on his way to the door.

  The princess let out a harried laugh, and as the king’s footsteps faded down the hall, I eyed Cayla’s heaving breasts.

  “Deep breaths,” I muttered, and I let her squeeze the shit out of my hand some more while she nodded and blushed to her roots.

  “They have guns,” she moaned. “My kingdom has an army, and that army is made up of two hundred soldiers, and all of them know how to use guns.”

  “This might be the best news I’ve heard all day,” I snorted.

  Then Cayla shot to her feet, and she began pacing around the throne room while she kneaded her hands. “I can’t do this. My blood is boiling, and I’m not even wearing any panties right now. I… I need a distraction.”

  “You’re not wearing panties?” I verified as I eyed the tiny shorts that barely concealed the apex of her thighs.

  “Of course not,” the princess snapped. “When do I ever wear panties? Mason, help me! Distract me! I’m losing my mind!”

  “Okay,” I agreed. “Let’s see… Dragir thought he got Rhys’ wife pregnant.”

  Cayla glanced over as she continued pacing. “He what?”

  Then I did my best to go into an excruciating amount of detail about my recent visit to House Fehryn, and when I finished, Cayla was staring at me with her arms firmly crossed.

  “You’re telling me it took you two kisses to turn that hellion elven woman into an obedient devotee?” the princess asked.

  “Well, yeah, but that wasn’t the point of the story.”

  “Mason,” Cayla groaned. “That’s not helpful at all! Now, I just want you to pin me down and fuck me into submission, you know that’s my favorite thing!”

  “I’m sorry!” I shot back. “I didn’t think that’d be the only part you paid attention to! Just… give me a minute, I’ll think of something.”

  “Hurry,” the princess whimpered. “I’m sopping wet!”

  Then I looked over my shoulder as I heard footsteps approaching.

  “Well, your father’s on his way back, and he has company, so that should do it,” I hissed.

  “Fuck!” Cayla cursed, and she lunged across the room to drop into her seat just before the king reappeared.

  I had a feeling her last outburst probably echoed down the whole hall, but we both tried to look as casual as possible while Cayla’s cheeks stayed beet red, and her breasts heaved against her corset like they might burst out at any second.

  “Hello, Father,” the princess gasped as she firmly crossed her legs.

  The king cocked an eyebrow and took his seat, and he gestured to the armored man who stood at attention beside him. He looked to be about ten years older than me with rough, sandy hair peeking out from his helm, and his gray eyes were rimmed with deep lines from years of squinting against the elements.

  “This is Captain Huntley,” Davit announced. “Since Captain Mayard preferred to maintain his post as the head of my retinue, I instated Captain Huntley here to the Army of Eyton.”

  “It’s an honor to formally make your acquaintance, Your Highness,” the captain said as he offered a deep bow to Cayla.

  “Yes, you as well, captain,” the princess managed.

  “Captain Huntley informs me our soldiers can be prepared to leave on the ten o’clock train,” Davit continued. “That puts them arriving in Serin by half past eleven according to the station master. Will that do for you, Defender Flynt?”

  “That’s perfect,” I sighed. “We’ll have them assemble with the Illarian troops outside the capital.”

  “There is one point of concern, however,” the king admitted. “Captain Huntley says his men aren’t very experienced with fighting the possessed beings at this juncture. They’ve only had cause to send out two smaller troops thus far, which brings me to a matter of grave importance.”

  I furrowed my brow, but despite the king’s concerning statement, he had a glint of amusement in his eyes. “What is it?”

  “Well, to be perfectly frank, I won’t be the sovereign of this kingdom forever, and it would be naïve of me to behave as if I don’t know who will be standing at my daughter’s side when the time comes for her to take the throne,” Davit said as he held my gaze, and I felt my limbs gradually going numb. “That being said, and with the dangers of this war in mind, I would like to offer the position of General of the Army of Eyton to you, Defender Flynt. Your experience will ensure our soldiers are entirely prepared for whatever might come their way, and I can rest easy knowing my kingdom is in capable hands from this day forth.”

  Now, Cayla and I were both blank with shock, and I didn’t have to look over to know she was as pale as a sheet. Not only had her gasping stopped, but I wasn’t sure she was breathing at all anymore, and even though I knew I should respond, I couldn’t.

  Cayla had alluded to me ruling Cedis with her several times, but until the king himself said outright that he expected this to be the case, I’d never fully processed the gravity of it. Here I was, though, madly in love with the princess of Cedis, trying to have a child with her, and being handed the army of her kingdom in advance.

  So, I worked on relearning how to swallow since this was surprisingly difficult at the moment, and Cayla’s lips slowly turned blue beside me.

  “Uh,” I croaked.

  Davit laughed heartily, and Captain Huntley grinned beneath his helm.

  “Let me… do words,” I muttered.

  “Speak,” Cayla offered.

  “Yeah, that.” I nodded.

  But I didn’t speak for several minutes, and Davit grinned while he folded his hands on his robes to wait me out. Once my brain started sending signals again, every detail that could possibly be relevant to this situation hurled itself at me in rapid succession before I landed on the most important points.

  I already had an army, and I already had an entire kingdom relying on me. I also had the Master to destroy, five women to take care of, and a town full of residents who looked to me to maintain their livelihoods in the foothills, so shoving another army and an extra kingdom into my pocket was just problematic.

  I nodded to myself as I mentally checked off all these points, and then I glanced at the lethal beauty still frozen beside me.

  “Okay,” I finally replied. “Okay, I have words now.”

  “Excellent,” Davit chuckled. “Let’s hear them.”

  “So… firstly, thank you,” I awkwardly began. “I’m honored, and flattered, and obviously overwhelmed.”

  “Glad to hear it,” the king laughed.

  “Secondly, I lead all of the defenses of Illaria right now,” I continued, “and in this particular war, I’m also leading the Arms of Aurum, the ogres of Jagruel, and two Elven armies in the fight against the Master.”

  “Gods, are you really?” Davit asked, and he looked exhausted just thinking about it.

  “Yeah,” I snorted. “However, even if that weren’t the case, I’d have to say that I don’t think I should be leading the Army of Eyton. You’re free to make your own decisions with regards to your soldiers, of course, but if you’d like my opinion, I think Cayla would be better suited to the post of general.”

  Cayla’s gaze whipped to me, and I sent her half a grin before I continued.

  “She’s fought beside me in every battle since she left Cedis,” I told the king, “and not only has she proven to be the most levelheaded person in the field for every attack we’ve encountered,
but she’s the most talented marksman I’ve ever met. Under her leadership, your army would not only withstand, it would exceed any other, including my own.”

  Davit looked flabbergasted as his eyes darted between me and Cayla, but when I turned to the princess, her eyes were welling up with tears, and her lips were almost purple now.

  “Breathe,” I said with a smirk.

  Cayla took a gasping breath that made us all jump, and once her body was functioning properly again, all she could do was stare at me and furiously wipe the tears away from her cheeks.

  “Mason, I… ” the princess croaked, and I shrugged.

  “Just my personal opinion.”

  “Well!” Davit chuffed, and the two of us looked over to see the king was just as teary as Cayla, but he manfully barreled on. “I truly don’t know what to say. One moment, you have a daughter who occasionally insists on wearing pants, and the next thing you know, she’s flying dragons and leading your army. I suppose stranger things have happened.”

  “Really?” Cayla gasped. “Y-You’d let me lead our army?”

  “I’d be lying if I said I’m not sick with worry at the idea,” Davit muttered, “however, I’ve learned to trust Defender Flynt’s word. If he says you’re suited to the post, then there’s no doubt in my mind you must be.”

  “Would you like to meet you soldiers, General Balmier?” Captain Huntley asked.

  “Fuck!” Cayla croaked as fresh tears spilled down her cheeks, and I couldn’t help laughing as she buried her face into her hands. “I mean… darn it! Sorry, Father.”

  “You certainly curse like a general,” the king chuckled.

  “That’s my fault, sir,” I admitted.

  “No matter,” Davit sighed. “She’s out of my hands as it is. Come. I’ve assembled your troops, my darling.”

  The king smirked to himself as he strolled out the door, and I helped Cayla get to her feet while she trembled like a leaf. Then Captain Huntley saluted her and let us leave ahead of him, and the princess hastily stole my sleeve to clean herself up with before she had to meet her army covered in tears.

  By the time we reached the end of the hall, she was mostly composed, but I supported her on my arm as we followed King Davit to an open doorway that led to a stone balcony. When the king reached the railing, he raised his voice and announced the arrival of General Balmier of the Arms of Eyton, and Cayla took a ragged breath while she straightened her shoulders.

  “Go on, Princess General,” I chuckled as I nudged her forward, and I stayed back in the doorway while Cayla slowly walked to her father’s side.

  Then I grinned from ear to ear as I eyed my deadly princess from her leather boots to her pixie hair, and just beyond the gun belt she wore around her waist stood two hundred armored knights who looked to her as they all saluted in unison.

  Chapter 11

  “Fly! We have to get out of here!” Cayla hissed as she sprinted toward Deya, and the black dragon anxiously cocked her head at me from the courtyard.

  I was just as confused as her, though, because I’d never seen a woman bail on a situation faster than the princess just left the castle. It had to have been only two minutes since she dismissed her soldiers to prepare to move out, and even King Davit’s teary moment of fatherly reflection was cut short when she pulled a hasty ‘remember when’ on him. I was about to thank the king for his cooperation when Cayla dragged me away down the hall, and she broke into a run as soon as we turned the corner.

  Now, Cayla vaulted herself onto Deya’s back before I could give her a hand, and she reached down to haul me up faster as she kicked her boots against Deya’s sides to get her going.

  “I said fly!” the princess growled. “Now!”

  Deya shifted her haunches to nudge me toward the center of her back, and I’d only just gotten settled in behind Cayla when the dragon launched herself into the air.

  “Cayla, what’s-- ” I tried, but I almost got a heel in the face as the princess hitched her leg up to turn around on the flying dragon.

  Then she wrenched her bodice open before I could blink, and while Cayla’s porcelain breasts tumbled free in the crisp morning air, I watched her corset spiral down to the parapets where every guard stood staring up at us.

  “Take off your pants,” the princess ordered.

  “What are you doing?” I demanded, and I tried to shield her nipples until we were out of sight of the guards.

  Cayla just forced me to knead her breasts in my palms instead, though, and her tongue slipped into my mouth as she let out a shaky moan.

  “Make love to me,” the princess begged as she struggled to get at my belt.

  “I thought we agreed we could go one day--”

  “Mason,” Cayla interrupted, “my father as good as handed you his crown in there, you just got me my own army, and we’re flying on a fire-breathing dragon. I insist you have unbridled sex with me right now.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “Well, when you put it like that, we’re kind of obligated to.”

  “We are,” Cayla agreed, and she tore her tiny black shorts apart in one pull before she let them drop through the air as well.

  She hadn’t been lying about having nothing on underneath, either, and I swallowed hard as I eyed her perfect, porcelain frame straddling the jet-black scales beneath us. With nothing but her gun belt and boots on, I could see Cayla’s snowy curves jolting with every flap of Deya’s wings, and when her hooded gaze met mine, all I could think of was burying my dick in her so I could feel her jolting from the inside.

  “Fucking hell,” I muttered as I fumbled to get my pants undone. Then I pitched sideways, though, and Cayla screeched as I barely caught myself in time to avoid plummeting to my death. “Maybe this is a bad idea.”

  Deya immediately roared in protest when I said this, and she rolled her spine to bump Cayla closer to me while the princess chuckled.

  “I know you approve,” I snorted. “It’s just… ”

  Cayla and I glanced down, and even though I’d wanted to have sex on a dragon ever since I first rode one, watching the hills race by as wind blasted over us made it undeniably clear how dangerous it would actually be to try.

  Still, this was probably the most epic mile-high club I’d ever have the opportunity to join, and I’d never even joined one during my life on earth. I was the guy who always remained seated with his tray table up and his chair in the full upright position.

  But, like Cayla pointed out on our way here, I had changed quite a lot since coming to this realm.

  “If you leave your clothes on to simplify things, we can probably do this,” the princess decided while she tried not to look down.

  I considered the notion as I eyed her jostling breasts and splayed thighs once more. “Yeah, we can, but this is gonna be the most dangerous sex I’ve ever had.”

  “Hey, me, too!” Cayla giggled.

  “Aww,” I said with a grin. “There’s another reason we’re obligated.”

  Then I caught the princess by her thighs and dragged her onto my lap, and as we collided, Cayla forced my full length into her all at once. She dug her nails into my shoulders as she trembled from my girth, and she really must have been holding back for the past hour because she was dripping wet with arousal.

  Both of us cried out as the movement of the dragon thrust me even deeper, though, and I couldn’t help grinning as the woman began rolling against me for more. Then Cayla hitched her boots around my waist, and while she bit at my tongue and clawed into my back, I tried to make sure we stayed in place.

  The princess was so tight and wet for me, though, that I couldn’t focus on anything except the insatiable driving of her hips against mine, and her breathless moans were so loud even the wind couldn’t drown them out.

  My heart pounded wildly in my ears as the heat of the scales under us brought my body temperature up to a scorching degree, and Cayla’s tight ass cheeks felt like flames while I tried to keep her from burning herself with every thrust. I was on the
brink of a scalding hot climax when my boot slipped on the scales, though, and both of us lurched sideways.

  “Shit!” I yelped as I scrambled to catch us with one arm, but I also had to keep Cayla in place with the other, and this made it impossible to do much more than cling to Deya’s side with no means of getting up to her back again.

  Then Cayla looked down, and she shrieked so loudly in my ear I nearly lost my hold. The dragon’s back rolled again as I saw the ground spin below me, and the vertigo of the situation made me truly appreciate what a bad idea this was.

  “Mason, we’re sliding!” the princess screeched.

  “I know, stop screaming!” I hollered as I tried to get a foothold again. “Deya, a little help!”

  Then the dragon glanced back and realized the issue, and she took a sharp turn to roll us to our seats.

  “Shit, that was close,” I gasped as I eyed the trees blurring hundreds of feet beneath us.

  Cayla nodded vigorously, but then she was kissing me with twice as much enthusiasm as she clutched me against her breasts, and I locked my hands on her hips as I forced her to fuck me harder. Every beat of Deya’s wings buried me deeper than I’d ever been in the porcelain beauty, and Cayla’s orgasms kept coming so intensely she couldn’t even kiss me from how loud she was wailing.

  So, I just kept at her while the wind howled around us, and every time Cayla bucked and hit the scales, she gasped with pleasure in a way that made my dick ache for release.

  “Take me from behind,” Cayla suddenly whimpered.

  “On here?” I scoffed. “That’s not--”

  The princess pulled me out of her, though, and I was so close to cumming I couldn’t do anything but oblige her before I lost my mind. Twice, Cayla’s boots slipped on the scales while she tried to turn around, but I managed to catch her and get her situated with her ass propped up for me.

  My knees were numb with fear while I worked to balance myself behind the princess without looking down, but it was impossible not to, because the sight of Cayla’s porcelain curves laid out on the scales was too satisfying to ignore.


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