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Sweet Buns (Cedar Falls Book 1)

Page 13

by Shea Balik

  “Why wouldn’t we?” Megan asked as she looked through the pictures Zane had taken with his phone. “Oh, my God. I can’t believe this is Ethan. It’s like he really was Little Red Riding Hood.”

  Zane smiled. “That’s Ethan for you. When he does something, he gets every detail right.”

  “Is that a real gun?” Megan turned the phone to him to show Jesse in his cop costume, with a gun in hand, as he posed for the camera.

  “Nah. It’s just a water gun painted black.”

  Ethan hadn’t been discouraged when he learned they didn’t sell water guns that looked like a gun for obvious reasons. In the end he’d found one with the best shape and then painted it black. Ethan had even added modeling clay to the areas he felt needed to look a little more realistic.

  Officer Sam Edwards had seen the toy and hadn’t been amused. It had been quite an ordeal, resulting in Jesse turning over the toy or risk being arrested. Jesse and Ethan were not happy with Officer Edwards and for the rest of the night planned revenge.

  Once she finished the pictures, Megan handed the phone to Kevin who just walked back inside after putting the last cart in the truck. “So, why do you think we won’t sell as much today?”

  Zane lifted a shoulder in a half-shrug. “I’m just wondering if more people were willing to buy because it was Halloween. I don’t want to make too much, and we end up not selling it.”

  “You worry too much.” Megan held up one finger. “First of all, people were raving about the pastries, many coming back to take some home.” A second finger joined the first. “Second, even if we don’t sell everything we have tomorrow to sell the rest.” Another finger lifted. “And third, you worry too much.”

  Zane chuckled. “You said that already.”

  Megan arched her brow. “It merited repeating.”

  “She’s right. Everyone loved your pastries. Not only did we sell out, but we also handed out all of the to-go menus.” Kevin’s brows rose. “I almost forgot. We need more of those, too.”

  Kevin went into the storage room for more of their menus. It had a list of everything they sold plus gave them the Sweet Buns website to order online. It was something Zane had been glad he’d invested in.

  Whenever an order came in, it printed to a printer at the front counter. During the day, whoever was working the front would go through the orders and separate them based on what was needed that day and what was an order for another day.

  The ones for the day would be filled right away, but the rest were put in the back for Zane to deal with. Also an alert would be sent to Zane’s e-mail, so there wouldn’t be surprises for him when he walked in the next morning.

  “We are also getting questions about shipping. It isn’t something we’ve had to do yet, so I wasn’t sure what to say.”

  Megan’s announcement stunned Zane. He’d never imagined anyone liking his food enough that they would want it shipped to them. He didn’t even know how to ship. But if it increased business, he’d be willing to figure it out. “Tell them we will do our best, but it depends on what the item is. I imagine cookies and most of the breakfast stuff is pretty easy. But the cupcakes would be more challenging.”

  Megan nodded. The timer on Megan’s phone went off. “We gotta go if we’re going to get there and unloaded in time.”

  As soon as they left, Zane checked his watch. Six. Time to open the shop. Where was Brenna? She was a part-time employee who mostly covered the weekends. She didn’t normally come in until eight but because Zane needed more time to bake this morning, he’d asked her to come in early.

  He was stuck until she showed up watching the front of the shop. When he was in back with the mixers running he just couldn’t hear the door, so he couldn’t continue baking until she got there. Pouring himself another cup of coffee, Zane leaned against the back counter and waited.

  It was six thirty before she showed up. There hadn’t been many customers that early on a Saturday morning, but still there had been a few. “Sorry, Zane. I’ve been having some trouble getting my car started the last couple of days with the cold weather.”

  Aggravated that she hadn’t bothered to get it fixed before now he said, “Maybe you should get it fixed.”

  Brenna went right to the coffeepot and poured herself a cup. “I will, but my mom needed the money from my check to pay the rent. So, now I have to wait until my next paycheck.”

  Well, now didn’t he feel like a shit. “I need to finish in the back for the festival. If you need me call out.”

  “Um, Zane,” Brenna said. When Zane turned back to her, she pointed at the nearly empty display case. “Did we have a big rush this morning?”

  “No, we had a run of crazed parents just before we closed yesterday. I haven’t had a chance to make everything we need.” It still amazed him that those moms kept out-ordering each other, like that would make them better parents. “Don’t worry. I should have enough by the time the rush starts.”

  He hoped.

  Fortunately, the breakfast rush on Saturdays didn’t usually start until closer to nine, so he had more time. Still, in order to make enough cupcakes for the festival he also had to get those started as they needed time to cool before he could frost them. No doubt he could have used that half hour Brenna had been late.

  Before he knew it Ethan walked into the back and put his coat in the storage room on the coat hook. “Hey, Zane. How’s it going?”

  Zane looked at the clock in disbelief. Yep, it was eight. He wasn’t even close to where he needed to be to get everything done. At least he had most of items he needed for the bakery, but the items for the festival were taking a lot more time than he’d hoped.

  “Zane? You okay?” Ethan asked.

  “Yeah, I just didn’t realize how late it was until you walked in.” He was in the middle of frosting five trays of chocolate cupcakes with buttercream frosting. He also had five trays of vanilla waiting to be frosted, ten more trays currently cooling, and another ten trays of several flavors in the ovens.

  He actually loved to experiment with different flavors, both for the cupcakes and the frosting. He wasn’t experimenting today but he was making five of his best sellers. Because Megan and Kevin told him the ones he’d decorated for kids had sold out first he would also need to do more of those.

  Ethan swiped his finger through a glob of frosting on the counter and licked it clean. “Damn, that’s good. I don’t know how you’re still so skinny making all these treats. I would be two hundred pounds if I worked here every day.”

  No matter how many times Zane and Jesse tried to tell Ethan he looked great, the man thought he was fat. He had on a few extra pounds, but that’s because he refused to exercise and tone his muscles, but he wasn’t fat. At most he had an extra ten pounds on him. Zane didn’t consider that fat. He considered it normal.

  Not wanting to get into another argument about Ethan’s weight, Zane changed the topic. “So how did last night go with Parker?”

  Ethan’s face immediately fell. “Not good. There was a lot of yelling, mostly on Jesse’s part. Parker eventually stormed out and Jesse, well, Jesse just sat in his room staring at the wall. No tears. No ranting. Just stared.”

  “Shit.” Zane hadn’t really thought it a good idea to trap Parker like that but he hoped he was wrong. “Did he go to work?”

  Ethan nodded as he took another swipe of frosting. “We walked to town together, but he still didn’t talk about it. Although he seemed to be in a better mood. At least he’s back to wearing makeup and dressing like Jesse.”

  Zane was glad to hear that. A part of him felt guilty for not being there for his friend last night, especially when things were going so well with him and Aidan. “As soon as morning rush is over we’ll go to Nice ’N Rosy and check on him.”

  Taking that as his cue, Ethan went back up front and Zane continued frosting his cupcakes.

  Zane was nearly done with everything that needed to be done for the festival and he’d also managed to restock the dis
play case in the front. He was working on the kids cupcakes, putting animals, clowns, and brightly colored frosting on top of each one.

  At the last minute he’d also decided to decorate a few of them for teens by using fun colors, shapes, and squiggly lines instead of animals.

  “Wow, those look great, babe,” Aidan walked in and came over to give him a sweet, slow kiss that nearly melted Zane where he stood.

  Aidan’s hand cupped his cheek, tilting Zane’s head just slightly to deepen the kiss. Zane leaned in closer, his hands pressed into that sculpted chest.

  “You guys just can’t seem to help but give me a show, can you?” Ethan joked as he came into the back.

  Aidan broke the kiss but still held Zane in his arms. “Is there an easy way to get rid of him?”

  “Nope,” Ethan said as he came up right next to him. “But, please, don’t let me stop you.”

  “He’s small enough. I could pick him up and lock him in the storage closet,” Aidan suggested.

  “Try it, buddy, and I’ll castrate you,” Ethan warned.

  Zane had curled his lips in to stop from laughing at their antics.

  “Apparently, someone’s sensitive about their size. Does that have to do with your height or for other reasons?” Aidan asked with mock concern on his face.

  Ethan glared at Aidan. It wasn’t often that Ethan didn’t have a comeback. Of course, Zane figured his friend was holding back a little because he didn’t want to hurt Zane in the process.

  With the dramatic flair only Jesse could compete with, Ethan stormed away. “The rush is over,” he said over his shoulder, “which you would have noticed if Aidan hadn’t had his tongue down your throat.”

  “Jealous?” Aidan called out.

  Ethan came back to the doorway he’d just gone through. “I would rather fuck a woman than let you touch me.”


  Ethan froze as Bram walked up behind Ethan.


  Ethan’s face flamed red at being reprimanded. Eyes still filled with anger landed on Aidan. “I’m sorry.”

  The words were right but Ethan’s gaze promised retribution for Aidan putting him in this position. But when Ethan turned to face Bram he had the look of complete contrition as he stared at his feet. Zane was absolutely fascinated to watch the dynamics between Bram and Ethan.

  Bram captured Ethan’s chin with a finger and his thumb and forced Ethan to look up at him. “Don’t think I don’t see you, boy.”

  Ethan blanched for a moment before he seemed to glow. It was as if Bram was giving him exactly what Ethan wanted. “Zane and I were just going to go check on Jesse, sir. If that’s okay?”

  Bram leaned down and whispered something into Ethan’s ear. Not wanting to intrude on their private moment, Zane looked up at Aidan. “Since you’re here, would you mind staying with Brenna in case we get another rush?”

  It wasn’t likely to happen, but Zane would feel better knowing there was someone else besides Brenna to take care of things. There was no telling how long it would take them to talk to Jesse. His friend could kick them out as soon as they walked in, or he could decide to tell them what’s wrong.

  “For you, anything.” Aidan gave him a brief kiss before Zane left.


  When they walked into Nice ’N Rosy, Zane had expected to see Jesse crying or staring off into space. Neither happened. “Hey, guys. Thanks, Zane.” Zane handed Jesse his favorite, a caramel macchiato. “I was going to come over and get a cup, but when I saw how busy you were I decided to wait a little bit.”

  It was like Jesse was back to his old self. Zane wasn’t buying it. “Want to tell us what happened with Parker?”

  Jesse seemed startled by the question for a moment, but then he waved his hands as if it were nothing. “After a lot of screaming, mostly by me, I decided he just wasn’t worth feeling like crap anymore. So, I told him I was moving on if he couldn’t tell me right then that we had some sort of chance.”

  Slim shoulders rose in a shrug. “He couldn’t. So, I’m done chasing him. There are several gay men in this town. Some have even asked me out.”

  That wasn’t news to Zane. Jesse was very handsome, even if he was a bit flamboyant. Not to mention, he was really funny. Anyone would be lucky to have Jesse go out with them. “I’m sorry.” He gave Jesse a hug.

  Ethan also gave him a hug. “You deserve so much better.”

  Jesse laughed. “That’s what I told Parker. And you know what? I’m finally ready to find someone who is willing to be with me.”

  “Good for you,” Ethan told him.

  Zane still wasn’t sure. Jesse was saying and acting like his old self but there was still something—off. “So, you didn’t tell me someone else asked you out. Who was it?”

  “Taggert, the hot mechanic on Peachtree for one. And Flynn, the cute waiter at the steakhouse.” Jesse ticked the names off on his fingers. “Then there was that guy at the spring fair we went to. You know the one in Blareston?”

  Zane did remember that guy. “He was hot. All those bulging muscles when he carried out that swing for that lady.” Zane fanned himself.

  Jesse gave them a wink, but Zane had been friends with Jesse too long not to notice there was no real sass behind it. “That was a sight to see. I figure I would take them all up on their invitations and see what happens.”

  The phone rang and soon Jesse was busy taking a large order for someone’s wedding. Ethan and Zane waved good-bye before leaving.

  As they stepped off the sidewalk Zane asked, “Do you believe him?”

  “No,” Ethan told him. “But as long as he’s trying to deal, I’m not going to push.”

  Ethan opened the door to the bakery, letting Zane enter first. Both Aidan and Bram were sitting at a table with their coffee and cinnamon rolls, laughing. Each man’s eyes brightened when Zane and Ethan walked in. That was what he wanted for Jesse, to have someone who cared about him, who was truly happy to see him.

  He didn’t know what Parker’s problem was, but he hoped the man pulled his head out of his ass before he lost any chance with Jesse. There was no doubt in his mind, once Jesse started dating, it would only be a matter of time before he found someone else.

  Once he gave Aidan a kiss, Zane turned to Ethan. “So, would you rather stay here and run things or deliver to the festival?”

  Ethan’s nose wrinkled as if neither was a good option. He didn’t blame his friend, working at a bakery wasn’t Ethan’s dream. Bram whispered something into Ethan’s ear that put a sparkle in Ethan’s eye. “I’ll stay here.”

  Zane turned to Aidan. “Do you want to go with me to Blareston.?”

  “A chance to spend more time with you?” Aidan lifted Zane’s hand that he’d been holding to his lips. “Of course, I’ll go.”

  Moments like this had Zane believing he was in a dream. If he was, he just hoped he didn’t wake up.

  Bram and Ethan helped them load Zane’s SUV. It wasn’t ideal for transporting baked goods, but he also couldn’t afford two bakery trucks. Still, it was big enough to get the job done. He didn’t use the vehicle a lot, usually only when he went to visit his mom every Sunday, but he’d been glad he’d bought the monstrosity for days like today.

  When they were done, Aidan shook Bram’s hand. “So, I’ll see you tomorrow?”

  “Yep,” Bram said with a grin. “Don’t worry, I’ll get the others there.”

  Bram’s cryptic words had Zane wondering what was going on. As soon as they were on their way he asked, “Why are you meeting Bram tomorrow, and who are the others he mentioned?”

  “I told you last night. I want to meet with the shop owners to see if there was more we could do to bring in business for both them and the casino.”

  Zane had agreed to help, but he hadn’t been sure what Aidan expected him to do. Zane hardly knew the other shop owners. Okay, that wasn’t exactly true. He’d grown up with many of them, but still, he’d been away for seven years. He hardly k
new these people anymore.

  He had to admit he was a little relieved someone else was willing to help. Zane just didn’t feel comfortable doing it. But he did want to help his boyfriend, so when Aidan asked, he’d agreed, if begrudgingly.

  “It’s okay, babe. I know you weren’t exactly happy to talk to people about helping the casino.” Aidan kissed Zane’s hand as if trying to reassure him that there were no hard feelings.

  Zane really felt like a shit for not being more supportive. “I do want to help you, Aidan.”

  Aidan squeezed Zane’s hand. “I promise, I understand. There are no hard feelings. When I talked to Bram about what I needed, he was more than willing to help.”

  Yep, Zane was a shit. “I said I would help, and I will, okay?”

  Aidan suddenly pulled into a deserted parking lot. Unbuckling his seatbelt, Aidan turned to Zane. He cupped Zane’s face in those large, strong hands. “Look, I get that you aren’t comfortable trying to convince the others to work with the casino. I know it has nothing to do with me or you wanting to help me. Please believe me when I say I’m not holding any kind of grudge here.”

  Soft lips pressed against Zane’s, nibbling and caressing until Zane relaxed into the kiss. How this man seemed to know what to say and do was a little unnerving, but Zane wasn’t going to worry about it now, not when he had Aidan’s mouth on his.

  Zane gave a little moan at the feel of Aidan’s tongue sliding against his own. The strokes felt like they were doing the same against Zane’s cock. It was embarrassing how quickly Aidan was able to get Zane hard and aching.

  That thought was enough to jerk Zane back to where they were. He wasn’t about to have sex in the car like some horny teenager, especially as he could hear cars passing. He had curled his hands in Aidan’s shirt to pull him closer, but he now pushed against all that muscle. They both pulled in lungsful of air when the kiss ended. Their gazes clung to one another as the lust continued to rage. Aidan leaned forward once more.

  Zane managed to keep a small amount of his senses and leaned away. “Wait.”


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