Book Read Free

Running Mate

Page 24

by Katie Ashley

  When we got back to the Jefferson, I immediately began scouring the crowd for any sight of Addison. “She isn’t here,” Pete said from behind me.

  Whirling around, I questioned, “Why not?”

  “She let Bernie know she would be staying at volunteer headquarters until the polls closed. Then Ty will escort her here.”

  I glanced down at my watch. It was two hours until the polls closed. I couldn’t possibly wait that long. I had to see Addison now. “Can you call a car for me?”

  Pete shook his head. “You can’t go anywhere. In thirty minutes, the press is coming out in droves to cover Thorn’s FaceTime with your Dad. You and Caroline will both be expected to be there for a photo op.”

  “Fuck,” I muttered under my breath.

  “It’s just two hours. Then she’ll be here and you can undertake whatever grand gesture it is you have in mind to win her over.”

  I cocked my brows at him. “Win her over instead of back? Like I didn’t do anything wrong?”

  Pete winked. “Anyone with a pair of eyes can see she’s crazy about you.”

  My heart did that funny flip-flop thing that made me question whether I needed to get an EKG. “Really?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  “I hope you’re right, man.”

  “Of course I am. Why else would your father put so much faith in my abilities?”

  I laughed. “Just keep ego tripping, man.”

  With a grin, Pete motioned for me to follow him. “Come on. Let’s get you in the family suite for Thorn’s call.”

  The next two hours seemed to pass in a dreamlike state. Everyone went crazy at the sight of a fully recovered Thorn back in the field with his men standing in front of a giant American flag. Even I got a little teary at the truly patriotic moment, especially when he saluted Dad and called him Forty-Eight. Hopefully in a few short hours, Dad really would be the forty-eighth president.

  At seven, I started pacing around the family suite, waiting for Addison to show up. A half hour went by, and then an hour. When early precincts began reporting on Dad’s lead, everyone started cheering and clapping. I, on the other hand, retreated to one of the corners. After taking my phone out of my pocket, I called Ty. “Where the hell is she?” I demanded.

  “We’ve been tied up in traffic.”

  “Is that the truth, or are you just fucking with me?”

  “Of course it’s the truth. Take a look outside if you don’t believe me.”

  I gave a grunt of frustration. “I really need to see her.”

  Ty’s voice lowered. “I know you do, and I swear, I’m doing my best to get her to you.”

  “Thanks man.”

  “We’ll see you soon.”

  I’d barely hung up the phone when a reporter appeared before me. “Was that Addison you were talking to? Why isn’t she here?”

  Instead of punching him, I forced a smile to my face. “She’s stuck in traffic after spending the afternoon with her old coworkers at campaign headquarters.”

  “How kind of her. You certainly are a lucky man.”

  My chest constricted at his words. “Yeah, I am,” I croaked. I excused myself before I did something completely unmanly like bursting into tears. Another half hour went by without any sign of Addison, and the exhilaration and triumph in the air surrounding me did little to boost my mood.

  Finally, my phone dinged with a text from Ty: We’re on the way up.

  Without a word to anyone, I hurried out the bedroom door. Since I’d gone inside the family suite hours earlier, the penthouse had become packed with people. I craned my neck, searching for Addison. As I made my way through the crowd, people patted my back and gave me congratulatory hugs, but I couldn’t be bothered to acknowledge them. Addison was my only concern.

  I finally saw her. God, she was so beautiful. Her nose and cheeks were flushed from the cold, and her long, dark hair was windblown. As she chewed on her bottom lip, her gaze darted around the room, taking in all the people. Then, as if she sensed my presence, she stared right at me.

  At the sight of me coming toward her with the steely determination of a lion stalking a gazelle, Addison’s eyes widened. Her panicked gaze bounced left and right to see if she could make a quick escape, but it was too packed for her to make a getaway.

  “I need to talk to you, alone,” I shouted over the celebratory roar.

  “There’s nothing more for you to say. Today is Election Day, and the gig is officially over.” She stared pointedly at me. “We’re over.”

  I shook my head furiously back and forth. “No, we’re not. I know you love you me.”

  “You’re so infuriating!” she shrieked before she started pushing and shoving her way through the crowd. After glancing over her shoulder to see me close on her heels, she whirled back around. She poked me in the chest with one of her fingers. “Look, I know you’re not used to being dumped by women, but trust me when I say, we’re done. Now leave me alone!”

  I placed my hands her shoulders. Dipping my head close to her ear, I said, “But I can’t do that. Trust me, I tried to respect your wishes and walk away, but the last two weeks were absolutely miserable without you.”

  Realizing we had an audience of curious onlookers, I nudged Addison out the nearest door. Unfortunately, it was out onto one of the balconies. Biting cold air rushed at the two of us, causing us to shiver. Once we were hidden away from prying eyes, I pulled Addison into my arms. “I love you.”

  Her eyes pinched shut in pain. “Please stop saying that, Barrett.”

  “I’m going to keep on saying it until you understand I mean it with all my heart, body, and soul. I’m going to fight day and night for you.” I drew in a deep breath. “I love you, Addison Monroe. If I’m honest with myself, I’ve loved you since that first weekend at the Jefferson. I loved you when you mooned the press corps and when you drank half a quart of moonshine and became Eva Peron. I loved it when you flashed your tits and ass on stage as Cher at Divas.”

  “Those are the things that made you fall in love with me?” Addison huffed indignantly.

  “Yes—I mean, no, not just those. It was a million other things, like the way you genuinely care for my parents, and how you never meet a stranger. I love how intelligent and driven you are. I love how you want to make the world a better place with your empathy and your caring heart. I’m not sure there is a single thing about you I don’t love.”

  When I dropped down onto my knees, Addison gasped. “Barrett, what on earth are you doing?”

  “An incredibly grand gesture since the concrete is fucking freezing and these pants cost a ridiculous amount of money.”

  “Excuse me?”

  I sighed. “Look, I’m on my knees before you to beg you to forgive and forget my past, to realize I am not the same man I was before I met you. I can tell you with absolute certainty that as long as I live, there will never be another woman I could love as much as I love you. You’re the one and only.”

  Addison’s eyes bored into mine, desperately seeking the answers to the questions I knew were swirling in her mind. More than anything, I knew she wanted to know if this was for real. “I love you for real and forever, Addison.”

  “You really do?” When a few tears slid down her cheeks, I desperately wanted to brush them away—anything to touch her.

  “Yes, I do.”

  Addison’s face lit up, and she smiled. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, and damn if she wasn’t mine.

  “I never stopped loving you, too, Barrett.”

  Just as I rose off the concrete, she dove into my arms and our lips crashed together in a desperate kiss. After staying lip-locked for a few minutes, we pulled away to catch our breath. “I’m glad you finally believe me. I thought I might have to do something really desperate like threaten to jump off the Washington Monument or something.”

  With a grin, Addison replied, “You would pick a phallic object to declare your undyin
g love from, wouldn’t you?”

  I laughed. “I’ll have you know that thought never crossed my desperate mind. I just wanted to find a way to make you mine.”

  Cocking her head, Addison asked, “You’re really going to belong to me and only me?”

  “Yes, for the rest of my life.” Taking one of her hands, I placed it over my heart. “This has never belonged to any other woman but you, and it is only yours.”

  After glancing around to see that no one was watching us through the windows, she cupped my dick with her free hand. “I know this has belonged to hundreds of women—is it only mine now?”

  “Yes, for your immense pleasure only.”

  Addison laughed. “It sure as hell better be.” After taking her hand away from my dick, she pressed herself against me, and her satisfied sigh fanned across my shirt. “I love you, Barrett.”

  “I love you more.”

  As I dipped my head to kiss her, the balcony door blew open and we whirled around to see Ty staring at us expectantly. “You guys need to get in here. They’re about to start calling some major states in favor of your dad.”

  “Okay. We’ll be right there.”

  Ty nodded before he headed back inside. I held out my arm for Addison to take. “Ready to go shake the hand of the president-elect?”

  Addison’s face lit up. “He’s really going to win, isn’t he?”

  “He sure as hell is.”

  “I knew he would, especially the last few months when he was leading in the polls, but it’s still surreal to believe he’s actually going to be the president.”

  “I’d have to say it’s been a pretty victorious night for the Callahan men. Dad got the country, and I got you.”

  Smiling up at me, Addison said, “Kiss me, First Son.”

  As I brought my lips to hers, I couldn’t believe how lucky I was that someone like Addison could love someone like me. Just when I wrapped my arms around her to deepen the kiss, Ty banged on the door. “Cockblocker,” I muttered against Addison’s lips.

  She giggled. “I’ll make sure to make it up to the Bear tonight.”

  “You know, I think it’s time to retire that nickname.”

  Her brows shot up in surprise. “You do?”

  I nodded. “I’m thinking from here on out, he’ll be the First Penis.” Addison groaned as she started to the door. “What about the Commander in Cock?” I called to her retreating form.

  “Dream on,” she replied.

  With a laugh, I hurried to catch up to her at the door. “Fine, we’ll keep the Bear, and he’ll be regulated to your cave and your cave only.”

  She shook her head at me. “That is both repulsive and endearing.”

  “That’s me.”

  She grinned. “Yes, indeed it is.”

  “And you love me?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “And I love you.”


  There are some moments in life you will never, ever forget as long as you live. When you’re old and grey and listening to the heave and sigh of your front porch rocking chair, you will recall those moments with a smile. I had just had just such a day, and in fact, it had been so jam-packed with memorable moments, I felt like I was on sensory overload.

  Hours later, every molecule in my body continued to hum with a post-excitement buzz. Although I was physically exhausted and emotionally drained, I couldn’t have slept if I’d wanted to. I wasn’t sure I would ever sleep again without literally being knocked out. Besides, I never wanted today, Inauguration Day, to end. It had been far too magical.

  Like a kid waiting for Christmas morning, I hadn’t been able to sleep last night. Barrett seemed to be suffering from the same problem, so we ended up keeping each other occupied by making love into the wee hours of the morning. When our six AM wake-up call came, I stumbled out of bed and lurched around like a zombie.

  A hair and makeup team was dispatched to our suite to get me ready. Even Barrett got some pampering as he got a shave and a haircut before being helped into his suit and tie. With the high only in the 20s, I wished to be wearing long underwear rather than pantyhose under my navy wool sheath dress, as well as knee boots instead of heels.

  At precisely nine AM, we arrived at the White House to have pre-inauguration coffee and breakfast with the soon-to-be former President Mitchum. As Barrett and I followed his mom and dad down the carpeted halls, I couldn’t believe that in a few hours, this would be their home for at least the next four years. When you added in the Secret Service contingency and the vast corridors of the White House, it was overwhelming. If James and Jane were nervous, they didn’t show it. Instead, they sported their usual warm smiles.

  Fast-forward three hours later to when I sat shivering in the inaugural boxes. Three rows down, Senator Callahan placed his left hand on the Bible Jane held and raised his right hand to take the oath of office. His voice echoed over the speakers. “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States…”

  Tears flooded my eyes at the enormity of the moment. On my right, Caroline sniffled and raised a tissue to dab her eyes. Glancing at Barrett, I couldn’t hide my surprise that even he had tears shimmering in his blue eyes. Months ago, I would have never thought him capable of showing emotion in public, yet here he was. I reached over to take his gloved hand in mine. When I squeezed it encouragingly, he didn’t take his eyes off his father, but he did smile in acknowledgement. I loved seeing the pride in his eyes.

  Once the swearing in ceremony was over, we headed back to the White House for a lunch reception in the State Dining Room. It was packed with friends, family, and supporters of James. My parents and Evan had also scored invitations, along with my sister, Amy, and her husband. It was nice having my family together again.

  Then there was the parade where we marched along the Mall, waving to the cheering crowd. By the time it was over, I felt like my smile was frozen on my face, and my hand and arm ached from the exertion. After that, we headed back to the White House in time to attend yet another formal dinner where you made polite small talk with someone you’d never met and probably would never see again.

  With a full stomach, I left dinner to head upstairs where my entourage waited to get me ready for my appearance at the ten official balls President Callahan and the First Lady, Vice President Smith and his wife, and their families were expected to attend.

  After smoothing my white opera-gloved hands over the intricate beading of my sapphire blue dress, I glanced at the antique clock on the antique mantle. Everything in this room was old and pulsed with historical significance. For the days following the inauguration, I’d been given the Queen’s Bedroom to stay in. Since Barrett and I weren’t married, the White House staffers decided to preserve some decorum by having us stay in separate rooms, but I didn’t know who they were kidding thinking Mr. Sex Fiend would go one night without sneaking from the family quarters into my room.

  Turning slowly, I once again took in the pink painted walls and floral carpeting. I fought the urge to pinch myself for probably the thousandth time that day. I mean, I was standing in the Queen’s Bedroom, which had gotten its name from the fact that so many royal queens had stayed there. American royalty had stayed in this room as well, when Jackie Kennedy had occupied the room while the family quarters were renovated back in ’61. It wasn’t just a bedroom—oh no, it had its own sitting room and bathroom as well.

  In a dress designed by Valentino, a new pair of Jimmy Choos commissioned especially for me, and a ridiculously expensive sapphire and diamond necklace and matching encrusted earrings on loan from Tiffany’s, I couldn’t help feeling a little bit like royalty. Although Barrett wanted me to get used to the upscale life he was accustomed to, it was harder than I thought. I often felt like Cinderella in her rags, and I knew it was something that was going to take time. You didn’t spend summers in one-room houses in poverty-stricken areas just to one day not bat an eye about having a driver or wearing designer cloth

  A knock at the door brought me out of my thoughts. “Come in,” I called as I went to grab my sequined evening bag off the vanity table.

  The door swung open to reveal Barrett in a jet-black tux and tails. His eyes flared as his gaze swept over me from head to toe and my skin tingled under his appraisal. Even though it’d only been a little over fourteen hours since we’d last been intimate, an ache of desire spread between my thighs, causing me to shift my legs.

  “You look…” His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard. “Wow.”

  I grinned as I crossed the room toward him. “Why, kind sir, don’t put yourself out with such a long list of compliments,” I teased.

  Barrett reached around to smack me on the ass. “You should feel honored that your astounding beauty rendered me speechless.”

  “Momentarily speechless.” I pressed myself flush against Barrett’s body while my hands encircled his neck. “I am grateful. I’m grateful that such a devastatingly handsome man with a rocking body finds me so gorgeous.”

  A pleased smile twitched on Barrett’s lips. “I guess that means you like my white tie and tails.”

  With a nod, I replied, “You make that tux look good, baby.”

  “I’m glad to hear you like it.” His eyes dropped from mine to once again take in my appearance. “Damn, that’s some dress you’re wearing.”

  “I’ll make sure to give your compliments to Mr. Valentino.”

  “Tell him extra thanks for giving you a neckline that shows off your tits.”

  I tugged the strands of hair at the base of Barrett’s neck in a playful warning. “Don’t say tits in front of my dress.”

  “Oh excuse me, I didn’t realize it would get so offended.”

  “It’s very refined.”

  “I’d call it a prude if it didn’t show off your tits so nicely.”


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