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Hope's Path

Page 28

by Carrie Carr

  "Yeah," Lex said, as her arms automatically wrapped around Amanda. She buried her face in Amanda hair and closed her eyes, feeling her throat thicken with emotion. "I love you so much."

  Amanda knew Lex was struggling to maintain control. With her head on Lex's chest, she could hear the pounding heartbeat and Lex's breathing hitch as she fought the urge to cry. "I love you, too." She squeezed Lex tighter. "It's okay. I'm fine now."

  Lex took a deep breath trying to calm herself. "That was too close. I almost lost you." She bit her bottom lip hard to keep from crying. Don't you dare cry Lexington. She's been through enough without having to worry about you, too.

  "Nah. You can't get rid of me that easily." Amanda turned her head so that Lex would look at her. "You found me and I followed you home. And I'm not leaving you." She gave her lover a crooked grin. "That's what happens when you feed a stray, you know. They never leave."

  Lex laughed. "So that's all I have to do?" She hugged Amanda to her tightly. "Guess I'd better stock up on groceries, then." She fought off a yawn. "Damn. I can't believe I'm so tired."

  "I don't know why." Amanda played with the buttons on Lex's shirt. "Dr. Barnes told me that I had a private nurse all night last night. I doubt that has anything to do with you being exhausted." She unbuttoned the shirt and slipped her hand inside. When she found only smooth skin, she paused. "I think that you forgot to put something on, honey."

  "Nah. Martha didn't bring me one," Lex mumbled as her eyes closed.

  Amanda's eyes widened. "Didn't bring you one? What did you wear to the hospital?"

  One eye opened. "Umm." Lex bit her lower lip. "I was in a hurry," she tried to explain. "And it was the middle of the night, you know."

  "Uh-huh." Amanda ran her hand down to Lex's stomach and patted it gently. "Just exactly what were you wearing?"

  "My--" she grumbled under her breath. How embarrassing.

  A light tickle on Lex's ribs made her jump slightly. "What? I didn't quite get that," Amanda teased. My God. She's actually blushing.

  Lex sighed heavily. Busted. My reputation is shot. She'll never let me live this down. Oh, well. At least she'll get a good laugh out of it. "My boxer shorts and tee shirt."

  "Oh, lord. Not the ones you wore yesterday afternoon when we took our nap?" Amanda winced, then giggled.

  "Yeah. The Grinch ones." Lex closed her eyes. Just kill me now.

  Amanda buried her face in her lover's chest and laughed. "You ran around all over the hospital in your Grinch jammies and tee shirt?" Her laughter wound down, and she looked up at her sheepish lover. "Is that all you were wearing?"

  Damn. "Like I said, I was in a hurry." Lex met Amanda's eyes nervously. "I really didn't think about what I was wearing."

  "You could have caught pneumonia! It's cold and nasty out there." Amanda raised a hand and touched Lex's face. "Wait. You said Martha brought you some clothes? Why didn't my grandparents think about--"

  Lex covered Amanda's mouth with her hand. "Your grandmother brought some stuff with us. I just didn't think about putting it on. And then Martha got here. I swear, I thought she was going to pull a wooden spoon out of her pocket and whip me right there in the waiting room." She saw Amanda smile from behind her hand. "It's not funny. Those two ganged up on me." She removed her hand when a small tongue licked it. "Yuck."

  "Poor baby. Remind me to thank them later," Amanda teased. She saw that Lex was fighting sleep, and losing. "But for now, can you just hold me while we sleep? I'm a little tired, too." Not really a lie. Although I feel a lot better than she probably does.

  "Sure, sweetheart. Come here." Lex snuggled into a more comfortable position and pulled her lover with her. "How's that?"

  Amanda tangled her legs up with Lex's longer ones. "Perfect." She leaned up and kissed Lex on the jaw. "Sleep well."

  "Mmm," Lex murmured, already well on her way to sleep.

  CHARLIE OPENED THE door to their hotel room and allowed Martha to enter before him. He followed behind and closed the door. "That sure was a nice lunch," he commented as he took off his boots and gunbelt, hanging the leather over a nearby chair.

  "It certainly was." Martha sat on the bed and removed her shoes. "Ohhh. That feels so good." She smiled at her fiancé when he dropped down beside her and pulled her legs onto his lap. He gently massaged her feet and calves, which made her moan in appreciation.

  "You like that, huh?" Charlie teased, as she fell back on the bed with a relaxed sigh.

  Martha threw one arm over her eyes. "Mmm hmm." She stretched out and exhaled heavily. "Have I told you lately what wonderful hands you have?"

  He laughed, but continued his ministrations. "As a matter of fact," Charlie tickled the bottom of her foot, "I believe you mentioned something about that just last night."

  "Oh, you." Martha kicked at him playfully. She sat up and pulled his cowboy hat off his head, putting it on her own head with a sneaky grin. "Do you think that I'd make a good sheriff?"

  "Sure. Want me to teach you the proper way to frisk someone?" Charlie crawled toward his intended victim.

  She squealed and scooted backward. "Charlie Bristol, you'd better not."

  The ringing of the bedside phone interrupted the sheriff's retort. He changed direction and picked up the receiver. "Hello? This is Sheriff Bristol."

  "Charlie. I've been looking all over for you." Robert Campbell sounded almost out of breath.

  "Damn, the batteries must be dead in my pager. What's wrong? Were you able to find Mark Garrett?" Charlie felt Martha crawl up behind him and wrap her arms around his waist. He patted her hands lovingly.

  The young prosecutor took a calming breath. "You could say that. We tracked him to England. One of our guys is on the next plane out to make a positive identification."

  Charlie turned his head to smile at Martha. "That's great. Do you think he'll give us much trouble?"

  "Ah, no. I don't think he'll be any trouble at all, but no help, either. He's dead."

  "Dead? What on earth happened?" The sheriff reached into his shirt pocket for his notepad and pen.

  Robert shuffled through some papers for the information. "The investigators on the scene said he was standing on a street corner when he somehow got in the way of a bus. They think that he may have been pushed, but no one saw anything. The bus driver complained that he was the third person this month who "jumped' in front of her bus." He tried to keep from laughing. "It took three men to keep her from kicking the body in anger. Little bitty thing, they said. You wouldn't think she had the strength."

  The sheriff snorted. "Good lord. Well, I guess there goes our best chance of proving who is behind this whole mess. What else could go wrong?"

  THE AGITATED MAN rushed up to the nurses' station and looked around. He seemed out of place in the community hospital, although he appeared to have slept in his expensive clothes. His handsome face had a two-day growth of beard, and his reddish brown hair was in disarray. "Excuse me." He addressed the women that were bent over and reading papers on the back desk.

  The two nurses turned around. The older one smiled and moved closer to speak. "Yes, sir? Is there something I can help you with?"

  "I'm looking for my daughter. She was in Intensive Care, but the nurse in charge said that she had been moved to this floor." When Michael had first been told that Amanda was no longer in Intensive Care, he panicked. He had feared the worst until the woman had assured him that his daughter had improved and was resting comfortably in a private room.

  "What's her name?" the nurse asked. "I'll see if I can find her for you."

  Michael sighed in relief. "Amanda Lorraine Cauble." He watched as she scanned a clipboard carefully.

  "Hmm, let's see--Piper--McNeil--ah. Here she is, Cauble." She looked up at him and smiled. "Room four-sixteen. Right down the hall and to your left." She pointed down the corridor. "But I'm afraid visiting hours aren't for another forty-five minutes. She's probably resting right now."

  "Oh, okay." He smiled sincerely at the nurse
. "Thank you for all your help. I'll just go grab some coffee and find a place to sit for a bit."

  The younger nurse looked at the rumpled man in sympathy. "There's a lounge just down the hall from her room. I think there's even a couch to lie down on if you want."

  He returned her smile. "Great. I need to clean up a bit anyway. I wouldn't want to scare her." Michael winked and turned to leave. "Thank you again, ladies." He waved at them as he walked down the hallway.

  Sometime later Michael stood outside the door. Room four-sixteen. He glanced down at his watch. Only about fifteen minutes early. I don't see what it would hurt to just peek in and check on her. He ran his hand over his clean-shaven face. Cleaning up killed about half an hour. At least I look more presentable now. The executive wiped his damp palms on his pant legs. This is ridiculous. She's my daughter. Why am I so damned nervous? He took a deep breath and opened the door slowly.

  The late afternoon sun dropped rays of fading light across the two people snuggled together in one of the two hospital beds. Amanda had a tight grip on Lex, who was nestled face-first against Amanda's chest. Michael bit off the yell of disgust before it could leave his mouth. Don't screw this up again, dumbass. It shouldn't matter who she's with, as long as she's happy. He was about to step into the room when a strong hand grasped his shoulder and pulled him roughly back into the hallway.

  "What are you doing here?" Jacob Cauble looked down on his son in anger. "Don't you dare disturb them." He grabbed the younger man's sleeve and shook him.

  "Dad? Wait. I can explain." Michael covered his father's hand with his own and squeezed gently. "I've got a lot to tell you and to ask of you. Amanda's okay, right?"

  "Yeah, but not thanks to you!"

  He looked up into blue eyes filled with anger. "Please? Can we go somewhere and talk?"

  Anna Leigh put her arm around her husband's waist and pulled him back. "Let's get out of the hallway and listen to what Michael has to say." She looked at her son. "You seem tired." She offered her free hand to him and was surprised when he grasped it.

  Michael almost broke down when he saw the look in his mother's eyes. I've hurt them both so much. I hope that they can forgive me. "I've never felt better in my life, actually." He gave Anna Leigh a timid grin.

  "Okay. Let's go into the waiting room. I think it's empty right now." Jacob loved his son, but was disappointed in how he turned out. I failed him, somehow. I should have never let my in-laws influence him so much when he was younger. "Come on, let's go someplace a little more private." He pulled the younger man to him and hugged him. "It's great to see you again, son."

  "Thanks, Dad. I've really got a lot to tell you." Michael stepped in between his parents and allowed them to lead him down the corridor.

  LEX WOKE UP when the sun began to shine in her face. God. What time is it? She blinked several times and slowly raised her head. Her partner was still sound asleep and had a tiny smile on her face. Lex moaned when she tried to sit up. Stupid, Lexington, sleeping in that position. Her back still ached from the previous day's activities, and she had trouble stretching out.

  "What's wrong?" Amanda's eyes blinked open and peered upward. She ran her hands down Lex's chest.

  "Umm." Lex slowly pulled away and rolled over onto her back. "Nothing's wrong." When Amanda gave her a look, she turned her head. "I slept in the wrong position, and my back's a little stiff."

  Amanda turned onto her side and propped her head up on one hand. She studied her partner carefully. "Since we're already here, why don't you have someone check it out? Nothing wrong with getting a second opinion."

  Lex shook her head. "I'm okay. Really." She reached over and caressed Amanda's face. "Dr. A. told me that it would take several weeks for the bruising to heal completely. It's just something that I have to live with right now."

  "I just hate seeing you hurting." Amanda leaned into the touch. "Do you think that we can just spend the next few days lounging around in bed? I'd really like to give you the chance to actually get over all of this."

  Lex started to argue, but the sweet look on her lover's face silenced her objections. She never asks me for anything. What would it hurt? "Okay."

  "I know that you have a lot to do at the ranch, and--" Amanda continued to babble.

  "It's okay, sweetheart." Lex smiled at her lover's nervousness.

  Amanda didn't seem to hear her. "You've got to make sure that the fence is finished, and check the cattle in the winter pasture, and--" A sudden finger over her lips stopped any more words from escaping.

  "As you were so quick to point out to me recently, I pay the men at the ranch very well to handle those things." Lex sat up and leaned forward to look directly into the beautiful face across from her. "And to be stuck in bed with you for a couple of days? I think I can handle the hardship." She replaced her finger with her lips and kissed Amanda tenderly.

  "Mmm." Amanda tangled her fingers in the dark hair and pulled Lex closer. She rolled slightly until she was lying partially on top of Lex, then reached under Lex's shirt to explore.

  "Ahem." A discreet throat clearing from the doorway made Amanda pause. "Don't you two ever get enough?" Jeannie teased, a grin on her face.

  Amanda broke away regretfully. She turned around and slowly scooted back to her own bed. "No, we don't." She winked at Frank as he fought to control his laughter. "Are you jealous?"

  Jeannie walked over to Lex's bed and sat. "Of course not." She edged closer until she was almost sitting in Lex's lap. "But," she leaned close to Lex, "I certainly wouldn't turn Slim down if she ever got lonely."

  "Give me a break." Amanda laughed. "She's got much better taste than that."

  "Now wait a minute." Frank walked over and sat on Amanda's bed. "What does that say about me?" He looked over at Lex for help.

  "Oh, no. Don't get me in the middle of this mess." Lex sat up and waved her hands around. "I'll get into trouble no matter what I say."

  Frank laughed. "With these two, I stay in trouble." He reached over and gave Amanda's leg a squeeze. "How are you feeling, Small Stuff?"

  "I feel great. Do you think that you can sneak me out of here tonight?" Amanda covered his hand with hers. "I'd be eternally grateful."

  The big man shook his head. "And I'd be eternally dead-- your grandparents would kill me."

  "We certainly would," Anna Leigh exclaimed from the doorway. She stood just inside the room with her hands on her hips. "You already promised me that you would stay the night, so I don't want to hear any arguments." She walked over until she was closer to her granddaughter's bed. "How are you feeling, dear?"

  Amanda reached out to her with one hand. When Anna Leigh grasped it, she pulled her grandmother closer. "I'm feeling much better, Gramma." She looked at the closed door. "Where's Grandpa?"

  Anna Leigh smiled. "He's talking with someone, Mandy." She glanced at the others in the room. "It's getting downright full up in here. Do you think that you're up to another guest?"

  "Sure. Can I have a couple of minutes to make myself a little more presentable?" Amanda ran her fingers through her hair. "I must look horrible."

  Lex saw the look on Amanda's face and slowly climbed out of her bed. "You're always beautiful, Amanda." She kissed her lover on the top of the head and then slipped on her boots. "But I'll just run down to the gift shop and grab you a couple of things."

  Frank could see the unspoken request on Anna Leigh's face. "I'll go with you." He patted Amanda's leg and jumped off the bed. "I need to stretch my legs anyway. See you in a few minutes, Lil' Bit." He hurried out after Lex.

  Jeannie looked around, a puzzled look on her face. She seemed to come to a conclusion and said, "I think I'd better go supervise. No telling what kind of trouble those two will get into without me." She stood and patted her sister's arm. "I'll be back in a minute, okay?" She left the room quickly before Amanda could stop her.

  Amanda watched them leave, then turned to give Anna Leigh a confused look. "What's up, Gramma? You practically chased them al
l out of here." When her grandmother sat beside her, she began to panic. "Is Grandpa okay? What's going on?"

  "I'm sorry, honey. It's just that our guest was a little afraid of the reception he might get. So I thought it would be best if it was just us here." Anna Leigh combed through Amanda's hair with her fingers. "You look fine, Mandy. Can I go ahead and bring him in?"

  "Umm, okay." Amanda smiled nervously as Anna Leigh crossed the room and opened the door. "Daddy?" She blinked as tears formed in her eyes.

  Michael walked into the room, unsure of himself. "Hello." He almost cried when his youngest daughter opened her arms wide. "I'm so sorry, baby," he said, as he hurried across the room and pulled her into his arms. "Please forgive me," he whispered into her hair.

  Amanda could feel her father's tears as they trailed across her cheek. "Oh, Daddy," she cried in relief, as part of her world righted after so many years. "I love you."

  "I love you, too." Michael pulled back slightly and cupped her face in his hands. He gently wiped her tears away with his thumbs. "I'm so sorry for the way I've acted." He sniffled as Amanda used her hands to dry his face. "I've just had a long talk with Mom and Dad. I'd like to stay here in Texas for a while and get reacquainted, if you'll have me."

  "Have you?" Amanda looked up into his eyes. "That's all I've ever wanted." She heard a light knock and glanced over his shoulder.

  The door opened slightly and a dark head popped in. "Oh." Lex saw Amanda wrapped in her father's arms. "I'm sorry. I'll come back later." She dropped a plastic bag just inside the room. "Here are some things for you, Amanda."

  "Wait." Amanda looked at Michael. Please, Daddy. Try.

  Michael turned around and looked at Lex standing in the doorway. I still think that my little girl could do better. He thought about the scene in Los Angeles. But then again, she's got more money than I do now. And I've learned the hard way that money isn't everything. "Yes, please. Come in, Ms. Walters. I think I owe you an apology."

  Lex walked toward the bed warily. "You do?" She moved back a little when he rose to his feet.


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