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Cipher's Quest: (A Scifi Fantasy LitRPG) (Ciphercraft Book 1)

Page 6

by Tim Kaiver

  Huls maintained his flat stare at Cullen, as though unconvinced. "You dying because you were distracted by an Ancient text would impede our mission."

  Ocia put a hand up as though to separate them. To Huls, he said, "Cullen's not just here because of his father. He and Torek have tracked through the Ayn Mountains, have captured the most elusive criminals—"

  "J-Six," Torek interrupted. "Twice," he said, with two fingers out for Huls to count.

  "Right." Ocia patted a hand for Torek to ease up. "Actually, those are in the area we're going to." Ocia checked with Huls. "The two main aspects of your mission are: crossing the Jehu while keeping Ehli and Emmit safe, and delivering a package we believe stolen. The ones who stole it knocked out transmitters, cutting off our access to surveillance and research in that area."

  Ocia snapped his fingers and nodded to himself as he grew more excited. "I hadn't thought of it because the top two tiers of the mission had been my focus, but Lieutenant, I doubt you'd argue with the benefit of getting those transmitters up, if for nothing else than to have eyes and ears in that area." He typed quickly on a keypad on the table. "There," he said, smiling up at Cullen like a kid proud of his new toy. "I just ordered some patches to download for the transmitters, and I do have some lexicons on our database. If you upload these patches to the transmitters and follow some instructions to repair whatever it is they've done to take them out… I doubt they blew them up. More likely they’ve been short circuited by an overpulse. If you can do it quickly and safely, those transmitters contain hard drive storage for texts our archeologists have found. Most aren't translated, but we're working on it, and wouldn't mind you retrieving those."

  *Mission to locate and repair 5 transmitters and download the texts – Activated.*

  *Task to upload patches and lexicons – Activated.*

  Cullen smiled at the Cipher text. The doctor, like the room's other occupants, had no idea, but having the insider information gave him a sense of peace; it was as though Shephka Himself were speaking to him, encouraging him to complete a mission that finally meant something.

  "You think you can do that?" Ocia asked Cullen.


  "We can," Cullen interrupted Torek. His friend glared at him, like he had many times when Cullen bit off more than they could chew, as Torek would say. He doubled-down his stare right back at Torek. "This is important. I promise," Cullen said, first to Torek, then to Huls and Ocia, "I'll make it happen without losing the goals of your mission's two main tiers. Thank you."

  Ocia took a moment to check with Huls, and when the lieutenant consented with a brief nod, Ocia said, "Good. Ready for the sync code?"

  "Yep." Cullen opened the airsync cog in his wristcom directory with a thought. He typed in the password Ocia told him, and within seconds an upload bar was displayed on his wristcom. “Estimated time to completion: 30–40 seconds.”

  "As I alluded to, the train that crashed yesterday—" Ocia pointed back to the map. "—was carrying equipment vital to the continuance of our research."

  Cullen studied the map, from the destruction of the northern rail line to the one entering the jungle from the south, considering the likelihood of sabotage. "And you expect company."

  "We do. There's risk, but we can't afford to wait for our bodies to recover for another pullspace jump to Fel Or'an."

  Cullen didn't like taking risks either. "What's going on here that you have terrorists? What are they upset about?"

  "The one who discovered the riddle that led us to you," Ocia said, "is Ehli's husband."

  Cullen didn't understand why that was as heavy a statement as Ocia's expression implied. "Okay?"

  "We didn't bring that up because we don't want them to know," Ocia added. Again, Cullen didn't understand. "They think he died six years ago when the Osuna raided their home."

  Ah, he thought. That would be big news. "So, what does that have to do with terrorists? Are they Osuna friendlies?"

  "He made 'em," Huls said.

  Cullen didn't get it.

  "Rejects," Huls added. "His ultras experiments gone wrong."

  The two terms caught in Cullen's throat. He swallowed, sensing a narrow space to discuss the ultras without mentioning the Cipher. "Ultras?"

  "Before the Osuna invaded his home on Deon," Ocia said, "Schaefer was connecting partials of texts from letters Cusaugh wrote while living at Fel Or'an. They speak of ultras as a human evolution that will precede the unlocking of the Cipher. When the Osuna invaded Deon, Schaefer faked his death to preserve his research, but couldn't save his family. He's been working on creating ultras, here, ever since, in part to save his family but also to unlock the Cipher and destroy the Osuna for good."

  "If it works," Huls butted in. "You can see from that," he indicated the map, "that it hasn't, so far."

  Cullen wondered if his Cipher’s quest meant that it was working, or might Ehli and Emmit become "rejects" too. Is there anything I can do to stop that?

  Ocia tapped off the screen. "He's had setbacks. But we have reason to believe—" He directed his gaze at Cullen. "—that he's on the right track."

  Cullen hoped so, but Huls's near eye-roll didn't help. They don't know about the Cipher. Maybe he is. Maybe Shephka is helping in spite of his mistakes.

  Ocia tapped his earpiece. "Good. Yeah. We're on our way." He stood and gathered his packs. "Emmit's awake and doing better. They'll meet us at the train. Oh, and Schaefer would like to be the one to reveal the news to his wife and son, so until he does, this information is just for those in this room."

  Walking through the doorway, Cullen told Torek, "Think you get credit for the early warning about tigers?"

  "Of course. My aim is to keep you prepared."

  Cullen snorted. "Yeah. That's exactly how I feel."

  His wristcom completed the download.

  *Task to upload patches and lexicons – Complete.*

  100% text and translation required to unlock the Cipher.

  +20 XP with bonus – guided mission to meet current quest needs with time efficiency to complete all aspects.

  100/110 to Level 2.


  Lieutenant Huls escorted Cullen, Torek, and Nassib into the humid morning outdoors. Not far outside the exit, a three-car monorail train hummed with the magnetism keeping it hovering over its tracks. Outside the rear car, Sprinkles, the wolverine, lay watching them from inside a steel cage. A three-step stairway descended from the open doorway of the middle car. Huls led them inside.

  A small blue leaf stuck out beside one of the tracks under the train. Cullen diverted from the group and knelt down. The Cipher enhanced his vision with a highlighted texture over the shape of the leaves, confirming his find. He stuck his fingers in the dirt and uprooted the small plant.

  Item found: waver plant.

  "Cullen, what're you doing?" Torek asked from behind him.

  "I found one of the plants on our list." He put it in his vest pocket and rose, wiping his hand on his pants.

  Inside the train, Cullen admired the quality of the interior. Polished wood and steel furnishings paired with action screens, and crisp monitors showed views ranging from bird's eye over the forest to well-lit hallways of buildings or places he had yet to see. Through the open doorways between cars, he saw that the front car had seats and equipment for drivers while the rear car had booths, tables, and amenities for food and beverages.

  Huls motioned for them to take seats beside the action screens and monitors. "Pull up the tutorial on local wildlife. There's more there than we have time for you to watch."

  Cullen sat down and, tapping the screen, found the tutorial easily enough. He chose the option to link the sound to his earpiece.

  Torek, sitting in the chair in front of him, rolled his eyes as he rotated toward his screen. "I'm more interested in the maps. How much prep work do they think we did on any of our other jobs?"

  "We're not taking the same kind of chances you're used to," Huls said.

ally," Torek said, "I don't take chances. If I see an animal or a strange plant, I just stay away. Everything is a threat. And this suit and the skills underneath keep me safe just fine."

  "You don't study your bounties before you hunt?" Huls asked.

  "Too much research can tip them off," Torek said. "All we need to know is where they are. I'd rather study maps." Torek turned back to his screen and tapped a few prompt boxes.

  "Suit yourself," Huls said, "but if a nora plant cuts you, I'll let your faithful compadre Cullen carry you."

  "That's what my suit's for, but if it cuts my face, then I'm sure Cullen'll be a good compadre and hoist me over his back."

  "That's what compadres are for."

  A door in the rear car slid open to the sound of chatter and light footsteps on the stairs. Adi and Emmit entered mid-discussion—about their ride on Sprinkles, apparently.

  Their energy eased Cullen's concern about Emmit's health. Maybe just a reaction to the pullspace. He turned to watch them leaning on the bars of Sprinkles's cage. Ehli appeared along with the cute female doctor who’d spoken to Emmit in the cafeteria.

  "How’s Emmit?" he asked.

  Ehli shrugged, but smiled.

  "We'll keep an eye on him, but for now he looks fine," the doctor said.

  Cullen took the waver plant out of his pocket and handed it to Ehli. "This is for you and Emmit."

  She took the plant and brushed off some dirt from the stem. When they locked eyes he nodded, a silent message of trust. "My research says this will help."

  "You found a waver plant," the doctor said, seeing the exchange. "How did you know to look for one of those? Yes," she said to Ehli. "We use that in many of our medicines. It's one of Saemera's rare treasures. Good find," she told Cullen.

  "How much?" Ehli checked with the doctor.

  "It won't hurt to eat too much," she answered, "but it doesn't take much to help if you're feeling weak or not well."

  Ocia walked out of the facility with Jolnes and Nassib in tow, each carrying heavy-looking silver briefcases.

  Emmit walked into the middle car, followed by Adi. Both stared wide-eyed at the action screens and the high-tech setup. Emmit assessed it as if he'd been training for months and was finally getting a taste of live action. He stepped up to one of the screens and tapped it on.

  "Not right now, my boy," Ocia said, lumbering into the car.

  Emmit blinked slightly and looked at Ocia.

  Ocia’s shoulders relaxed and a small smile formed. "That's my boy."

  Ehli bit off a stalk of the plant and tore another to hand to Emmit. "Captain Re found this for us." She glanced up at Cullen with a smile.

  Emmit checked with him. He nodded, hoping the boy would understand their offer as a Cipher-based directive. Emmit gave the plant a look, then shrugged. "Okay," he said, and stuffed it in his mouth. His eyes widened in mock surprise. "Mmm."

  *Task to provide nutrition to ultras – Complete.*

  +5 XP to group.

  Emmit's mocking gladness turned genuine. "Thanks!"

  Nassib pushed a button to lift and compact the stairs, then another to shut the door.

  Huls walked past Ocia into the front car and sat down at the controls, facing away from the group.

  Cullen waited for some kind of change in either Emmit or Ehli, but saw none as they chewed on the waver plant and got settled in their seats.

  "We have a relatively short ride," Ocia said. "If you're hungry or thirsty, the rear car has refreshments. Save your pack supplies for the hike."

  "Tell me more about why we're not resting," Ehli said.

  "Of course." Ocia's tone sounded like he’d expected the question. "This wasn't what we'd hoped for, but part of the reason we chose Captain Re to rescue you from Setuk was because he's from Vijil."

  "V..." Ehli started, glancing in shock at Cullen. "The Rucien homeworld? Really?"

  "Really." Cullen liked being around people he could admit that to.

  "His father sent an expedition to this planet," Ocia continued. "He left a series of clues that led us to Captain Re—"

  "Please, Cullen is fine," Cullen told the group.

  "Very well. Cullen's ship, the Talis was identified from the clues. It appears we were to find Cullen and use his memories to take him back home."

  "His memories?" Ehli asked. "Isn't that the highest law of colonists—that their memories are wiped prior to departure? If you were caught…"

  "I know." Cullen took a seat across the aisle from her. "When I was seventeen, I was framed in the death of a schoolmate and given the choice of life in prison, or exile. My parents chose exile."

  In the front car, Huls pushed on a lever and the train eased into acceleration.

  "Before my exile, Dad told me my memories would be left intact. He's a general—was the Star General when I left, at least—so I thought it paid to have connections, I guess. I don't know all of what Dad has planned. I didn't know about this planet. But he said that one day I'd find out why he protected my memories. Today might be that day."

  "But he's not the only one here for a reason." Ocia had taken a seat on the other side of the car, facing them. "And I apologize for the confusion since your arrival here. This hike is not going to be without risk, but the reward that waits on the other end is well worth it, I assure you."

  "My son just passed out, and despite Dr. Sara saying it's just a mix of exhaustion and travel sickness, I'm not so sure, and—"

  "First off," Ocia said, "there is nothing wrong with any of you. In fact, you're all exceptional additions to our war against the Osuna."

  Emmit casually glanced at Cullen. He winked back without anyone noticing.

  "That sounds like fun, Mom."


  Ehli shook her head at her son. War brought death. Her attention returned to Ocia. "Can you elaborate more on what you mentioned earlier about fighting back? Now it's a war?"

  Ocia nodded. "Yes. War. You've been a prisoner of this war for six years. I didn't wish for the Osuna to force me into medical slavery, for them to take Mera and Sae, or for the difficult decision to flee captivity and risk their lives in my escape. I didn't wish for your home to be invaded, or all the nightmares and unjust treatment you suffered on Setuk." He glanced at Cullen. "Or for your father to exile you without telling you the real reason, letting you think he'd abandoned you when, really, he was preparing you to be a vital player in the victory of his people's war."

  Cullen looked ready to do just that.

  Ocia returned his focus to Ehli. "Your arrival here is the climax of our treatments. You may be your generation's Salin ineofon." "Beloved Mother" in Veltuk. The name was given in the scriptures to women who’d helped lead the Rucien through major milestones and trials in their history.

  The use of the title caused her head to wilt. Schaefer was more apt to use a word like that, but this feeling wasn't reverie… it felt more like a chemical reaction bubbling in her brain. She looked first at Cullen, who watched her with concern, then to Dr. Sara.

  Dr. Sara knelt next to her and held her up. "It's okay," she whispered. "It's all right," she said louder, stopping Emmit in his rush to help his mother.

  "It's okay." Ocia stood and walked over to her. "I programed her neurochip to release a new program at the mention of that phrase. I apologize for not being up-front from the start, sweet Ehli, but your treatments were for more than just to cure your nightmares. What's in here," he said, tapping her temple, "may end the genocide of your people, and the enslavement of ours."

  "But I'm not the only one," she said, indicating her son.

  Ocia smiled acceptance. "No. Our dear Emmit as well."

  On a normal day, Ehli would have been more upset, but the Cipher had appeared, and in that she sensed Shephka was sovereign over Ocia's secrets. She wondered how much was science and how much was Shephka’s blessing. "Why didn't you tell us?"

  "I went so slowly with your treatments, it was barely noticeable aside from some neurological firing
patterns. I always planned to tell you if the changes became noticeable." He looked over at Emmit. "I executed hundreds of simulations during your treatments prior to setting you up to ride the wolverine. Once I knew you were ready, we planned the escape and hired these fine pilots to get us."

  In the lull, Adi blurted, "Why did you change my friend?"

  "Emmit is just as much your friend today as he was yesterday," Ocia answered. "Now you get to be friends who ride wolverines."

  Adi glanced toward the rear car, as though to make sure the wolverine wasn't coming to test the theory.

  "I'm fine, Adi." Emmit reached and rubbed the boy's head. "After that plant, I feel really good, actually." He smiled at Cullen in thanks.


  Cullen wondered about what Ocia was not telling them. How they would take the news of Schaefer being alive?

  "How is your leg?" Dr. Sara asked Ehli.

  "It's still sore."

  Dr. Sara took a strap out of her backpack. "Stretch it out."

  As Dr. Sara worked, Cullen opened the videos stored on his wristcom. The sound played into his earpiece as a virtual guide discussed the coastal city of Mera and the few thousand inhabitants—mostly Esune or Rucien prisoners of war—who now lived there. A quick tutorial played out about the plant and wildlife. Jehu Jungle didn’t seem unlike many other planets they'd visited in search of bounties, except for the buried secret with a personal connection to him and his past.

  His screen switched to a winding black snake circling up the dark trunk of a fat tree, its dark scales blending in with the bark. The audio tour guide, with his smooth-toned voice, said, "The hawk snake is the most dangerous of the venomous snakes in Saemera. When it bites, it holds on, injecting a lethal dose of venom that takes less than a minute to kill its victims." The long snake's scales transformed into a golden color as it passed through matching leaves on a branch. "The only known natural remedy is the asilth plant. Apply its juice to the wound and ingest as much as possible. If someone is with you, having them suck out the venom will increase your chances of survival." As the guide spoke, the shot zoomed in on a tiny brush plant with hooked blue leaves that stuck out from a green stalk.


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