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If She Says Yes

Page 13

by Tasha L. Harrison

  Next to me, Jolene tsked and pushed herself into an upright position. “I think this is the perfect time to get myself another drink,” she announced he while aiming a smug smile at me.

  I didn’t try not to roll my eyes this time. I refused to say I hated this. Refused to let her have that much power over me or rent that space in my head to her for free. However, I was creeping toward strong dislike. Maybe even loathing.

  I was still considering that whilst staring daggers at her back when Tommy reappeared. He stood over me, hands shoved into the pockets of his tux.

  “Hey, Darcy,” he said in a low sensual voice that licked against my damp skin.

  “You came back to rescue me,” I said, smiling up at him before I stood and took his arm.

  “Of course, I did, hermosa. I promised you I would, didn’t I?”

  I nodded and focused my attention on the garden pavers under my feet. “You did, but… I just want to reiterate that this was a good and chivalrous thing you agreed to do, but if you want to—”

  “Are you kidding me right now?” His steps slowed to a stop, and he turned toward me. We were still a good distance from the rest of the wedding guests, who were milling about on the piazza and around the pool enjoying cocktails. Still, it felt like everyone’s eyes were on us.

  “Tell me you’re not trying to get rid of me when I have been looking forward to this all damn day.”

  That declaration made an involuntary smile come to my lips. “There are a lot of pretty girls here, Tommy. Single girls. I know you said—”

  “Darcy, I don’t want to spend the evening with some random pretty, single girl.” His voice dropped into a low, urgent tone. “Why this sudden change of heart? Do you want to…cancel our appointment?”

  I looked up at him. Looked into his eyes. “You still want that?”

  “Yes,” he answered before I finished asking the question. “I’ve been thinking about being inside of your tight, wet pussy all day, Darcy. Yes. Yes, I still want that. Still want you.”

  Still want you. Not just anyone. He wanted me. “Okay,” I whispered, still stunned and confused by all of this. Confused by the fact that he wanted me this way. Stunned by how intensely I wanted him in return.

  “Hmmm… Darcy,” he moaned, closing his eyes. “Please, take my arm so I can escort you to the bar before I end up on my knees worshiping your pussy again.”

  I gasped at the intense and immediate arousal I felt as I recalled his mouth on my pussy this morning.

  “Yup. You’re definitely going to sit on my face tonight. Definitely,” he said with a nod. “But first, drinks.”

  All through the reception, Tommy stuck close to my side, just like he promised. He kept my glass full, danced with me. Jumped up to pull out my chair or provide an elbow for balance the moment I appeared to need it.

  “You are going to make some woman very happy,” my sister James said as we all stood to say goodbye to the newlyweds. “I wish that woman could be me,” she added with a wistful sigh.

  Tommy gave her an assessing look that swept from her face down to the curve of her ass. “If you apply yourself, I’m sure there are plenty of young men here who would be willing to make you happy. At least for the night.”

  James threw a sassy look over her shoulder. “That’s all I would want, anyway.”

  “Hm…is that a fact?” Carter asked, sliding in and looping an arm around her waist.

  “Oh! Where have you been all night?” James received him with such surprised enthusiasm that Tommy and I had to laugh.

  Outside on the stoop, we threw rose petals and held sparklers to light the way to the limo for the newlyweds. That pang of melancholy swept through me again when Jared turned and looked right at me to blow me a kiss and say goodbye. I’ve always been the sentimental type, but this felt like it was hitting me harder than usual.

  When the couple was finally on their way to the hotel for their honeymoon, and the guests had said their goodbyes, I made my way back into the reception room.

  The caterers were making short work of breaking down the tables and sweeping up the glitter and confetti on the floor. The party always looked tired and deflated after the guests were gone, but something about this room felt particularly flat tonight.

  “You planned a really beautiful wedding and reception, Darcy.”

  I shrugged and hugged myself. “I wanted it to be special for Brandi and Jared.”

  “I think it was,” he said softly.

  “Didn’t you ask me for a kiss earlier?” I asked, turning to him as he made his way across the room to where I stood.

  “I did.”

  “Do you still want one?” I asked, giving him my best saucy grin.

  “I do,” he said with a soft moan and slow smile. “But I think you need something first.”


  “Hold on a second.” He looked around the room, spotted the stereo system and the shelf full of records, and strode toward it confidently. Flipping through the records, he plucked one from the shelf that had a familiar cover and placed it carefully on the turntable. As he made his way toward me with a smile on his face, the first chords of Dinah Washington’s What a Difference a Day Makes began to play.

  A smile spread across my face as he took me in his arms and began to sway.

  “This is one of your favorite songs, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, how did you know?”

  “You played it all the time when I lived here with you.”

  “Hm,” I hummed, leaning my head against his shoulder. “You remember that?”

  “I remember lots of things, Darcy.” His arms encircled me, holding me against him as he rocked and twirled me around the room. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” I answered reflexively.

  “I don’t think that’s true. I know you’ve been holding it in all night. You can let it go now, hermosa.”

  Almost on cue, the tears came. It wasn’t like they had far to go. They were right under the surface all day, weren’t they? “I don’t know why I’m so sad. I love my son, and I’m so happy that he’s found someone to love, but...all of it makes me feel so empty.”

  “This is a big transition, and he’s your only son. It’s perfectly normal to mourn that.”

  I clung to him, and Tommy just held me. He just gave me something to hold onto. I was so glad he was here. Glad that I didn’t have to go through this by myself. He pressed sweet kisses against my temple and along my neck. I tipped my head back to look him in the eyes.

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  He shook his head, a wrinkle forming between his brows. “You don’t have to thank me, Darcy.”

  “I know. But you didn’t have to be so good to me tonight. So sweet.” I brought up a hand to cup his cheek, and he nuzzled into the touch.

  “Hm. I tried. Can I have my kiss now? Have I been good enough?”

  I laughed, but the sound was deep and unfamiliar to me, like a laugh that belonged to someone else. Maybe it did. “Yes, Tommy. You can have your kiss now.”

  The first brush of his lips was hesitant. The next, searching, teasing with a nibble at my bottom lip so that I gasped and opened my mouth to him. “Darcy,” he whispered between soft, sucking kisses. “You shouldn’t feel empty. Not tonight. Not when I’m here to fill you up.”



  A strange feeling rose in me as we climbed the stairs to my bedroom. It was familiar, but it had been a long time since I felt it. The last time I’d felt this way was with Shannon after I found out about his first affair. He’d been weepy and apologetic. I was sad and angry, more angry than I had ever been or had been since. I’d felt like I needed to reclaim him. To erase any invisible evidence that other woman had left on his body. He was willing to let me use him to take the edge of my anger. And at the time, it had a cleansing effect, and we were able to move on…for a little while.

  I wasn’t angry tonight, though.

  Tonight, I was spurred on by th
e uncommon lust inspired by the pretty young man climbing the stairs behind me. I wanted to leave bruises and bites on all the tender parts of him.

  We climbed the stairs and walked down the hallway in silence. The moment the door was closed behind us, I came at him with my mouth. Took ownership of his lips and tongue in a way that I knew would leave them swollen and raw when I was done. He moaned into it, hands coming around my waist. I pushed those hands away and proceeded to separate him from his clothes.

  His lovely tuxedo jacket hit the floor first. When I grabbed the hem of his shirt, he lifted his arms to ease its path over his shoulders because I was too eager to undo more than four buttons. My hands didn’t shake or fumble like I thought they would when I reached for his belt. I felt none of my earlier nervousness as I unzipped his fly. I pushed his slacks down around his ankles while feathering kisses over his lower belly. When I curled my fingers around the elastic waistband of his briefs and yanked them down, his cock leaped free, and I graced it with a tiny kiss. He smiled down at me, and oh, god, it sent a spike of arousal through me so strong that it made me dizzy. What the fuck was this feeling? It had to be the knowledge that, at this moment, he would let me do anything to him. Anything at all.

  I stood slowly, ghosting my breath over his skin so that goosebumps rose.

  “Darcy…” he breathed.

  The sound of his voice when he said my name in that ragged, desperate way… I was definitely getting way too fond of that.

  There was barely a breath between us, and I could tell everything in him ached to close it. As much as I wanted to, I didn’t give in. I let him sway in the space, begging me with every inch of him to come closer. I didn’t relent. But finally, finally, he did. Without a single word, Tommy sank to his knees.

  Why would he do that?

  And god, why the fuck did that make everything in me feel greedy and grabby? It shrunk him down to my size — smaller, even. Made me feel stronger than I was when I walked through the door. His hands slid under my dress, bunching the heavy beaded fabric to cup my ass, as he burrowed his face into the place just beneath my breasts. I sifted my fingers through the soft curls on the crown of his head. He sighed and trembled against me.

  “You can use me,” he said, his voice muffled against the fabric of my dress.

  I knew exactly what he was suggesting, and it scared me shitless. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t do anything but cradle his head against my breasts as I struggled to understand the feelings his words had evoked.

  “Use me, Darcy.” He looked up at me, dark brown eyes framed in wispy, black lashes. “Don’t be afraid of it. I’m not.”

  My toes curled in my heels, anxiously gripping for purchase because this wonky, woozy feeling was surely some sort of seismic activity shifting the floor under my feet. It couldn’t be my heart pounding so violently that it made my whole body quake. He closed his eyes for a moment, his hands gripping tighter on the back of my thighs.

  “Please, Darcy.”

  I took a deep breath and slid my hands down to his shoulders. “Take off my panties.” He pushed my heavy beaded dress higher, eager fingers tugging at the waistband of the scrap of lace covering my pussy. “Slowly!” I hissed.

  And damn if he didn’t do it just right.

  He dragged my panties down a millimeter at a time, fingertips igniting every nerve ending from my pussy to the backs of my knees. When they were crumpled around my ankles, he took the time to remove each of my shoes. Without being asked, he traced the space between my toes with his tongue. My pussy pulsed tightly like I was on the brink of orgasm.

  He smiled up at me before sucking a toe between his kiss-swollen lips. Yup. The fucker knew exactly what he was doing.

  I put my foot in the middle of his chest and pushed him backward. He didn’t even try to check his fall, just hit the hardwood floor with a thud. He stared up at me, eyes gone glassy and hooded with want. One hand slid down the length of his torso to fit around his dick.

  I tsked and waggled my finger. “Did I tell you to touch it?”

  A laugh or sneer or some sort of rude retort was what I expected, but instead, he nodded, picked up his belt from where he’d tossed it aside, and fed the end through the buckle until he’d made it into two loops. He slipped his hands through those two loopholes then used his teeth to pull the tail tight, effectively handcuffing himself. With a smirk, he raised his hands above his head. Seeing him like that — prone, naked, and helpless on the floor — it did things to me.

  I hiked up my dress, exposing my pussy, wet and meant for his mouth, and walked up the length of him. When my feet were even with his shoulders, I stopped. His eyes immediately focused between my legs, so attentive and direct that I could feel it, and when he pursed his lips, my clit gave a quick twitch in response.

  Deep breath in… Drawing in the scents of the magnolias from the tree just beyond the open piazza doors and him. He smelled like a blend of leaves and woods, a sweet, smoky tobacco aroma layered over a salty, robustly male smell that would probably be in my sheets when he left. Slow, cleansing breath out… Sinking down to my knees, bringing my pussy within inches of his lips. Tommy craned his neck to cover the rest of the distance between his mouth and my pussy. One broad lick of his tongue made my thighs quiver. The second lick loosened my hips, and I sank down, covering his mouth. His tongue pushed inside of me. Penetrated just enough to make my inner walls contract. I rocked my hips and accidentally caught my clit on the edge of his teeth in such a way that it released something wild in me. Suddenly, I was on the brink of coming, and he ceased to be Tommy and became this thing, this being only meant to bring me off. I grabbed his bound hands and used them as leverage as I rolled my hips against his mouth, reveling at the combined feel of his stubble-rough cheeks and eager sucking. He groaned, and his tongue wandered lower before fucking into my pussy again. His mouth made hungry, wet sounds against my skin. The sound of him going at me so greedily pushed me right over the edge.

  “Oh, shit!” I cursed breathlessly, and everything in me clutched tightly in a series of spasms that weakened me until I collapsed, my cheek pressed against the gritty floor.

  I would have never thought it was possible, but this orgasm was better than the last.

  It was strange, but in my sex-drunk haze, the first thought that came to my mind was Shannon. I wished he’d been here to witness this. Wished he could witness someone fulfilling desires that he was certain I no longer had.

  Belatedly, I realized that I might be smothering Tommy or drowning him or both, and was proved right when he took a great big gasping breath when I rolled off of him.

  “Sorry!” I said breathlessly.

  “Hmm…don’t be,” he panted, trying to catch his breath. “It was amazing. You were amazing.” He made another contented humming sound and smacked his lips. I opened my eyes. His face was a mess — the remnants of my orgasm were all over it. My eyes drifted lower down to his chest, which expanded and contracted at a quick pace, but that wasn’t what drew my attention. There, just above his navel, was the evidence of his own orgasm.

  “Tommy…” I trailed my fingers through the slippery fluid and frowned. His hands were bound the whole time. I was sure of it because they were still bound. Yet there it was, cooling on his belly when neither of us had touched his dick. “You came.”

  His mouth slanted into a crooked smile. “Yeah, I did.”

  “But how? Your hands were tied the whole time, and I didn’t touch you.”

  “I don’t know.” He shrugged. “I just did.”

  “Huh,” I grunted.

  He opened one eye and peeked at me. “Maybe it’s time we had a conversation about my…kinks.”

  “Your...kinks?” I questioned in the same halting way he’d said the word.

  He licked his lips. “Let’s get in the shower and get cleaned up so we can chat about it.”

  * * *

  Tommy had suggested a shower, but I felt like a bath was more appropriate for a conversation
like this. He agreed and immediately went in to fill the tub. Balanced on the edge of my big copper soaker tub, he looked like a painting of a young boy in a Grecian bathhouse with his hand in the stream of water and his legs crossed just so, hiding his dick from view.

  “Is this warm enough, hermosa?” he asked.

  On legs still wobbly from coming so hard, I went to stand next to him and tested the water. “It’s perfect.”

  “Do you want a bath bomb or bubbles or oils or anything?”

  “Just you.”

  Tommy looked up at me, and in this light, I could see that his pupils were so blown that he looked high. I smoothed back his mussed hair and pressed a kiss between his brows.

  “Help me out of this dress.”

  He stood and gestured for me to turn around. Heavy and already halfway hard, his dick drew my attention. “You have to turn around for me to get the zipper, hermosa,” he said with a chuckle.

  I twisted my lips to hide my smirk as I turned around. “Hermosa…what’s that mean?”

  “Hermosa?” He gathered my hair and pulled it over my shoulder, then tugged the zipper down slowly, so slowly while letting out a soft moan as he revealed my bare skin. “Beautiful. Hermosa means beautiful.”

  “Hermosa,” I echoed.

  “Roll the ‘r’ a little bit more,” he whispered, his lips brushing against the skin at the nape of my neck.

  I shivered and stuttered the word out again, butchering it in a way I didn’t the first time, which made him laugh, a breathy sound that I felt in the same spot he’d left his kiss. He followed it with another, then pushed the dress over my shoulders. I curled them forward and straightened my arms, sending the beads and sequins held together by gossamer threads to the floor in a whispering heap.

  And then I was naked in front of him. Again. But this time, we were naked together, and I could feel the heat of his bare skin against my back.


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