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The Amber Brooch: Time Travel Romance (The Celtic Brooch Book 8)

Page 65

by Katherine Lowry Logan

  Braham put the vehicle into park, stepped out, and hugged her. “There’s no change, and she’s chomping at the bit to see ye.”

  Connor removed his coat, jacket, cravat, and hat and tossed the items into the back of the vehicle. “How’s Daniel handling the twenty-first century?”

  “It helps that Noah has acclimated so easily, but Daniel is so worried about Amber he can’t think about much else.” Braham patted Rambler’s withers, and the horse rolled a dark eye toward him. “Ye don’t like standing in a concrete parking lot in the middle of the night, do ye? Ye’re ready to be turned out.”

  Rambler answered with a turn of his ear, a stomp, and a whicker.

  Braham unsaddled him and put the saddle on a rack inside the trailer. “Did ye have any trouble after we left ye?”

  “You talking to me or the horse?” Connor asked.

  “Unless Rambler’s sire is Mister Ed, I’m talking to ye.”

  “Other than the gouges Olivia dug into my arm during the trip, it was uneventful.”

  Olivia looked at her fingernails. “I was going to say I didn’t do that, but it looks like I broke a nail.”

  “Oh God, the world has come to an end. Would you believe we had to reschedule an appointment to see a ranch once because Olivia needed a nail repair?”

  She shifted her gaze from her broken nail to Connor. “That’s not true at all. You had an emergency call from Elliott and I had to entertain myself for an hour. So I got my nails done.”

  Braham grabbed two bottles of water from a camping cooler inside the trailer and handed them to Olivia and Connor. “How long have ye two known each other?”

  “About a year,” Connor said.

  “Ten months,” Olivia said over him.

  Braham led the horse into the trailer and pointed him toward a bucket of oats. “Olivia, Charlotte thought ye might want to change. I raided her closet. There’s a bag on the front seat with yoga pants, sports bra, tank top, and a jacket. If ye want to come in here and change, I’m sure Rambler won’t mind.”

  “How thoughtful. I don’t want to go inside the hospital dressed like this.” She grabbed the bag but couldn’t hold it and her skirts at the same time and dropped the bag.

  Connor picked it up. “Let me help.”

  She gathered up her petticoats, layered skirts, and cloak and climbed into the trailer as Braham climbed out. “It took two of us this morning to get me into this dress. I can’t get out of it by myself.”

  Connor followed her in. “I love it when a woman begs me to take off her clothes.”

  She moved into the shadows, so she couldn’t be seen from the parking lot and turned her back to Connor. After he unhooked and unbuttoned her, she shooed him away. “I can take it from here.” He left, and she shimmied out of all the layers and into the yoga pants and sports bra, sighing in relief to be free of the corset. She folded the skirts and undergarments and placed the clothes on an empty shelf.

  “Is it okay if I leave everything folded up in here? I’ll pick them up tomorrow and have them cleaned. Somebody might want to wear them one day, but not me. My time traveling days are over.”

  “I’ll take care of it. We have a local cleaner who specializes in reenactment clothes,” Braham said.

  When Olivia exited the trailer, Connor had his cell phone to his ear. “As soon as I check in with David, we’ll go see Amber. Will we have any trouble getting in?”

  “I’ll let Charlotte know ye’re here. She’ll meet ye at the Emergency Department entrance and take ye upstairs.”

  Olivia took a big gulp of water. Her stomach was cramping, a sure sign of dehydration. She hadn’t had much to drink, other than alcohol and coffee, in the last twenty-four hours. Now she was paying for it.

  “Have you been in to see Amber?” Olivia asked.

  Braham grabbed his phone from the front seat console and sent a text message. “Visitation is restricted. I didn’t want to take time away from Rick, Daniel, and Noah. They’ve all said her spirits are good and that she’s comfortable.”

  After four rings, Connor disconnected. “David and Kenzie must not be back yet.” Within thirty seconds his phone rang. “O’Grady.”

  “Where are ye?” David asked.

  “We just got back,” Connor said. “Are you at the ranch?”

  “Kenzie and I are just now walking up the steps. But ye’re not here unless ye’re coming in through the front door.”

  Olivia moved to stand next to Connor and he encircled her with his arm. “Olivia and I are standing in the parking lot of the VCU Medical Center with Braham.”

  “Why?” David’s one-word question held a surprising edge of steel.

  Connor tensed against her. It was a convoluted story to tell, but why Connor was stressed over explaining what happened to David didn’t make sense.

  “Rick had to make a split-second medical decision. He’s heard of Charlotte’s sang-froid in situations like this. Right or wrong, he brought Amber here.”

  Ah. Now Olivia understood. Connor had to defend his younger brother’s decision. It would have been easier on everyone, logistically speaking, if he’d returned Amber to Denver, but Olivia wasn’t going to second-guess Rick’s decisive action.

  “What’s wrong with her?”

  Connor put the phone on the hood of the Suburban, leaned over it, resting his weight on his forearms. Olivia put her hand on his back, feeling the muscles tighten.

  “Amber has mitral valve disease and needs to have the valve replaced. She’s scheduled for open-heart surgery in the morning.”

  A door slammed, probably the one leading from the porch to the kitchen at her parents’ house. She could picture David and Kenzie walking in, looking around for JL and Elliott, heading to the bar for a drink.

  “How could Amber be so sick, and we didn’t know it?” David asked. “It sounds like the mission went to shit fast. What happened?”

  “We knew she was ill, but she was downplaying it. We just didn’t know how serious it was, and she did her best to hide her symptoms,” Connor said. “She was determined to go to Morrison today. There was no talking her out of it.”

  “Connor.” There was an even nastier edge to Kenzie’s voice. “Your story doesn’t add up. If Rick came back earlier with Amber, and you and Olivia just now returned, how did you know about Amber’s condition and scheduled surgery in Virginia?”

  Connor took a deep breath. “Rick, Amber, and Noah were in Morrison. When Amber collapsed, Rick had no choice but to bring Noah and Ripley to the present with them.”

  “Okay. Got that. But the dots still aren’t connecting. Spill it.”

  “Noah refused to return home, so Braham went back with Rick to get Daniel, and they came here this afternoon.”

  “Are you telling me that Rick arrived in Richmond, returned to Denver, and arrived back in Richmond before the four of us even left the ranch? Why didn’t he call? It would have saved us all a trip.” The nasty edge in Kenzie’s voice changed to pissed-as-hell.

  “Rick wasn’t sure what would happen if you, David, Olivia, and I didn’t go back. The kids called it the Amy-Effect. So, Braham blacked out all communications.”

  David came back on the phone. “I’m not prepared to say that was the right decision, but I’m not ruling it out until I analyze it. What happened when Braham and Rick went to Denver?”

  “They didn’t go to Denver. They thought they were going to Caǹon City, which was where Olivia and I were supposed to be for the meeting with General Palmer, but we all ended up in Pueblo.”

  “There’s still dots missing. But I don’t want to take more time right now. I’ve got to get the helicopter ready and notify the captain we’re flying out of Denver tonight. We’ll leave here within thirty minutes. Kenzie will want to stop in Lexington to pick up the kids, and I’m sure James Cullen will want to come, too. We probably won’t get there until daybreak. What time is surgery?”

  “First thing. Maybe seven-ish,” Connor said.

  “As so
on as ye get a break, call back. We’ll be on the plane in about an hour. I want a complete report.”

  “I’ll give you one then,” Connor said, “but you’ve got to cover me with Elliott and JL. I can’t deal with them right now.”

  “I can handle Elliott, but ye’re on yer own with JL.”

  “Thanks,” Connor said.

  Olivia tapped him on the shoulder. “Tell them not to worry about locking up the house or turning off the landing pad lights. I’ll send the farm manager a text.”

  “Did you hear that?” Connor asked.

  “Got it.” David ended the call.

  Olivia used Connor’s phone to send the farm manager a text with instructions. “Why will JL be mad at you?”

  “Because Rick and I didn’t tell her what was going on.” Connor emptied his water bottle and took a sip from hers. “After they figure out the time line, they’ll be fine with it, but until then, JL will be pissed as hell.”

  Braham cleared his throat. “I hate to interrupt this little interlude, but it’s going on midnight. If ye want to see Amber, ye need to go.” Braham checked his watch. “Charlotte will meet ye at the ED entrance in about thirty seconds. Ye can only stay a couple of minutes. We’ll wait here for ye.”

  “I’ll go and introduce you.” Connor took her hand and they jogged over to meet Charlotte at the door. He kissed Charlotte’s cheek. “Olivia Kelly, Charlotte Mallory.” Then he kissed Olivia on the mouth. “I’ll be waiting right here. Take as much time as they’ll give you.”

  Olivia and Charlotte headed off down the corridor. “Thanks for the yoga outfit. It looks quite smashing, don’t you think?” Olivia asked.

  “From personal experience, I figured you’d want to change. I’m surprised Braham found a jacket and pants to match.”

  “He’s very thoughtful,” Olivia said.

  They headed up a flight of stairs. “Amber has been anxiously waiting for you to get here.”

  “I’m sorry it took so long.”

  “I think she’s more anxious about calling your parents. I hope you’ll take that worry off her shoulders. She doesn’t need it right now.”

  “Is it still the plan for Rick to call them with details of their flight as soon as I notify them of Amber’s condition?” Olivia asked.

  “That hasn’t changed.”

  Charlotte headed up another flight of stairs and Olivia followed. “Connor mentioned his sister JL would go ballistic after she learned about the comings and goings today, but Elizabeth Kelly will have her beat all to hell. Mom will be so distraught she’ll probably fly here under her own steam. I need to warn you, she’s a force to be reckoned with.”

  “She sounds like my brother’s late mother.”

  “Oh, you’re halves, not wholes?”

  Charlotte gave her a crestfallen look. “We have the same parents, but the brooches screwed up the way we were raised. It’s a story for another day.”

  “I’ve heard”—Amber made air quotes—“‘It’s a long story,’ ‘It’s a for-later story,’ ‘It’s a complicated story,’ so many times that I’m wondering if anything with this extended family is ever simple, easy, or uncomplicated.”

  Charlotte directed inquiring eyes at Olivia. “If you’re looking for simple and uncomplicated, you’ll have to look elsewhere. Tomorrow, most of the family will be here. The O’Gradys are a handful, but add in the McCabes, McBains, Frasers, and Montgomerys, and you’ll be overwhelmed.”

  “Do you have any advice?”

  “Stay focused on what’s important—Amber’s health.”

  “Oh, one more thing. Who do I talk to about money? The private plane is expensive. Dad will reimburse whoever paid for that. And we have excellent insurance. Is Amber in a private room?”

  Charlotte turned and placed her hands squarely on Olivia’s shoulders. “Honey, Amber is very ill. She’s in a critical care unit. The surgery she’s having tomorrow is not a tonsillectomy.”

  Olivia’s eyes filled with tears. “I know. I just can’t think…” She stopped, sniffed, swiped at her nose, then continued. “I can’t think about how serious this is, or the possibility of losing her. If she sees I’m worried, she’ll worry, too. And she’s already as scared as she can be. I’d rather believe she’s having her tonsils removed than knowing a doctor will be holding her heart in his hands. Please don’t shatter my illusions just yet. I have to get through the next few minutes without breaking down.”

  A warm smile softened Charlotte’s concerned expression, and her blue eyes glinted. “I should have known Connor wouldn’t fall in love with a woman more concerned with her clothes and a private room than the seriousness of her sister’s condition.”

  Olivia wiped her eyes with her fingers. “I’m dyslexic, and Amber has covered for me since we were kids. I couldn’t have made it through law school without her help. I love her to the moon and back and would give her anything I have. She can shop at the Olivia store and take my blood, my marrow, my organs—whatever she needs.”

  Charlotte dug into the pocket of her white coat and pulled out a package of tissues. Olivia took one and wiped her eyes, and Charlotte used one to wipe her nose. “We need to pull it together before we go in to see Amber. We don’t want to upset her.”

  Olivia jammed her clammy hands into her armpits and hugged herself. “Why can’t it be me in that bed?”

  Charlotte rubbed Olivia’s back. “If you were in there, she’d be asking the same question.”

  “I wouldn’t want her to be as worried about me as I am about her. But I don’t want her to go through surgery either.”

  “That’s the only way she’s going to get well. You have to be encouraging when you go in to see her. Are you ready?”

  Olivia closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths to calm herself. It didn’t help much, but at this point, nothing would. She sensed a warm hand on her cheek and opened her eyes to find Charlotte watching her. Both of her hands were in the pockets of her white coat. Olivia cupped her face where the touch had been, and she knew instantly her granny was there with her.

  It is in our darkest hours, Olivia, that we find our courage. Be a light for Amber to find hers.

  Okay, Granny. Stay with me, and I can do this.

  Feeling a warm pressure on her shoulder, as if she were gently pushed forward, Olivia said, “I’m ready. Let’s go.”

  Charlotte opened the door to the CCU. They weren’t ten feet inside the unit when they were approached by a nurse.

  “Your patient said she was ready to get this over with, so she could have sex with her handsome boyfriend. I swear, I think she’s the first heart patient I’ve ever had who’s going into surgery dizzy with love.”

  “Thank you, June,” Charlotte said. “That’s good to hear. This is her sister, Olivia. She just arrived in Richmond and wants to see Amber for a minute.”

  “Go on in, honey,” the nurse said, “but don’t stay too long. She’s got a big date tomorrow.”

  Charlotte directed her into Amber’s room. Olivia stood at the foot of the bed and watched her sister sleep, surrounded by machines and IVs. Her legs trembled, and she gripped the stainless-steel railing as if it were a life raft, and if she let go, she would be separated from Amber forever. It took her a moment to work up the courage to kiss Amber’s forehead.

  Amber opened her eyes. “You’re here. Did you meet General Palmer?”

  Olivia held Amber’s hand. “I did, and I’ll tell you all about it later.”

  “Have you seen Daniel?”

  “We just arrived. Braham said he went home to sleep.”

  Amber smiled. “He went home to write me another letter.” She reached under the covers and pulled out the one Olivia had seen earlier that day. Amber folded it carefully and pushed it gingerly into Olivia’s hand. “Take care of this for me. I don’t want anything to happen to it. And if I get another one, take care of that one, too. Promise me.”

  “I promise.”

  “If I don’t make it through surger

  Be the light for Amber…

  “You’re going to sail through this. Just like you’ve always aced everything. You and Daniel have so much to do.”

  “If I don’t, Olivia, put the letter in my hand before the casket is sealed.”

  “There won’t be any—”

  “Promise me.”

  Olivia spoke through the lump in her throat. “I promise, but I don’t want to hear any more talk like that.”

  “I’m so scared,” Amber said. “Do you remember when you found me in the mine, playing with rocks?”

  “Yes, you were just sitting there.”

  “I was playing with rocks because I was too scared to look for a way out. I counted rocks and waited. You’ve always been stronger and braver than me.”

  “You’re wrong. You’re the one who climbs up on that big rock and yells at the sky.”

  “I cry all the way up there, I’m so scared.”

  Olivia slanted a suspicious look at Amber. “I don’t believe that.”

  “Okay, it’s not true, but it could be,” Amber’s old grin appeared, with a hint of the mischievousness that had always glinted in her eyes. “Since I’m in this bed and you’re not, you have to call Mom and Dad.”

  “I don’t have a phone.”

  Amber struggled to raise herself, but Charlotte applied gentle pressure to her arm to keep her down. “I don’t either, but you have to do it. I can’t talk to them. They’ll blame me for not going to the doctor. And I don’t want to listen to that.”

  “They’re not going to blame you. They’ll be worried sick.”

  “And Mom will start crying.” Amber sniffed. “Save me from them, Olivia. Or take the coward’s way out and ask Rick to call them. He’ll do it.” Tears straggled down her face.

  Olivia used the edge of the bedsheet to wipe Amber’s tears. “I wouldn’t put that burden on him. He doesn’t deserve it. You know he’s in love with you, don’t you?”

  “He’s not. We’re just good friends. And he knows how I feel about Daniel.”

  Charlotte shook her head slightly, signaling Olivia to back off.

  Olivia picked up Amber’s thick hair and started braiding it from her neck down. “I’ll call them and explain what’s happened and the arrangements that have been made for them.” When Olivia reached the end of the braid, she looked around for something to use to wrap the bottom. She found a twist tie on the bedside table that was probably left behind when the trash bags were emptied and used it to secure the ends.


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