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Hard to Hate: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Hard to Love Book 1)

Page 7

by L. M. Reid

  “I heard something, I thought…”

  “You thought that blissful moan of pleasure was me inviting you into the office?” He chuckles. “Looks like someone needs to teach you a lesson or two about pleasure. Sorry, I can’t help you with that though.”

  “I know plenty about pleasure,” I assert. Why his comment affects me so much, I have no idea. But his words grate on my nerves and I find myself losing my cool with him again. “And I sure as hell don’t want it from you.”

  Despite the anger in my voice, he almost looks like he’s enjoying me argue with him.

  “Good, then the feeling’s mutual,” he says as he looks me up and down. “Good night, Chloe.”

  Griffin turns and walks back into his office where I can see his date sprawled out on the couch. My skin is tingling, my sex is dripping, and I suddenly realize that arguing with this man is turning me on in ways I have never experienced before.

  As I lie in bed, my mind can’t stop envisioning what Griffin’s doing. I know he’s having sex, but I’m actually picturing it. However, rather than the woman he was with, I see myself with him. I can still feel his lips on mine, the warmth, the whiskey. The visualization of his sculpted chest and six-pack abs as he stood before me with his shirt undone. The way he looked at me, it was almost predatory. Combine that with the flashes of memories – his hands on my thighs, moving under my skirt, his tongue stroking mine.

  I picture myself straddling him, just like that woman had. My stomach clenches at the thought. I slide my hand down my body, between my thighs. My fingers work quickly as I envision them being him inside me – stroking me, fucking me.

  For everything that Griffin isn’t, he’s so much more than I could ever expect. Arrogant, infuriating, fucking sexy as hell.



  Goddamn Chloe.

  She’s ruining everything while somehow making it better. Fuck if I haven’t been a little happier since she’s been around despite the massive case of blue balls she always leaves me with. I always end up touching her or kissing her, both things driving me fucking crazy with desire.

  Chloe walked into my office, uninvited, just as things were getting good between Kristin or Kirstin or whatever the fuck her name is, and me. The shocked look on her face quickly turned to disgust. I hated that she was looking at me like that. So, like a goddamn idiot, I chased after her. She didn’t give a damn though, she just slung more insults my way and moved on.

  Slamming the office door behind me, my eyes fall back on the blonde who is now completely naked and sprawled out on the couch.

  “Get dressed,” I tell her.

  She saunters her way over to me pressing her naked body against my fully clothed one. I should be turned on, I should be something, but I’m not. I am not interested in this woman in the slightest.

  “You don’t mean that,” she says.

  I pull her off me and gather her clothes. “But, I do though.”

  She pulls the snug dress over her head. “Fuck you, Griffin.”

  I seem to be hearing that a lot lately.

  She storms out of the office and the door slams behind her.

  My hand reaches for the glass on the desk, my fingers wrapping around it. It flies from my hand and smashes against the wall next to the door.

  I sit back on the couch, silently cursing myself for letting Chloe get to me like this. There are a million women out there. What is it about this one that I can’t seem to resist? It’s wrong, it’s all wrong. Look, don’t touch. That’s the rule. A rule that I broke before I even knew I was breaking it.

  There’s a knock at the door and a pretty face peeking her head inside. “Griff? What are you still doing here?” Ginger asks.

  “What time is it?” I ask groggily. I must have fallen asleep on the couch after spending several hours sitting here drinking and trying to figure out what to do about Chloe.

  “Noon,” she replies. She enters the office, softly shutting the door behind her. She takes a seat on the couch next to me. “Everything okay?”


  “Want to talk about it?” she asks.

  “That would also be a no.”

  “Can I say something then?” I chuckle at her question. She’s going to ask no matter what so why the pretense.

  “If this has anything to do with Chloe…” I open my mouth to stop her but she puts up her hand. “If it does, then I think you need to give it some real thought.”

  “What do you think I’ve been doing all night,” I whine.

  She wraps her arms around me and squeezes. “You deserve to be happy, Griff. You just have to quit getting in your own way.” She heads to the door. “Oh, and there’s some guy here to see you. Dylan something?”


  Dylan Abrams is sitting at the bar when I walk into the club. He stands the moment he sees me. For a guy looking to start a business, he sure as hell doesn’t look the part. I expected professional, a suit or at least a dress shirt and pants. Not Dylan though. He’s sporting jeans and a t-shirt, just like he did in college. I don’t have much room to talk though. My clothes are rumpled from sleeping on the couch and a reek of alcohol.

  The only reason I accepted the meeting was because back in college, Dylan had been one of my best customers.

  Lust was a fluke that turned into a profitable reality. One night my friends and I were bored, we wanted to party but were sick of the same old shit. So, we “opened” Lust in my dorm room. Grayson, Cooper, Hal, and I turned my room into a fully stocked bar, filled it with gorgeous women, and charged an entrance fee. Somewhere along the lines the club expanded to Grayson’s room, then out into the hallway. The whole floor became one big party. We were fucking Kings of the school.

  Dylan though was a bit of a different case. We weren’t exactly friends, but we and a few classes together and were friendly. After all, his drinking habits could have single handedly given me the cash to open Lust. So, when he found me on FaceSpace and messaged me, I agreed to return the favor.

  I’m not one to be inclined to do something that isn’t going to benefit me. Maybe, if he’s smart, he’ll make me a deal. If not, I walk away. No harm, no foul. Well, except for this meeting at this ridiculous hour.

  “Griffin,” he greets. “It’s good to see you, man. It’s been too long.”

  I shake his hand and resist his attempt at hugging.

  “That is has,” I say.

  “Six years. It feels like it was just yesterday.”

  I can feel him trying to steer the conversation toward the past. I’m not sure if it’s a way to try and connect with me, or a marketing scheme. Either way, I don’t have the time or the energy for it. “I apologize, but I don’t have a lot of time. So, if we could start?” I say to get him back on topic – to pitch me his craft beer.

  “Yeah, sure, of course, man.”

  It takes everything in me not to roll my eyes at his pitch. It’s not thought out and the execution is terrible. The only thing he has going for him is that the beer tastes damn good.

  “What’s the price?” I ask.

  He spews out a bunch of numbers, all which sound way too high to me. But then he pulls out the pièce de résistance - my price. Extremely low and well below what I had mentally decided I would be willing to pay.

  “And, with that price, you’re still going to be able to make a profit, right?” I ask. I’m not going to screw myself over, but I sure as hell don’t want to see him screwing himself either.

  “Yeah, of course. Besides, the free advertising of being sold here at Lust, that in itself is a savings.”

  He’s not wrong there.

  “Okay, you’ve got yourself a deal,” I tell him.

  “Oh my God, thank you, man. I don’t know what to say.”

  This time I’m unable to deflect his hug. His arms come around me and squeeze. “Okay, okay,” I say as I pat him on the back. “Keep this up and I’ll change my mind.”

  “Right, sorry,” he replies as
he backs away. “Thanks Griffin.”

  I nod in acceptance of his gratitude. “Give me a few extra cases too. I want to promote it, at my expense. Give away some samples.”

  Dylan is beaming from ear to ear and I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach. For once it’s not regret. No, I feel good, like I did a good deed helping out an old friend. It’s kind of a nice feeling. One that I hope I don’t get used too.

  After meeting with Dylan, I go home to sleep off my exhaustion from the night before. Late nights at the club mixed with never ending thoughts of what I want to do to Chloe make for long restless nights.

  When I wake up, I feel back to my usual self. With the exception, of course, that my mind and my dick are still deep in thought about Chloe. Nothing new. She seems to be taking over my mind. When I step into the shower, my mind instantly conjures a visual of her in there with me. The water cascading over her body, her hands touching herself, body covered in soap. I groan loudly. I rest one hand against the wall and with my other take my dick in my hand and stroke it. The woman is consuming my thoughts and my body. I can hear her yelling at me, see the defiant look in her eyes. My balls tighten, my cock throbs, and my orgasm hits me.

  With the water running over me, my body spent, I hang my head. Laughter bubbles out of me. I fucking came thinking about her yelling at me? What kind of sick shit is that? What the fuck am I letting this woman do to me?

  “Hey, Handsome,” Ginger greets me when I walk into the club. “You look better than when I left you this morning.”

  Gabe’s eyes damn near pop out of his head at her off-the-cuff comment.

  “Ew, no,” Ginger says, slapping Gabe on the arm.

  “Hey,” I say defensively.

  “Oh please, you’re not interested in me either,” she says as she hands the schedules to Gabe and me.

  She’s right I’m not, not anymore at least. Ginger is fucking gorgeous so yeah of course when I first hired her it was a possibility. Then we got to know each other. We became friends. I depend on her and Gabe implicitly. Gabe might be the manager, but Ginger is the one who keeps both of us in line. I always make sure to include her on everything. She’s the one who’s out on the floor, knows firsthand what we need and when we need it. Gabe approaches and much like every night, the three of us have a pre-opening meeting. Gabe, Ginger, and I are discussing the expected crowd tonight and some minor changes to the schedule when the back door opens. I glance up and see Chloe. Everything around me stops and the schedule changes are long forgotten.

  There’s something different about her tonight. Her eyes look softer, her face filled with less contempt. Ginger is still talking but nothing is registering. All I can see or hear is Chloe. Chloe, who, is walking toward me right now.

  “Hi,” she says.

  “Hey,” I reply trying to sound casual though I swear I hear a crack in my voice.

  “Can we talk for a minute?”

  Her question takes me by surprise. “You’re not quitting on me, are you?” She shakes her head in response.

  I can feel Gabe watching us and I can damn near see the smile on his face as I nod my head toward one of the nearby storage areas and follow her as she heads in that direction. Gabe is getting way too much pleasure out of this.

  The thoughts running through my head when she turns to me are less business and more pleasure. For the first time since she arrived, I notice her outfit, the short sequined skirt, the tight midriff tank top. She looks like Goddamn perfection.

  “Griffin?” My name is a question, one that is asking where the hell I am because I am most certainly not present.

  “Yeah, sorry, you said you wanted to talk?”

  She nods her head and visuals of her doing that with it in my lap instantly appear in my mind. I groan at the thought.

  “Are you okay?” She asks the question, concern in her eyes.

  “I’m fine. Go on.”

  “I wanted to apologize for last night. Really apologize. I was out of line and…”

  “It’s fine. I kind of deserved it.”

  “Kind of?” she teases with a smile on her face that damn near makes my heart skip a beat. I was starting to think I would never see one of those directed at me.

  She’s your employee, Griffin, I remind myself. Who am I trying to kid? I know she’s my employee. After kissing her last night, I don’t care anymore. I want her, if for nothing more than to sate this insane desire I have for her.

  The room suddenly feels like it’s getting smaller. The gamut of emotions I’ve been experiencing over the past couple of days is suffocating me. I’ve never been claustrophobic before, but I sure as hell am feeling it now. “Is that it?”

  “One last thing.” The words fall from her lips as she takes a step toward me. Before I can react, her arms wrap around my neck and she’s hugging me.


  “Thank you for the opportunity, Griffin. I won’t let you down,” she says as her warm breath tickles against my already heated body. Anticipation like I have never felt before course through me. Against my better judgement my arms wrap around her waist and hold her to me. We hold the embrace a little longer than necessary, but I’m not complaining. This embrace is giving me more than any amount of sex ever has. It gives me a sense of fulfillment, completeness. And fear. It scares the shit out of me. But when she steps back out of my hold, her eyes filled with just as much confusion as mine, I find comfort in it. At least I’m not treading this unchartered territory on my own. Somehow, knowing that makes this whole thing a little easier to swallow.

  She eases back to move out of the embrace, but I don’t let her go. Our eyes lock and my head moves toward hers. I don’t even try to stop myself. It’s futile. Chloe Scott, she’s my kryptonite and worth every damn bit of drama that will follow this kiss.

  “Hey, Griff.” I hear Ginger’s voice. Immediately, I jump away from Chloe. “Sorry to interrupt.”

  “No worries, we’re done here.” Chloe smiles at me, “Thanks again, Griffin.”

  “Good luck out there tonight,” I tell her.

  She gives my arm a squeeze as she passes me and heads out of the storage room.

  I scrub a hand over my face as if that is going to somehow erase her scent or make me forget the way she felt in my arms. No. That stupid hug just solidified my desire for her even more.

  Ginger stares at me expectantly. “It’s not what you think.”

  It’s so much more.



  “Earth to Griffin,” Hal says as we sit across from each other at the restaurant. He’s waving his hand in front of my face and when I snap out of my thoughts, I smack it away.

  “What is your problem?”

  He raises his eyebrows and looks at me. Hal and I are supposed to be going over some documents for the foundation I want to setup in my mother’s name, but obviously my mind is otherwise occupied.

  “You want to tell me what’s on your mind or should, I guess? Never mind, I’m just going to guess.”

  I fold my arms across my chest as he continues to babble on.

  “I’m thinking it involves a pair of legs and a pussy you want to pound into. Maybe some auburn hair? On her head, not her pussy because you’re not into that.”

  “Fuck you,” I laugh. “Chloe, asshole. Her name is Chloe.” I lean forward on the table. “And it’s not just her pussy, okay?”

  “So, what’s the problem?”

  What’s the problem? Chloe. She’s the fucking problem. Her and the damn can of worms that wanting her opens up.

  “She’s my employee,” I reply.

  Hal nods his head in understanding. He, Grayson, Cooper and I all went to college together. We all ran Lust together when it was nothing more than a bar in a dorm room. They’re my closest friends, next to Gabe. Everyone knows things went wrong between me and June. Hal and Gabe, though, they’re the only ones who know just how bad it was. Just how bad I was.

  “Pretty good chance though that your dad
isn’t going to pull the same shit twice,” Hal offers up.

  It’s true, he wouldn’t. While he nearly accomplished what he wanted to, the key word is nearly. And my dad isn’t one for lost causes, hence his distaste for me. Thanks to Hal and Gabe, it didn’t work. My mistake, my falling for June and letting her in almost destroyed me and everything I care about.

  “I know it’s hard, man, but…” Hal pauses. He’s a great attorney, a great friend, but at the end of the day, he’s just not into touchy feely shit. Neither am I, but my head is kind of fucked right now. I’m caught between this connection to Chloe and my desperate need to never let another woman in. I say it’s because she’s my employee and in part, it’s true. Even if she weren’t though I would still be struggling here.

  Falling for someone, letting them in and giving them a piece of yourself only to find out they were using it against you? To know that someone could use you, hurt you that way? Fuck yeah it makes me leery of ever doing it again.

  “But, what?” I ask.

  “You can’t let him win.”

  Him? What the hell is he talking about?

  “Your dad, Griff. He’s trying to make you as miserable as he is. He’s trying to destroy you so he can control you. Don’t let him. Don’t let what him and June did affect what’s going on between you and Chloe. You like this girl, man. I can tell.”

  “I do,” I admit. My voice is low as I make the admission.

  “Then give it a chance.”

  Maybe he’s right. Maybe I need to quit letting the past determine my future.

  Rather than letting him know he’s right, though, I decide to fuck with him a little. Mr. Love Advice over here needs to start listening to it himself. The guy has had a hard on for Ginger since I hired her, but he refuses to make a move.

  “You should follow your own advice,” I tell him.


  “Why don’t you just ask Ginger out already? Fuck her and get it out of your system, or live your happily ever after?”

  “I… I can’t. She’s an amazing woman, but…”

  “But what? Come on, you’re over here giving me shit, telling me to try and you can’t even ask the poor girl out.”


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