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Anguished (Crimson Elite Book 2)

Page 4

by T. L Smith

  “Does she make your lunches as well?” I ask sitting next to him. The woman who’s cooking doesn’t pay me any attention, but Darby looks at me as if to tell me to shut up.

  “That will be all, Wanda.”

  She places a plate in front of me as she disappears. Leaving us both sitting at his counter eating breakfast in the quiet. He lives in an apartment, a fucking penthouse apartment, high above the city which overlooks office buildings with their secrets contained inside their gleaming blacked out windows.

  How have we all been friends for so long, and I’ve never seen this place is beyond me?

  “Maybe I should buy in this building,” I say looking around.

  “I’d prefer if you didn’t.” I almost choke on my food. “Hurry up. I have to get to the office.” He gets up placing his plate in the sink then he takes his seat again drinking his coffee waiting for me to finish.

  “You’re not as cold as him, but you’re as closed off as him,” I say. He knows who I’m talking about automatically. We don’t have many other friends. It’s been the four of us as a team for as long as I can remember. Some days are better than others. But when you work day and night with someone, you get to know all their traits. We sure as shit all know each other’s, including what ticks each of us off the most.

  “If you’re finished assessing me for the day, some of us have to work.”

  “I have work,” I say grunting at him, then pointing my fork with the waffle still on the end. “It’s with you, remember? Dickhead.”

  “Do you? Because this last year you’ve been extremely absent, and we’ve been picking up after you.”

  Damn him, his words are true. I haven’t been involved as much as I should have been. But it still isn’t good to hear.

  “I’m here now.”

  He stands, steps forward placing his coffee down. “Are you really, Echo? Are you really? Because I sure as shit am sick of doing two jobs.”

  “I’m back. Can’t you see me? I’m fucking back. So enough of this shit, D. Just tell me what you want me to do and I’ll do it.”

  He places both hands on the counter. “Your job.” Then he walks off, leaving me with a plate full of waffles staring after him. Have I really been that fucking bad?

  Ringing Creed, he answers on the first call. I hear Darby in the other room as Creed says my name. “Echo, what do you want?”

  “Good morning to you, too, sunshine,” he says nothing as he waits for me. “Have I been that bad with business for the last year?” He stays silent, and I pull the cell away to look at it to make sure the call is still connected. “Creed?”

  “Yeah, you’ve been shit,” he replies, and I know he won’t lie to me. I look up just as Darby walks back in, he stops waiting and listening.

  “Darby’s on my ass about it.” Darby crosses his arms over his chest as he listens to me speak to Creed.

  “I’m amazed he hasn’t sold your part of the business, actually.”

  “He doesn’t have the right.”

  Creed scoffs then hangs up on me. I look up at a watching Darby.

  “I do have the right, but lucky for you I’m not an asshole to those who I call my brothers.” He walks off again. His small dig doesn’t go unnoticed. I already know how much of an asshole my brother is, and that he doesn’t give two shits if I live or die. My friends, on the other hand, they fucking care. I grab the ID that’s securely located in my pocket and smile.

  Maybe everything won’t be so bad, after all.



  Melissa left and I feel lonely again, my week drags at work and it’s only Wednesday. Mel departed on Monday morning, and I tried my hardest to have her to move in and stay here with me. But she won’t. She loves where she lives and she doesn’t intend moving, which sucks for me.

  I’m on the cell to a very high profile fashion designer for his next launch when Vicki walks in holding a large arrangement of flowers. It’s a mixture of lilies, roses, baby’s breath—actually it has so many different kinds of flowers in it. She smiles as she places it on my desk. I cover the cell and ask her who they’re for.

  “Yours! It’s addressed to you.”

  “I have to go, I’ll call you back later to discuss which pieces would work best. Okay. Thanks.” I hang up as she walks out of the room, shutting the door as she leaves. Touching the flowers, I try to find a card. Once I spot it I reach for it and see my name on the front. Tearing it open, I have to read it twice.


  I’m resourceful, among other things.

  Meet me again.

  Friday night. A restaurant called Sherlock.

  Wear only a cape.

  Your blond, who makes you scream (from the closet).

  I shake my head. No way. Then I remember my ID, he has my ID. This is how he found me. I immediately search the restaurant he’s speaking about and find it’s not too far from the bar we went to that night. I put the card in my wallet and get back to work.


  It happens again. I’m on the cell and Vicki walks in holding another arrangement of flowers. This one full of every red colored flower you can think of. It’s quite beautiful actually. I’ve never seen anything like it.

  As she places it on my desk, she stands there not leaving just smiling at me. “You’re seeing someone?” Vicki looks to the flowers then back to me.

  “No,” I answer, wondering why she’s still standing there. We don’t talk. Hardly ever. She always turns her nose up at me like she’s better than me.

  “Oh, so you have a secret admirer. That’s interesting.” She turns then leaves.

  I pull open the card with my name scribbled on the front.

  Are you ready for me, Red?

  I’m ready for you.

  You’re a welcome distraction.


  It almost sounds like a promise, that if I do meet him he’ll give me what I want. And I could really go for another round with him. But I shouldn’t. No way I should. It’s bad. You don’t go for a man who’s your ten. It’s bound to fuck up. Tens are made in fairy tales. Nines, are if you’re lucky. And believe me, I’m not lucky. And eights are what you attempt to marry. Blondie is a ten, and he scares me to death, so I have to stay away.

  But one more time couldn’t hurt… could it?


  My office smells of flowers, if I didn’t love the smell I would be fucked off. But the look on Vicki’s face as she carries another arrangement of flowers in for the day, tells me she’s less than impressed with the fact that she has to bring them into me.

  “No man does this. Are you sending them to yourself? You can tell me? I’ll win the bet then, and I’ll halve it with you.” I look past her to see most of the women in the office looking, waiting and watching. I cross my hands over my chest as she puts them down.

  “You have some nerve to come in here and speak to me that way.”

  Vicki opens her mouth then closes it. She wasn’t expecting me to talk to her like that. I’m her fucking boss, so no more being nice.

  “If you continue to be disrespectful I’ll write you up. I’ll only give you one warning, Vicki. Please remember I’m your boss.”

  She nods her head and walks out, not looking back as she passes me and closes my door behind her.

  Walking over to the flowers, I find the card tearing it open, excited to see what it reads.


  Spread those legs, because I can’t wait for a second longer.

  I read his card, then read it again. A knock at my door makes me turn around. I’m ready to tell Vicki to go away when I see who’s standing there. Everyone and I mean everyone in the office is staring. Fuck! I’m even staring and I’ve seen him before. He doesn’t say a word as he lifts his arm and I’m glued to every move, as it swipes through his hair pushing it back from his eyes. Those blue eyes that read ‘fuck me’ loud and clear.

  “You’re…” I can’t form the words even though they’re on the
tip of my tongue.

  “I’m here, and I hope you’re ready. I’m starving.” He walks in brushes past me, his hand touching mine before he walks to my desk. He touches the flowers then turns that mega-watt smile to me. “You’ve been receiving my flowers.”

  I nod, not knowing what else to do. I turn away from him and see everyone on this floor still watching.

  “I guess spreading your legs is out of the question considering your office is made of glass.” My mouth drops open at his words, and I quickly shut the door so no one can hear what he’s saying.

  “Are you going to speak, or do you only do that when I’m between your legs.”

  “I think it’s unfair that you seem to know my name, and I don’t know yours,” I say standing taller getting over the fact that he looks even better in daylight. Fuck.

  “You want to know my name?” I nod my head and he steps closer to me. “It will cost you.”

  “What?” I ask to which the smile on his face turns into a mischievous smirk.

  “A kiss.”

  “A kiss...” I mutter, then look back at him. “That seems very unfair.”

  He shakes his head and steps even closer to me. “I don’t see unfairness in it, at all.” His hand reaches up and touches my arm with light feathery strokes. “I see the advantage.” He’s so close to me now if I leaned in just an inch I could touch my lips to his.

  “I’m at work,” I say stepping away from him. I’m afraid of what I’ll let him do.

  “I’ll wait.” He steps around me and sits on my white couch near my office door.

  “You’re going to wait here?” I ask him.

  He nods and pulls out his cell as he looks over at me. “I can work while I wait. I know you’re worth waiting for, Red.”

  Vicki steps inside my office without knocking. She stops when she notices the man on the couch and visibly pauses. It takes her longer than I like for her to look away at me.

  “You have a conference call in room 207.” She grips the handle and looks back at him. “And you are?” she asks in a sweeter voice than she’s ever given me.

  He looks past her at me. “I’m here for her.” He nods his head to me then looks back at her.

  “Are you sending the flowers?”

  He smiles as he nods his head. She curses then walks out.

  “I wish you wouldn’t have told her that.” I pick up my notes for my next meeting as I go to follow her out, but I pause stopping to gaze at how good he looks sitting in my office. “You can leave as well.” He just smirks as I walk off. I have no doubt he isn’t going anywhere. He seems to be a man that gets what he wants.

  He’s sitting exactly where I left him when I come back, so I take a deep breath when I open the door seeing Vicki sitting across from him laughing at something he says. She stands when she sees me and instantly walks out and I shut the door behind her.

  “So you’re a boss.” He nods his head. “I see it,” he says as his eyes roam me.

  “If you aren’t going to tell me your name, I think it’s best you leave.” His foot taps as he shakes his head.

  “It doesn’t work like that, and your very friendly staff member just told me you finish work now anyway. So, what will it be Red? Kiss here or in private? Because we both know how worked up you get.” I hate he knows that about me. But I also remember the way he tastes and the way he made me feel like I was someone’s ten as well.

  “You can walk me out.” He stands as I collect my things including my coffee then he offers me his arm. A lot of the staff have already left, and there’s only a few left in the building. Vicki being one of them is watching us with intent.

  “What did you say to her?” I ask as we get to the elevator.

  Pushing the button, he turns to face her then looks sideways at me. “She wanted to know who I was to you.”

  Of course, she did.

  “What did you say?”

  “Don’t worry, I knew what kind of person she is the minute she walked in after you left. All I simply told her was I was here to fuck you.” The coffee I put to my lips splutters everywhere all down my beautiful white blouse. I wipe at it as the doors open, and he places his hand on the small of my back pushing me in.

  I look up to see him smiling at me.

  “You didn’t, did you?”

  His head drops to the side, his blond hair falling with him. “What if I did? That’s the reason I’m here. A proposition of sorts.” His hand doesn’t leave my back as we reach the bottom and get out, he nods to the bar across the street and I let him guide me over.

  “Proposition?” I ask. He holds up a finger and walks off, I watch his ass without shame as he does. It’s one thing I didn’t get to see up close when he was inside me, I wished I had at the time and remember thinking that his ass was probably fine as fine could be. He turns, and I notice that he’s watching me watch him. I look away as he comes back with two glasses of wine.

  “I want to fuck you…” he pauses, “… regularly.” I’m glad I didn’t put the drink to my mouth when he said that, it would have sprayed all over him.

  “And you think I’d agree to this? Do woman actually agree to this stuff?” I ask looking around.

  He shrugs his shoulders and sits in his seat. “You know I can make you come. So, I don’t see the issue.”

  Oh God, he’s right, he was… magical. I would never tell him that though, his ego may be too big for me to handle.

  “What’s your name?”

  He holds up a finger shaking it from side to side before he leans forward, his elbows resting on the table. “A kiss for a name.”

  My eyes roll at his words. “You’re sitting across from me, asking me to fuck you, but you won’t tell me your name.” I laugh. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  “Like a heartbeat,” he replies waiting. “Just kiss my fucking lips already, and tell me you agree.”

  I look around, a few women are staring, but for the most part people can’t hear what we’re discussing. I lean forward, my lips whispering against his. He doesn’t let me make it a soft kiss, he leans in across the table and our lips touch, hard, as he opens his mouth tasting me before I pull away.

  “Echo,” he says and it takes me a minute to come down and realize he’s just told me his name.

  “Your name is Echo?”

  He nods in confirmation while bringing his drink to his lips. “Now, when can we fuck?”



  She looks at me like I just asked her to cut her arm off, I didn’t. I merely want to fuck her. There’s a difference. A big difference.


  She holds up her hand stopping me from speaking, I sit and wait for her to reply. “You have some balls, you know that?”

  I look down at my balls then back up to her with a smirk. “I know, they come waxed and everything.”

  She tries to fight the smile spreading on her face and I smile enough for both of us. I like her. She’s the first woman to make me forget about… Selena. And I like that she does that because believe me, I’ve tried to forget about her several times with several other women.

  None worked.

  Until Red.

  “If I agree to this, there’d be no other contact. The only contact we would have would be sex?” I nod my head, it’s what I want. “Because I can’t take on anyone new. I don’t want anyone new. Fun I can do, but I will have some ground rules.”

  “I’m listening.” I wait for her to speak.

  “I don’t want to know about you.”

  I raise an eyebrow at her request. “Explain,” I say.

  “I don’t want pillow talk. If you fuck anyone else, I would appreciate it if you use protection.”

  “I always use protection, you’re aware of that,” I say remembering the way she watched with heated eyes last time I rolled the condom on.

  “Good. No showing up unannounced either like you did today. I need to know in advance.”

  “You’re a business
woman,” I say stating her work. She’s high up for someone so young, she must have worked hard to get where she is. I like that about her.

  “Yes. So, do you agree?”

  “Basically, you want my cock and not my mouth,” I ask with a smirk knowing full well she wants my mouth too.

  She surprises me though when she leans on the table. “I want your mouth, blondie, just not the words that will possibly come from it.”

  “I can deal with that. No talk. How about you come back to mine so we can practice?”

  She laughs at my words then looks at her watch before she looks back up to me. “How far away do you live?”

  I smile as I stand taking her hand knowing full well I’m about to have her.

  She doesn’t look around at all, her eyes don’t wander and she’s true to her words she doesn’t ask me questions. Not even when she sees a photo of Selena and I dressed up with me holding her around the waist. She undoes her skirt dropping it to the floor then does the same with her blouse. I start to foam at the mouth with the fishnet stockings held up by a garter on her legs, to her lacy black bra that covers her perfect breasts.

  I’ve never wanted someone so fucking bad that my cock is straining in my trousers begging to be released.

  “On my knees?”

  I nod my head at her request and she steps up close to me, almost at eye level, but shorter without her heels on and runs her hands down the front of me before she drops to the floor doing so on her knees as she requested. She pulls at my trousers and they slide off, my cock being set free. She leans forward, the tip of her tongue running circles around it before she puts as much as possible in her mouth and starts sucking.


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