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Illuminate (The Magic Users of Greenford Book 1)

Page 13

by Lisa Oliver

  Monty frowned. “That’s how all anchors are tested. I have to admit, the 987 score is phenomenally high among anchors, but how come no one noticed you have the ability to translocate when they scanned your marks?”

  “Because they only scanned the marks on his arms.” Lucifer put his arm across the back of Stefan’s chair. “Maybe the council’s scan of anchors needs to be a little more thorough.”

  “Why?” Darwin pushed his shirt sleeves up. “None of us have marks beyond the elbow. Mine go to here, so does er… Jasmine’s. Technic’s anchor was the same and so is any other anchor we’ve met over the years.”

  “My mate’s special.” Lucifer could afford to be smug. Every anchor he’d ever met only had marks on their forearms too.

  “What my mate is saying,” Stefan said pushing his seat back from the table and almost dislocating Lucifer’s shoulder, “is that I’m a freak. I’m covered in marks. When we’re in bed together he doesn’t even need to turn the light on in the dark, because my whole body glows. I’ve got marks covering everything. There’s even one on my dick. Not only that, but Lucifer has just found out that he can activate my marks too, apparently because we’re mated. So now he has his own personal magic spell machine he can fondle anytime he likes, do whatever he likes, and because I’m just an anchor, there’s nothing I can bloody do about it. Excuse me. I need some air.”

  “Stefan, wait!” Lucifer called out, but Stefan was already out of the door and Lucifer could hear him running down the hallway. “He’ll get lost.” Lucifer looked at Darwin and Monty who were both wearing shock really well. “I haven’t had time to show him around the house yet.”

  “I’m sure he’ll find a door.” Monty waved off Stefan’s exit as though it was nothing. “Is what he said true? Is Stefan honestly covered in the marks of old?”

  “He’s completely covered in them.” Lucifer looked at the empty doorway. “I’m truly surprised no one at the council picked it up when he was tested because he said he was born that way.” He turned his focus back to Monty. “Why does it matter anyway? The only reason I showed you two, was so that you can back us up if the council ever gets wind of this. No matter what Stefan does, it’s covered by his natural abilities.”

  “If the council gets wind of this?” Monty shook his head. “My dear Lucifer, Stefan is the find of the century. If what you’re saying is true…”

  “Why do you keep assuming I’m lying?” Lucifer shot back.

  “Bro, you have to admit this is huge news.” Darwin grabbed Monty’s hand. “I mean, all this time, Stefan’s been wandering around fending for himself and barely keeping himself together, when he could be paired with the head of the magic user council himself. Once they realize how special he is…”

  “He can’t anchor anyone else,” Lucifer interrupted sharply. “He’s mated to me.”

  “Ah, yes.” Monty shared a look with his mate and then shrugged apologetically at Lucifer. “The thing is, once the council realizes just how special Stefan is, you won’t be allowed to keep him. The needs of the council always come first, and quite frankly a man with Stefan’s talents shouldn’t even be walking the streets alone. It’s probably just as well you barely know him. The good news is, I hear that once your bond with Stefan is broken, you pretty much get your pick of any other unmated anchor in the world to bond with instead.”

  “The council would dare to go against the will of the Fates?” Lucifer stood up so quickly his chair went flying backwards. “Stefan was gifted to me, by the fates themselves. Our bond is already cemented. Cast in stone, so none can break it, even the damn council.”

  Darwin sighed. “It’s not as though you care about him, Lucy. You don’t care about anyone and it’s clear Stefan’s already realized that by now. I mean shit, he ran off out of here like a kid throwing a tantrum. I’m surprised his plate didn’t land on the floor.”

  “You’d agree with this?” Lucifer couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “You’d side with your mate and the council, in a bid to strip me of my fated mate? Your own brother?”

  Darwin looked helplessly at Monty and then back at Lucifer. “He’s my mate… I waited so long to be able to claim him…”

  “And how would you feel if someone from the council came along now and said ‘hey, I’ve just noticed you’re special. You’ve just lost all rights to Monty because you’ve got extra marks, and a person like that has to be under council control’. I mean, Fates forbid that magic like that wasn’t controlled in every way.”

  “It wouldn’t happen.” Darwin clutched at Monty’s arm hard enough to bruise. “It couldn’t. We love each other. It would kill me if I was separated from Monty now.”

  “Then how the hell do you think I feel? That man you sneer at and threaten has done more for me in a week than either of you have your entire lives.” Lucifer pointed his finger directly at Monty. “I am warning you now, if the council hear one word about how they fucked up an anchor test, and they come anywhere near Stefan with plans to take him from me, I will become your worst nightmare. I will haunt you. I’ll go rogue and fucking summon demons from the bowels of hell to torment you, your family and your descendants for all time. If you take Stefan from me, then you will strip me of any shred of decency I ever had, and I will become your living nightmare. Do I make myself clear?”

  Lucifer had to give Monty credit. He didn’t pale – much. “Lucifer, the council…”

  “The council dismissed Stefan because he’s an anchor, like dozens of others they test every year. They dismissed him.” Lucifer punctuated every word with a stab of his finger. “When that asshole tried to drain his magic when he was only twenty years old, the council ignored it. All the times he’s been homeless, they ignored him. Any time he’s tried to complain because fucking magic users like you and me see him as a sexy crumpet, never once respecting him for his skills, the council ignored it. They are not taking him now. Got it?”

  “You’re assuming Stefan wants anything to do with you.” Darwin’s voice was shaky. “He ran out of here like his pants were on fire, certain you were going to use him for his magic just like that asshole who tried to drain him.”

  “Yeah well, I got things wrong with him, but we’ll work it out. And do you know why?” Lucifer snarled at his brother.

  Darwin shook his head.

  “Because I love him and I’m going to tell him that. I’ve loved that blond beauty from the first moment I fucking saw him, and I knew then he’d be trouble. Trouble with a capital T for me because I don’t give my heart or trust readily to anyone. But he has mine, and you’d better believe a zombie apocalypse, or a demon uprising has got nothing on me if someone tries to take him from me.”

  Without waiting for a reply, Lucifer stalked out of the room. He had a strong feeling he knew where Stefan had gone.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “I wish you were still here.” Stefan slumped on the bench still nestled by the side of Garrick’s resting place. He didn’t know whether to cry or lash out and punch something, which was indicative of just how messed up he was. Stefan had never punched out in anger in his life. “It’s all so fucked up. You should’ve seen Lucifer’s eyes this morning. He’d been studying me in my sleep. I mean how spooky weird is that?”

  Of course, no one answered. “But isn’t that the story of my life?” Stefan’s sigh rang around the glade. “He was matching my marks to pages in some freaky book and then… when he realized his touch activated them too. Aargh! It’s not fair!”

  At least his yell silenced the birds for a few minutes, but they soon went back to what they were doing. “It’s not fair.” More of a sob this time. Stefan stared at the mound of dirt hiding Garrick’s body. “I thought we had something special – Lucifer and me. After last night, and on the plane… But he just sees me as a new magical toy he can play with. I’m not just a mass of magic and marks. I’m somebody. Me!” He stabbed at his chest.

  “This is one shitty life.” Stefan kicked at the dirt beneath h
is feet. “And now I’m claimed, I’ve got no choice. Just follow Lucifer around like a little puppy dog and wait to be pawed over, so he can use my marks, or when he’s got a hardon he wants to stick somewhere. I had such hopes when Gaston was alive. Dreams of being loved, cherished, cared for… is that too much to ask?”

  Apparently, it was, or if the birds were offering a differing opinion with their various tweets and chirps, then their words were lost in translation. Huh. Maybe one of my marks allows me to talk to all living things. Another long sigh escaped. At least then I’d have someone to talk to.

  It was nice in the glade – beautiful. A perfect peaceful spot to be laid to rest. That is something to be thankful to Lucifer for. But Stefan was aware, even as he tried to steer his thoughts to anything positive, there were precious little other things he could add to the list.

  “I’m a claimed anchor. I can’t be used by just anybody again,” he ticked that point off on one finger. “Lucifer did promise I’d never be homeless again.” That was two fingers. Three – Stefan added one for Garrick’s resting place. He tapped his ring finger, trying to think of any other positives Lucifer brought into his life.

  “Ugh, I can’t do it.” He flung up his hands. Stefan prided himself on always finding five things to be grateful for whenever he was down. “You should have seen Lucifer’s face.” Stefan addressed the dirt mound. “He was so smug, like a giant cat who’d got the cream off the milk and was stopping anyone else from getting any. He thought it was funny, scaring the shit out of Darwin and Monty, and it’s not. If they go to the council, then… then…”

  Actually, Stefan wasn’t sure what the council would do if they found out all he was capable of. Anything his depressed imagination came up with involved being pawed over by countless people all desperate to control the magic under his skin. “I’d be a specimen, stuck under a giant dome in some council office somewhere, pulled out on special occasions and ordered to do party tricks.

  “No.” Stefan knew he wasn’t being fair. “Lucifer would never allow that. I bet he never shared his toys when he was little.” Another sigh. “Am I really that unlovable, Garrick? Can’t anyone just take pleasure in my bright personality, sharp wit, my use of tools, or the fact I can create a four-course meal out of leftovers?”

  “I saw what you did in the desert with canned stew. I was very impressed.”

  Stefan looked up to see Lucifer watching him. He looked back down at his hands. Lucifer’s power was magnetic, filling the glade. It was hard to ignore and that was without their mated bond. “Thank you,” he said quietly, but then, still stung by what went on in the dining room, he added, “don’t think I do that for just anybody. I’m not a trick pony.”

  “I never thought you were. Can I sit down?” Without waiting for a reply, Lucifer came over, perching his perfect ass on the edge of the stone bench. Stefan immediately felt warmer and then felt resentful because there was a part of him still angry by the way Lucifer behaved earlier.

  “I don’t consider you a freak,” Lucifer continued in his grumbly voice. “To me you’re a wonder.”

  “A magical toy to show off to others.” I will not look at him. Stefan focused on Garrick’s grave instead.

  “I admit, there might have been a bit of showboating going on this morning,” Lucifer admitted. “You were so peaceful in your sleep and I had to distract my lecherous mind somehow, so I focused on the marks that make your skin glow. I thought I’d seen the one on the right side of your torso in one of my books, so yes, I looked. I was blown away with all you can do.”

  “This isn’t going to be good for us, is it?” Stefan asked quietly. “I mean, Darwin’s reaction was bad enough. Did they say anything after I left?”

  “There were threats made. Monty seems to believe he has a duty to inform the council they botched up your anchor testing. He figures the council will break our bond and you’ll be assigned to someone with more political clout than me.”

  “They can’t do that!” Just thinking about leaving Lucifer had Stefan’s heart pounding madly, and his lungs felt as though they were beating out of his chest. “They can’t do it. We’re fated. Did you tell them? We’re fated!” His animosity against Lucifer seemed so petty now. “Please tell me you told them. Please. I can’t live a life controlled by the council. Haven’t I been through enough?”

  “Yes, you have, and yes, I told them. I also told Monty that if the council finds out about you from anything he’s said, I will wage war on him like he’s never seen. Terms like the zombie apocalypse and a demon uprising where threatened.”

  “By Monty?” Stefan was still having trouble controlling his breathing.

  “By me.” Lucifer moved and Stefan found his face buried against his mate’s chest. “Stefan, you don’t realize this, and I know I’ve done precious little to show you how I feel. But the moment I realized I could lose you, I lost my shit. I’ll secrete us on a fucking island somewhere if that’s the only way I can keep you safe.”

  “Because you want to keep me all to yourself?” Lucifer’s sheer presence helped in ways Stefan had never imagined – already his heartrate and lungs were slowing down.

  “I do want to keep you, but not for the reasons you’re thinking.” Stefan felt a brush of lips across his hair. “You made me fall in love with you, and I have to admit, that wasn’t something I was expecting. With your old-man hat, and your green-gold waistcoat that you seriously must tell me the story behind, one day, you sauntered into my life, broke down every wall around my heart and claimed it for your own.”

  Wow. Really? Did Lucifer just tell me he loved me?

  “I know it’s going to take a while for you to believe me. You’ve done so much for me already, and all I seem to have done is throw your life into chaos. This morning’s stunt was stupid, but I truly believed Monty and Darwin were going to be supportive.” The sigh was from Lucifer this time. “Turns out I can be wrong even about members of my own family.”

  “Oh Lucifer, I’m so sorry.” Stefan wrapped his arms around Lucifer’s ribs as well as he could and hugged his mate as hard as he could. “They will come around, you’ll see. They’re decent people underneath.”

  Lucifer’s chuckle rumbled through his chest. “Is your support of me a sign I’m forgiven for being a boastful possessive ass this morning?”

  Be brave. Stefan sat up, looking straight into Lucifer’s eyes. “Did I hear you say you love me?”

  “You did,” Lucifer said seriously. “I might not say it very often in our life together – it’s not something I’ve ever said to another person in my life. But I love you, Stefan de Marco, and I will fight until my last breath to keep you safe for all time.”

  “That’s all right then.” Sliding his arm around Lucifer’s neck, Stefan breathed out slowly over his mate’s face. “I’m still a little bit resentful of what happened this morning, and I won’t be used by you or anyone. Just because I have all these marks doesn’t mean they can be used for trivial stuff. We could’ve walked to the dining room this morning.”

  “I prefer walking,” Lucifer said, and Stefan noticed the twinkle in his eye. “I found out translocating makes me dizzy.”

  “That’s good, but that goes for all my other marks too.” Stefan let his smile free. “I’m not a toy. I’m not a magical gadget. I’m a person with feelings and opinions of my own.”

  “Do any of those feelings include some warmth toward me?”

  “Maybe.” Stefan chuckled. As if his mate couldn’t feel the attraction between them, and it was more than lust; Stefan was honest enough with himself to recognize that. “Maybe you should kiss me and see if you can tell for yourself. Word on the street is, you’re a very clever man.”

  Stefan closed his eyes as Lucifer’s lips hovered over his. Five minutes later, or it might have been ten, he was reasonably confident Lucifer had an idea of how Stefan felt about him.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  They spent a peaceful day and early evening together in Lucifer�
��s rooms. Lucifer couldn’t be sure what Monty or Darwin were going to do about their newfound knowledge on Stefan, but he had enough confidence in Darwin to know the man wouldn’t invite anyone from the council to his own house.

  There was also the matter of Abdullah and Technic to deal with – something that was probably going to involve another trip to Cairo just so Lucifer could look his so-called friend in the eyes when Abdullah lied to him. The lies weren’t blatant, more lies of omission or at least Lucifer hoped that’s all they were. If Lucifer found out that the whole “showdown visions” concept were complete BS, it would be gutting - and for Abdullah that could well be literally.

  But, as Lucifer had mentioned in the glade, he didn’t tell people he loved them, ever, which made his declaration more significant. He and Stefan needed time together – time doing ordinary things where they weren’t evading guns pointing at them, or having magical beings trying to capture them. Time to just be together, in bed and out. It’d been a bit awkward initially – it’s not like Lucifer had a television or anything in his room, and he was the first to admit he wasn’t one for deep and meaningful conversations.

  Then Stefan asked him for somewhere he could put his mechanics gear, and Lucifer magicked him up a roll top desk. Stefan seemed to come alive as he carefully stowed his tools and equipment, and they spent a cozy afternoon together, with Stefan showing him how he created his magical creatures. Lucifer’s fingers were far too big to do anything constructive with such tiny pieces, but Stefan was patient with him, chuckling all the while, and by the time Lucifer put the final cog into his little project, he was quietly pleased with the scarab beetle he’d made with his own hands.


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