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First Time Menage: A Forbidden Romance (Forbidden Fantasies Book 14)

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by S. E. Law

  “I’m gonna come,” Scott says suddenly, and I’m nearly there myself, the tension rising in my balls. The woman’s long, curly hair has escaped its tie, and I grab a fistful of it right as Scott cries out, his whole body gone rigid. The woman swallows hungrily, her throat pulsing with each great gulp, but there’s more coming for the hungry girl. At any moment, she’s going to get another load inside of her.

  “Fuck!” The force of my orgasm hits me like a tidal wave, and I let myself be pulled under, drowning in pleasure as stars burst behind my closed eyes. I explode inside of this woman, this beautiful stranger, as Scott kisses her deeply, tasting his own fluids on her tongue. I can still hear her moans, captured by his mouth.

  When it’s over, we pull out, our members gleaming. Fuck, did that really happen? The girl mewls, and Scott and I sit on either side of her, kissing her neck and shoulders. She giggles, and miraculously, blushes. How she’s blushing now, after doing all that, I’m not sure, but it’s adorable.

  “You okay?” I ask, my voice low.

  She nods. “That was… I have no words.”

  Scott laughs. “Thank you, sweetheart,” he says, and I nod in agreement. “That was incredible.”

  But we’re not going to leave her messy and unkempt. Instead, gently we lower our heads, lapping at her used slit and tonguing the flesh until she’s utterly clean.

  “Oooh,” she moans, tilting her head back again. “Yesssss.”

  I smile, lifting my head.

  “Do you need anything else from us?”

  She blushes again, but then shakes her head.

  “No, I’m good, thank you.”

  “Thank you,” I growl before grabbing my towel. “Let’s go, bud.”

  With one last smile, Scott and I open the door, as if nothing out of the ordinary has happened, and exit. The woman stays seated, a dazed smile on her lips.

  But then I turn at the last minute. “Hey,” I say, and she looks toward us questioningly, her gaze soft. “Thank you again, sweetheart. You were amazing, and hopefully, we’ll see each other again.”

  With that, my friend and I emerge into the cool air, our towels slung around our waists like nothing’s happened. The hallway is deserted when we step into it, but as we make our way back to the men’s locker room, nothing seems amiss. People come and go in various states of undress, minding their own business. Little do they know.

  “That was fucking amazing,” Scott growls under his breath once we’re in the safety of the locker room.

  I nod in agreement. “You’re telling me.”

  “We should come here more often, bro,” he says.

  “Yeah, absolutely,” I say. “Come on. Let’s get ready and get back to work.”

  But as I’m standing under the hot water, I still can’t quite get the image of that woman out of my head. Who was she? Does she share herself often? Will she let us touch her again? It’s too bad I didn’t get her name because now, I realize it might only be a one-time thing.



  I’ve been trying to pack my bag for the past ten minutes. This usually isn’t a difficult task. My books are on my bed next to me, along with my pencil case, my water bottle, an emergency tube of mascara, and my planner. I just have to extend my hands, grab the items, and put them in the damn bag. This isn’t exactly rocket science.

  However, every time I hold my hands out, I get stuck because I see my palms grasping two hard cocks again, massive veins pulsating as they glisten in the low light.

  For the hundredth time in the past 24 hours, I blush like a madman. I still can’t process the fact that I had sex with two strangers in the sauna yesterday. I can’t believe that Kristy’s words were prophetic. I can’t fathom that two tall, dark, and gorgeous men took an interest in me, and gave me pleasure unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. And I don’t even know their names!

  Holy shit, what have I become? Did I really do that? I press my hands to my cheeks, trying to quell the flames burning there. I can’t stop thinking about the way their hands felt on my skin, the way two mouths explored every inch of my body, and the way two huge cocks felt inside of me. I even dreamed about it last night. My brain was unable to focus on anything else, and this is not a great situation to be in on the first day of classes.

  “You need to get it together, Vi,” I say out loud to myself, clapping my hands together. “Focus.” I resolutely grab my textbooks and throw them into my bag. However, as I reach for my pencil case, I sigh dreamily, distracted once more.

  “What’s up?”

  I snap my head up, pulled out of my reverie. Kristy waves at me, having just come into our room. “Earth to Violet,” she laughs. “You look like you’re on your own planet.”

  “I am,” I admit. “Sorry.”

  “Whatcha thinking about?” Kristy asks, snapping her gum.

  There’s no way in hell I’m telling her the truth. She’s my best friend and I trust her completely, but I can’t bring myself to admit the sordid details. I’m usually much tamer compared to the more sexually adventurous Kristy. Maybe, she wouldn’t even believe me if I told her the truth; after all, I can still barely believe it myself.

  “Just stressing about classes,” I smile weakly. Thankfully, it’s not completely a lie. The first day of a new semester is always a little daunting. I just wish I were able to focus a little more on school and a little less on the hot threesome I had yesterday.

  A threesome! I squeal to myself. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever have a threesome, especially with two of the hottest men I’ve ever seen. I’ve had sex with some reasonably attractive men, but those two were in the realm of male models or celebrities. Who knows? Maybe they were models or celebrities. We’re in New York City, after all. Anything is possible.

  I shake my head, finally putting the rest of my things into my bag. Honestly, it doesn’t matter who they were. I’ll almost definitely never see them again. It’s not like we exchanged numbers or social media information when our menage was over. It was just good, old-fashioned, anonymous sex, and I’m okay with that. At least I have some very sultry memories to replay in my head for years to come.

  “What class do you have first?” Kristy asks.

  I bring up my schedule on my phone. I’m so unfocused that I can’t even remember which classes I have today. “Astro 1,” I say. “In a half hour. What about you?”

  “Me, too!” Kristy says. “Want to head there now? I think the building is close, like just a ten-minute walk away.”

  “Yeah, perfect,” I smile, my mind still elsewhere. Then, I sling my backpack over my shoulder and take a deep, calming breath. Whatever happened yesterday is over now. I need to tell my hormones to pipe down for a while so that I can actually focus on my schoolwork.

  Kristy and I head out into the bustling NYC streets, walking north. NYU’s campus sprawls over many blocks in Greenwich Village, and I’ve definitely learned the importance of wearing comfortable, supportive footwear. I wore a heel on the first day of classes my freshman year, and never again. I could barely make it two blocks, much less the seven that were necessary.

  “So what’s new and exciting with you?” I ask my friend as we walk. The weather is behaving nicely today, all mild temperatures and sunshine. I pull a cheap pair of sunglasses out of my bag and put them on. “I know we live together but I haven’t seen you much all summer.”

  “Not a lot,” she says. “Oh! Actually, I don’t think I’ve told you yet about that date I went on last week.”

  “How did it go?” I ask.

  “Great!” Kristy replies with enthusiasm. “His name is Nolan. He’s studying English and wants to be a professor, but he’s not snobby at all. He’s actually really down to earth, and he’s super cute, and he comes from a really nice family, and…”

  As we walk and Kristy talks, I find that despite my best efforts, I’m barely listening. I hardly even see my actual surroundings. All I see in my mind’s eye is the swirling st
eam of the sauna, and the two tall, gorgeous men who ravished me. Once again, I feel the firm touch of their hands, the soft kiss of their mouths, the warmth of their tongues, and the hardness of their cocks. I see their blue eyes piercing mine through the mists, and their ravenous smiles as they survey my body. I feel them moving inside of my wetness, their hands roaming over my body, warmth spreading throughout every inch of me unlike any sensation I’ve ever known. Even now, I ache a bit from the deep penetration.

  “Violet? Are you listening?”

  I blink and flash a guilty smile at Kristy. “I’m sorry,” I sigh. “Nolan sounds really great. Are you going to see him again soon?”

  “Probably sometime in a week or so when our schedules have settled down a little,” she says in a chipper voice. “I’m really excited. I haven’t felt like this for a long time, you know? I hope it works out.”

  “I hope it does, too,” I say sincerely.

  The arts and sciences building looms before us and we duck inside with a crowd of other students. It’s easy to get lost in the sea of bodies, but thank God that as sophomores, we know our way around a little better than we did last year. We find our Astro 1 class and file in. It’s still early, so there are plenty of empty seats. Kristy and I, like the overachievers we are, pick seats near the front.

  “So what’s up with your love life?” Kristy asks after we’ve settled in.

  Oh, you know, I just had crazy hot sex with two anonymous men yesterday, I say in my mind. Thankfully, the words don’t come out of my mouth.

  “Very little,” I laugh instead, although I’m unable to meet her gaze.

  “Why not?” Kristy asks, nudging me playfully. “There are so many cute guys around here, and we’re sophomores now! We should be looking at hot upperclassmen.”

  “I guess,” I say. “But no one’s really caught my eye.”

  “Maybe you should try a dating app,” Kristy suggests in a serious tone. “There are a few good ones. In fact, there’s this new one I just heard about that sounds really cool! You just upload three pictures and then people who like you get to vote on their favorite, and then…”

  Once again, I’m barely listening. What if I run into those two men again? Maybe I should start going to the bathhouse on a regular basis to “accidentally” bump into them. Maybe they’ll have the same idea and look for me, too.

  No way, Violet, I tell myself. I’m not about to be a creepy girl who haunts the sauna while stalking strange men. Anyway, I definitely can’t even afford to go that often to the bathhouse. And who knows? Those two guys have probably had sex with plenty of women before. Maybe I’m just a number to them, another notch on their belts. The thought turns my stomach a little and I take a gulp from my water bottle. Even if that is the truth, though, who cares? It was a one-time thing. No one will ever know.

  “Uh-huh,” I say absently at a pause in Kristy’s speech.

  She raises a brow. “I asked if you were ignoring me,” she says.

  “Ugh, sorry!” I bury my face in my hands. “I just have a lot on my mind.”

  “Well, you’d better figure it out, because class starts in two minutes.”

  I nod and dutifully pull out my books. She’s right. I need to get it together. I can’t just moon over those men forever because I’ll never see them again. It’s time to focus on my studies.

  Finally, the chatter around us subsides a bit as the door in the back opens and then closes. Our professor must be here. Actually, there are two professors: Scott Mason and Mike Kamp are apparently co-teaching this class. I put my phone down and look up, my mind already beginning to drift away.

  But then I sit up, my spine jerking straight like a ramrod. Thank God I didn’t just take another drink of water because I would be spitting it out in shock.

  Our professors, Scott Mason and Mike Kamp, are the two men I hooked up with in the sauna yesterday! Oh my god, what do I do now? Their blue eyes gleam as they latch onto me and my cheeks flush because oh shit, Scott and Mike definitely recognize me as well.



  “You ready?” Mike asks.

  My friend’s office is in the same suite as mine, and he appears in my doorway frequently. He’s holding a steaming cup of coffee and he’s got his bag packed. I run a hand through my hair and take a generous gulp of my own coffee. I didn’t sleep particularly well last night and am feeling it this morning.

  “Let me finish my cup of coffee and I’ll let you know,” I say.

  Mike laughs. “Fair enough.” He comes into my office and shuts the door. “I’m still thinking about that girl from yesterday. Do you think she’s an NYU student?”

  I have definitely considered that. The curvy vixen looked to be in her early 20’s, and there was an innocent air about her, despite what we did. Immediately, my mind’s eye conjures her image: wide dark eyes, curly brown hair, soft fair skin, and thick, delicious thighs. She was absolutely gorgeous and everything about her felt amazing.

  “She could be,” I concede, leaning back in my desk chair. “I wouldn’t worry too much about it, though. There are over fifty thousand students on campus.”

  “True,” Mike says. “But should we talk about what we’ll do if we do happen to see her?”

  I shrug. “Be chill,” I say. “Let her take the lead. Hope she doesn’t tell everyone that she had sex with two professors.”

  Mike nods. “I’m not worried,” he says. “I just thought it was worth thinking about. Just in case.”

  “Seriously, man,” I say, “we don’t have to worry. There’s no way we’ll see her because this place is fucking huge.”

  Of course, we see her less than thirty minutes later. What are the chances?

  Astro 1 usually has about fifty students, and this class is no different. Mike and I walk into the classroom about three minutes before class is supposed to start and surreptitiously survey the room. Several groups of students are talking and laughing; some loners are sitting by themselves; and someone at the back of the room is already asleep. Typical.

  But in the second row is a beautiful young woman in a yellow sundress that highlights her ample assets. Her dark curly hair is down and her full lips are lightly glossed. She’s talking to a friend sitting next to her and doesn’t notice us right away, but we certainly get an eyeful of her.

  “Holy fuck. Is that the girl from yesterday?” Mike asks in a whisper as we stroll in.

  I nod. “Definitely.”

  “Well, shit.”

  “It’s fine,” I say with conviction. “Let’s just focus on getting through the class, and we can decide what to do afterwards. Okay?”

  Mike claps me on the shoulder. “Good call. Let’s do it.”

  When we stroll to the front, the gorgeous girl sees us, and her eyes go wide as her jaw drops open. Then, she shifts a bit in her seat, as if experiencing our sexcapade yesterday again. Yes, Mike and I are big and no doubt she’s a little uncomfortable the morning after. I grin to myself and then begin with introductions like nothing’s wrong.

  “Welcome to Astro 1,” I say. “I’m Professor Scott Mason and this is Professor Mike Kamp. Although I’ve heard this class is colloquially called Star Trek Academy, I assure you that astronomy is much more than tasers and wars with aliens.”

  The class titters and the ice is broken. After a few more introductory statements, we begin teaching, and the ninety minutes fly by. Many students look like they expected today’s class to just be a quick explanation of the syllabus, but no such luck. Mike and I may play hard, but we also work hard, and our classes are no joke. We’ve co-taught several courses before and always work well together, serving a balance of light-hearted joking and no-nonsense academic study.

  “Alright,” I ask near the end of the time period. “Does anyone have any questions?”

  A girl in the back raises her hand. “Are you two single?”

  The class erupts in laughter while Mike and I laugh and roll our eyes. This, unfortunately, isn’t the first time
we’ve gotten that question from students. In the front row, I see the girl from the sauna blush furiously and look down, avoiding our gazes.

  “Definitely an inappropriate question,” I respond with a quirk of a brow, “and one we won’t deign to answer. Any other questions about the class or the subject material?”

  There are none. “Then you’re all dismissed,” I say. “Mike and I will stick around for a little bit if anyone needs anything. Good first class, and we’ll see you next week.”

  The fifty-odd students rush out the door, talking and laughing, feet hitting the floor with the intensity of a minor stampede.

  “Hey,” I hear a voice near the front murmur. “I have a few questions I want to ask the professors about the class. I’ll be done soon, but go ahead and go back without me.”

  It’s the curvy girl talking to her friend and the friend cocks her head.

  “You want me to wait?”

  “No, don’t worry about it,” our beautiful woman says.

  The sauna girl’s friend waves and exits the room, leaving her alone in the room with us. Finally, everyone’s exited and the classroom is empty and quiet. I take a deep breath and feel Mike stiffen beside me. Is she going to out us?

  But the young woman looks shy, smiling slightly, wringing her hands in front of her. “Um, hi,” she says with a laugh. “This is super awkward to say the least. I just was wondering if you… um, recognize me…”

  “Of course we recognize you,” Mike growls, his blue eyes flaring. “It’s good to see you again. I didn’t know if we would.”

  She instantly relaxes, smiling herself. “I’m Violet,” she murmurs.

  I smile. “Good to officially meet you, Violet. I’m sorry we didn’t introduce ourselves yesterday. Didn’t want to ruin the heat of the moment, you know?”

  She laughs, still blushing. God, she looks incredible in that sundress. I struggle to pull my attention away from the swell of her breasts and the lushness of her hips. Unless she says otherwise, she’s our student now, and nothing more. I need to stay utterly professional.


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