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Never Ever Tell

Page 12

by Kirsty Ferguson

  Suddenly the kicking stopped, and she dared to look up. There was an arm around Mark’s throat, and he was being hauled backward through the small gap that led from behind the counter into the café. Gingerly she stood up, holding her side, and saw Billy grappling with Mark.

  ‘Let’s see you go for me, hey?’ Billy taunted, letting Mark go, pushing the smaller man from him.

  Mark, enraged, charged at Billy who punched him in the throat. Mark went down, gasping and spluttering, lying on the floor. He looked up at Vanessa as she came and stood next to Billy, laying a hand on Billy’s forearm. ‘That’s enough.’ She turned and practically spat at Mark. ‘I’m not scared of you anymore, don’t come around here otherwise I might not ask Billy to stop next time.’

  Mark scrambled to his feet and took off out of the café, coughing, holding his throat.

  ‘How did you know I needed you?’ she asked in wonder.

  ‘Wren just had this feeling that I should come and pick you up. That boy is so in tune with you.’

  ‘Where are the boys?’ she said, panicking.

  ‘They’re with your dad, we can go pick them up now.’

  As she stood wrapped in Billy’s arms, she whispered, ‘Move in with us. I want you around all the time. We’ve been heading in this direction for a long time, but I’ve been scared to trust, to love, but I’ve come to realize that you’re not Mark, you’re worth loving, you’re worth it Billy.’

  ‘OK, but what about us, Ness?

  ‘I think it’s time we told the kids that we’re seeing each other. We have been for a while now, we just never noticed.’ She smiled at his words and he hugged her hard. She released a small groan of pain. He looked at her face. ‘Let’s clean you up.’ He went and got some napkins, wetting them out the back then gently wiping her nose. ‘Can’t have you going home like that. Do you need to see a doctor?’

  ‘No need.’ She grabbed either side of her nose and pushed it back into place.

  ‘Shit! That must hurt,’ he said as the cartilage crunched home.

  ‘Used to it, I guess.’

  Billy frowned but didn’t say anything.


  Vanessa made up her mind to finally do what she’d been meaning and wanting to do for some time. She needed to go round and check on Maggie, and after last night, it felt much more urgent. She had intended on doing it but then she had found out about her mom’s diagnosis and everything had been about her. The grief had taken its toll on Vanessa, but she felt strong enough now to go and see her. She worried for Maggie’s safety. Mark had been put down and embarrassed by Billy, so who was he going to take it out on?

  Vanessa rang the doorbell and waited until she heard slow footsteps inside the house.

  ‘Who is it?’ Maggie’s voice called out wearily.

  ‘It’s Vanessa. Let me in, Maggie.’

  She heard the lock disengage and the door swung open. She was thin, wearing old clothes, her hair hung over one eye and she refused to raise her head properly.

  ‘Let me guess, your black eye matches this one,’ she said pointing to her own eye as Maggie finally looked up, her lank hair falling away from her bruised face. ‘Oh, Maggie. I’m so sorry.’

  ‘What happened last night?’ Maggie asked.

  Vanessa sighed. ‘He ambushed me, attacked me at work, broke my nose and probably another rib, but Billy came in, got him off me and hurt him. I guess he came home and hurt you. I’m so sorry.’ And she was genuinely sorry. Ducking and covering wasn’t an option with Mark. The storm followed you until it eventually broke.

  ‘Why are you here?’

  ‘I realized that I haven’t met Charlotte yet, I’ve been a bad friend, but with Mom…’

  ‘I was really sorry to hear about your mom, but I didn’t know what to say, given what I’d done to her. Didn’t think your family would want to hear from me.’

  ‘I appreciate that. I… I also wanted to tell you first that I’ve decided to divorce Mark.’

  There was stunned silence for a moment before Maggie exploded. ‘What? You can’t do that! He’ll kill me. I’m as good as dead if you divorce him. Please don’t.’

  Vanessa felt for her, she really did, but Mark was her past, Billy was her future and she wanted a clean slate. She didn’t want to tell Billy yet. She wanted it to be a surprise once she worked out what to do, and Maggie was part of that plan.

  Maggie began to sob. ‘You can’t do this – he will actually kill me. Please, Ness, help me. In the beginning, he was the boy I remembered, loving, caring, attentive, but he changed, just like you said he would. He doesn’t spend any time with Charlotte, just like he didn’t with Wren and Ty. I should have believed you, even after he started hitting me, I still thought I could make him change, but I can’t.

  Vanessa reached out and touched her on the shoulder. ‘Get out, Maggie, while you still can.’

  ‘I have nowhere to go.’

  ‘Hang on, let me make a phone call. I’ll be right back.’ Vanessa walked back to her car at the curb and made a quick and pleading call. She needn’t have begged; the answer was yes straightaway, then she followed it up with another quick call. She returned to Maggie, wiping her eyes on the bottom of her dirty top.

  ‘I have a solution if you’re serious about wanting to leave.’

  ‘I am, I can’t stay here anymore. Any day he’s going to start on Charlotte. I can’t have that.’

  ‘Here’s the deal. I’m going to help you leave him, OK?’

  She looked up at her tearfully, hope in her dull, blue eyes. ‘How are you going to do that?’ she whispered.

  ‘My dad has a guesthouse out the back of his house and he’s willing to let you and Charlotte stay there until you get on your feet, however long that may take. Billy will come round now and take whatever stuff you need. You can be gone in two hours, but you have to do it now. What do you say?’ Vanessa waited. Maggie was silent and at first Vanessa thought she was going to reject her offer out of fear, but then her old friend threw her arms around her.

  ‘Yes! A thousand times, yes! Oh God, Ness, I can’t believe you’d do this for me.’

  ‘I’ve been where you are, and somebody helped me too. I’m just helping a friend – we all are. Let’s go inside and start packing. Billy will be here soon with his trailer. The bungalow has everything you’ll need so just pack clothes, toys, baby stuff, that kind of thing. I’ll go and stock your pantry later, OK?’

  Maggie was dazed. Vanessa remembered the feeling well; the one where someone finally gave you permission to leave but also hands you the keys to your new life. It was empowering but also overwhelming, so Vanessa tried to keep it upbeat and fun while they packed, holding Charlotte, giving her kisses, missing the days when Wren and Ty were little ones.

  Just under two hours later Maggie and Charlotte were in the guesthouse checking out their new home. ‘It’s lovely, Ness. And thanks, Alex, I appreciate you putting the past behind us and letting us move in. I know it hasn’t been easy since Claire.’

  Her dad bowed his head at the mention of Vanessa’s mom. She knew that her dad missed her terribly. Maybe having someone else around would help his grief and loneliness.

  ‘Just promise me one thing, Maggie,’ he said. ‘Don’t go back.’

  She nodded. ‘I promise.’

  When Vanessa followed Billy back to the house that night, she decided it was time to have the talk.

  ‘Billy?’ she asked before they went inside.

  ‘Yeah? How’s the nose and ribs feeling, and the eye?’ he said, ticking off the things that Mark had hurt.

  ‘Uh, fine I guess, a little sore.’ She had a sheepish look on her face.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ he asked, looking a little worried.

  ‘Nothing, I just wanted to ask you question.’ She looked down at her hands, picking her nails for a second before looking up into his eyes. She was so afraid of rejection, of what Mark had always said. No one will ever love you.

  ‘Can we make this, us, offic

  Suddenly, he heaved in his breath and started to laugh.

  ‘What’s so funny?’ she demanded, startled at his reaction.

  ‘I thought you were going to tell me to move back home. This is so much better!’ He picked her up and spun her around. ‘Hell yes, let’s make it official! You and me. I’ve been waiting so long to hear those words from you. It should have happened in high school Ness.’ She giggled, a tinkling sound that filled the room almost as much as his laugh.

  ‘Ness, we are going to be perfect together.’

  ‘We already are.’ She beamed. She had dared to dream, and it was paying off.

  They made love that night for the first time. Boyfriend and girlfriend, partners, equals, soulmates. She had never been with anyone but Mark and only one of those times was consensual. This was so different. Billy was gentle with her, he took his time and loved her like a man should. She wasn’t ashamed to admit that she cried. Afterwards, they lay in each other’s arms, Vanessa listening to the thud of his heart as she lay her head on his chest. She had it all now and she had never, in her entire life, been this happy. Vanessa thought back to the day years ago that she’d met Billy on the street and this whole new life had been put into motion. She smiled; things were working out just as they should.

  Vanessa made sure that Maggie and Charlotte were safely tucked away and settled at her dad’s house, then, two days later, served divorce papers on Mark while he was at work. Wren knew what was happening as Vanessa had discussed it with him days ago.

  ‘Mom! You’re finally doing this, I can’t say I’m not happy. Dad is an asshole.’

  Vanessa wanted to tell him not to swear, but she agreed with the sentiment, so why correct him at all? He wanted to skip school to be there with her, afraid that Mark would come for her.

  ‘I’ll be OK, darling. He won’t come around here, and if he does, I’ll call the police. Now get ready for school, honey.’ Wren left with a backward glance.

  But Mark did come for her when she was at the café. The bell jingled jauntily as he stormed in. Billy was out the back but came striding out as Vanessa’s ex made his presence known. ‘Walk away, Mark. It’s over.’ Billy said sternly.

  Billy hadn’t been able to believe it when Vanessa had told her that she was divorcing Mark. He was ecstatic knowing how much courage it had taken her to say it, let alone have the papers drawn up and ready to sign. They both knew that Mark wouldn’t take it well.

  ‘Turn around and leave now, Mark, or I’ll put you down again.’ Vanessa was impressed by Billy’s protectiveness. It made her feel safe despite having Mark there, yelling at her. Luckily, there were no customers to witness his tirade.

  ‘I want to talk to my wife,’ he screamed, spit flying from his mouth, glaring from one to the other.

  ‘Buddy, she’s not yours anymore and soon she won’t be your wife legally either so turn around and get out of here.’

  Vanessa stared at Mark, waiting for him to throw a tantrum and try to attack her. Instead, he swore loudly, turned and strode angrily out the door.

  ‘That was a first,’ she said softly, ‘Mark walking away from a fight. Remember at school he was always getting into fights? I can’t believe you were ever friends.’

  ‘More acquaintances, actually. I always liked you better.’ She let out a surprised laugh and swatted him on the arm, but secretly she was glad that he had been there; it could and would have gone a different way otherwise. She gently touched her nose, still tender from the break, her rib taped up but healing. There was no point going to a doctor only for them to tape her up anyway and tell her to rest and not overstretch. She liked to work. She loved the independence that it gave her, and she was setting a good example for Wren and Ty. She thought about her boys and their relationship with Billy. They loved him. Adored him, actually. He was the father that both of them had never had. He rarely had to tell them off, choosing to take a gentler approach. Ty did not have the experiences that Wren did, who at first had been shy, but had taken to Billy almost immediately. It had been the beginning of a mutually beneficial relationship. Billy loved them all too, an instant family full of love and hope. And she was ready to open herself up to love and its possibilities. Billy had been patiently waiting for a long time for her to be ready, never once pushing her to hurry up. Their lovemaking had been a huge step forward for her, and it proved just how much she loved him.

  Billy came around the corner of the counter, Vanessa meeting him halfway. He took hold of her hand. ‘At least it’s over. He’ll sign the paperwork and you’ll be free. Free to marry me.’

  Vanessa’s mouth popped open and her eyes went wide, and she nervously asked, ‘Was that a proposal?’ She held her breath.

  ‘Yes, it was,’ he said, getting down on one knee and pulling a ring out of his pocket. ‘Since the day I ran into you in the street, I have loved you. Actually, I think that I have always loved you. You are the one that I want to spend my life with, the person who knows me best and the woman I love. Marry me, Ness.’

  Vanessa was speechless for a moment before looking deep into Billy’s earnest eyes. She searched those eyes, looking for any sign of deceit, but all she saw was love. ‘Yes!’ She squealed, beginning to cry. A normal life with no complications? Sign her up! But Wren and Ty flashed before her eyes. ‘My boys. They’ve had so much upheaval in their short lives – especially Wren, he’s seen and done things a little boy should never have to do. This marriage, it has to be forever. I need to know that you’ll love them as if they were your own.’ This was the most important thing to her. Stability.

  ‘Ness, honey, I already do. Wren is my best friend, and Ty is my little dude. I love all three of you – you’re the family that I always dreamed of having. I couldn’t ask for anything more. I give you my word that I will always be a loving father to them.’ It was exactly what she needed to hear. ‘Now can I give you your ring?’

  She nodded, happier than she’d ever been. Who would have thought she would be accepting a marriage proposal? Obviously Billy had been waiting for the right time.

  He slid the small princess-cut diamond in a platinum setting onto her finger.

  ‘It’s gorgeous,’ she said softly, admiring it before wrapping her arms around him, looking into his eyes. ‘I love you, Billy.’

  ‘I love you too, Ness. I’ve been waiting for this day for so long.’

  Vanessa was 100 percent positive that marrying Billy was the right thing to do. Now she just had to convince Mark to sign the divorce papers. She knew that he wouldn’t do them on his own; he’d drag his heels until she died of old age. Vanessa wanted to marry Billy and only Mark stood in her way.

  Billy left, looking mighty pleased with himself. As soon as he drove away, Vanessa locked up, put up the ‘Back in fifteen minutes’ sign and quickly walked to the bar where she assumed Mark was, since he had been wearing his standard work clothes. She went up to the counter where she found him cleaning glasses. ‘What the fuck do you want?’ he hissed, ‘and where’s your fucking bodyguard?’

  ‘I wanted to talk to you by myself. You need to sign the divorce papers. Now. We need to finish this once and for all. It’s been going on for thirteen years and to be honest, we hate each other.’ She swallowed, waiting for him to explode. She was acutely aware of the people sitting further down at the end of the bar. Would they step in and help her if things escalated?

  ‘I don’t want to sign them.’

  ‘And why the hell not?’ She bit back.

  ‘Because you are mine, you have been since you crawled into the back of my van and spread your legs.’

  ‘Fucking hell, Mark. Do you have to always be like this? I’m not yours, actually, I’m engaged. To Billy.’ She lifted up her hand and showed him the ring. The finger that he’d never actually put a ring on. Not that it mattered now anyway. She was engaged to the most amazing man.

  He looked at the sparkler on her finger. Anger flashed across his face and settled in his eyes. ‘Not even divor
ced yet and already engaged – you’re such a slut, Vanessa. I knew I could have you anytime, Maggie or no Maggie. You wanted it, but you’ll fuck up his life just as you did mine.’

  ‘Not this again,’ she said impatiently. ‘Just sign them.’

  ‘Or what?’

  ‘Or I’ll show the cops the security footage of you assaulting me at the café.’

  ‘What?’ His condescending smile slipped a little. ‘There are no cameras.’

  ‘Actually, Toby had them installed after his dad was beaten up and the café trashed.’

  She slid the papers across the bar. ‘Sign them.’ She watched him carefully as he reluctantly signed and initialed every page. ‘We’ll be officially divorced in six months, maybe less and we’ll never have to see each other again.’ She slid the signed papers safely back into her bag.

  He didn’t need to know that there was no security footage…


  Wren and Ty took the news of her and Billy’s engagement exactly how she expected them to: they were both overjoyed that Billy had finally asked her to marry him. Wren shook his hand like the man he was becoming, but Billy pulled him in for a hug anyway, and Ty came racing up to him and threw himself into Billy’s arms.

  ‘You know he asked my permission first,’ said Wren proudly to his mom.

  ‘He did?’

  ‘Yup. Said that I had been your protector for such a long time and he couldn’t think of a better person to ask. I get the feeling that he wouldn’t have asked you if I’d said no. He knows that I’m your best friend.’


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