Book Read Free

The Balance

Page 7

by L. J. Jackson

  Linda was standing nearby while she was training with the angels. She was amazed at the power her friend had.

  Linda said, “Lilly, you have a lot of power. Can you heal the sick?”

  “Yes,” said Lilly.

  “How do you know this?” said Linda.

  “My father the Creator told me that signs and wonders would follow me on the earth,” said Lilly.

  “Can you heal cancer like the Seven healed me?”

  “Yes,” said Lilly, “I can.”

  “We should go back to All Saint Hospital in Florida and heal some sick people,” said Linda.

  “That would be great,” said Lilly.

  “It would be a great way to show people that you were sent by the Creator to change the world,” said Linda.

  The Seven said, “Linda, she can do the impossible.”

  “The impossible?” said Linda. “What do you mean?”

  “Lilly is a miracle sent from the Creator to save humanity,” said the Seven. “She can perform your wildest dreams and more. You will see in the days to come what Lilly can do.”


  When Lilly stopped training, she received a vision from the two angels guarding the crystal hourglass of good and evil at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle. They gave her insight on the plots and schemes that the Evolrace were planning against the earth. In the vision, Lilly could see the Evolrace recruiting evil forces for their army and luring humans who were curious about dark magic, possessing them with evil forces and sealing their souls with damnation forever. Bezal was the wickedest wizard of them all. He was given authority to lead the army for the Evolrace. His face was dark, his eyes glowed green, and his hair was black with a gray strip down the center. He wore a long red robe and held a giant staff that glowed with the blood of lost souls. He was given power by the Evolrace to wage war against Lilly and the seven angels. When she saw the vision, she knew it was time to tell humans that aliens lived on earth and that the two species needed to form an alliance to fight against evil that was coming upon the earth.


  Lilly lay in bed all night thinking about what Linda said about healing the sick. She also thought about the Evolrace and their army. Lilly closed her eyes, got down on her knees, and said, “Father, my Creator, tell me what to do.” She looked out her bedroom window at the stars in the night sky for a sign from her father. Then the stars aligned in a strange formation that only she understood, giving her the answers. That night she dreamed about a world of peace and happiness, where aliens and humans loved one another and where no one was judged by the color of their skin. There were no sick people in the world, evil was destroyed, and everyone loved the Creator just because he gave them life. When Lilly fell asleep, Shebal and the four African warrior angels gathered around her bed and whispered, “Truly she is the chosen one sent by the Creator.” The Seven and Zale appeared and said, “Yes, she is.” The five African warrior angels knelt over Lilly’s bed with their powerful gold wings stretched out and touching together. Their bodies lifted into the air, hovering over her bed and protecting her while she slept.


  When she woke up the next morning she called, “Linda! Linda, where are you?”

  “Here in my room, Lilly. Why are you yelling?”

  Lilly said, with a big smile on her face, “Linda, I have the answers.”

  “What answers, Lilly? What are you talking about?” said Linda, standing in her doorway scratching her head.

  “I’m going to Rome, silly,” said Lilly.

  “Rome? What’s in Rome?” said Linda.

  “The Pope!” said Lilly, very excited. “I’m going meet the Pope and heal the sick.”

  “The Pope is surround by so much security. How will you meet him, Lilly?”

  “Trust me, Linda, it will happen. Everything and anything is possible with the Creator,” said Lilly.

  “Let’s go,” said Linda.

  “No way, Linda,” said Lilly. “You must stay here in the city where it’s safe. Zale and the warrior angels will protect you.”

  “Alright,” said Linda. “I’ll see you when you return.”

  The very next day Lilly and the Seven went to Rome to visit the Pope at the Vatican Palace. They traveled by day in the sparkling glass sphere that moved faster than the speed of light. When they arrived, the giant sphere landed on top of the Vatican Palace. Then they transported down to the ground like vapor. Lilly walked around the Vatican Palace gazing at the beautiful artwork on the ceilings and throughout the building structure. This was her first time visiting Rome and seeing the Palace. While walking around the city, Lilly could see the hearts of the people and read their minds. They came from near and far in large numbers with sicknesses of all kinds. Their hearts were full of hope that they would meet the Pope and receive a miracle from the Creator.

  She knew they would return the next day to see the Pope after reading their thoughts. She said to the seven, “Let’s just enjoy the day and visit the Pope tomorrow.” Lilly was so hungry she went to a local restaurant and asked the Seven to accompany her while she ate dinner. When she finished eating, she went to a hotel room to relax. The Seven said, “Get some rest, Lilly. We’re not far away.” Lilly took a shower and then got dressed for bed. She lay in the bed looking at the ceiling and thinking about the world’s biases and how humans and aliens were treated unfairly. Then she looked in the mirror at her dark brown skin and curly hair and wondered why humans were treated differently based on their race and the color of their skin. The body is just a vessel to enjoy the pleasures of this world and to hold our eternal spirit, she thought. The human race is a beautiful reflection of the Creator’s artwork. She stood in the middle of the floor in her hotel room, and the crystal in her forehead started to glow. It was at that moment she realized the Creator gave her a new gift: the ability to be omnipresent. She could will the gift anytime she needed, which gave her the power to be everywhere at the same time. When she closed her eyes and focused, the crystal in her forehead glowed and released a giant ball of fire that hovered above the floor. Lilly’s spirit separated from her fleshly body. Then her spirit slowly walked into the ball of fire, which transported through the ceiling of the hotel room into the heavens. Lilly could see her fleshly body standing by the bed waiting for her to return. In the fire Lilly’s spirit separated into a billion particles; she could see the world like an All-Seeing Eye, all at one time. She could not find the words to explain how fast her spirit was moving in the fire, across the whole earth at once, breaking the balance of time. Her spirit was rotating around the earth like a tropical cyclone, absorbing the balance of life. In the fire time did not exist because the world stopped moving at that moment. She could see the hearts and thoughts of humankind and the forces of good and evil warring and flowing through the earth like rushing water from a mighty waterfall. She could see the peak of the highest mountain and deepest depth of the sea unknown to man. Everything was revealed to Lilly in the fire, even life and death. Her father the Creator appeared in the fire as an image of a bright shining light in front of her. The Creator said, “My daughter, I see you are learning very quickly. My eyes are your eyes. I love you, Lilly.” Then the bright light disappeared very quickly. Lilly’s spirit returned to its normal state, then she walked out the ball of fire back into her flesh. She was happy to have heard the voice of the Creator; it gave her the power she needed to save the earth from destruction. She went to bed late that night with a smile on her face, thinking about how much the Creator loved her.

  When morning came the Seven appeared in her room and said, “Wake up, Lilly. You overslept.”

  “Oh, my goodness, what time is it?” she said.

  The Seven said it was ten thirty in the morning. Lilly jumped out the bed, grabbed her clothing, and ran to the bathroom to shower and get dressed. Lilly was dressed within a matter of seconds. The Seven looked at each other and said, “How did she get dressed so fast?�
�� Lilly just looked at them with a smile on her face.

  “Let’s go,” said Lilly, grabbing her jacket and walking out the door

  They returned to the Vatican Palace on the next day to meet the Pope. Lilly and the Seven walked around looking for the sick people they’d seen at the Vatican on the previous day. From behind her, Lilly could feel a grieving soul pulling on her spirit. When she turned around she saw a white woman about thirty years old. The woman said, “Hello. What’s your name?”

  Lilly was shocked and said, “My name is Lilly.”

  The woman said, “That’s a beautiful name. It fits you.”

  Lilly said, “Thank you. That was kind of you. Where are you from?”

  The woman said she was from New York.

  “Wow,” said Lilly, “you traveled a long way. What brings you to Rome?”

  The woman said, “I’m hoping to meet the Pope. I’m sick with pancreatic cancer, and the doctors say I only have two weeks to live. All my hopes and dreams are over.” She began to cry.

  Lilly said, “Life is a part of death. It’s the unknown that humans fear. But it’s not your time to die. Your life will begin again on this very day. Give me your hands.”

  The woman placed her hands in Lilly’s hands as an act of faith. Then the crystals in Lilly’s hands glowed, releasing a liquid substance that sparkled and covered the woman’s entire body. She glowed and sparkled like crushed diamonds reflecting from the sun. She could feel the power of the Creator flowing through her bloodstream like warm fire under her skin. The woman was so overwhelmed that she yelled, “Thank you, Lilly, for healing me!” People in the city heard the woman yelling and witnessed her skin glowing. They gathered around Lilly, trying to touch her dark skin and hoping they would receive the same healing. The Seven gathered around Lilly very quickly in a circle, protecting her from the large crowd. Lilly lifted her hands in the air and released a giant flame of blue fire. It covered every person who tried to touch her and those who were looking for a miracle from the Creator. When she finished healing the crowd, Lilly and the Seven disappeared like steam from a hot water spring. The event was broadcast all around the world on every news channel. When news reporters arrived at the Vatican City, they interviewed several people, including the woman who was healed of cancer, and asked her what happened. She said during her visit in Rome she met a black girl named Lilly who healed her from pancreatic cancer. The reporters asked how she knew she was healed. The woman said, “I could feel the power from Lilly’s hands running through my blood and bones like fire. I had never felt anything like it in my entire life.” The woman went to a hospital in Rome to be tested for cancer, and the doctors there confirmed there were no more traces of cancer in her bloodstream. The hospital was overcrowded with people who proclaimed the girl at Vatican City healed them. When the Pope heard about the miracles, he wondered about the mysterious girl name Lilly.

  That night the Pope went to bed thinking about the girl and the miracles she performed at the Vatican City. He got down on his knees and said, “Creator, if it be thy will, please send Lilly to me. Is she an angel sent to perform miracles?” As the Pope waited down patiently on his knees for an answer from the Creator, Lilly and the Seven appeared in his bedroom. The Pope said, “Where did you come from? The door never opened. Who are you, and who are those seven tall men with you?”

  “I’m the Creator’s daughter, and those seven men are my guardian angels,” said Lilly.

  The Pope was shocked when he heard her response. “Angels?” said the Pope. “They look like humans.”

  “They can change to any form. Would you prefer them to look like this?” The Seven transformed to angelical creatures with orange skin, yellow eyes, large gold wings, and gold crowns on their heads.

  “They’re really tall and beautiful,” said the Pope. Then he said, “Did you heal those people?”

  Lilly said, “No, the Creator healed them. Is something wrong?”

  “No,” said the Pope, “but you’re very young.”

  “Yes,” said Lilly. “The Creator comes in many forms. It’s been said: be careful how you treat people because you never really know who they are; you could be entertaining angels. My father sent me to balance the earth with love because it has become off balance. There is a battle going on between good and evil; you must continue to intercede for humanity, the Creator is watching the earth. It was nice meeting you, Pope. You have a good heart.” The Seven and Lilly touched the Pope with their hands, giving him their blessing, and then they vanished before his eyes.

  They traveled around the city of Rome in the sparkling sphere. While traveling they noticed an accident that had taken place on the side of a road. They transported down to the ground to see what had happened. The emergency workers and police were surrounding the scene. Lilly said to a police officer, “What happened here?”

  The officer said, “A family of five just died in a car accident. It’s really bad.”

  Lilly said, “They’re not dead. They are sleeping. Remove the white sheet.”

  “Look,” said the police officer, “the medical examiners just confirmed they are dead.”

  Lilly said, “When people die, their spirit remains in the body for twenty-four hours. The flesh is dead, but their spirits are alive, and they will live forever. Let me pass and I will show you they are alive.”

  Lilly walked over to the bodies lying on the ground, lifeless, covered by a white sheet. She lifted her hands to heaven and said, “Father, raise them up for your glory.” Within seconds, a powerful thunderstorm rolled in without any rain failing. Then a powerful lightning strike came down like a fireball from the heavens and covered Lilly’s body. Her body glowed so bright that the police officers and emergency workers were unable to look at her. She walked over to the family of five lying on the ground. Then she removed the white sheet. When Lilly placed her glowing hands on their lifeless bodies, she released a powerful electric shock that raised their bodies in midair. The bodies sparkled and shined like they were born again from above. Then the five bodies sank back to the ground very slowly. When they opened their eyes, they saw Lilly standing over them shining like the morning sun. The father looked up at Lilly from the ground and whispered, “What happened? Why are we lying on the ground?”

  Lilly said, “You were in a car accident, and the medical examiner said you and your family were dead.”

  The police officer walked over to Lilly and exclaimed, “You just performed a miracle! Who are you, and where did you come from?”

  She said, “My name is Lilly,” and disappeared like a ghost.


  Lilly and the Seven continued to travel throughout Rome in the sparkling glass sphere. As they traveled, all of a sudden Lilly felt a strong pull on her spirit. “Did you feel that?” she asked the Seven.

  “Yes, we did,” they said. “We can feel it as well; it’s a sick woman in a bed.”

  “Take me to her house, please,” Lilly said.

  “As you wish,” said the Seven.

  They traveled in the sparkling sphere until they came upon a big house on a hill. The white mansion sat on the top of a hillside surrounded by beautiful flowers and fresh green grassland. When they landed, Lilly noticed her connection to the woman got much stronger as she walked toward the house. Lilly said, “She’s in the house. I can feel her sorrow. Let’s go in unnoticed.” When Lilly and the Seven entered the house and looked down at the shining wooden floors, they could see their images reflecting back like a mirror. Lilly looked up and noticed spiraling stairs made of pure gold and crystal stair railings that sparkled from the sunlight that shone through the windows. The walls were pure white and adorned with fine paintings. Butlers and maids were moving about in the house cooking and cleaning, unaware of Lilly and the Seven presences, who were unseen by human eyes. When Lilly arrived at the top of the stairs, she noticed two large brass doors guarded by police officers. They walked past the officers through the doors and into the woman’s
room. She was lying in a king-size canopy bed made of the finest wood, gold, and jewels from around the world. Her bed was covered with white canopy linen that draped from the ceiling and over her large bed to the floor. The best doctors in the world, who could not find a cure for her unknown illness, surrounded the woman’s bed. Her husband and three children were crying at her bedside, praying for a miracle. When Lilly walked toward the woman’s bed, still invisible to most humans, the woman said, “I have been waiting for you.”

  Lilly said, “You’re waiting for me? How could that be?”

  The woman said, “The Creator told me his daughter was coming to deliver me. Are you Lilly?”

  “Yes, I am she.”

  The woman said, “Come closer, Lilly. I have something to tell you.”

  Lilly came closer to the woman’s bed and knelt beside her. The woman whispered in her ear, “I can buy anything and everything, but I can’t buy good health. I have the best doctors from all around the world taking care of me, but they can’t find a cure for my sickness. I love the Creator, Lilly, but I am afraid to die. Now I’m suffering and full of fear.”

  “Fear of what?” Lilly asked.

  “Fear of death,” said the woman. “I don’t want to die and leave my family and all my possessions behind.”

  Lilly said, “Don’t fear death. Death is the beginning of a new life for those who love the Creator. We all must die to live the second life, which is eternal.”

  The doctors in the room looked at each other and said, “Who is she talking to? We don’t see anyone.”


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