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Having Hope (Ashland Pride Book Eleven)

Page 15

by R. E. Butler

  Niecy had even video-chatted with Aaron and thanked him for taking such good care of Ben and his brothers, and spoke about her boyfriend, who she’d met after the curse was broken. Asher was human and worked at an accounting firm outside of King. Ben and his brothers had met him and found him to be a caring male with kids of his own.

  “I’ll grab the door,” he murmured, keeping his voice low so he wouldn’t wake Hope.

  He opened the passenger door and then headed to the front door, holding it open while Nathan eased her out and carried her into the house.

  “Wanna unload tonight?” Owen asked, looking at the SUV, which was stuffed full of bags and boxes.

  “Not particularly.”

  “Tomorrow’s good for me, too.”

  He shut the door and leaned against it, glad to be home. “She’ll see the present tomorrow.”

  “Yeah. I’m beat.”

  Ben nodded and followed his brother upstairs, where Nathan was tucking Hope into bed. Then they walked silently to the bedroom they’d chosen for the twins and turned on the overhead light. Over the holiday, they’d commissioned Scarlett to paint a mural for the babies, giving her free rein with her creativity. Ben sucked in a surprised breath at the sight. On one wall, Scarlett had painted a wooded wonderland full of furry forest creatures, including six mountain lions. Two were cubs and four were adults. Of the adults, one was more petite than the others, and they noticed that each one had a different eye color, matching the one they’d been modeled after.

  Ben touched the wall, tracing the ear of his lion with bright blue eyes. “It’s perfect.”

  “She did a great job,” Nathan said.

  “Hope will love it,” Owen added.

  One by one they left the room and headed to bed, Ben the last. He looked at the happy picture, taking in the cute birds, rabbits, and other small animals. It was a sweet scene and it made him ache to hold the twins. Soon enough, he knew, they’d be in his arms, and he’d be one happy cat. Turning off the light, he went to bed, excited to see Hope’s reaction to the mural.

  * * *

  Hope thought she’d have plenty of time to get everything ready for the birth of the twins, but it came upon her so fast. Her water broke as she was on her way home from school, two weeks before her due date. Fortunately, her mates had been taking turns driving her in and picking her up once her belly grew too big for her to safely reach the pedals. Nathan was driving her when it happened, and her always cool, calm, and collected mate swung immediately into gear, calling Ben and Owen through the car’s navigation system as he detoured them to the hospital. Hours later, exhausted to the core, she met her twins – a boy and a girl.

  The nurses took the twins away, and Hope smiled up at her mates as they hovered over her.

  “Who wants to watch the babies get their first bath?” one of the nurses asked.

  All three gazes bounced between Hope and the babies, and she laughed. “Go and take pictures.”

  “I’ll stay,” Owen said.

  Nathan and Ben hurried after the nurses and the squalling babies. While Hope was being tended to, Owen pulled his chair a little closer and brought her hand to his lips. “Can I get you anything, baby?”

  “Just you.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, I promise.”

  The hustle and bustle in the room slowly died down, and after a long chat with the doctor, she and Owen were left alone in the room. His phone buzzed, and he pulled it from his pocket and glanced at the screen. “Sam and our dads are here.”

  “Do I look like a hot mess?” She ran a hand over her hair, feeling like it looked crazy.

  “You look gorgeous.”

  “You’re biased.”

  “Indeed, babe, but also very truthful.”

  “They can come visit after we get the babies back. I want a couple minutes with them first.”

  “Me too.” He returned a text, and then smiled. “Treasure and the guys are here, too.”

  Everyone else in their family was on the way from King, a big caravan that she was sure was driving over the speed limit the whole way. They’d all be staying at the boarding house, and she’d get to see them in the morning.

  A half hour later, the nurses returned with two bassinets, Ben and Nathan following close behind. One at a time, the twins were laid in her arms, and with some help from her mates and advice she’d gotten from Callie, she settled them to breastfeed. Stroking the soft dusting of hair on their heads, she smiled down at her babies, who’d been kicking her for weeks every time she ate anything spicy, and pressing against her bladder so she felt like she had to pee a hundred times a day.

  “I’m your mom, babies,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion and her eyes filling with tears. “I’m so happy to finally meet you.”

  Ben, Nathan, and Owen let her have a few minutes with their new sweeties, and then they said hello to their twins, pressing kisses to their heads. After each mate kissed Hope, they talked about who would stay the night in the hospital with her and the twins, finally agreeing that all three would stay.

  “I kind of wish we could go home tonight,” she said. “But I’m also thankful I don’t have to.”

  When the babies’ bellies were full, Ben and Nathan each took one and Owen brought her bag over so she could brush her hair and tuck it into a bun to keep it out of the way.

  “Names,” she said, smiling as Nathan handed the girl to Owen and took the boy from Ben.

  “I thought we’d have two boys, honestly,” Ben said. “I feel supremely lucky to have a boy and a girl, though.”

  “Me too,” Owen said. “But she’s never dating. Never, ever.”

  With a chuckle, Hope said, “What about him?”

  “He’s going to be a gentleman, that’s for sure,” Ben said.

  When Ben had a chance to hold the girl, Hope thought she’d never seen anything so sweet as her three mates crowded around the babies and talking in soft tones. She couldn’t be more in love with them.

  “I was thinking,” she said, waiting until her mates looked up at her before she continued, “that we should name them Edmund Elijah and Evangeline Honor.”

  “Those are great names,” Nathan said.

  “Yeah, how did you pick them?” Owen asked.

  “I was looking up names that meant destiny, and luck is tied with that word. Edmund means ‘protector of fortune,’ and Evangeline means ‘good news bringer.’ We can call them Eddie and Evie.”

  “They’re perfect,” Ben said. “Hiya, Evangeline. You’re so beautiful, just like your mommy.”

  He brought her over to Hope and laid her in her arms. “Welcome to the world, little one.”

  When they’d had enough time to themselves with the twins, Nathan went out to the waiting room and brought in Aaron, Grant, and Sam first. Hope tried to stifle the yawns that kept cracking her jaws, but by the time Treasure, Brian, and Kevin came in, she was having a hard time keeping her eyes open.

  “Don’t mind me,” she said through another yawn. “I just brought two whole people into the world.”

  “You did good, honey,” Sam said, giving her a hug. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Aaron and Grant both thanked her for making them grandparents, and Brian and Kevin said they couldn’t wait to get to know their second cousins.

  Treasure hugged Hope. “I had a great dream, bestie. I’ll yell you all about it tomorrow.”

  “Tell,” Hope corrected.

  “What did I say?” Treasure asked as she straightened.


  “Oh, right,” Treasure said with a laugh.

  She was dimly aware of everyone leaving and her mates talking to the babies. As she drifted off to sleep, she wondered what kind of dream Treasure had had about the babies, and hoped that it only held good and wonderful things about their future.

  Chapter Twenty

  Owen didn’t sleep much at all that first night. It wasn’t because the hospital was out of cots and they were stuck with c
hairs for beds, but because he couldn’t believe he was a father now. The twins were so tiny, so fragile. His cat was already attuned to them, wanting to ensure they were safe and happy. Eddie stirred in the bassinet, and he was out of the chair in two seconds to pick him up. He’d been so freaked out holding him that first time. His cat had been worried – what if they dropped him? What if he cried? But now, he didn’t feel so overwhelmed.

  A purr rumbled in his chest as he settled his son in his arms and brushed a fingertip over his soft cheek. “Hey, little man. It’s early, let’s let Mommy sleep, okay?”

  He made some adorable noises but drifted back to sleep quickly. Owen decided to hold him for a little while longer, and he stood next to the two bassinets and looked down at Evie, realizing she was awake but being quiet.

  “Need a hand?” Nathan asked quietly, coming to stand next to Owen.

  “Yeah,” he murmured. “Can you believe how crazy this is? I mean, we’re walking out of the hospital today as fathers.”

  Evie went quietly into Nathan’s arms and yawned. “Do you realize we haven’t even been with Hope a whole year yet? I can’t believe how much our lives have changed, and so fast. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “Me either.”

  They sat in the chairs and talked quietly, both watching their children as they slept. By the time the nurse came in to check on Hope and allow her to order breakfast from the cafeteria, they were all ready to go home.

  “We’ll try to get you on your way after lunch,” the nurse said. “The doctor will be by in a while to check on you and he’ll make the final decision.”

  “Thank you,” Hope said.

  While Hope was eating breakfast, her family arrived. The babies were fed, changed, and sleeping soundly. They didn’t even wake when they were passed from person to person. Honor held Evie first, her eyes filling with tears.

  “Sweetie, she looks just like you,” Honor said. “I can’t believe my baby had two babies!”

  Jax and Holden were next, followed by Pop and Bethany, and Jax and Holden’s mom, Rose. Niecy, who still looked unsure of her place in the family, stood just off to the side, with a sweet look of longing on her face.

  “Mom?” Owen said. “Come hold your granddaughter.”

  She joined him, seeming to hold her breath as she took Evie from him. As the little girl stretched and made cooing sounds, Niecy sniffled and gave Owen a watery smile. “She’s beautiful.”

  “Well, it runs in the family,” he said. “I’m so glad you could come to Ashland.”

  “Me too. Thanks for inviting me.”

  Honor joined them with Eddie in her arms. “We all belong here, because we’re family.”

  “I know that in my heart; it’s just my head that keeps throwing up the past and making me wary,” Niecy said. “I’m getting better, though.”

  The grandmas switched babies, and Honor said, “Man, this makes me want to move to Ashland like yesterday.”

  “Me too,” Niecy said.

  “Is it my turn yet?” Faith asked impatiently.

  Hope said, “Come sit on the bed with me, kiddo. Ben, can you grab the stuffies?”

  Ben hurried to the overnight bag, drew out the two stuffed animals Hope had given the twins for Christmas, and brought them to the bed. With Faith settled next to Hope and every single adult in the room crowding around, Honor and Niecy laid the babies in Faith’s arms, supported by Hope.

  “Who gets which one?” Ben asked. The stuffed lions were identical, save for one being beige and the other being off-white.

  “Eddie can have the white one,” she said.

  Ben laid them on the babies’ chests and put one of their arms over each one, positioning them to look adorable. The adults all sighed happily.

  “How about a picture?” Hope asked.

  “Oh yes, please!” Faith said. “I want to show my friends.”

  “Especially Cameron?” Holden teased.

  “Oh, who’s Cameron?” Hope asked.

  “A boy,” Faith said. “A lion boy.”

  “Well, I trust he’s been thoroughly vetted by our dads,” Hope said.

  “And threatened,” Jax said.

  “Dad,” Faith said.

  “Maybe we can meet him this summer when we come for a visit,” Owen said. “And then your brothers-in-law will give him a little talk as well.”

  “You’re going to scare him off,” Faith said.

  “A good male won’t disappear when family shows up and wants promises of good behavior,” Niecy interjected. “Our males are the best on the planet.”

  Being one of the males, Owen couldn’t agree more. As the family chatted about the next generation dating, and what the pride of the future might look like, Owen put his hand on his mate’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “Love you, sweetheart. Thank you for making me a father.”

  She blinked rapidly and fanned herself. “You’re going to make me cry.”


  “No, don’t be sorry,” she said, resting her hand on top of his. “I’m so happy. Our babies are perfect, and we get to take them home today. It’s the first day of the next chapter of our lives. I foresee a lot of sleepless nights and diapers, but also a lot of love.”

  “Me too,” he promised.

  Treasure, Brian, and Kevin arrived an hour later, bringing a vase of Hope’s favorite flowers and several balloons welcoming the twins. “You look amazeballs,” Treasure said as she hugged Hope, a little awkwardly due to her belly. Her bestie was due in another month. “Now lemme hold the babies.”

  In moments she was sitting on the end of the hospital bed with both babies in her arms. “Oh wow, their auras!”

  Treasure had the ability to see auras due to her fae nature. It was an interesting ability that had come in handy over the years, particularly when they wanted to know if someone had good intentions.

  “What do they look like?” Hope asked.

  “Just beautiful,” Treasure said, her voice taking on a high, ethereal quality. “They’re happy and full of love and curiosity. And Eddie is hungry and going to cry in about two minutes.”

  “Well, let’s fix that,” Hope said.

  In moments, Eddie was feeding and Treasure had scooted close with Evie. “They’re perfect, bestie. Congratulations.”

  “Thanks for being here.”

  “Didn’t you say you had a dream about them?” Owen asked.

  Treasure nodded, a small smile on her lips. “I sure did. It happened two nights ago.”

  “Good, I trust,” Hope said.

  “Of course.” Treasure paused for a moment, her eyes unfocusing and then flashing to a brilliant blue. “I saw my son standing at the bottom of a tree and looking up. His wings were out, and he was laughing. Up in the tree, a boy and a girl were sitting on a branch and smiling as they picked apples and dropped them into a basket at my son’s feet. When the basket was full, the twins climbed down and they carried the basket to Lisa’s, where they helped her turn them into pies for a party. I don’t know what the party was for, but our kids were at least ten or eleven, so it won’t happen for a long time.”

  “So you knew I was going to have a boy and a girl before they were born?” Hope asked.

  “Yeah. You said you didn’t want to know, so I didn’t mention it.”

  “Thanks for keeping it a secret.”

  “You got it. Beastie.” Treasure whispered the last word, one that she’d used from time to time when she meant ‘bestie’. It had become a term of endearment for his mate.

  “I love that our kids are going to be close,” Owen said, looking at Brian and Kevin.

  “Us, too,” Kevin said.

  Hours later, Owen and his brothers walked the twins around their new home while Hope took a shower and climbed into bed. The bassinets they’d been given by Aaron, Grant, and Sam for the baby shower were sitting near the bed. He sat next to her as she opened the cups of her nursing bra to feed their children. “Do you need anything?”
  “I’m good,” she said, yawning. “Tired, but good.”

  He watched his kids feed, talking quietly to Hope about the future and how lucky they both felt to have babies. Then he carried them to the bassinet one by one, kissing them on their little heads and inhaling the sweet scent of baby soap and mountain lion. Hope was asleep before he turned back to the bed, and he tucked her in and kissed her cheek.

  “Thank you, Hope,” he whispered, stroking her golden hair. “Thank you for being my mate and my wife, and the mother of our children. I promise to be the best husband to you and the best father to our kids.”

  His cat let out a purr of contentment at the sweet scene before him. His family – home at last. A gorgeous wife. Beautiful twins. And two brothers to share it with. He’d never been happier, and the start of all that happiness had been when a she-wolf decided she didn’t like the hierarchy in her pack and struck out for new territory, landing in King, Pennsylvania and the arms of twin police officers. He’d be forever grateful that Callie hadn’t liked the status quo, because without her, he knew he wouldn’t be here with his family.

  Coming Next from R. E. Butler

  Tayme (Were Zoo Eight)

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