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Kissing Kyle

Page 5

by Laurie Lochs

  Kyle froze in my grip.

  Fuck. This is bad.

  Goddamnit. Why the hell did I have to phrase it like that? I was going to get the boy riled up, to say nothing of myself. For God’s sake, my cock was harder than it had been in years. It throbbed against the rigid constraints of my jeans. Free me, it screamed, free me and give me to this beautiful nineteen-year-old boy who has wanted you since the dawn of time.

  I had no choice but to release Kyle from my arms.

  But the minute I let him go Kyle sucked in his cheeks and said the one thing that I couldn’t back down from. “It wasn’t an experiment,” he whispered, his eyes locking on mine. “I wanted you, Mark. I’ve wanted you since forever.”

  A wave of ice-fire knocked me to my feet. “You got me in so much trouble, boy,” I said, staying calm. I was ready to pin the boy — the same boy I’d convinced myself I cared nothing about just this morning before the Fates conspired to cross our paths — against the wall and show him just how much trouble he’d gotten me into. Punish him. Teach him a lesson, Mark. He needs to be taught.

  Kyle said nothing. He only stared at me.

  “Please,” I repeated, my voice raspy. Please, turn around and walk your beautiful body out of this house. Please don’t make me do this. I’m on the edge of breaking all my rules and you’re the only one who can make me do it.

  “You know what I think?” Kyle finally said in a breath. He took a soft step towards me. “I think you want me. I think you wanted me then and, well… Oh, fuck. I guess I don’t know if you wanted me then, not really. But I know you want me now.”

  It was too much. Without thinking, I grabbed his shoulders and threw him against the wall. “You know what I think, you little shit?” I growled, digging my thumbs into his cheeks. “I think you’ve pushed me one step too far.”

  “Then I’m not wrong,” Kyle whispered, his eyes filled with brilliance, “I did what Blakely said was impossible. I seduced my foster Dad.”

  “You little brat,” I spat out, forcing his lips to mine. I pinned his waist against the wall so he couldn’t move. Beneath me, Kyle’s little body squirmed and tingled. His cock couldn’t have been more than four inches but every inch was throbbing into mine.

  “Oh, Daddy,” Kyle gasped when I finally broke my lips away. “N-No, please — Keep doing it. I need it so much.”

  “You bratty fuck,” I growled, kissing him again. This time, Kyle’s eyes rolled back into his head. His hips shot forward, thrusting into mine with an intensity that bordered on rage.

  I didn’t relent. I kept kissing him until every inch of his body burned with flame.

  At last I broke the kiss. Kyle’s eyes snapped open. His brown hair sat disheveled and stuck up on his head like he’d just been fucked. “You want me,” he whispered at last, stroking my cheek. “You want me, Daddy. You picked me.”

  “You’re crazy,” I muttered, bringing my lips to his neck. Had anyone ever kissed him before? Or was I his first?

  “Yeah, I’m crazy,” he whispered, “but you’re my Daddy.”

  No doubt Bruce would have a field day with this. I grabbed the boy and threw open the door to my bed. I carried him into the room and laid him across the sheets.

  It was time.

  “Spread for Daddy,” I whispered, hunching over him. “Do it, you little brat. Spread your legs.”

  Chapter 7


  * * *

  It was almost surreal. In fact, if I weren’t so sure it was Mark crouched by my feet, frantically peeling off my khakis and kissing my tummy, I would’ve thought it was a dream.

  But this was too real to be a dream. Because a second later, Mark ripped off my khakis and pinned me to the bed.

  “Oh, Daddy,” I moaned, grabbing his cheeks. I thrust myself into his ripped stomach and sought friction against his abs.

  “You want to take it?” Mark growled, violently kissing my mouth. “You want to take Daddy’s cock?”

  I nodded frantically. If I didn’t let them know how badly I wanted it, he was going to kick me out of here faster than he could take off my little rocket ship underwear.

  Mark tore off his pants. Without warning, his cock sprung forth from his Calvin Klein briefs.

  “It’s beautiful,” I whispered, taking in the sight. Holy shit, it was a veritable work of art. The goddamn cock was more beautiful than the Apollo Belvedere adorning the hall. Shit, it was more stunning then twenty Apollo Belvederes, lined up side-by-side with twenty replicas of the Laocoön. I wanted to make a mold of his cock and put it on my dresser, right next to the mirror, so I might never forget its beauty when I touched myself. But that could wait for another day. Because for now, I wanted it inside me.

  “Fill me,” I whispered, clawing at the bedsheets. Mark grinned and grabbed lube from the bedside table.

  “You’re ready?” he growled, lubing himself up. “You ready for Daddy?”

  I nodded frantically. Just do it, I wanted to say. Just slide it in before you change your mind. Because if I know you – and I know you better than you think – you’re going to regret this the second you’re done and you’re going to be out of here faster than I can say goodbye. I need you inside me, Mark. I’ve needed it since I was a boy.

  Mark paused a moment. Without warning, a wave of grief washed over me. So this is what it will feel like he leaves. And in this moment, I was convinced Mark was going to leave. My worst fears had come true. He’d invited me in only to throw me to the wind right before I got a chance to feel his cock inside me.

  To my surprise, Mark did no such thing. Instead of ordering me from the house, he propped himself up and kissed me. Only this time, it wasn’t the frenzied kiss of before. This time, he took his time, acquainting himself with my lips, mouth, tongue. His tongue darted inside my face, skimming the row of teeth and testing the waters like it was almost curious to be inside me, that tongue of his. I wondered where it had been and where it might still go. Like my hole.

  “Ready?” he whispered when he finished kissing me, spreading my cheeks. I bit my lip and nodded, giving him the consent he so desperately needed. It’s time, I wanted to say. I’ve been waiting for this my entire life and I don’t care if it hurts. It’s you that I want and it’s your cock I need inside my hole.

  But of course I couldn’t say these things, not out loud. Because how do you tell the man you love in the mists of passion that he, in all his imperfect glory, has since the dawn of puberty been the central experience of your dreams? In the midst of raging hormones and violent love, the only thing you can do is shut up and beg for it. Which was exactly what I was going to do. Shut my fucking mouth and beg for Daddy’s cock.

  “Just put it inside me,” I gasped, clawing his chest. Fuck Roman statues — this was the most magnificent creature I’d ever seen. I wanted him when I was a boy and I wanted him now. “I’ve never done this before, Mark, but I need you inside me more than life itself, oh please oh please — I’m going to die if you don’t –”

  “Good boy,” Mark grunted, pinching my nipple. I yelped in pain. “Good boy,” he repeated, this time barely more than a whisper. The words lingered like mist. A second later, they were gone.

  But not before they lit a desperate fire in my loins. It felt like I’d been thrust into the California wilderness the moment an unwitting camper dropped a match. All at once, I forced myself upon him to put out the flame. Before he could speak, I’d co-opted his body and cock as my own, forcing it inside me faster than he could say no. Mark gasped and stared at me in shock. But I didn’t relent, couldn’t if I wanted to. I thrust myself onto his thick cock like it was a fireman’s hose and was the only thing to put out the flame.

  “I need you,” I gasped, throwing my hands around his firm neck. A string of precum swung from the tip of my cock and landed sideways on my belly. “I need you so much. I’m going to l-lose my—”

  “Stop talking, little one,” Mark ordered, forcing my head into the pillow. I let out a scream but Ma
rk silenced me by bringing his hand over my mouth. “You’re mine. I didn’t know it until three hours ago but I've wanted you so long and you’re mine.”

  “I’m yours,” I moaned, letting him fill me. “I’m yours, Daddy. You’ve been everything to me for forever. I need you inside me. I need you in my life.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Mark growled, thrusting into me. I let out a scream. He leaned into me, boring into my hole with his cock. He was steady and ferocious, a beast that had been let loose in this unassuming house who was now making me his own. There was nothing I could say or do to stop the inexorable flow of his passion. Not like I wanted to. Not in this life.

  Because for the first time, my most depraved fantasies were coming true. With every throb, my body trembled with the knowledge that this man, this very man, the man I’d attempted to seduce when I’d been no older than a boy, was inside me. And he wasn’t just inside me: he liked it. He liked my body, my ass, my hole. And in time, maybe he’d even like my soul.

  As Mark bred me, I took a moment to admire the breathtaking beauty of the man. It wasn’t just that he worked out. Everything from his bulging forearms to his chiseled abs recalled not just fitness models but the finest moments of Athenian sculpture. The man looked like he’d been flocking chiseled by Praxiteles or Polyclitus himself. Like if I did so little as steal a taste of his neck, I’d be greeted by icy marble instead of warm flesh.

  So really, I had no choice but to try. Letting my impulsivity get the best of me, I furrowed my nose and stole a taste of his sweaty neck. Immediately, a wave of passion consumed me. The man was inside me and I’d stolen a kiss without his realizing. I’d stolen the keys to the castle -- and he didn’t even know.

  Except a second later, Mark stopped thrusting and pinned me to the bed.

  “What was that?” he asked, his eyes boring into mine.

  I tried to swallow but I couldn’t move. “What was what?”

  “That,” he said, gripping my neck. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “I –” I stammered, “I wanted to steal a taste. T-That’s all.”

  Mark sneered. “You taste me when I let you, boy,” he growled, pinning me to the bed. Fear shot through me. But my body responded in the way I least expected. One second, I’d been terrified he was going to do something horrible to me. The next, I burst hot streams of come across my chest.

  “Oh –” I gasped, throwing my arms around his back. “Oh, fuck.”

  “Jesus,” Mark whispered, shuddering in my hole. A second later, he exploded inside me, coating me with his come. I gasped as his seed filled me, igniting parts of my body I didn’t even know existed. I needed him more than ever. I was Adam in the garden and this was my seed of life.

  “I came, Daddy,” I whispered, trembling beneath his touch. Mark ran his hands up and down my body, probing the liquid pooling on my slim abs. “It… It just happened. I couldn’t stop it –”

  “Shh,” Mark whispered, stroking my neck. “It’s okay, Kyle. Don’t ever think it’s not.”

  “But I came before Daddy,” I stammered, blinking hard to stave off the tears. No doubt they were coming. Fast. My eyes burned like wildfires.

  “It’s okay, baby boy. Daddy’s giving you permission to come before him today,” Mark whispered, kissing me. This time, I let the passion overwhelm me. My body trembled as his lips met mine. The taste was electric. He brought his thumb, the same thumb that had been gripping my hip and shiny tummy, to my mouth. Without thinking, I wrap my ripped lips around it, taking in the salty texture and length. I moaned as he ran his thumb across my lips, teeth, tongue. You’re mine, his thumb said to my mouth. I’m inside you and you’re mine. I’ve wanted you forever, little one. Don’t think of leaving. You’re mine.

  “S-So Daddy isn’t mad?”

  “No, little one,” Mark whispered, nuzzling my nose. Butterflies overwhelmed me and threatened to claw open my chest. “Daddy is never mad at little Kyle. If he lets him, Kyle will be the sunshine to Daddy’s life.”

  “You mean it?” I asked, my voice full of awe. My eyes tore a trail from Daddy’s cock still lodged deep inside me up to his chiseled jaw and full Aryan nose.

  “Yes, little one,” Mark whispered, nodding slowly. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for a boy like you in my life.”

  “Like me,” I whispered, sinking into the pillow. How was this possible? I’d damned near ruined his life. He didn’t deserve someone like me. Someone who didn’t respect the strict and necessary boundaries intrinsic to foster-son relationships. I’d broken his trust once and I could just as easily do it again. There was no way he was better with me but a million he was better without.

  So it made little sense that, instead of banishing me from his kingdom, he brushed a little speck of dust that had floated from the open window off my cheek and kissed me. This time, he kissed me with conviction, each delicate swirl of his tongue letting me know that, this time, he wasn’t going anywhere. He didn’t have to speak to tell me the desires of his heart. And right now, his tongue let me know, the sole desire was me, just me. And he was mine.

  Sometime later, he pulled out and rinsed himself off. I didn’t breathe, didn’t move. I wanted to savor everything no matter how disgusting. The dirty kiss, the taste, the come. He was everything and I had him inside me. I wasn’t going to let a hot shower steal the only joy I had.

  With his safe arms around me and the scent of passion hanging thick in the air, I fell asleep.

  Chapter 8


  * * *

  I stared at the shapeless ceiling and tried to imagine how I'd gotten so likely to have a boy like Kyle in my life. The same boy I'd known all those years ago. The same boy who, at the present moment, was wrapped snug in my arm, sleeping soundly in the fading light.

  Night had fallen and Kyle was still as beautiful as ever. If I'd had any doubt to begin with, the events of the last two hours had scrubbed any trace of doubt from my mind. Life itself compared little to the sudden desire he'd awakened in me to make him mine.

  Because that's what I wanted to do, wasn't it? Make him my own. Coming back to Kyle felt like, well… Like a homecoming. It wasn’t as if we met on the street or I'd gotten his number in the pizza shop and had never seen him before. No, Kyle was someone I'd known at one point of my life. Returning to him – even if only for the night – was something I'd been missing for the long time, like a classmate from high school you want to hook up with for the sole reason that you used to know them at one point in time.

  Or perhaps it had nothing to do with the fact that we’d long known each other. Perhaps I couldn’t bear to see this boy, this sweet boy who I could already tell was going to be equal parts trouble and the best thing I’d ever had, in the hands of another. Letting him go when we’d already gone this far would be like dropping out of a race you’re two laps away from winning. I needed to keep him with me if for no other reason than because I couldn’t fathom seeing anyone else win his heart.

  Like a broken record, I replayed the words he said to me in the hall. "I did something Blakely never could. I seduced my foster Dad.”

  While they sounded silly and sexy on the surface, I knew they held a deeper meaning. Kyle was excited to have won the trophy. I was his trophy.

  Boys were always getting into silly competitions, so this wasn’t exactly a big deal per se. Well, maybe to a lesser man it might be a problem, but not to me, who also had plenty of “competitions” growing up that sometimes involved seducing older men. For God’s sake, my next-door neighbor Matteo and I had tried to get a young twenty-something-year-old teacher to go on a date with us back when nobody, save for school administrators and most of the general public, would have batted an eye. Needless to say, it didn't quite go as planned -- and this had nothing to do with the fact that we'd never exactly had a plan. We just kind of threw ourselves at him one day while he’d been packing erasers and leftover worksheets into his briefcase after class. Nothing came
of it. We never spoke of it again.

  But… Well, Kyle and Blakely had actually tried something. And Kyle, unbeknownst to Blakely, had succeeded. He'd seduced me. He may have even seduced me that first time. But that was something I could never admit. Least of all to him. That, I had to scrub any trace of from my mind.

  Nothing had changed. My moral code was still intact. Except... Well, seeing Kyle snuggled so innocently next to me, sleeping as if he were sleeping for the first time, or as if he felt safe from the world, protected, wrapped snug, made me want to throw out any conception of a moral code I thought I had and solely devote the rest of my life to him. Regardless of whether or not something had sort-of happened five years ago. It was the kind of desire that made you say, Fuck it. We're going to do it and go all in. If you’re going to be my boy -- and I’ll fight like hell to be your Daddy -- we have no choice but to do it right.

  I stole another glance at Kyle and kissed the nape of his neck. The boy withered in the bed, wrapping his leg around mine. I chuckled and draped my arm across his smooth torso. My heart melted. The boy was soft, so soft, like a freshly washed sweater or sheet. He didn't have a thread of hair on his body, save for the light tuft of pubic hair just above his cock. I wanted to kiss every inch of his body, do more than just fuck him. Make him mine.

  It was what I’d always wanted. A beautiful boy, a young boy like Kyle to hold in my arms and make my own. As much as I tried, Bruce had only been a proxy for the real thing. Bruce held nothing to Kyle’s flame: my baby boy was the real thing. He was the boy who had awakened the desire for boys like him in my life. If he'd never crept into my room that night, I never would've wanted someone like him. But now, no amount of boys like him in the world could compare to the real thing -- the living, sleeping beauty, lying next to me, his hand on his chin, his thumb in his…


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