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Hope's Path

Page 8

by Carrie Carr

  Anna Leigh pulled out the chair nearest her. "You look worn out, Mandy. Why don't you come over here and sit before you fall?" She watched with concern as Amanda dropped gracelessly into the seat. "Are you okay?"

  Amanda smiled at her grandmother. "I'm fine. It's just been a really long weekend." She gratefully accepted the cup of coffee offered by Jacob. "Thanks, Grandpa."

  "Any time." He sat on the other side of her and laid his hand on her arm. "What can we do to help? You look like you haven't slept in days."

  "I haven't." Amanda concentrated on the mug in front of her. "Every time I try, I keep seeing Lex lying at the bottom of that ravine." Tears spilled down her cheeks as she closed her eyes. "I thought she was dead. My entire world was gone."

  Anna Leigh leaned over and wrapped her arms around Amanda and pulled her close. "You can't think like that. She's okay."

  Amanda snuggled into her grandmother's embrace as she cried harder. She buried her face in Anna Leigh's neck, unable to stop the tears. "I was so scared."

  Jacob looked at his wife with understanding shining in his eyes. "I'm going to work in the office for a bit and give you ladies a chance to have a little chat." He stood, placing a soft kiss on Amanda's head before leaving.

  After crying fitfully for several minutes, Amanda finally wound down. "I'm sorry I fell apart like that." She sniffled and wiped her eyes with a napkin Anna Leigh gave her. "I guess all of it finally caught up with me."

  "Mandy, you have nothing to apologize for. I did the same thing once we got Jacob home from the hospital after his wreck." Earlier in the year, Jacob had almost been killed when a drunk driver hit the car he was driving. Amanda had moved from California to help her grandmother temporarily, but never went back even after her grandfather's injuries had fully healed.

  "You did? I never knew." Amanda looked at Anna Leigh with a new respect. "You always seemed so strong, so in control." She saw the remembered pain reflected in the eyes that were so much like her own. Her grandmother had been a source of strength for them all and spent every available moment with Jacob at the hospital. She had even held Amanda as the young woman cried in fear of losing the man who was more like a father to her than a grandfather.

  Anna Leigh took a deep breath. "Poor Jacob. I think I scared him to death the night we brought him home from the hospital."

  "Oh, yeah?" Amanda said. "In what way?"

  "I'm no dummy--I sent you out for Chinese food. Your grandfather wanted some Egg Fu Yung, and I needed a little time to get him situated more comfortably. Remember how cranky he was?"

  Amanda nodded, grinning. "Actually, in some ways, I think he makes Lex look like a saint."

  "I felt so bad for him with that big ol' cast from hip to toe, and lying down flat was quite painful. So you left, and as I stood there helping him and he groused, the weight of the past month came crashing down on me. I couldn't even say the words--that I was terrified he'd almost died. I just fell on his chest and sobbed my heart out."

  Amanda watched her grandmother, saw the bright sparkle of tears in her eyes.

  "Jacob was supposed to be the patient, and I was trying to be strong for him, but there I was falling apart as he held me close. I couldn't stop crying, but after a while, he managed to make a joke of it, and then we sat there, snuggling and holding one another, until you came back with the take-out. By then, I'd gotten my composure back."

  Amanda reached over and wiped a tear from Anna Leigh's face. She saw the strong determination and love that got her grandmother through the rough months of Jacob's recuperation. "I don't know how you did it. I don't think I could ever be that strong." She inhaled a shaky breath.

  "You're a lot stronger than you realize. I don't know of many who could have gotten through what you have in the past couple of months. Don't sell yourself short." Anna Leigh reached up and riffled Amanda's hair. "Besides, you're my granddaughter."

  "Well, you do have a point there," Amanda agreed. She had always considered Jacob and Anna Leigh more than just her grandparents. They had welcomed her into their home every summer of her life, giving her more love and support than her parents ever had. "Thanks."

  "You're most welcome. Now, why don't we go find out what kind of trouble your grandfather is into?" Anna Leigh stood and moved away from the table. "I swear, that man of mine can get into trouble walking through the house." Once the two of them reached the doorway, she put her arm around Amanda. "Nice to see you got something from him."

  Amanda couldn't help the chuckle that escaped from her as they walked out the door. "Now you sound just like Lex."

  Chapter Six

  A GENTLE TOUCH on her head brought Lex out of a wonderful dream. "Mmm." She opened her eyes slowly and saw the same face she had been dreaming about. "Hey, there," Lex murmured, her voice rough with sleep.

  "Hey there, yourself. Did you have a nice nap?" Amanda continued her gentle ministrations. I just love playing with her hair. It feels like silk on my fingertips. "How are you feeling?"

  "Okay. Still a little woozy, I guess." Lex tried to sit up, but dropped back to the pillow. "I guess I'm more than a little woozy."

  Amanda studied her carefully. "I can tell. Your eyes still look glazed. But Dr. Anderson called and told me I needed to get you awake for a while so that you can eat and take your medication."

  Lex blinked a couple of times and lifted her left hand to cup Amanda's face. "Are you okay? You look like you've been crying." She struggled to sit up. "What's the matter?"

  "Nothing." Amanda leaned into the touch and covered the hand with her own. "I had a good talk with Gramma earlier." Still concerned about her partner's health, she searched Lex's face. Amanda shifted her hand from hair to skin and checked her lover's forehead for fever.

  Lex gently batted Amanda's hand away. "What kind of talk did you have with your grandmother that would make you cry?" She tried to sit up a little more until she turned her arm the wrong way. "Damn."

  Amanda helped Lex until she was in a more comfortable sitting position. "You can ask me for help, you know. You don't have to try to do everything yourself." She reached behind Lex and fluffed the pillows.

  "I know."

  "It wouldn't be admitting any weakness to actually let me help you every now and then," Amanda continued, as she fussed with the blanket covering Lex.

  "Well, I--" Lex stammered as she tried to sneak a word in.

  "You can just be so darned stubborn sometimes." Amanda stood and walked into the bathroom mumbling, "I love you, and that means that I don't mind taking care of you when you need me to." She walked back into the bedroom carrying a glass of water.


  Not listening, Amanda stopped next to the bed and sat beside Lex. "So if I want to pamper you every now and then, you should just--what?" Belatedly realizing that her patient had spoken, she stopped in the middle of her tirade and looked at Lex.

  "I don't mind you fussing. I just don't want you to wear yourself out." Lex smirked and held out her good hand. "You got something for me?"

  Amanda sighed as she handed over the glass of water and a couple of pills. "You do that on purpose, don't you?" She waited until Lex was finished drinking the water and took the glass back. "Just when I get a good rant started, you nip it in the bud by being agreeable."

  "Well, there's no sense in being too predictable, is there? You'd get bored, otherwise. And since you so kindly offered, do you think I could get an escort downstairs?" Lex reached up with her good hand and waited until Amanda grasped it.

  "I should bring your dinner upstairs, but I know how you are." She pulled her lover into a sitting position. "Promise me that you'll come back to bed after we eat?"

  Lex grinned. "Are you going to keep me company? I'd get awfully lonesome up here all by myself, you know."

  While she helped Lex slip on a pair of sweat pants, Amanda couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, I could tell when I came up here you were pining away for me." She snapped the waistband gently.

  "Do I get
extra points since I was dreaming of you?" Lex asked as Amanda adjusted the sling around her neck. She looked down into eyes a few inches from her own. "It was a really good dream. I could give you--Mrrumph." A small hand covered her mouth and effectively cut off her words.

  "Hush. If you starting telling me about this dream, we'll both be late for dinner." Amanda replaced her hand with her lips for a quick kiss. Lex's good arm snaked around her back and pulled her closer. "Lex." Amanda broke off slowly as she tried to catch her breath. "You're not helping matters much, you know." She snuggled her face into Lex's chest, being careful to avoid the injured arm. "And I think we'd better get you downstairs before those pills start to take effect. I don't think I can carry you back here like you can me."

  Lex allowed Amanda to wrap an arm around her left side. "It would be fun to watch you try." She walked cautiously through the bedroom and down the hall. "At least I can walk now. Guess a little nap was just what I needed," she mumbled as they worked their way down the stairs.

  The doorbell cut off any reply that Amanda was about to make. The two women stood on the stairway and watched as Anna Leigh went to answer the door. She waved at them as she passed by the stairs. "Hi, girls. Let me get this, and then I'll give you a hand." When she reached the door, Anna Leigh opened it partially and then stopped. "What are you doing here?"

  "I came to talk to you, Mrs. Cauble," a man's voice called from the front porch. "If you'll give me just a minute, I'll be gone before you know it."

  Amanda and Lex continued down the stairs until they were at the bottom, a few feet away. "Who is it?" Amanda asked as she took a step forward. Lex followed her cautiously.

  The door swung open wider, and Rick Thompson pushed his way inside. "What are you two doing here?" He shoved by Anna Leigh and moved to confront them.

  "Mr. Thompson, do not barge into my home and yell at members of my family." Anna Leigh put a restraining hand on his arm. "I will be forced to call the sheriff and have you removed."

  The large man looked down at the hand wrapped around his arm. His face softened slightly. "I didn't come here to cause any trouble, Mrs. Cauble. I really did want to talk to you, though." He glanced back over at Lex, who had casually placed herself between him and Amanda. "Damn, Kentucky. You look like hell."

  Lex ignored the nickname he had taunted her with in high school. "Thanks, Rick. Looks like that bruise on your chin faded nicely." The last time Lex had seen him was during a confrontation in front of the Cauble real estate office where he used to be the manager. She was still pleased that Anna Leigh found out Rick had sent Amanda on a wild goose chase to the ranch, immediately fired him, and gave his job to Amanda. When Rick found out, he had struck out in anger at Lex, and Amanda managed to knock him unconscious with a kick to the chin. That whole scene made Lex want to chuckle. Of course, maybe I should actually be thankful he sent Amanda out to the ranch. I might never have met her otherwise. Then she remembered how Amanda could have died in the river's floodwaters, and her heart hardened against him.

  Amanda edged around Lex. "Why don't we all go into the den where it's more comfortable?" She felt Lex's hand rest gently on her shoulder and squeeze lightly.

  "I came here to talk to Mrs. Cauble, not you." Rick pointed an accusing finger at Amanda before turning his attention to Anna Leigh. "I can't get a job anywhere in this damned town, thanks to you."

  "Now wait a minute." Amanda moved away from Lex and slipped closer to the seething man. "Are you accusing my grandmother of blacklisting you? That's ridiculous. She would never do such a thing, even if you did deserve it, which you do." Have you ever considered that everyone in this town knows you?"

  "Yeah? So what?" Rick crossed his arms over his chest and glared down at Amanda, his face nasty and sneering. "It's a small town."

  Lex walked forward slowly until she was behind Amanda again. "What she's trying to say, Ricky, is that everyone else in town knows what an ass you are." She smiled as Anna Leigh fought to keep the smile off her face. "Why would anyone want to hire someone with a track record like yours?"

  Rick stepped forward and jabbed Lex in the chest with a finger. "You'd better watch your mouth, Kentucky, or I'll break your other arm."

  Anna Leigh grabbed his arm and pulled him away. "I think you've had your say, Mr. Thompson. It's time that you left."

  "I don't need this shit from you. Any of you." He spun away from Anna Leigh and stomped to the door. "I'll finish with you later, Kentucky." Unable to control his anger, Rick stormed out of the house and slammed the door behind him.

  "Jackass," Lex mumbled. "Are you okay?" she asked Anna Leigh, as the other woman locked the front door.

  "I'm just fine, Lexington. Why don't we all go into the den and sit? You're looking a bit pale." She led the way, albeit slowly in deference to Lex's injuries. "I don't know what that man thought he could accomplish by barging in like that. Did he actually think I would give him his job back?" Anna Leigh quickly moved to Lex's other side and helped her granddaughter escort the injured woman into the next room.

  Amanda wrapped her arm around Lex and hugged her gently. "I could ask you the same thing. He didn't hurt you, did he?" She closed her eyes in relief at her partner's negative shake of the head.

  Lex chuckled as they helped her sit on the loveseat near the fireplace. "He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer." She groaned softly as she leaned back. "I'm guessing he just felt like harassing someone, and we happened to be convenient."

  "Maybe we should call Charlie. He did threaten you, Lex." Amanda snuggled down next to her lover. "For all we know, he could be the person behind what happened to you on Saturday."

  Anna Leigh sat on the sofa across from them and curled her house-shoe-covered feet under her. "I thought you said it was just thieves you had stumbled across. What makes you think Rick might be involved?"

  "Did I hear you mention Rick's name?" Jacob walked into the room and took the place next to his wife. "Hello, sweetheart." His kissed Anna Leigh on the cheek. "What has that fool done this time?" He looked over at the two women snuggled together on the loveseat. "How are you feeling, Lex?"

  "Much better, thanks for asking. We had a visit from Rick a little while ago, but your beautiful wife ran him off. The poor idiot thinks Anna Leigh blacklisted him because he hasn't been able to find a job around here anywhere."

  Amanda poked Lex. "Be nice." She turned her attention to her grandfather who was pulling Anna Leigh closer to him. "Charlie thinks that whoever has been cutting the fences at the ranch was after Lex personally." She saw the shock on her grandparent's faces and continued quietly, "Especially since there have been several different threats her over the past month or so." Amanda felt the arm wrapped around her stomach pull her closer.

  Lex kissed the top of Amanda's head. "We don't know that for sure. Besides, Rick isn't smart enough to pull off something like that without being caught. He can barely tie his shoes without help."

  Jacob nodded. "I agree with you about the sense that boy has, but he could just be the brawn behind the operation. Maybe someone else is calling the shots."

  Anna Leigh gave both women a glare. "Why didn't you tell us you had gotten threats, Lexington? Maybe we could have done something."

  Amanda answered for them both. "We didn't want to worry you unnecessarily. There isn't much anyone can do until Charlie gets more evidence."

  "She's right. And, personally, I think he's just been reading too many mysteries lately and is trying to play detective," Lex joked, trying to lighten the mood in the room. "Although, picturing Charlie decked out like Sherlock Holmes is always good for a laugh." The tall, thin sheriff was never without his gray cowboy hat and pressed brown uniform shirt. The thought of him dressed in a London gentleman's clothes and a deerstalker hat made Lex almost laugh out loud.

  Amanda didn't have the same self-restraint. She giggled at the mental picture. "Oh, God. Charlie as Sherlock Holmes. Would that make Martha his Watson?"

  The rancher lost her composure a
fter that comment. The image of her housekeeper wearing a bowler and dressed as the famous detective's sidekick was too much for her. "Oh Amanda," she chortled, "that's a picture I really didn't need in my head." She leaned back against the sofa and closed her eyes.

  "That would be a sight," Jacob agreed with a chuckle. He watched Lex fall back tiredly. "I almost forgot the reason I came in here to begin with." He stood and pulled his wife up next to him. "I brought dinner home."

  Anna Leigh found herself wrapped in her husband's strong arms. "And what great feast have you prepared for us this evening, darling?" She laughed as Jacob spun her around the room to imaginary music.

  Jacob continued to twirl his wife from the room. "Only the best for our family, my dear. Take-out from the Peking Palace."

  Amanda laughed as her grandparents waltzed into the kitchen. She glanced at Lex, whose eyes were still closed. "Honey?"

  Lex opened her eyes slowly. "Hmm?" She struggled to sit up. "What's up?"

  "Grandpa picked up some Chinese takeout for dinner." Amanda ran a hand lovingly down Lex's face. "You want me to just bring you some in here?"

  "No. I'm fine. I may need a bit of help getting up, though." Lex smiled tenderly at Amanda. "Especially since I seem to have a lap full of cute realtor on top of me."

  Amanda quickly stood. "Oops. Now how do you suppose that happened?" She reached down and carefully pulled Lex to her feet. "Come on. Let's get in there before all the good stuff is gone." She wrapped her arm around Lex and led her from the room.

  A LONE FIGURE sat in the darkened room, the only light coming from a small lamp in the center of the desk. Impatient hands rifled through several stacks of papers as they searched for something. Photos showing a dark-haired woman were also strewn haphazardly across the desk. Pictures on horseback, outside a large stucco house, or with a smaller woman, all with the same tall figure in each shot. It was one of the latter photos that the figure picked up and gazed at for a long moment. Angry eyes flashed as the hands ripped the photograph in half. "You will not get away with this," the impassioned voice growled. "I will see you burn in hell before I allow this to continue."


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