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Trade World Saga

Page 69

by Ken Pence

  “Ling, get to the point please,” Brad said. “We are planning to stop them.”

  “No. You are planning on treating the symptom…that’s the problem.”

  “You plan to mass enough ships and technology to stop them here at Earth…right?” Ling asked.

  “Yes. I think we can stop them here,” he said proudly.

  “Great. Then what?” she asked.

  “They won’t mess with us here,” he said.

  “No. You are thinking like a Earth man…not like a Toad,” she said.

  “A toad?” he said questioningly.

  “That’s what everyone is calling them. You have to give an enemy a derogatory name. I like it and I wasn’t the one who came up with it. We need to do more of that…”

  “…and your point is?” he said.

  “We launch a propaganda campaign against them too. Their strength is in their reputation that they are never defeated. They have that reputation carefully crafted and reinforced. We defeat them here – they will marshal more forces and keep coming. They will attack any colonies we form – forever until they are stopped. Earth can’t do it alone. We have to get everyone into the act against them. Their secrets make them strong. We have images of lots of dead Allung. Show how they escape. Show how they have implanted poison sacs and implanted glands. Show how they have secret compartments on their ships with hidden weapons,” Ling said and caught her breath.

  “Okay. How do we do this deed?” he asked.

  “We have their computer codes and we know how to defeat their ships. We need allies. We need the Exploration Service. We should offer a bounty on these suckers by rank. We know they have Coercers and Arbitrator ranks. We distribute information on these vermin – everywhere. We show them what they do to those they capture and enslave for their lifetime. We need it so they are killed wherever they are found. We show how to defeat their ground troops. We can’t do our great defense here and expect them to stop – that isn’t going to happen. They will pull resources from other places just to squash us unless they are pressed everywhere at once. We need campaign materials in a zillion languages and then we need to sell the Exploration Service on it. We need to help them disseminate materials and Enclosures. We need to help them prepare and then take it to them. We know where some of their bases are located from their computer records. They thought that their records were encrypted – toads aren’t computer gurus. I suspect their slaves were doing a half ass job on purpose. We ought to figure a way to hack their explosive collars. I suggest we get LeiLei working with Steve and that Shuma guy on that – sure would be nice to turn all the slaves loose on a fleet when we come in range wouldn’t it,” she said gleefully.

  “Anything else, Doctor Tanaka? Any other requests now that you’ve rearranged our defense strategy? Ling? Nothing?” Brad said shocked but amazed at Ling’s plan. It made sense…scary female.

  “Well there is one thing,” she said a bit meekly.

  Brad raised his eyebrows and thought, this is gonna be good.

  “I would like to be posted to the Odin as an officer – medical officers do that don’t they,” she said.

  Brad thought about it for a few minutes. “You mean posted with an officer, don’t you? Captain Shuler maybe?”

  “I am not going to piss off the whole fleet ranking system – hell – I do that daily. Lieutenant, we will need a psychiatrist on board anyway with this mission. You can take the indoctrination training tomorrow. I’ll write the order now. You’re sure,” he said.

  “Yes, Admiral,” she said with a grin.

  “Dismissed, Doctor. I want to scold my wife,” he said and Ling pranced out the door.

  “Scold me?” Fran said.

  “Well…I do want to give you a tongue lashing,” he said with a grin.

  “I thought you were busy,” she said.

  “I really am now that you brought me that little hellion. I have many calls and memos to write,” he said.

  “Okay,” she said and kissed him thoroughly. “Raincheck then… I have to certify about a zillion new environmental systems for enclosures anyway.”

  “Okay…late dinner? I’ll have to set up a differential to get this all done in time. Would you send in my aide, hon?” he asked.

  She blew him a kiss on the way out.

  Support for Bellatrix

  The Junior, Odin, Kitty Hawk, and Puma (the renamed Allung cruiser Sesstra) were ready to cast off. They were packed full of supplies, equipment, and personnel to leave at Bellatrix before trying for the ES base at 47 Tau, which was 371 light years from Earth in the Taurus constellation. The ES cruiser with Captain Umma should reach there about a month after leaving Bellatrix, which would be in four days.

  The ships arrived at Bellatrix only a short distance apart, which was encouraging. They had worried about arriving within the star, the planet, within one of the moons or within another ship – not an appealing situation. Commander Castellano approved of his promotion and all the additional troops, Earth foods, and techs. The Kitty Hawk stayed with the Osprey and the converted Allung troop carrier. They put the Osprey back in the dry dock to upgrade to the Ylee drive and trained the few personnel it had on the miniaturized shuttle drive missiles. The nice thing about these weapons is they were programmed to hunt down Allung craft and do quick jaunts at 720 lights to destroy one ship after another. The field penetration missiles took a few seconds to bypass the shields and could only be used once each. Commander Castellano loved the new weapons and the lasers with even increased power output. He appreciated the replacement troops but wanted ten times as many ships.

  The Odin, Junior and the Puma were set to go to 47 Tau – purportedly the large ES base where Captain Umma was headed. Lieutentant Tanaka, from the Odin, had given a program on the Phlemm for the embassy staff and from Phillip’s Posse that pulled no punches. It labeled the Brotherhood for what they were – the parasite scum of the galaxy. It showed all their tricks and secrets in gory detail. It included a lot of video recreated from MemDexs that showed humans kicking their ass – yeah – it left watchers cautious but ready to kick the Toads asses. Those programs were good quality in 30 major languages and it said what you could do and how to kill the slimy assholes.


  “Ready, everyone. Suits sealed…we don’t know how we’ll be received. We have proper codes but we don’t know if Umma is there yet,” said Captain Shuler, the ranking ERF officer of the expedition. “All ships stand by – engage.”


  “Commander…commander,” the scan tech coughed to attract the attention of the ES watch commander who paid no heed. “Commander! Three ships just appeared very close to our base.”

  The watch commander languidly turned his attention to the junior officer at the scan station. “This better not be one of your false alarms. You have this position only because of your mother…remember that. Let me see.”

  “They are broadcasting the proper codes. They look fine to me,” the watch commander said.

  “Those codes are general codes…not to be used on multiple ship approach commander,” the junior scan tech stated flatly.

  The watch commander snorted. “See who they are.”

  The scan tech switched to the approach frequencies and challenged the approaching ships.

  “This is Earth Regulatory Force Captain Shuler commanding the Odin, Junior and Puma. We are here on an urgent mission to prepare for an Allung Brotherhood attack. We have new weapons and technology for you. Is Captain Umma back yet? We have much to discuss.”

  “Dispatch the alert ships. Both squadrons. Earth…aren’t those the beings that make all the little calculators,” said the watch commander.

  “Dispatch both squadrons of alert ships,” acknowledged the scan tech who was ecstatic with action for the first time in ages. Earthers – wow – this is so stompin’, he thought.


  “We have six ships approaching Captain. Looks like two cruisers, two destroyers and two frigates – tw
o groups of three. What do you want to do?” asked the tactical officer.

  “Put Kiminsky out with a welcome package. The first cruiser to contact us will have the ranking officer. Scan and let me know. Shields up…designate the drive sections of all ships. If this goes to hell I want to disable them.”

  Tech Seaman Kiminsky thought it was pretty cool when he heard about Oakley meeting the ES ships at Bellatrix. It didn’t feel so neat right now…shit…but an order is an order he thought as he stepped out of the airlock and waited for the ES ships to position themselves.


  ES Captain Bettlum positioned his ships a good distance away from the alien ships. There was something familiar about the large cruiser…it was an Allung cruiser but it looked different about it that he couldn’t place.

  “Identify yourselves and prepare to be boarded,” he shouted into the communications microphone.

  “No boarding. We will accept escorts for our shuttle to the base commander. Is it still Sletquez?” said Shuler.

  “You will open your airlock and prepare to be boarded,” said Bettlum. “Her name is Slessques.”

  “We are an independent signatory planet and are not subject to your search. I have sent a man to your airlock to present credentials,” said Shuler.

  “You arrive in an Allung cruiser. The Allung have never been defeated anywhere,” stated Bettlum.

  Shuler was losing patience with this clown and he heard Ling chuckle. “Lieutenant Tanaka,” he said in a tone chastising his novice lieutenant.

  “Sorry, Captain. Commander Castellano told me a phrase in Sicilian that is apropos in this situation. Pezzu di carni cu l'occhi. It means a piece of meat with eyes…clueless.”

  Shuler chuckled. It was appropriate but the situation was tense. Come on, Kiminsky. “I sent a crewman to your airlock amidships. He is unarmed,” Shuler repeated to the ES ships.


  “Captain,” said the security officer. “We have banging on our outside airlock amidships but the cameras are not showing anything.”

  Captain Bettlum was not the sharpest knife in the drawer, which was why he was just commanding this group in the rear end of the galaxy…standing watches still at his age. “Open the #%$@@# airlock,” he shouted. “Get your #%%#^#@ team down there first and cover the interior door. Now #^&&@(*” he yelled.

  The outer door closed and the airlock cycled. The cover team inside watched as a being in a shiny suit appeared from nowhere inside. It had two small cases with it.

  Only one of the security team here had a pressure suit. They better be glad I’m a good guy, Kiminsky thought. “Take me to your leader,” he said in Trade.

  “We will search you first. Raise your appendages. Hand me those packages,” commanded the leader of the security team.

  “May I hand you the packages first and then raise my arms,” Kiminsky asked.

  “Yes. Do that,” said the group leader.

  Kiminsky was searched, ineptly and handed back the cases.

  “Open this small case. It is locked,” said one of the crew searching Kiminsky.

  “It is for your captain as a personal gift from my captain,” Kiminsky said and opened the case.

  “That is a lamlee in a neck holder,” said the being.

  “Yes. You have a discerning eye for detail,” Kiminsky said.

  “How did you just appear in our airlock Earther?” asked the being.

  “That is just some of the technology we are here to give you,” Kiminsky said. “May I see your Captain or will he escort our shuttle to meet the base commander?”

  “I will take you to the Captain.”

  Kiminsky was marched down corridors and crew stared at the silver suited Earther as he moved past. The looks were curiosity and not anything else though there were several species aboard the ship. Most were Tros or Hllumff. They arrived at a large conference room that looked exactly like any other conference room on Earth. Bettlum was seated at the head of a long table and he was a Hllumff.

  Kiminsky had had enough training that he was pretty fluent in Hllumff since he had such a deep voice. He greeted the Captain in that language.

  “Greetings, Captain. I bring you greetings and gifts from my Captain to you. This is intended for you as a personal gift. The other case is something a little different. It is a three dimensional player for a presentation about the Allung,” he said in the Hllumff language.

  The captain opened the small box with the lamlee in a necklace designed similar to the dung holder that was already around the Captain’s neck. “You understand Hllumff. You must be an intelligent species. You said this second case is something about the Allung?”

  “Yes, Captain. We defeated the Allung at our planet, Earth and a larger force of six Allung vessels at the planet you know as Gralon 3. Captain Umma will be here very soon,” Kiminsky said.

  “Defeating the Allung is impossible,” the Captain stated.

  “Captain, that is what they say…not what the Exploration Service should say. Three of your ships plus a frigate of ours defeated six of their ships. The small ship with us defeated the Allung cruiser we have with us. We took it from them. It is outside. It is not impossible to beat the Allung. We are here to help you do it,” Kiminsky said.

  Captain Bettlum was not gifted intellectually but caught the drift after a while as he looked at his new necklace. He decided he would look at the presentation later. “I will escort your shuttle to the base commander.” He decided that they probably had stolen the Allung ship somehow – that in itself, was reason enough to see what was going on. Maybe he could get in on this if he kept close to these beings. They were getting a reputation for having some interesting foodstuffs and trinkets. “Would you like to ride with us?” the captain asked.

  “I would be honored,” Kiminsky replied and acknowledged the receipt of the transmission…of the entire interaction recorded through his MemDex.

  The Captain and bridge crew turned from Kiminsky’s transmission and sent the word to load and board the shuttle. They were to take him, Ling, Andrews, Shiv, LeiLei, Xilatoi, along with two ERF combat soldiers. They all wore their suits on defensive mode and they had lots of small items to give away.

  The shuttle landed the assemblage of personnel. A trotting conglomeration of ES troopers – followed by the lumbering Captain Bettlum, met them.

  “Welcome to our base, Captain,” Bettlum said as he looked at the odd grouping of species. He seemed taken back by Shiv.

  “This is Captain Williams, Lieutenant Tanaka, Techs Jones and Tolsen. These are advisors Shiv, LeiLei, and Xilatoi,” Shuler said.

  “I will take you directly to Base Commander Slessques.” The Captain escorted them into the bowels of a huge weathered concrete edifice. They walked forever until they came to a Spartan office. An administrative aide ushered them into the adjacent room where a small being – Shuler did not recognize the species – got up and stood quietly. The being was a delicate looking biped with a strangely thin face of grayish skin. She had nasal slits, no hair, and did not appear mammalian. The eyes were very large and darted about with focus. Shuler got the impression of calm and good humor.

  Captain Bettlum proceeded to flawlessly pronounce their names as he had heard from Shuler. Williams looked at Shuler with raised eyebrows. Bettlum might be an ignorant being on some things but was outstanding with protocol.

  “Welcome to our base, Captain – others. I see you are more traveled than I would have thought. You have captured an Allung cruiser I believe. You are using recent Trade and you have new technology that let you approach our base without detection. I also hear you have technology that allows you to become invisible. How are these things possible? You left Gralon 3 with Captain Umma?” she inquired.

  “Captain Umma left thirty days ago. We left – Shuler looked at his MemDex – five divs ago,” he said.

  The base commander tilted her head. “I am interested. How long are your days?” she asked.

  “They are about two divs
shorter than standard days,” Shuler said.

  The base commander tilted her head again in the same way. “You have enhanced the drive so it can travel at 1,500 lights and then you jump here instantly. “

  “It is a recent development and we plan to assist you getting these improvements. Here is one part of that improvement,” Shuler said and indicated the case carried by one of his soldiers.

  Shuler nodded and the soldier set the case on the desk. The base commander looked at the soldier, momentarily tilted her head to side and then reached and flipped open the case.

  Ling turned to Shuler and said sotto voce, “She’s telepathic.”

  The base commander turned to Shuler, “Your mate is correct, Captain. It has helped eliminate many difficulties. I apologize for not telling you initially but the gravity of the situation called for this slight…omission…Thousands of lamlee? I cannot discern their purpose. Are you paying us for something?”

  Captain Shuler smiled at the reference to his mate and Ling was blushing but looked dynamite in her uniform…not my mate yet, he thought. “The lamlee are used to improve your electronics…any electric circuit.”

  “What is your reference to time? Please tell me how we can work together? I too believe the Allung are a scourge that should be eradicated. What is this presentation? Lieutenant Tanaka – please let us move into my conference room. There are seating accommodations that should work for everyone. Captain Bettlum – please join us. I like your new necklace,” she said stunning the ES Captain. “I see you do not need a power supply…thoughtful…I am impressed. Lieutenant – with your permission, Captain.”

  Ling set the projector on the table as the group arranged itself around the room. The presentation began and the three dimensional image displayed a rotating Phlemm in detail showing the surgically implanted poison sacs and how it sprayed. The images changed to the myriad of pockets in the Phlemm bodies of five different individuals. The view then showed the items secreted on their persons and how they used them to escape. The secret compartments of the cruiser and the troop carrier were then shown. The weapons of the Allung were detailed showing how the enemy uses them.


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