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The Balance

Page 5

by L. J. Jackson

  “Come, Lilly, look outside,” said the Seven. “Aliens are here to greet you from around the world.”

  When Lilly walked out of the city she was greeted by several different alien life forms she had never known existed. They came from near and far to witness the thousand-year-old prophecy about Lilly. They gathered around her, touching her dark skin and giving her their blessing. Then the aliens lifted Lilly in to the air with their hands waving in the sky, giving praise to the Creator for sending Lilly. The morning was bright and sunny, but then clouds moved in fast like pages turning in a book by a strong wind. The clouds then parted, uncovering the heavens. The moon, sun, and planets in the galaxy aligned in a strange formation that made the earth turn pitch black. A bright light shined down on Lilly from the heavens so that every eye could see her. Humans were afraid, and every news channel broadcast the phenomenon as they gaze at the image in the night sky.

  Lilly looked up into the sky and noticed the moving stars aligning in the heavens to create an image that looked just like her holding a flame of fire in her hands. Human wondered what was happening and marveled at the image in the sky as it suddenly returned to daylight. The Seven said, “Now it is time to meet your Creator.”

  The Creator spoke and said, “Lilly, my daughter, come, I am waiting.” The Seven and the aliens fell on their faces when they heard the voice of the Creator, which made the earth tremble. His voice was as loud as thunder but calm and peaceful like flowing water. Then a chariot came down from heaven made of a thousand butterflies in unearthly colors, protected by a blue flame of fire. The butterflies spoke to Lilly and said, “Get in.” She walked through the flame without getting burned and sat in a chair made of pink gold. Then off she went in the chariot, waving goodbye to the Seven and Zale.


  When Lilly left in the Chariot, an ominous bank of dark clouds rolled across the sky, blocking the sunlight from the earth. The aliens ran in fear as Zale and the Seven stood their ground. Large, screaming black bats arrived blowing red smoke from their wide mouths, covering the atmosphere like smoke from a burning fire. The bats yelled collectively, “The Evolrace is coming!” Out of the red thick smoke on red horses rode the Six Evolrace. They were tall with gray skin and red eyes, and they wore black crowns. Their horses were ten feet tall with bloodshot red eyes, large sharp teeth, and long, pointed tails that sliced up anything in their path. The horses stood up on their hind legs, blowing black smoke from their mouths in the faces of Zale and the Seven Ovelrace.

  Then one of the Evolrace spoke and said, “Where is your precious Lilly?” When he spoke the black crown on his head shook as steam lifted from his head like an erupting volcano.

  The Seven said, “Why are you on earth? It is forbidden.”

  “Why not?” said one of the Evolrace with an evil grin. “Humans love evil influences. They murder one other without cause; they love dark magic; they are full of greed, racism, jealousy; and your leaders love war and power. Humans love evil more than good. Humanity can feel our evil presences throughout the earth. What a shame they don’t even believe their Creator exists.” The Evolrace laughed and said, “We can destroy the human race because they do not believe in evil forces. Lilly will never keep the earth balanced with love, and she will not unite humans with aliens, because humans are full of unbelief.”

  Then the gold crowns on the heads of the Seven shined so bright that they blinded and burned the flesh of the bats. They screamed in agony and flew away. Zale rose into the air, his yellow eyes turned into a flame of fire. He pointed his eyes at the Evolrace and warned them to leave earth. Red fire flew from the mouths of the Seven, surrounding the Evolrace. The black crowns on their heads created a shield that pushed back the fire. Then the Six Evolrace disappeared in red smoke without a trace, but their voices could be heard throughout the earth, saying, “The time is nearing to fight. Get ready for the battle.” Then the Six Evolrace traveled throughout the earth, gathering their army to do battle with Lilly and the Seven.


  Lilly was on her way to meet the Creator in a chariot made of colorful butterflies protected by a spinning blue flame of fire. The butterflies said, “Lilly, are you OK?”

  “Yes,” replied Lilly as she gazed at the bright shooting stars and large, colorful planets, passing the Milky Way and swiftly traveling through the universe. It was so dark that the butterflies glowed and the blue fire around the chariot gave light in the darkness. The universe was peaceful and beautiful, just as she had always imagined.

  Then Lilly said to the butterflies, “You spoke. That’s impossible. Insects don’t talk.”

  The butterflies said, “All life can talk. The Creator made it that way. Everything that the Creator made communicates with him, and he understands. Even the stars and the planets in the universe talk to the Creator. The universe and all within it are controlled by his command, and everything stays in place by his word.” Then the butterflies said, “Lilly, you were given special abilities by the Creator to understand his creation.”

  Lilly noticed a very bright light that reminded her of the sun giving light to the dark universe. She then entered a secret realm. Looking down over the chariot, she noticed a large, bright, gold floor beneath the chariot, floating in the dark universe and giving off a tremendous amount of light. She witnessed millions of people from all races, ages, and colors walking on the gold road. Tall creatures that looked like giants also glowed in the darkness. They were guiding the people forward into the light. The floor was so long and wide it reminded Lilly of an endless airport runway. She wondered where the people were going and what was at the end of the gold road.

  When the chariot got to the end of the universe it stopped in front of a very tall, gold glass wall. When the glass doors opened, a giant waterfall appeared, flowing with blue water and glowing crystals. Lilly was amazed at the height of the waterfall. It reminded her of Niagara Falls. It was assorted in colorful jewels that shimmered and flashed like bright stars. The blue water and crystals rushed down the glass wall and floated into the dark universe like a mighty rushing river.

  As she passed by in the chariot, Lilly reached out her hands to touch the crystals; the water and crystal covered her hands and glowed. When she looked into the palms of her hands an image appeared that showed her the souls of humans who had passed away on earth. She then realized that when humans die in the natural life, their spirits travel to the Creator and turn into beautiful crystals. She witnessed millions of glowing spirits flying in the universe like shooting stars and then landing on the crystal waterfall flowing down into the universe. This peaceful place was the perfect place for souls to go when they cross over to the other side of life.

  Then another large glass door opened and revealed heaven—a world that no human eye had ever seen. It was a glass city made of white gold at the end of the universe shining like the sun. This place was filled with the presence of pure love. The chariot carried Lilly inside as she gazed at the high crystal wall on the other side and the crystals flowing down the giant waterfall into the Creator’s large hands. Then out of his hands appeared people of all ages, races, and colors dressed in pure white garments. They flew into the air rejoicing in their new bodies, not made of flesh and bone, and sparkling like gemstones. Then they landed on the clear glass floor and danced in their new bodies to music unknown to the ears of humankind.

  All of a sudden the chariot disappeared from beneath her body. Lilly started to float in the air, then gold chips that looked like confetti danced in the air and fell upon her dark face and sparkled.

  “It’s so beautiful,” said Lilly. Then a hundred pure white doves appeared and said, “Hello, Lilly.”

  Lilly said, “Hello. This place is amazing.”

  She reached out her hands to touch their pure white feathers. Then the white doves carried her body away and placed her in the hands of the Creator. Lilly felt like an ant in the Creator’s large hands.

  The Creat
or said, “Hello, Lilly.”

  Lilly said, “Hello. Who are you?”

  He said, “I am the air that you breathe, the blood that runs through your veins, the rain that falls from the sky, the sun on a sunny day. I am everything.” Then the Creator said, “Lilly, you are my daughter, my most precious crystal, created by fire and pure love.”

  Lilly said, “I’m a crystal and human?”

  The Creator said, “Yes, Lilly. When humans pass over to the other side they become beautiful shiny crystals. Humankind will live forever. Humans are eternal creatures and will never die. The flesh will die and fade away, but their souls will exist through all time.”

  The Creator continued: “Lilly, you were created with three crystals: one in your forehead, and one in each hand. The crystals will help defeat the Evolrace and bring unity on the earth. When the time comes to defeat them, look to the stars for a sign.”

  Lilly said, “Who are the Evolrace, and why do they hate humans?”

  The Creator said, “In the beginning of time, the Ovelrace were created. They were a beautiful angelical species full of love and compassion. They became jealous when I created the earth for humans. I gave them their own planet, Orvel, but they wanted the earth for themselves.

  “The Evolrace deceived the African Egyptian people into worshiping them as gods and practicing dark magic, which moved my hand to wrath. Their name was changed to Evolrace because they are an evil species that refuse to love. I removed their wings and gold crowns from their heads, which removed their authority in the heavens. They replaced their gold crowns with black crowns. They vowed to destroy the human race one day by spreading evil throughout the earth like a virus.

  “Therefore, I banished them from the heavenly realms into outer darkness to roam the universe. Six of the Evolrace combined their powers together and forged an alliance, vowing to destroy humans. The other archangels roam the universe with their leader, the deceiver, who controls them all. They are hoping I will forget about the rebellion they joined and let them return to my kingdom one day.

  “They are eternal angelical creatures that have special abilities. They can influence humans’ hearts and minds to follow wickedness and evil practices, which are forbidden. In fact, they can take on any form and look like any species at any time. That is why you were created, my daughter, and sent to earth to live among humans, understand their ways, and learn to love them. The Evolrace must be defeated. They are destroying the planet with evil, which has resulted in natural disasters, climate changes, and disturbances in the cycle of wildlife.

  “I am always with you, Lilly. We are one.

  “Go. You must warn humankind what will come upon the earth if they refuse to change. They have the ability to resist evil. Humans have 70 percent good and 30 percent evil in their genetic structure. It is in their DNA to love each other.

  “If humans refuse to change and continue in their evil ways, the earth may be destroyed. The planet cannot survive without love. Love keeps it balanced. Without love, the planet will self-destruct and fall apart.”

  “What is coming?” Lilly asked the Creator.

  “The Evolrace,” said the Creator. “If the earth is unbalanced, they can open the spirit world of the dead from the river of fire and destroy the human race. If that happens, I will destroy the earth myself.”

  “How?” said Lilly.

  “Do you remember the glass city at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle?”

  “Yes,” said Lilly.

  “You witnessed four angels guarding the hourglass that flowed with sparkling crystals. They are tracking the balance of good and evil on earth. It must stay balanced to maintain life on earth. Do you remember the two heavy steel doors with large red locks binding them together at the bottom of the ocean?”

  “Yes,” said Lilly. “I remember.”

  “Two giant creatures were positioned in front of the doors; they had five eyes, four arms and tails like a fish, and they held two gold staffs in their hands.”

  “Yes,” said Lilly.

  “The creatures behind those locked steel doors are the destruction of this planet. I will release them if the earth is unbalanced for a certain amount of time. Lilly, you are the key to saving the planet. Humans and aliens must be united; only then will the planet stay balanced with love. The Evolrace must be defeated and bound for eternity,” said the Creator. Then he whispered something in her ear that made her smile. All the mysteries of the world were revealed in her at one time. More importantly, from that moment on Lilly knew who she was and what she needed to do.


  Lilly was so tired that she fell asleep in the Creator’s hands. He kissed her face and blew a soft breeze across her beautiful, dark brown skin. He returned her home then tucked her in bed. When Lilly woke up in the morning she could smell the scent of fresh flowers in her house. Opening her eyes, she saw that her room was filled with white lilies. Lilly stayed in bed all day relaxing; she was so tired after visiting her father, the Creator. Finally, she got out of bed, showered, and got dressed, then walked down to the kitchen for something to eat. When she looked in the refrigerator she noticed there was nothing in the house to eat, so she walked to the local grocery store to pick up a few things. As she walked, she wondered how her friend Linda was doing since the last time they spoke. When she walked into the grocery store, she saw Linda working as a cashier.

  “Hey, Lilly!” called Linda, excited to see her friend. She ran to Lilly and gave her a big hug. “Where have you been, Lilly?”

  “Well, I’ve been very busy,” she mumbled.

  “Busy doing what?” said Linda. “I have been calling you for weeks.”

  “Taking care of personal things. Sorry. I just didn’t have the time to return your calls,” said Lilly. “Let’s just say a lot has happened since we last spoke.” She looked down at the floor. “Anyway, what’s going on Linda?”

  “I must say, Lilly, I feel great since the seven aliens healed my body from cancer. I mean, I should be lying in my grave,” Linda said. “By the way,” she added, “where are the aliens?”

  “Why are you asking about them?” said Lilly.

  “Don’t get upset with me. I’m just asking,” said Linda. “They are beautiful creatures.”

  “I’m not upset with you, Linda, you’re my friend. What time do you get off from work?”

  “In a few minutes,” said Linda. “Let’s have a cup coffee and dessert at the coffee shop and catch up on things.”

  “OK,” said Lilly. “That sounds great.”

  Soon they walked down to the coffee shop to talk.

  “Linda, a lot has happened since I last saw you,” said Lilly.

  “Like what?” asked Linda?

  “It’s hard to explain. I’m not sure if it’s even worth talking about right now,” said Lilly. “It’s a very strange conversation to have with anyone.”

  “What could be stranger than seven aliens walking through a hospital wall and healing me from cancer?” said Linda. “I can still remember it; their power felt like a thousand volts penetrating through my flesh and bone. The doctors in the hospital were confounded and could not believe the cancer was gone from my body. Listen, Lilly, the doctors have been trying to find my whereabouts, and I have been hiding for months. I’m still devastated over the whole ordeal. I still remembered the evil doctor at the dark city who tried to experiment on me because I was mysteriously healed from cancer. I vowed never to forget how the Seven destroyed the dark city and saved my life.” Linda added: “Lilly, it’s been very hard these past days. I have been running for my life since my healing went public. I just want to leave Florida and start my life over again, where no one knows about me.”

  “Don’t worry, Linda, you have me. We will be friends forever,” said Lilly, giving Linda a hug.

  Linda wiped the tears from her eyes and said, “I couldn’t return to my house. Reporters come there every day.”

  “Where are you staying now?” Lilly asked.

  Linda said she was staying at a nearby hotel.

  “Would you like to stay at my house?” Lilly asked. “I have an extra room.”

  “Yes,” said Linda, “that would be great. Nobody will look for me there.”

  They went to the hotel to gather Linda’s things, and they brought them to Lilly’s house.

  “What’s wrong, Lilly?” said Linda “You’ve hardly spoken.”

  “I just don’t know where to start,” said Lilly. “So much has happened.”

  Lilly was afraid to tell Linda all the personal things she discovered about her life. She didn’t think her friend was ready to hear about the places she had been or the things she had seen.

  “No worries, Lilly. It’s not important now. Maybe another day you can tell me,” said Linda.

  Lilly showed Linda to her room, and then they put away the groceries and made something to eat.


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