Book Read Free

Kissing Kyle

Page 19

by Laurie Lochs

  Chapter 35


  * * *

  "Wait here," my Daddy ordered, pressing me into the wall. "I have to check something, baby. I'll be right back."

  I froze on the spot. I glanced around the office and immediately knew something was wrong. I followed Daddy’s orders, pressing my back against the wall and holding the teddy close as Daddy stepped into the office. If there was an intruder, I knew my Daddy would take care of him. My Daddy was strong and could fend off all the monsters in the world. But I didn't want there to be a fight, not today. This was supposed to be our special day. And if someone had broken into the office, this would ruin it.

  My Daddy tiptoed into the office and entered the back room. His eyes darted around the conference room as he tried to discern whether or not someone had indeed entered without permission and was robbing us blind or worse. For a second, I thought I saw his shoulders tense, like he was about to pull out a gun and get rid of someone bad. But then, he immediately relaxed and I heard a thunderous laugh roll out from the back room.

  "Come here," he called out, turning to me with the biggest smile on his face. My heart immediately burst into flames.

  "Is it safe?"

  "Yes, baby," my Daddy said, beckoning me to the back room. He patted the conference table to show that everything was fine.

  Okay, I thought to myself. If he really says it's fine, I have to trust him. Just like before. I need to take a leap of faith and believe that my Daddy will be right.

  But that was easier said than done. I held the teddy bear tight and took a deep, pained breath. It sounded like something was in my lungs and preventing me from breathing, like the breaths dead people take before their bodies stop making sounds. With one of those breaths I followed my Daddy into the back room, never letting go of the teddy who I had still not named, who I held tight. My heart was racing out of my chest. But when I reached the threshold, my Daddy grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the conference table. "Look," he said, pointing to an enormous wall of green by the back of the table. "Daddy's so silly. He forgot Rachel ordered a green screen to film videos."

  My jaw dropped. Is this what he mistook for a thief? "You mean like in the movies?"

  "Yes, baby," my Daddy said with a grin. Clearly, he was a little mortified that he'd forgotten the green screen was sitting in the back office. But I thought it was cool as hell that my Daddy was basically running a full-time Hollywood studio in his spare time, or that he would be as soon as he got it up and running. It didn’t sound like he’d started using it yet, which was the reason he’d been so scared. "We were going to shoot little videos for Facebook ads but we never got the chance. It only arrived yesterday. I must have seen a sliver of the screen from the front and thought that someone broke in."

  "Oh, Daddy," I whispered, snuggling up to my man. It was so funny, his forgetfulness. I wanted to stand on my tip-toes and kiss him to let him know everything would be alright.

  "Even Daddies make mistakes," Mark said with a laugh, wrapping me in a big bear hug.

  I immediately melted and returned his embrace. It was the craziest thing ever, standing here in this office with the fluorescent lights flickering above us like stars with dim bulbs. Yet for the first time, it felt like I was standing in a real office and that this could very well be the start of my career.

  On the conference table, I saw Daddy had placed a brown manilla folder that was stuffed with papers. A white piece of paper poked its head from the top and read 1099-MISC. I had no idea what it meant, but it belonged to a folder that looked like my Daddy had thrown together beforehand. He was currently in the process of writing my name on it, on one of those giant white labels. KYLE’S FOLDER. I wondered whether these were the papers he mentioned in the car, and if this was my “official” welcome to the Pressure Free Agency. But I didn't have to wait long. No sooner had I thought that, did my Daddy suddenly grab my hand and seat me in a chair.

  "First things first, baby," my Daddy said with a wink, sliding the folder across to me. "Like I said, this is only a month-long agreement. It's a formality, but I need you to know that so you don't think that I’m tricking you out of future earned income."

  I took a deep breath. “I trust you, Daddy. Just please don’t let me down.”

  “Never, baby. Daddy loves you with his whole heart.”

  I picked up the documents and hugged the teddy as tight as I could. I couldn't help but stare at my Daddy in wonder. My Daddy had acted like a very brave soldier back when we first stepped into the office. If there had been danger, he would’ve confronted it head-on. He'd fought off the green monster in the back room and was now doing what he set out to do, which was make me the prince of his kingdom.

  Well, not quite his kingdom… His brokerage firm. But in the twenty-first century, that was about as “kingdomy” as you could get.

  What mattered was that he'd protected me. Though there hadn't been any real danger, my Daddy had shown me that he was willing to do what it took to keep me safe. If there had been someone in the conference room, he would’ve fought them to protect me from harm. It let me know I’d made the right decision to trust him. And so I signed the paperwork and didn’t look back.

  I was just about to slide the folder back across the table when I noticed my Daddy was staring at me with the most curious grin on his face. "Oh, baby," my Daddy said, winking at me. "You look good enough to eat."

  My cheeks burst into flames. "Stop," I whispered, "you're making baby hard."

  "Well," he said, "you're making Daddy hard. Daddy’s never been in his office with…"

  "With what?" I asked, blinking rapidly.

  "With a baby."

  I giggled and buried my nose in the teddy. Was Daddy trying to say what I thought he was saying? Did he really want to do things with me in the middle of this office?

  My heart started to race. Was my Daddy really crazy enough to try something in the middle of this office where he charmed clients?

  My questions were answered the minute my Daddy took my hand and spread me across the conference table, as if he'd read my mind.

  Chapter 36


  * * *

  "Little one," I whispered, pushing Kyle onto the table. His eyes flashed with excitement in life. "Little one, do you mind if Daddy does this to you here?"

  "No, Daddy," Kyle whispered, hiding himself in his arms. I placed my palm on his tummy and his entire body trembled. "No, Daddy… Little one does not mind at all."

  I grinned and pressed my nose against the boy's Adam's apple. With my tongue, I traced the small patch of smooth skin leading up to his throat. I placed my teeth over his neck and bit. Kyle quivered beneath me, unable to fend off the wave of tingles that washed over him. With my free hand, I began unbuttoning his shirt from the bottom. I pushed his purple tie to the side and stuck my hand up his collared shirt. Kyle moaned as I ran my palm over his tummy and massaged his hips. His body heaved beneath me, unable to stop itself from quivering on the conference room table. With my lips, I planted kisses up and down his neck, his cheeks, and moved up to his ear, which I teased with my tongue.

  Kyle let out a small moan the second I placed my teeth on his earlobe and nibbled it. "Be nice," I whispered gruffly, "be nice for Daddy."

  Kyle cried out and wrapped his legs around my waist. With his right arm, he gripped the teddy bear and pulled it close to his body. I kissed his cheek, nose, and finally brought my lips to his mouth, where we locked lips and kissed each other with passion. His body was melting under my touch. It was like I'd taken a hairdresser to a fresh crayon and let it pool all over the table on which we sat.

  I kissed him again, relishing the taste of his boy lips. I ran my tongue along his teeth and took in every scent of the hazelnut coffee from this morning. When I finished, I leaned up and stared into his eyes. He was gripped by an intensity and it showed in his irises, which were wider than saucers.

  Grinning, I peeled back his dress shirt and ran my finger do
wn his bony hip. Kyle's body bucked beneath me, bucked upwards into my touch. I unzipped his pants and pulled his small cock through the opening. It rose to attention and stood alone in the middle of his pants. I got to my knees and brought my lips to it, running my tongue along the pale underbelly of the cock and relishing the soft taste in my mouth. I kissed my way up to the tip, where a bead of pre-come had pooled and was threatening to roll down the seams. But I refused to let it fall to his dress pants below. Instead, I flicked my tongue over the tip and welcomed the pre-come in my mouth. The boy was fully letting himself go before me, spreading like I needed him to.

  I moved away from his cock. But Kyle pressed his knees against my face so hard it hurt my jaw. "Boy," I commanded, prying his knees apart. "You're going to squeeze Daddy's head off."

  "I can't help it," Kyle whimpered, "Daddy's squeezing my heart."

  I yanked off Kyle's pants and tossed them to the floor. After pulling my cock free, I climbed onto the conference table and inserted a wet finger into his ass hole. The boy moaned and brought his elbow over his face to hide himself. He didn't want to see who was doing this to him, didn't want to know the name of the man bringing him to the height of pleasure. But that was okay with me.

  I let him know these things by inching forward towards his hole and rubbing my cock tip against the soft flesh.

  His body twitched beneath me and he gripped the teddy bear even closer. "It's so close, Daddy. I can feel it going inside.”

  "Yes, baby," I whispered, gripping his thighs and pulling them forward. I inched closer to his hole and inserted the tip. I grabbed a bottle of lube from my briefcase and made sure it would be comfortable for Kyle. I wanted to bring him to the top of the world, not cause him pain.

  "Daddy's going to go in now," I whispered, pinching Kyle's nipple with my free hand. His body bucked beneath me. "Daddy's going to make Kyle whole."

  "Yes, Daddy," Kyle gasped, biting his lip. I pressed my palm against his hairless tummy. His body quivered beneath the touch.

  "It's time for Daddy."

  With these words, I thrust into Kyle's receptive body and entered all the way. This time, there was no holding back. I knew the boy was ready because we’d done the same thing five times last night. But this time, in my own office, where anyone like my assistant could walk in at any time, it took what we were doing to a new level. He was my boy and I was his Daddy… And I was also his boss. With this thought in mind, I arched into Kyle's body, pumping harder than I had in my life. His soft body twitched and contorted beneath me, as if the thing entering him was causing him the utmost pleasure. I grabbed his neck with my left hand and pressed his soft head against the table, never stopping the motion. Kyle began to quiver beneath me, and I knew he was close. But before I let him come, I flipped him over to the back and pulled out my cock.

  Kyle gasped as if I’d deprived him of something fundamental. But instead of leaving him wanting, I inched closer and brought my lips to his ass hole.

  "Daddy like," I whispered, flicking my tongue over his ring. Kyle cried out and gripped the sides of the conference table. I snapped my tongue against his hole again, taking the fluids and taste in my mouth. Everything about him was so… Squirmy. His tight hole was a perfect complement to my massive cock.

  With my tongue, I entered his hole a different way and probed him as far as it would let me. Kyle quivered and spasmed beneath me as if my tongue was awakening something within him he’d never experienced in his life. I refused to stop, refused to pause the motion and let him experience something other than what I was giving him. He was hanging onto every flick of my tongue like I was writing him a love story in his ass hole. There was nothing I could say or do that would pause his orgasm. But before he came, I flipped him over yet again and entered him fully. Just seeing the boy’s imminent pleasure had caused me to reach a state of orgasm myself. I fucked Kyle hard and wrapped my fingers around his cock, jerking frantically to bring him over the edge.

  Kyle's eyes rolled back into his skull as I bred him, never pausing a moment to let him relent. Yet without warning, his small cock suddenly exploded over his chest. He let out a scream that no doubt could be heard by the office next door. I did the same, snapping into his body with a ferocious intensity that resulted in me emptying myself entirely into his boy hole. Which was exactly what I did.

  When I finished, I reached down and wrapped Kyle in my arms. "You're mine, baby," I whispered, stroking his soft hair with my hand. "You're everything Daddy has wanted his life. You're my life. You're my boy."

  "Yes, Daddy," Kyle whimpered, unable to speak coherently. "Baby is Daddy. All he wanted ever in his life."

  "Yes, little one," I whispered, peppering his cheeks with kisses. I liked speaking gibberish with my boy. “Daddy is baby all he wanted ever in his life."

  At last, I pulled out and wiped myself with a stack of napkins in the corner. To my surprise, they said, Nino’s Italian Restaurant! on them. They also had the Nino’s! logo across them. They must have been left over from the time Rachel and I ordered pizza.

  After wiping myself, I cleaned my baby boy. I surprised him with a fresh diaper from my briefcase. Kyle beamed and softly wrapped his arms around my waist. But if we didn’t get this promotion going for Nino’s, it was going to be too late.

  Chapter 37


  * * *

  "Little one," my Daddy said, helping me off the table. "Can you tell me the first order of business?"

  I pretended to mull it over. But I was having trouble focusing on what was going on. I was so caught up in the fact that my Daddy – the same Daddy who had taken care of me last night and held me in his arms forever – had just wanted to make love to me in his office. If this wasn't a man who was going to stick around, I didn't know what was.

  And he’d taken such good care of me after the fact, wiping down every part of my body before surprising me with a diaper that he pulled out from his briefcase. If I didn't know better, I'd have almost thought that he planned this, or at least he planned to change me mid-way. He was a considerate Daddy who kept on hand the proper things for his little baby boy.

  "No, Daddy," I whispered, not knowing exactly what to say. "Baby forget."

  My Daddy let out a snicker. "You're going to have to try a little harder than that. This is real estate, boy. You need to stay on top of things."

  I scrunched my eyes real tight to try to recall our conversation from the car. At last, it raced back into my mind. I was still in little mode. "Oh, my God," I guessed, bringing my hands to my face. "Well, we already finished the first order, which was…"


  "Signing the paperwork," I burst out, grinning as I offered him the explanation. I'd made my Daddy proud. "That was the first order of business, Daddy. I am now officially an agent with the Pressure Free Agency."

  "Well, almost. After one month, you will be. This is still a probationary period to protect you, baby. But I have no doubt you're going to make us proud."

  My Daddy said these last words very sarcastically, which let me know that he was making fun of people who would actually say something so silly. It also let me know that, if it were up to him, he would have welcomed me onto the team without contingency.

  "Of course, Daddy. How could I be so forgetful?"

  My Daddy grinned. "What was the second order, baby?"

  This time, I really was at a loss for words. I was sure my Daddy had said it in the car, but our table fucking had kind of scrubbed any trace of previous conversations from my mind. Though I racked my brains for at least twenty seconds, I eventually held out my palms to show that I had no clue what the answer was.

  "Oh, little one," Daddy said with a sigh, pulling me in for a bear hug. "The second order is that we come up with a marketing plan to rescue Nino’s."

  My heart fluttered. "Oh, Daddy! How could I have been so stupid?"

  My Daddy chuckled. "Tell me what you're thinking, Mr. Real Estate Superstar. I was hoping we could do a neigh
borhood marketing campaign, like I mentioned in the car. We'll pass out pamphlets that will have our logo in glossy print and let the neighbors know we’re hosting a pizza party at Nino's Italian restaurant. We’ll write that we are going to pay for everything. They can order whatever they want. There will be every flavor of pizza you can imagine."

  "Even… Hawaiian?"

  "Even Hawaiian," Mark said with a wink, pulling me tight. "Sausage, Hawaiian, and even this type of Québec pizza called All Dressed that you can only get in Canada. I don't like it -- in fact I thought it was the worst pizza in the world the few times I tried it on business trips -- but apparently Nino has spent time in Québec and likes it, because there's no other reason he would have that on his menu. The point is, my darling," Mark said, "that everyone in the neighborhood needs to get one of these flyers and come for free pizza. The only way to get people to come to a struggling restaurant is to give away something for free like Gordon Ramsay does on that show Kitchen Nightmares. It's called a loss leader, baby. It's a perfect way to bring in new business."

  I pretended to mull this over. I vaguely made the connection that Gordon Ramsay was Blakely’s favorite celebrity chef, but I didn’t know if I could extrapolate that out any further. “So that means, when I start my real estate business and I’m prospecting for new clients, I need to give away my services for free to bring in new business?"

  "Not quite," Mark said with a laugh, "that would be a little excessive. You don't want to give away a $5000 service in the hopes of getting new business. Real estate agents give away other things for free, such as open houses that the owner doesn't need to attend. The real estate agent takes care of all the work for the owner at no extra cost to them and gets his own name out to the neighborhood in the process. It's a perfect marketing tool for real estate agents, even if it sometimes leaves neighbors a little annoyed."


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