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The Watcher: A Vampire Paranormal Romance (The Age of Vampyre Book 1)

Page 25

by Sophia North

Within moments, Vlad and the others joined the fight. It didn't last long. Soon a dozen dead bodies were strewn around the corridor. Their heads decapitated, hearts carved from their chests.

  Dante approached the huge timber doors and pushed them open. Upon entering the coliseum, the place appeared empty. Nobody stood in any of the galleries. Moving to the coliseum floor, he headed for the central area where the Council convened.

  Discovering a long, black coffin on one of the Council tables, Dante stopped short. As each vampyre saw it, a general uneasiness descended. Some even began to nervously mutter about it being a bad omen.

  Dante turned and gave a signal for them to surround the coffin. He needed to know if anyone was inside or if it was merely some kind of trap or distraction. The heartbeat he'd detected earlier had fallen silent.

  "Could be Haan," he whispered to Vlad, who was staring worriedly at him.

  "Then this is our chance," Vlad whispered back. "Perhaps Anton and his lot have gone out somewhere."

  Very slowly they approached the coffin. It's highly polished surface gleamed under the spotlights above. Vlad dreaded who they might discover lying inside. He couldn't shake the idea it would be Simone. It was just the sort of thing Anton would do to further fuck with Dante's sanity.

  As they moved closer, the lid began to shake and vibrate. The vampyres halted in their tracks. Was someone trying to get out?

  Faster and faster the lid continued to jump about, seemingly of its own accord. It would have been impossible for someone inside the coffin to make it move up and down so quickly. Dante noticed a few of his vampyres take a step back.

  The lid suddenly opened wide and in the next moment slammed shut with an almighty bang!

  Practically every vampyre dived for cover except for him and Vlad, who had moved into a crouching position beside the animated box.

  For a short while, the lid remained closed. Eventually, sufficient time passed without any further incident. A few of the jumpier vampyres regained enough composure and returned to their original positions.

  With an eerie creak, the lid finally began to open very slowly, again causing a few vampyres to back off in trepidation.

  An unnatural laughter engulfed the coliseum and the lights dimmed. In front of the astounded eyes of Dante and his supporters, Anton slowly levitated out of the coffin. Many of those present let out an astonished gasp.

  Lying on his back with his arms at his side, Anton floated some twenty feet upwards, laughing more hysterically the higher he went.

  It proved too much for a couple of vamps, who dropped their swords and fled to the exit, only to discover the huge wooden doors had been shut and bolted from the outside. Not even the most powerful vampyre was strong enough to force them open.

  Trapped without cover, they cowered in fear by the doors.

  Anton moved into an upright position and glowered down at his enemies. "You believe this appalling attempt to usurp me will succeed?" he asked, bursting into another fit of laughter. "Look at me! Haan has made me so powerful I float above you."

  "You might be powerful but you appear to be all alone," Vlad wryly observed. "Don't tell me your devotees have deserted you already?"

  "Oh no, perish the thought. As we speak, Simmons is organising them to set Lowerton alight. That's right, my friend. We're going to turn this place into ash and consign it to the history books forever."

  "But this is our home, our history!" Vlad cried out.

  "Vladimir, I'd never have taken you as the sentimental sort," Anton sneered. "There is no reason for us to hide underground any longer. We are going to rise up and take everything for ourselves! As for our history, let it burn. We are about to start a whole new world."

  Dante didn't care about Anton's plan in the slightest. He was there for only one purpose.

  "You made a big mistake taking Simone, you demented fuck," Dante declared coldly, tiring of Anton's fanciful nonsense. "And I have to say, it's brought out a whole new side to myself," he warned menacingly.

  An incredible surge of power, pulsated through his body. Courtesy of Wilhalf et al, Dante's emergence from whatever the fuck they'd tried back at the Abbey had clearly left an impression. Withstanding the umbrella jolt delivered by Penny had been but a small demonstration of his transformation. And Dante was eager to test out the limits of his newfound capabilities.

  From his lofty position, Anton gazed down, unaffected by Dante's grand declarations. "Ah, the beautiful Dr. Simone. Don't worry, brother. Your weakness for humans will soon be eradicated."

  "The only weak one here is you! You're nothing more than Haan's pathetic puppet. Where is he, by the way? Too omnipotent to show his face?" he taunted back.

  "Ha!" laughed Anton maliciously. "I will show you who is weak!"

  Anton flew at the two vampyres standing nervously by the large timber doors, and grabbed each one in quick succession. With hardly any effort, he pulled off their heads. Unceremoniously tossing them aside, he then proceeded to lick their blood from his hands.

  "Yum, it is rare to find such classic vintages. I'd say between sixteen twenty-seven and thirty-one. Anyone else care for a taste?"

  "Anton, you bastard!" Dante roared, leading the charge. "You will pay for what you've done!"


  SIMONE MUST HAVE drifted off for a while, but the faint smell of smoke eventually woke her. The fires Anton had bragged about setting were burning. Lowerton was on fire and it would only be a matter of time before it trapped them in the dungeons with no way to escape.

  Scrambling to her feet, she ran to the cell door and rattled it, futilely praying it may have miraculously opened. No such luck. The door was locked tight.

  Frustrated, Simone banged on the bars before slumping down in defeat. She was too weak to even make a dent. If only she possessed super-human strength.

  Somewhere in her brain, an idea clicked.

  Simone moved to Alessio's side and gently shook his shoulder. "Alessio, I have a plan to get us out of here," she whispered encouragingly, trying to help him sit up.

  But he waved her away, with a stern, "No. I will not do it."

  Surprised by the strength in his voice, Simone tried to reason with the old vamp. "It is okay, I know what it means for you to drink my blood. Dante has done so already - and as you’re his father I’m sure he wouldn’t mind, given the present situation." She held her wrist to his lips as further assurance.

  "No!" Alessio bellowed, pushing her arm away. The act drained him of what little strength he had left. He collapsed back down and took ragged breaths.

  Tears welled in her eyes, which Simone brusquely wiped away. She refused to feel sorry for herself. When it came to fathers, things just never seemed to work out.

  "You...are too...special," Alessio brokenly explained, trying to make amends for his harshness.

  Simone leaned her head back and laughed despondently. "Simone the Special," she said in mockery. "Yes, so special her waste of space halfling birth father sold her into bondage to a werewolf."

  "Horatio was...foolish," he rasped hoarsely. "Didn't know what he did...would have stopped...him."

  "You know about me and my father?" she asked in a hushed tone.

  "Yeesss," Alessio hissed. "Anton must never find out who you really...are. Dang...erous. Father, loves you. Only wanted to protect..."

  Simone scoffed at that. "He abandoned my pregnant mother and when she died, couldn't be bothered to show up in my life. If his actions towards me are anything to go by, I'd hate to see how he treated someone he disliked."

  "No!" Alessio said forcefully, before being racked by a coughing fit.

  Concerned, Simone rushed to his side and rubbed his back, trying to help ease the fit. "You mustn't get so worked up - you need to preserve your strength for when Dante comes. Horatio does not deserve your defense."

  Alessio started to shake his head.

  Worried he might attempt to speak again, Simone tried to prevent him by saying, "I appreciate you and Horatio are
close friends, but sadly you are wrong about how he feels about me. Now, shush. Rest."

  This only seemed to agitate him further. "I don't meddling, my mistake - tried to stop fate...destiny. Made mess for you...for Dante. Not Zara - you! Your father...loves you."

  The outburst finished Alessio off and he fell unconscious again.

  Troubled by his nonsensical rant, Simone sat back against the cold iron bars. Wrapping her arms around her legs, in a vain attempt to gain some warmth, she rested her chin on her knees and sighed.

  Alessio may have said many unusual things, but at no point had he lied. It was all true, not that she knew what to make of most of it.

  Lost in thought, Simone took awhile to notice a soft blue flicker of light float down the stairwell. When it did capture her attention, she became immediately transfixed by its pulsing brightness. It quickly approached their cell before entering the iron lock.

  An explosion of blue rays emanated from inside the keyhole, until Simone heard the distinctive click of the cell door unlocking. The light, it's work done, disappeared in a flash, plunging the dungeon back into darkness.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  DANTE AND VLAD could hardly contain Anton's strength. Twice they managed to pin him down and administer a beating. But both times he was able to wrestle from their grasp and fight back.

  The majority of Dante's followers had given up the fight and were trying to flee. Anton's super-vamp powers frightened them. Several attempted to smash through the huge timber doors but they were simply impenetrable.

  They tried climbing up to the gallery exits but Anton had begun picking them off, one by one. He appeared to be indestructible, screaming in delight after each kill.

  "There has to be a way to weaken him," Vlad rasped at Dante, after the two of them were thrown half way across the coliseum by Anton.

  "Any suggestions?" Dante asked, after gingerly picking himself back up.

  As he watched Anton swoop upwards and grab two vampyres from a gallery balcony, Dante realised his mistake. His new powers were no match against Haan's vamp champ. Wilhalf had been right to try and stop him from emerging from the ground too soon. His impatience may have sealed his fate. Whatever the old vamp's mumbo jumbo had been doing, it wasn't enough to cope with Anton's onslaught.

  "If you and a few of the others hold him for a minute, I could use this," Vlad suggested, picking up the long ceremonial torch burning behind the Grand Elder's throne.

  "Worth a try," Dante agreed. His whole body ached from the fight. Blood from a deep scratch above his eye continually obscured his vision. But he called over a small huddle of vampyres who had not completely given up and told them the plan.

  "Come on!" Dante fired them up. "We can still do this!"

  After chasing him down, somehow they succeeded in holding Anton against a stone pillar in the gallery. Vlad thrust the burning torch into his face and Anton howled in pain until he freed his right hand and smashed the torch from Vlad's grasp.

  "Now I'm really ANGRY!!!" he bellowed.

  Vampyres were thrown all over the chamber. After striking Dante to the floor, Anton then grabbed Vlad by his shoulders and hurled him against a distant pillar. The large vamp put a significant dent in the Roman column, and the force from the impact rendered him unconscious.

  "It's all over!" Anton bellowed at Dante, running up to him and kicking him repeatedly in the midriff.

  Dante could no longer move. He was sure some of his ribs were broken. Blood ran from various cuts on his face. Anton could kill him as easily as crushing an insect.

  But to his surprise Anton had no such intention. He stood over Dante for a moment before picking him up and taking him to the black coffin.

  "Give in to the delights of a higher power, brother," he advised, dropping Dante inside and slamming the lid shut.

  Plunged into darkness Dante heard, above the shouts and screams of the desperate vampyres outside, a voice calling him. It seemed to be coming from somewhere within the coffin. Or was it inside his mind?

  Too exhausted to move, his body gave in to the comfort of the casket's plush interior.

  "Yes, Dante Polidori, it's time to accept your destiny," a strange, cackling voice spoke. "Leave the old world behind. Embrace a new age. I have chosen you to play a significant role. And your reward will be eternal riches and pleasures beyond your wildest imaginings."

  "Haan – I assume," Dante groaned, suddenly recognising the voice from his first vision with Simone. "Go to hell!"

  He attempted to sit up but still felt far too weak.

  "Rest, Dante," Haan coaxed. "No more fighting. We are going to burn more than just Lowerton. Fires will rage in every city, in every country until vampyres reign supreme. And you and Anton will sit at the head table with me, directing and controlling affairs as we build a better world together. The three of us will control everything."

  "I'm not interested," Dante grunted back. "Humans will fight back. As will all the other supernatural creatures. You cannot win."

  "Come now, Dante," Haan reprimanded. "I do not fear these inferior beings. You have no idea how powerful the Ancestors shall make us, once I am free. All worlds will bow down to our supremacy."

  "Madness!" Dante snapped back. "It's all madness."

  "It's truth," Haan replied, undisturbed by Dante's continual denials. "Let me show you but a glimpse of our wonderful future together."

  "I don't want anything you have to offer," Dante replied forcefully.

  He tried to move again but his body was no longer his own. The pain had completely gone and an incredible surge of power rolled through him.

  The once dark interior of the coffin gave way to a blinding light. Dante shielded his eyes from its glare and was somehow transported to a beautiful old French Chateau. The light receded to reveal it's magnificent turrets gleaming below a twilight sky.

  "This is one residence where the elite of the globe live," Haan spoke to him inside his head. "And it will become one of your numerous homes around the world."

  The Chateau was enchanting and looked fit for a King. Dante could not deny a desire to live there. His own lavish house in Belgravia was nothing compared to a castle.

  But how could he be here? Wasn't this all just an illusion, a manipulative trick played by Haan?

  "You're correct, this palace is fit for a King," Haan coaxed. "Yet, you will live better than any King. No more Council with their silly rules. No more blood banks. You will take whatever you desire. Go on inside, see for yourself what wonders await."

  Dante walked through the immense entrance and into an enormous hall. Luxuriously dressed vampyres filled the entire space and after Dante entered they collectively went down on one knee.

  "We welcome our leader!" the vampyres chanted. "Underling of Haan, the Great One!"

  Their adoration filled Dante with an intense feeling of superiority. He basked in all this splendor, the glory. These vampyres were willing to do anything for him, he knew their unwavering obedience was his to command.

  Not only did he feel superior in spirit, he also felt incredibly strong in body. Much more so than how he'd felt since emerging from the ground at the Abbey. It was as if his flesh was made of iron, yet was still supple and smooth. If he wanted to, he knew he could run through the walls of the castle as if they were nothing more than a canvas painting.

  "Test your strength!" encouraged Haan. "Your powers are almost limitless!"

  Dante responded by leaping into the air until he hovered just below the high ceiling. He stared down at all the vampyres below in surprise, until he felt an overwhelming desire to dive down at them. Giving in to the urge, he released his inhibition and dropped towards the crowd, pulling up at the last minute to avoid an inevitable collision.

  Reveling in his new ability, Dante flew through an open window and took to the night sky. A multitude of stars gleamed above him. He flew high into a few sparse dark clouds, before glancing down at the earth where he could just make out the l
ights of a small town.

  "Yes, Dante," Haan spoke to him. "You're becoming mine! And in return, this entire world shall be bestowed upon you."

  Flying through the air with the wind against his face, Dante smiled to himself. There was no pain. No thoughts of revenge or guilt plagued his mind. Just the promise that anything he wanted would be his, that he had the world at his fingertips.

  Yes, he could most certainly get used to this.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  "ALRIGHT," SIMONE ANNOUNCED resolutely. "We’re going to make it up those stairs." With the cell door now open thanks to some sort of miracle, her sole objective was to get Alessio and herself out of this hell-hole.

  Simone attempted to assist Alessio to his feet, but found it nigh on impossible to get him upright. Dante's father was no lightweight, despite being held captive for so long, and Simone lacked the required strength to support him properly.

  After several failed attempts, Alessio began to drag himself along the floor, with Simone helping him by any means necessary. It wasn't dignified, but after much effort they finally made it to the bottom of the staircase.

  Alessio wheezed for breath. "No good...too weak..." he panted.

  "No, there must be a way."

  "Leave me here," he replied in a feeble voice.

  "I'm not leaving you," Simone flatly refused. "I know how important you are to Dante. He would expect me to stay."

  Alessio closed his eyes and laid his head on the stone floor.

  Bending down, Simone placed a protective hand on his shoulder. There was no way she'd leave him to die alone in this place. "Come on," she said encouragingly, putting her hands under his arms. "We're not going to die down here, even if it means I have to drag you up each stair."

  But it was no use. Simone could not pull him up more than a few steps. Exhausted, she rested for a few minutes, trying to catch her breath while Alessio leaned heavily against her.

  Despair began to rise within her as the smell of smoke grew stronger. Despite his continual promptings, Simone refused to leave Alessio. Her love for Dante meant she could not leave his father to such a terrible fate.


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