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The Fledglings' Mentor

Page 20

by C L Amos

  Janey sat up, “How’s that working out for them?”

  Pete laughed, “Remember she is mentoring them… sexual intimacy is crucial in forming bonds between mentor and fledglings.”

  Janey shrugged, “I suppose you are right… I didn’t think of it in those terms.”

  Pete nodded and kissed her, “It will all work out the way it is supposed to! What did the message say?”

  Janey reached over and grabbed her phone, “Shit, I almost forgot.” She looked at the number… “It’s from Dylan… I am sure it can wait. I really don’t want to think about all that shit right now… it will just ruin my day.”

  Pete nodded, “Are you sure? You haven’t heard from him in a while… it might be important.”

  Janey put the phone down and jumped on top of Pete, “I would much rather spend this time catching up with my husband.” She looked down and smiled, “Mmm…it looks like you are ready for round two.”

  He grabbed her butt in his hands and guided it onto his penis while leaning up and kissing her… “That does sound much better.”

  Another message came through.

  Janey groaned, “God they have bad timing.”

  Pete pushed himself deeper into her, “Ignore it – they can wait…”

  Janey placed her hands flat on his chest and flicked her hair back as she started to ride him… Pete closed his eyes and dropped his head back as their bodies moved together as one… faster and faster, with the pressure building once again, Pete and Janey both groaning in pleasure and anticipation. She ground down hard and clenched his hard cock between the spasming walls of her vagina and the sensation was driving him wild. His back arched uncontrollably with the sudden release and the sensation of his sperm exploding out of his cock and into the walls of her vagina.

  There was a knock at the door. Janey’s phone started vibrating uncontrollably as text message after text message arrived, the vibration throwing it onto the floor.

  Janey collapsed down onto the bed and pulled the sheet over to cover herself as she tried to reach under the bed to retrieve her phone, “You have to be fuckin kidding me!”

  Pete laughed and cleared his throat and spoke in a loud voice, “This had better be important!!”

  It was Vince, the man in charge of their security, “I am afraid so, Pete. You and Janey had better get up at once... you have to see this.”

  Pete had known Vince a very long time and he could hear in his voice that this was indeed a serious matter. He grabbed his gown and passed Janey hers. He climbed on all fours and retrieved the phone from under the bed as Janey pulled the gown over her shoulders … “Come! We can check the messages downstairs - something big must have happened.”

  Chapter 6 Last Hour of Peace

  Julia noticed a growing agitation in the front seat as their driver was being bombarded by messages. He passed his phone back, “Can one of you please just open this?” Julia grabbed his phone and cleared the texts, “Shit it looks like you have been hacked. Can I block this number for you?”

  He winced “Ahh crap not again… yes, please do.”

  Julia switched off his data and set his phone to silent and passed it back to him. “Here you go, it shouldn’t bug you anymore.”

  Sasha saw what she had done and whispered to her, “That wasn’t spam… why did you switch his phone off and set it to silent?”

  Julia leant over and kissed her, “Don’t worry about it for now… we will all have plenty of time to worry about that later. Just sit back and enjoy the drive.”

  The driver quieted down, oblivious to the real reason he was being mail-bombed.

  Julia asked, “At the risk of sounding like a little kid…how far are we from Aunt Janey?”

  The driver cocked his head back without taking his eyes off the road, “It’s about a two-hour drive from Silver Moon.” He looked at his watch, “It’s ten to seven which means we have been traveling for nearly an hour… we should get there around eight, I would say.” Happy to have a bit of conversation, he continued, “We should hit the highway in a few minutes and from there it’s smooth sailing all the way down I bet you will be glad to get off the sand road - it can be a little uncomfortable in the back of the van.”

  Julia laughed coyly, “Hey, anything is better than waking up in a glass cell waiting to be tested like a common lab rat.”

  Sasha felt a twinge of jealousy and spoke softly, “Are you flirting with him?”

  Julia shook her head, “Relax… I am keeping him distracted. There is a 50/50 chance that we are going to blow a tire round the next bend and he is going to check his phone.”

  “Are the messages from Silver Moon?”

  Julia shook her head, “There is no Silver Moon… they have all been taken hostage.”

  The driver slammed on the brakes, “What did you say?” He scrambled for his phone.

  Julia motioned to Sasha… “Quick! Knock him out!”

  Tom protested, “Don’t you dare…”

  Julia nodded frantically, “Do it… do it now!”

  Sasha shook her head, reached over and grabbed the driver in a sleeper hold. He struggled for a few seconds before his head went limp against her arm. She turned to Julia, “Now what?”

  Julia grabbed the tow rope and jumped out the back, “We tie him up and put him in the back. Trust me, we are saving his life.”

  Sasha and Tom jumped out behind her, “This is insane. How are we supposed to find Janey’s house now?”

  Julia shrugged, “Don’t stress, I saw the route in his mind’s eye while he was explaining it to me. I know exactly where to go.” She pulled the keys from the ignition and tossed them at Tom… “You can drive.”

  They tied up the young wolfling and put him in the back of the van. The three of them squeezed into the front of the van and continued the journey.

  Sasha picked up the driver’s phone, but Julia took it from her and threw it into the glovebox. “We only have one hour of peace left. Please can we just enjoy it while it lasts? There is nothing we can do now anyway!”

  Chapter 7 Ostrich Mode

  Janey and Pete followed Vince into the lounge. He took Janey’s phone… “I am going to broadcast this to the TV, I must warn you, though, the visuals are disturbing.”

  Pete put his arm around Janey, “Just play it.”

  As soon as the first image hit the screen Janey raised her hands to her face in horror, “They have torched Silver Moon… there is nothing left…” The realization made her lightheaded and her body sank down into the chair. “Are there any survivors?”

  Vince raised his hand, “It gets worse.”

  Pete took a seat next to her and the two of them watched the five-minute clip in absolute horror. Janey gasped, and sobbed uncontrollably, “This is all my fault, Pete. They have burned our hallowed ground and murdered our brothers and sisters.” She stood up, wanting to run from the room.

  Vince shook his head, “I’m afraid you need to hear the message at the end…”

  Janey sat down and watch the rest of the message impatiently and when it finished, she fumbled trying to turn her watch, “It’s ten to seven, what time was the video sent?”

  Vince shrugged, “Just after 6am this morning.”

  Janey grabbed her phone, “What are the elders saying? Surely, they have the power to stop this. This isn’t war, this is genocide; that much must be clear to everyone.”

  Vince shrugged, “The elders have gone quiet. Even those who usually throw their hats into the ring are too scared to draw unnecessary attention to their clans and packs out of fear of retaliation. One report goes as far as to suggest that they invoked Hathor the Sekhmet. I am afraid we have lost a lot of our support, and I fear that if they stick to their word it is only going to get worse for us. Our supporters may even turn on us, just to see an end to the bloodshed.”

  Janey’s phone pinged, and she glanced down at the message. It was an invitation to a live stream. She passed her phone to Vince, “I think they are getting re
ady to kill the next three…can’t we just pretend that we never received it?” She covered her face and sat back down on the couch.

  Vince shook his head as he broadcast it to the TV. “Afraid ostrich mode isn’t going to make this go away.”

  Chapter 8 Awakening to the Horror

  Tom gunned the vehicle as they hit the highway. With so little traffic they made good time, and the van pulled into Janey and Pete’s complex at quarter to eight. Sasha was visibly nervous. She hadn’t seen her Mom in 24 years and so much had happened, not just in the last 24 years, but in the last month in particular. She was now a fourling, she had a father and a destiny that involved destroying him, and all of it was tied up in a complex prophesy that involved her two fledglings. Tom put his arm around her, “Take your time, this is a big moment.”

  Julia called Tom over to help untie the visibly agitated wolfling. “Hold still, we did this for your own good.”

  One of Vince’s security officers came to see what all the commotion was about.

  Julia sighed, “Please can you take him and keep an eye on him… he can’t leave the premises.”

  Tom shrugged, “Gees Jules! What’s gotten into you?”

  Julia shook her head and gave Tom the keys, “If he leaves now, he will compromise our position and endanger everyone here.” She looked up at the house and at Sasha staring at it. “Come, let’s get you and Sasha up to speed.”

  As they were about to enter the door, Julia grabbed Sasha’s arm, “I am afraid it’s not going to be the welcoming party you are expecting… brace yourself.”

  The trio came to the doorway of the lounge just as the 3rd video was being broadcast. No one noticed their presence, and even they themselves were instantaneously sucked into the events unfolding on the screen.

  The video showed two men and one woman, bound and gagged on their knees in the burnt-out building they all assumed to be the sight of the bombing which they thought had taken Jim’s life. A figure standing in an executioner’s mask stood behind the three wolflings. Sasha covered her mouth with her hand, a tear rolled down Julia’s face, and Tom’s fists clenched in anger. The man slit their throats one by one, and the blood squirted out as their lifeless bodies dropped to the floor. A soldier ran forward and dragged each of the bodies into a line where they joined the six from earlier.

  Damien pulled the mask from his face… “That’s three hours of silence… The Faction is a bunch of cowards! They have fed you lies for the last two decades. If they truly cared, they would have handed themselves and the fugitives in by now and stopped this. So now I appeal to those of you who have contact with them. Tell them it’s time to hand themselves in and be held accountable for their actions so that we can end this unnecessary bloodshed.”

  Sasha exclaimed, “Damien!”

  Janey, Pete and Vince turned to the doorway. As Janey saw Sasha she shot up and ran to the door, “Sasha!” She hugged her and stroked her face in disbelief.

  Tom broke the reunion and brought everyone back down to earth. He turned to Julia and angrily snapped at her, “You knew this was going to happen!” He ran his hand through his hair, “Are you fucking insane… how could you have kept this from me? I had a right to know! The driver had a right to know! You had no right to keep this from us. We shouldn’t have left. This is all our fault!”

  Julia tried to interject but Tom cut her off, “Those people on the screen are dead because of you!!”

  Pete grabbed Tom by the shoulders and pulled him back, “Come on, that’s enough… don’t speak to your sister like that.”

  Julia shook her head while the tears streamed down her face, “They would be dead regardless… Only the fiveling re-birth is powerful enough to stop this madness… don’t you understand?! If just one of us is captured, Marcelle and Damien win!! We need to stay strong and be united.”

  Tom pulled away from Pete, “If I have to hear one more fucking thing that has to do with this prophecy bullshit, I am going to do my nut.” He pointed to the screen, “Those people are no different to me… they did not deserve to die. I can’t believe that you can’t see that we have already lost. We should turn ourselves in and stop the bloodshed before anyone else dies like this!”

  Julia raised her hands, “We have to wait for the people to side with us… we need them to see the horrors of the High Council. If we go now, everything will be lost, and their deaths will have been in vain.”

  Tom shook his head, “In vain… try telling that to their parents, oh Great Sharmana!” He pushed himself past the door. “I need to clear my head… call me when you come to your senses and are ready to end all of this nonsense once and for all.”

  Pete tried to go after him, but Julia raised her hand, “His test is to come to terms with his destiny… both the good and the bad.”

  Janey shrugged, “Test?”

  Julia nodded, “Sasha and I have both been tested by the Mother Goddess and we have proven ourselves worthy. It’s Tom’s turn…”

  Chapter 9 Sowing the Seed of Doubt

  Tom walked off into the vineyard behind Pete and Janey’s house; he remembered coming up here with his mother when he was still a small boy. He made his way along the narrow walkways that led up to an old oak tree, remembering his mom pushing him and Julia on the swing. He picked up an acorn and threw it against the tree.


  Tom looked around, confused, for he couldn’t see anyone.

  Just then a woman picking grapes stood up; she was about three rows down, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude… it’s just that the Goddess wouldn’t like that very much.”

  Tom winced, “Well, let’s just say the feeling is mutual right now. She is letting innocent people die.”

  The woman wore a long, white, flowing dress and moved like the wind towards him. “Come sit with me, I have fresh grapes… perhaps I can help ease your mind.” She linked her arm in his and led him to a small bench under the tree.

  Tom tried to protest, but as she touched him his mind seemed to clear, and the angst disappeared. “I can’t stay too long… I have to try and save them.”

  The woman laughed, “That’s being a little dramatic, don’t you think?”

  Tom shook his head, “I am one of the three they are looking for… innocent people are dying because of me.”

  The woman smiled and took his hand in hers. She took a grape from the basket, pushed it into his mouth and traced her wet finger across his lips, “You don’t have to be that person, Tom, you can just stay here with me and eat my grapes… aren’t they the juiciest grapes you have ever tasted?” She picked up another grape and placed it between her lips and sucked it in seductively before grabbing it in her teeth. She leaned forward, gently opened his lips with hers and pushed the grape into his mouth and began kissing him passionately, with the grape finally exploding in their mouths. She pulled back and smiled… “Will you stay with me and eat my grapes?”

  Tom felt drunk with lust, his penis was throbbing and aching… he wanted this mystery woman more than anything in the world; nothing else mattered to him, his mind was consumed by her. Tom reached over and pulled her onto his lap. She took another grape from her basket and dropped it into his mouth playfully and started grinding her clit against his hard cock…she looked down playfully, “I think someone wants to join the party! Should we let him out?”

  Tom nodded frantically and she smiled as she reached down and tugged slowly on the zip, pulling it down and releasing his hard cock from the confines of his pants. The woman arched her back as she lowered herself down onto his penis. The lust was burning, raging in Tom like an uncontrollable beast, and he ripped her dress off and over her head before pulling her down as he thrust himself even harder and further up into her tight vagina. She smiled and returned the favor by riding him hard, her perfectly round, perky breasts dancing around his face, teasing his mouth as he tried in vain to capture her delicate nipples. Their breathing increased as they reached their climax quickly, his penis almost breakin
g as he ripped her insides apart. The two of them were drunk with lust. The orgasm was painful and primal and shot through them like volts of electricity …he screamed out in pleasure as she finally released him from her insatiable hold. He dropped his head back and closed his eyes.

  Moments later Tom shook with a fright, and his eyes shot open, “I need to get to them…”

  The woman rubbed his forehead, “They don’t need you Tom… in fact, they never have.” She took a grape and put it into his mouth, “They have lied to you your whole life… you are NOT the destined fiveling, you are simply the red herring. The one who will be sacrificed for the true fiveling to be reborn. They are using you, Tom!”

  Tom shook his head as he tried to resist her hypnotic voice, “My sister would never do that, she loves me…”

  The woman placed another grape in his mouth, “But she keeps the truth from you, Tom, and the truth is that she loves Sasha more. Think about it…did they invite you to their bed? No… they ignored you!”

  Tom shook his head, “No, you are wrong! I joined them… we … we had our rebirth!”

  The woman smiled, “Silly Tom… they let you join in because they felt sorry for you. BUT - hear my words. You were not invited. You see, Tom, they don’t need you like I need you! She rubbed her belly “I can feel your seed taking hold inside of me… I will pull you from the shadows and make you great!!”

  Tom looked at her, his eyes glazed and his resolve all but gone, “But… but … I can’t abandon them… I must protect them.”

  She leant forward and kissed him, before picking up another grape and dropping it into his mouth to extinguish his resolve once and for all. She leant down and whispered in his ear, “You will never feel hunger or pain as long as you stay with me…” Her eyes flashed red and she sat down next to him and guided his heavy, weary head to take refuge on her lap, “Sleep now, my Prince… our destiny awaits when you awake.”


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