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Careless (An Enemies To Lovers Novel Book 3)

Page 14

by Michelle Horst

  “It’s already done. Logan and I put in an offer to purchase a building, which we hope you’ll like. Logan will stay here with you to help set up things and hire top management. I’m heading back today, but Rhett is staying for another week. Right, Rhett?”

  Rhett glances away from the TV for a second. “Yeah, sure.”

  “You all fucking knew? Assholes,” I laugh at them, relieved that they’re okay with me setting up a branch for Indie Ink Publishers in California.

  “If that’s all you wanted to discuss, I’m going to go. I miss my girls.”

  Logan walks out with Carter while Rhett’s eyes are glued to the TV.

  “So, it’s the real thing? You and Doc,” Marcus asks.

  “Yeah. Are you okay with staying here?”

  “Of course he is. He loves Miss Sebastian way too much to leave her,” Rhett answers.

  “I swear to God, Rhett,” Marcus says as he starts to laugh, but immediately stops and winces in pain.

  “Tomorrow is the big day,” I say. “Are you ready?”

  “Yeah, I can’t wait to get out of here. Fuck, I’m dying for pizza, or a burger, or buffalo wings… shit, I’m going to stuff my face.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” I glance at Rhett. “Don’t make him laugh.”

  I leave the guys and walk up to the nurses’ station.

  “Hey, Miss Sebastian. Have you seen, Doc?”

  When we heard Rhett calling him Miss Sebastian, we all started. I’m actually impressed with Rhett. He goes out of his way to treat Sebastian like a woman. I’ve even caught them flirting. I swear there’s nothing on this planet that can catch Rhett off guard.

  “Over there, lover boy.” Sebastian tilts his head to where Leigh is coming out of an office.

  “Thanks. Are we still on for Friday night?”

  “Oh, hell yeah. I’ll drag Marcus up on stage in a wheelchair if I have to. He owes me a song.”

  Fuck, I can’t wait to see that. I chuckle as I walk to Leigh.

  “Are you ready?” I ask.


  I wrap my arm around her waist and press a hard kiss to her mouth.

  “Let’s go. I have something I want to show you.”

  As the cab drives to the address I gave, I keep Doc busy by asking about her day. When the cab pulls up to the apartment block, I pay. I take Doc’s hand in mine and walk into the foyer where the agent is meeting us.

  “Mr. West, thank you for meeting with me.”

  “Jill, this is my girlfriend, Dr. Baxter.”

  They shake hands and Doc gives me a questioning look.

  “Shall we go up?” Jill asks.

  We get into the elevator, and Jill swipes a keycard before pressing the number for the floor. When the doors open and we step out, Doc’s eyes widen.

  “Wow,” she breathes as I walk her into the living room.

  I’ve arranged with Jill to wait while I talk to Doc.

  “Do you like it?”

  Doc nods as her eyes dart all over the place.

  “It’s stunning. I love the wide windows. Are you looking for a place for you and Marcus?”

  I take hold of her chin and bring her face back to me.

  “I was hoping you’d move in with me.”

  I watch her face closely as my words sink in. Her eyes widen, and a beautiful smile spreads across her face.

  Her eyes start to sparkle and her chin trembles as she asks, “You want us to live together?”

  “My love for you is infinite, Doc. When I look into your eyes, I see my future. You’re my home, and if you don’t like this place, we can keep looking. As long as I get to be with you, I don’t care where we live.”

  She raises herself on her toes and framing my jaw she kisses me softly.

  “I love this place. When can we move in?”

  I turn to where Jill is. “Thanks, Jill. She said yes.”

  “Congrats.” Jill walks over to us and hands us two keycards. “I hope you’re both happy here.”

  As Jill leaves, Doc frowns. “That was quick.”

  “I’ve already purchased it. I figured if you said no, Marcus could have it.”

  “So, it’s ours?” she gasps.

  “Yeah.” I smile as I wrap my arm around her waist and pick her up against my body. “How about we christen it?”

  I carry her over to the counter that separates the living room from the kitchen and set her down on it. I place my hands on the counter, and cage her in with my body.

  “This feels familiar,” she whispers as she leans back.

  I unbutton the top two buttons of her blouse and lift the material over her head. Unsnapping her bra, I slide the straps down her arms. I place my hand flat on her breastbone and slowly drag my hand down her body. She falls back on the counter, and it gives me full access to pull her pants and panties off. When I have her naked in front of me, I position her legs over my shoulders and cover her breasts with my hands. I start to kiss her from her navel to her pussy, then take my time licking and sucking on her clit, until she trembles from pleasure.



  As we walk into the bar, I spot the group where they’re seated near the small stage.

  I’ve been here a couple of times with Sebastian and Ryan, but it feels amazing to have Jaxson here with me.

  Marcus came with Rhett, and I’m glad to see Marcus didn’t chicken out. Sebastian is really looking forward to seeing him up on the stage.

  “Hey guys,” I say as we reach the table. Jaxson pulls out my chair, and after I sit down, he presses a kiss to my hair.

  When I first met him, I never would’ve thought he’d turn out to be such an amazing man. I might have had my doubts in the beginning, but they’re all long gone now.

  We order drinks while other people take their turns on the stage. Some are quite good, while others are clearly here to have a fun go at it.

  I lean over to Sebastian. “You look pretty tonight. I love the pink streaks.”

  “Thanks, baby-girl.” He blows me a kiss. “You look pretty hot yourself.”

  I crinkle my nose at his compliment.

  When we’re on our second drink, Rhett helps Marcus to stand. We all watch as they walk onto the stage. Rhett grabs a chair for Marcus, and when he’s seated, they both grab a microphone.

  I look at Jaxson, who’s sitting with a wide grin on his face.

  Sebastian claps his hands excitedly as Marcus brings the mic to his mouth.

  “We rewrote this song for Miss Sebastian. I didn’t believe in angels until I met her.”

  He blows Sebastian a kiss, and he pretends to catch it. The second the intro starts Sebastian’s face turns emotional. I place my hand on his back when his eyes start to shine. He brings his hand to his mouth as Marcus starts to sing.

  “When we first met you, we couldn’t look you in the eye. You’re just like a queen, your beauty makes us shy.”

  Rhett steps forward and holds a hand out to Sebastian. After helping him onto the stage, Rhett positions him between himself and Marcus.

  He winks at Sebastian, and sings, “You’re everything that’s right in this beautiful world, but still you wish you were special. Well, we think you’re special.”

  Marcus and Rhett look at Sebastian as they both sing, “When you feel like a creep, just remember we’re the real weirdos. When you wonder what the hell you’re doing here. Just remember you belong here.”

  Sebastian starts to cry, and I can’t stop my own tears from sneaking out. Jaxson wraps his arms around my shoulders and pulls me into his side.

  Ryan’s eyes never leave the stage, as the guys continue to sing to Sebastian.

  “If anyone dares hurt you, don’t worry we’ve got it under control. You have a perfect body. You have a perfect soul. Believe us, we notice whenever you’re not around ‘cause we think you’re special. To us, you’re so fucking special.”

  Rhett places an arm around Sebastian when he cries and pulls him into his

  “Whatever makes you happy, we’ll make sure you have it.”

  Marcus stands up and taking Sebastian’s hand, he presses a kiss to it.

  Rhett and Marcus close the song with the final lyrics, and I don’t think there’s a dry eye in the bar.

  “You’re so fucking special. To us you are special. You’re not a creep. You’re not a weirdo. We love you, Miss Sebastian. You belong here. You’re a part of us.”

  “Oh my God, you’ve totally ruined my makeup,” Sebastian sobs into Rhett’s chest.

  Everyone breaks out in a loud applause as the trio leaves the stage.

  I wipe my cheeks, and when Sebastian sits down next to me, I give him a sideways hug.

  “My eyes won’t stop leaking,” he groans, while he waves his hand in front of his face.

  Ryan leans over to Sebastian and using a tissue, he wipes off the mascara streaks.

  “I feel…” Sebastian looks at Marcus and Rhett. “Even though you made me ugly cry in public, you’re both my chunks of hunks, and I love you madly.”

  We order another round of drinks, and when they arrive, Ryan raises his glass to make a toast.

  “Here’s to an amazing group of men, which of course includes me. To our beautiful women.” He looks lovingly at Sebastian and me. “Here’s to miracles and health, may we never run out of either.”

  We all toast to his words and once Sebastian starts to dance, I lean back into Jaxson and watch as our friends have fun.



  Eight months later…

  I watch Logan set up the camera. It’s become a hobby for him. He records every single get-together.

  “Who’s going first this year?” Rhett asks where he’s sitting on the floor next to Danny.

  We’re celebrating Thanksgiving at my and Leigh’s place.

  “I’ll go first.” Marcus gets up and glances around the room. “A year ago I thought my life was over. I don’t know how to say this without sounding insane.”

  He laughs nervously and swallows hard.

  “Just say it, babe. We’re all a little nuts,” Miss Sebastian encourages him.

  “Yeah, we are.” Marcus chuckles then his face turns serious. “It took me almost dying to realize what an asshole I was. It’s still changing me every day. What I’m most grateful for this year are the fragments I had in my heart. If it weren’t for them, Jax and Doc wouldn’t have gotten together. I never would’ve met Miss Sebastian and Ryan. I’ve gained so much, being thankful doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel.”

  “Thank God for permanent makeup,” Miss Sebastian says as she wipes under her eyes.

  She stands up and spreads her arms out to the room. “You’re all my people. God, I’m so blessed.” She looks at Rhett and Marcus. “My boys, I love you madly. Thank you for encouraging me to have the surgery. Thank you for all the pampering afterward. Thank you for my B & V.”

  “What’s a B & V?” Danny asks, looking up at Rhett.

  I hide my face in Doc’s neck, so they won’t see me laughing.

  “Your daddy will tell you later,” Rhett answers quickly.

  “Thanks,” Carter says, not looking happy.

  Rhett and Marcus paid for Miss Sebastian’s gender reassignment surgery. Miss Sebastian calls it her B & V, which stands for boobs and vajayjay.

  Mia stands up and walks over to me. She hands me an envelope then smiles at Marcus.

  “Is that what I think it is?” Marcus asks.


  I look down at the envelope, and the breath rushes from my lungs.

  To Jax when he’s expecting his first child.

  It’s Marcus’ handwriting.

  My hands start to shake as I open the envelope and pull the page from it.


  I wish I could be there. Even though I’m not, just close your eyes, because I’m standing right next to you. I’ll always be right next to you.

  You’re going to be an amazing father. I know this because you are an amazing friend. You have so much love and passion inside of you. You protect those you love fiercely.

  You’ve got this.


  I stand up and hug Marcus as I take deep breaths.

  “Thank you,” I whisper before I pull away. “I guess that makes it my turn.”

  I close my eyes and fight to control my emotions before I turn to Doc.

  “I’m so thankful for you.” I kneel in front of her and take her hands in mine. “I’m thankful for these hands. You gave me so much this year. You gave me Marcus. You’re giving me a child. You gave me your love. You’re my infinity, Doc. Please marry me.”

  I take the ring from my pocket and holding it in the palm of my hand, I offer her everything I am.

  “Jaxson, it’s perfect,” she breathes as she takes the ring from my palm. I had it made for her. It’s a simple band woven in an infinity design.

  “Yes.” It’s a barely there whisper, but I hear it clearly.

  I push the ring onto her finger and press my lips against it.

  I get back up and turn to Marcus.

  “Seeing as you decided to stick around, will you be our child’s godfather?”

  “Are you sure you want to do that?” Rhett asks. “It’s Marcus we’re talking about.”

  “Rhett!” Miss Sebastian scolds him. “I will bend you over my knee, and it won’t be kinky.”

  Marcus holds out his hand to me, and I take it without hesitation.

  “I’d be honored,” he whispers.

  I sit back down and wrap my arm around Doc, pulling her into my side. I place my other hand on her very pregnant belly; then she covers mine with her left hand. I stare at my ring on her finger.

  Fuck, I’m a lucky asshole.

  “My turn,” Mia says, and we all watch as she tears an envelope open.

  It’s actually funny that Mia and Leigh fell pregnant at the same time. They’ve scheduled to be induced on the same day. I look at Logan and smile. Our kids will practically be twins, just like us.

  Mia and Logan read their letter from Marcus before Mia gets up to hug Marcus.

  “I’m thankful for you, Marcus.”

  When it’s Carter’s turn, he places his arm around Della. “I’m thankful you married me.” He looks down at his son in her arms. “Thank you for our children.”

  They named him Christopher Miles Hayes after Carter and Della’s fathers.

  Rhett gets up and throws Danny in the air. She shrieks with laughter.

  “I’m thankful for you, Danny.”

  When he brings her back down, she wraps her arms around his neck and presses a kiss to his cheek.

  “I’m thankful for you, Uncle Ledge.” She looks at him with serious eyes. “Will you be my fairy-godfather? I want one too.”

  Rhett glances at Carter. “I think that’s a great idea. We were going to wait until the christening but now’s a good time, too. Danny asked you a question, Rhett.”

  Rhett looks at Danny with so much love as he says, “Princess, I’ll be anything you want me to be. I’ll be your fairy-godfather. I’ll be your joker when you need to laugh. I’ll be your knight when you need me to protect you. You own my heart.”

  “I just really want you to be my fairy-godfather,” Danny says.



  Almost five weeks later…

  “How could you do this to me!” I groan as another contraction hits.

  Jaxson stares at me with wide eyes and a pale face. He’s about to say something when Sebastian intervenes from where she’s sitting between my legs.

  “He’s sorry. He should’ve kept his ding dong in his pants.”

  I start to laugh, but another contraction wipes the smile right from my face.

  “It’s time, Dr. Baxter,” Sebastian says. “You need to start pushing.”

  “I want painkillers,” I cry. “Give me more painkillers. It’s not working fast enough.”

“It will kick in soon. Stop asking and start pushing. The sooner this little bundle of heaven sees the day of light, the sooner you’ll feel better.”

  “You’re right.” I breathe through the pain and gripping Jaxson’s hand tighter, I start to push.

  I keep pushing until it feels like my insides are about to come out.

  “Almost, baby-girl. One more push,” Sebastian cries.

  I close my eyes and push with everything I have.

  “Oh my God! She’s beautiful. Look, we have a new baby girl.”

  Jaxson doesn’t let go of me while Sebastian clears our baby’s nasal passage and the first shrill cry echoes through the room.

  Sebastian wraps her in a soft blanket and brings her over to us. She lays our daughter in my arms, and I lose all brain function.

  There are no facts.

  There are no equations.

  There’s only the miracle in my arms.

  Mom was right. I understand now. Some things just can’t be explained.

  The love I have for Jaxson, can’t be explained.

  The love I feel for my daughter is so powerful; it crosses all boundaries. It covers all time, all space, every particle of my being. My mind will never comprehend what my heart feels for my daughter.

  “We have a daughter,” I whisper to Jaxson.

  He pushes his finger into her little fist, and she instantly tightens her hold on him.

  “What’s her name?” Sebastian asks.

  “Dash,” Jaxson whispers. “Dash Marcelle West.”

  “Hi, Dash,” I whisper as I look into her eyes. “Your name means infinity like our love for you. Marcelle means brave like your uncle, Marcus.”

  I send up a silent prayer to my mom, praying Dash will know only infinite love all her life. I pray she’ll have her uncle’s strength and her father’s unwavering loyalty.

  The End

  Find out what happens in Marcus and Willow’s story Ruthless ~ coming in March 2018

  Read on for an excerpt from the first book in Michelle’s exciting Enemies to Lovers series: HEARTLESS, Book 1




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