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The Fledglings' Mentor

Page 3

by C L Amos

  Sasha returned to the cottage with her senses on high alert. She locked the door this time and drew the curtains before returning to her suitcase, which was still sitting on the bed, and she opened the secret compartment and carefully unstrapped her Glock, cocking it back and carefully placing it under her pillow. She proceeded to lock the secret compartment before placing the case under the bed.

  Sasha went and sat in the kitchen and poured herself a glass of wine. She wasn’t feeling rattled; in all honesty she was annoyed with herself because she hesitated and didn’t pursue and kill the would-be intruder. The worst part was that she knew he was still out there, hiding in the shadows just out of sight and scent range. Sasha picked up her phone, her movements quick and impatient as she started texting Jim, I don’t appreciate being spied on!!! Tell that old sow I am going to rip her precious bear cub to shreds if I catch him spying on me again!!

  Jim replied immediately, Will sort this out quick, they are jeopardizing our mission and I will not tolerate their bullshit.

  Sasha read the text and sat back in her chair. She poured herself another glass of wine and allowed herself to take a moment to relax… no intruders, no acting… she could just be herself.

  Her peace didn’t last too long, as her phone began to vibrate and light up like a ping-pong machine. Jim being the impatient boomer hit send and then decided it was best rather to call her; Sasha shook her head as she slid her finger along the green icon to accept his call, “Yes, Jim?”

  Jim sounded a little frantic, “Your report has rattled the cages of the High Council, it appears that the Faction has caught whiff of the threeling birth.”

  Sasha sighed, “Well obviously, the elders sent out word to every pack down the east coast, I am not surprised the Faction heard about it. I mean, they have sympathetic spies dotted all over North America.”

  Jim cleared his throat, “Then the next part shouldn’t come as a surprise… your orders are to track and trap the bear. The council wants him alive and are willing to reward you handsomely for his capture.”

  Sasha smiled and swirled her wine, “Perfect, I’ll head off to town tomorrow around midday, get James to meet me with the tranquilizer gun and the necessary restraints,” she chuckled with excitement, “I do love the thrill of the hunt!”

  “I know you do… just remember to keep it low key, we don’t want to attract any unnecessary suspicion from the wolf pack.”

  Chapter 6 Training Julia

  Sasha met Julia outside in the empty paddock next to the barn. Tom had left before dawn, riding out to check on the cattle grazing on the other side of the farm; he would have his lesson when he returned after lunch. The cool crisp mountain air hung like little clouds around their noses and the icicles crunched under their boots. Sasha needed to work quickly… winter was pulling in and the winter solstice was a mere two months away.

  Sasha wanted to see how far they had progressed with their wolf training and proceeded to set up a small obstacle course while Julia sat in deep meditation, preparing for the change.

  Sasha slapped the dust off her hands and wiped the sweat from her brow. She looked over the small obstacle course. That will do, she thought to herself. She glanced over to where Julia sat and made her way over to her, “Let’s do this.” Sasha placed her hand on Julia’s head and watched her slowly rise to her feet. She carefully reached over and removed Julia’s cloak and couldn’t help but feel a prick of excitement emanating from her clit as she admired the beauty and elegance of the young woman’s naked body. She took her hands and placed them on Julia’s naked shoulders, “Are you relaxed?”

  Julia nodded, “Yes.”

  “Can you feel the wolf inside of you?”

  Again, Julia nodded, “Yes.”

  Sasha leant in close. She could feel the heat of Julia’s body on her skin as she took in a deep breath to capture her scent, and she felt intoxicated and overcome with lust as the pheromones took hold of her senses, temporarily driving her completely mad with lust… Sasha had to step back and physically shake her head clear just to gain control over her urges. She managed to center herself, leant back in and whispered in her ear, “Become the wolf.”

  Julia’s body started to transform. At first, she was covered in a sort of golden fluff which glistened in the sunlight, which was slowly getting thicker and turning into luscious fur. She let out a long, soft howl as her front paws hit the earth, completing her transformation.

  Sasha smiled and couldn’t help but feel a twinge of pride; it was the first time she had ever mentored a changeling. She leant down and whispered in Julia’s ear, “It feels strange moving in your new form but you have to learn to trust your instincts and natural abilities, I want you to clear your head of any fear and just run this course flat out… do not stop to think, because that is when you will stumble and fall.”

  Julia darted off, steady on all fours, and she approached the first obstacle and easily glided over it. She dug her front paws into the ground and let her body swing round to take the next sharp corner which led to the slalom section, her light, sleek frame made short work of it as she weaved in and out. She went on to complete the next few obstacles in her stride; the last obstacle, however, was a little more difficult; it involved her taking down a 2500-pound Angus bull using nothing more than a rope attached to the bull’s nose ring. Sasha held her breath, unsure of Julia’s strength, but Julia, true to form sped up, and she caught the bull off guard. She grabbed the rope with such a force that the bull’s neck twisted awkwardly to the side and instantly snapped, sending the 2500-pound leviathan crashing to the ground.

  Sasha clapped in excitement, “Wow! That was truly brilliant!!!”

  Julia ran towards her still filled with excitement and as she reached Sasha she leapt up, her body transforming in the air - she landed hard back onto her human feet. She gazed back over the course and in sheer excitement grabbed Sasha and pulled her into a hug, “I did it!!! I actually managed to kill the bull!!”

  Sasha was taken back; with Julia’s naked body holding her tight in an embrace, her pheromones intoxicating her, she felt the twinge in her clit and the rush of cum preparing for the impending stimulation and penetration. It took all of Sasha’s will power to fight the urges boiling down in her groin. She had never felt so horny in all her life, all she could think about was going down on Julia and fucking her brains out… the only sobering thought was Jim’s voice in the back of her head… she focused on it and gently broke free of the embrace. As she pulled away, they locked eyes and Sasha felt a twinge of dread, because in that instant she felt something she had never felt before, and from the look in Julia’s eyes, the feeling was obviously mutual. Sasha took two steps back and looked around, lost and bewildered, then reached over and grabbed Julia’s gown and handed it to her while she tried to compose herself, “That was brilliant! You have full control of your inner wolf, and you are ready to move on to flying in your next lesson. The second form is always a little harder to master, as it is not always as ingrained as the first.”

  Julia slipped the robe on but didn’t close it properly; she could feel the undeniable chemistry between them, and she wanted Sasha in a way she never knew was possible, so she shook her head and rubbed her hand nervously through her hair, “That was amazing! I have never felt such a rush before.”

  Sasha looked down at her watch, seeing it was nearly midday. She breathed a sigh of relief, knowing she had the perfect excuse to get out of this ever-growing tricky situation, “Look at the time… its getting late and I need to freshen up a little before heading into town.” She turned and started heading to the cottage.

  Julia cursed inside, she couldn’t hide her disappointment, “Oh yes, I almost completely forgot… I’d better go get started with lunch for the boys, they are going to be hungry when they get off the range.”

  Sasha made it back to the cottage with little time to spare, and she closed the door and leant back up against it, trying to push the world and Julia out of her thoughts,
and she plunged her hand down to her crotch … is this what you want? She started masturbating, her back arching against the door as she tried to relieve the pressure that had built up, and she came almost instantaneously as her vagina exploded against her hand. It was the thought of Julia probably having to do the same that threw her over the edge, and her knees collapsed beneath her as she moaned and convulsed in waves of pleasure on the cold, wooden floor of the cabin.

  Chapter 7 Tom’s Turn

  Sasha returned from town in their granddad’s beat up old Ford pickup truck, the rattling and humming sounding like a start-up indie band in need of serious practice. She climbed out of the truck and casually grabbed the shopping bags, which cleverly concealed the bear restraints with the tranquilizer gun and darts. She tossed the bags into the cupboard and locked it; she didn’t have time to faff now, she had to get to Tom and start his lesson.

  After the intensity of this morning’s lesson, Sasha was slightly nervous to be around Tom. She had always been fluid in the bedroom, but her preference clearly swung in favor of men, and she didn’t know if she would be able to control herself or at the very least show some kind of restraint.

  Sasha entered the paddock and walked over to Tom, who was already sitting patiently meditating in preparation. She knew she had to keep her distance and stood as far back as possible when she placed her hand on his head and watched him slowly rise to his feet. Sasha took in a deep breath and held it as she removed his robe, fighting every muscle in her body which was compelling her - achingly begging her - to look down. She placed her hands on his shoulders and exhaled deeply, “Are you relaxed?”

  Tom nodded, “Yes.”

  “Can you feel the wolf inside of you?”

  Again, Tom nodded, “Yes.”

  Sasha took a deep breath and held it as she leant in close, so she could still feel the heat of his body on her skin, but she wasn’t breathing in his pheromones. Tom, on the other hand, wasn’t so lucky and the flushing of his face alerted Sasha to the large member standing erect in her presence. She fought the urge to glance down; if this morning’s lesson had taught her anything it was that she needed to stay in control at all times, so she stretched up on her tippy toes as quickly as she could and whispered in his ear, “Become the wolf.”

  Tom’s muscular body began to transform just as Julia’s had, first the pitch black fluff giving way to the thicker, black, luscious fur, he let out a long loud howl as his front paws hit the earth completing his transformation, and there was no doubt regarding the Alpha in this pack. The very sight of his strong muscular physique, huge black paws and crisp blue eyes lay any questions to rest. Tom was born to lead and as soon as he shifted, he took his rightful place at the head of the pack.

  Sasha had never seen such a beautiful Alpha male before, and she bit her lip and repeated Jim’s words over and over again in her head until she felt composed enough to lean down and whisper in his ear, “It feels strange moving in your new form, but you have to learn to trust your instincts and natural abilities. I want you to clear your head of any fear and just run this course flat out… do not stop to think, because that is when you will stumble and fall.”

  Tom darted off, his strength and power smashing through the course, each obstacle done with speed and precision, and not even the 2500 pound Angus bull stood a chance as he grabbed the rope with such a force that the bull’s neck twisted awkwardly, pulling him off his feet and twisting his whole body in the air, snapping the bull’s neck instantaneously.

  The 2500-pound bull smashed into the ground so hard Sasha could feel the shockwaves moments before the loud, thunderous thud reached her. She couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of awe; she had never seen a bull being taken off his feet, and the sheer power of Tom amazed her and frightened her just a little. She couldn’t take him on one-on-one …she would have to …

  Tom broke her train of thought as he came rushing towards her, leaping into the air and changing back into human form.

  Sasha had planned for this and immediately gave him a high five as he approached her and handed him his gown. She cheered his success and tapped him on the back like an old sports mate would.

  Sasha had to keep in control and that meant keeping her distance from Tom and Julia … at least for now. The most important thing was to stick to Jim’s game plan, Sasha had worked with him since she was a pup and knew that he had a knack to read situations and predict the various possible outcomes. Sasha trusted him with her life, and more importantly, knew what was in store for both of them if she fucked this up.

  Chapter 8 The Hunt.

  Sasha excused herself from dinner that evening by making some excuse about needing to prepare for the next day’s lessons mentally. She arrived in the cottage with two hours of daylight to spare, and she opened the bedroom window which faced into the woods and more importantly away from the house and took off her clothes. She closed her eyes and pictured her form, and instantaneously began to sprout the black feathers with her distinctive Tyrian Purple hue. She flapped twice before perching on the open window in her second form – that of a Raven - which always felt as comfortable as her first. She sat and momentarily remembered Jim’s initial shock when she first shifted into her Raven form; no one knew she was a twoling then, she chuckled silently… let alone a threeling. Unlike her wolf rebirth, her Raven rebirth was a celebration, as no longer was she a runt for hire…now she was seen as something special…something with potential. She shook her head and let out a low caw as she focused and took flight in the direction of the setting sun. She always loved the freedom she felt when flying. It afforded her a level of invisibility and was arguably her stealthiest form as she glided silently over targets without them even being aware of her presence.

  Her mission for today’s flight was to track down the location of the bear shifter hiding in the area; she knew he hadn’t gone too far because she could still sense his presence. She glanced over the trees and began surveying the ridges on the side of the mountain, and just then her keen eye spotted the faint flash of something metallic on the ridge near an overhang, about halfway up the mountain cliff. Sasha banked hard to the left and made her way towards the overhang, circling high at first and slowly getting closer and closer to the object that had caught her eye. When she was sure that no one was in the immediate area she flew down and perched on the edge of the overhang. She looked at the small patch of cleared earth; there was a small fire pit to the left of the overhang and a small area of flattened branches making up the sleeping quarters. From the ground it was well camouflaged and protected by the thick mountain shrubbery, and from what she could tell there was only one path leading in. She looked around for the shiny thing that had initially caught her eye and spotted an object hidden in the shrubbery. She checked the coast was still clear before flapping her wings and gliding down to it. As she landed, it immediately became clear that it was a telescope perfectly positioned to spy on the farmhouse, cottage and surrounding paddocks. All of a sudden, she felt a twinge of fear shoot down her spine; the light was fading and if the bear wasn’t here… where was he? She flapped her wings twice, leaping up into the air, and caught an updraft from the valley below which swept her up high. When she reached the highest point, she pulled up her wings and cut through the air, achieving maximin velocity as she bee-lined back down towards the cottage. She was about 200 ft from the cottage when she noted a disturbance in the forest below and caught a glimpse of the bear running away from her cottage with something in his mouth. She narrowly made it through the window and crashed onto the springy mattress with a hard thump as she shifted back into human form.

  Sasha composed herself and grabbed her clothes off the floor, acutely aware of her nakedness. She checked under the pillow and her Glock was still there, she checked under the bed and her case was still there, and the secret compartment was still intact. She checked the closet and it was still locked; she grabbed the key and frantically unlocked it, and to her relief the bear restraints and
tranquilizer set lay untouched in the shopping bags where she had hidden them earlier.

  Sasha flung open the bedroom door and walked into the kitchen. She grabbed a bottle of wine off the rack and noticed a small piece of paper folded neatly on the kitchen table. She unfolded the paper and ran her hands over the folds to straighten it out. To her surprise it was an invitation, and read:

  We obviously have a knack of just missing each other and I think we need to get to know each other a little better if we are going to be staying so close together. I was thinking you should join me at my place for a drink later… and as a little incentive to get you up there I took your phone, a bottle of your favorite wine … oh and your gown… I am a gentleman, after all.

  See you later honey!


  Sasha crunched the paper up in anger and threw it down hard as she grunted in frustration. The bloody nerve of this guy, he obviously didn’t know who he was dealing with… or did he? Sasha couldn’t decide, but one thing was apparent - P. had been one step ahead of her and currently had the upper hand. She smiled, poured herself a glass of wine and thought… not for long!!


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