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Trade World Saga

Page 71

by Ken Pence

  ES Captain Bettlum lost nine ships of his twenty but he would get them replaced. He could not so easily replace the 390 crew, which had been lost. The ERF had two of its ships disabled with ten casualties. The ERF was to get the remaining Allung battleship because it was in such bad shape plus they’d salvage another three destroyers.

  They started retrofitting the frigates immediately in the Bellatrix enclosure. An Enclosure had been set up with a self-

  destruct in case of a successful Allung attack. They decided to try to build a type of courier system using the first two converted frigates. They were converted first because of their importance. They were sent with recordings of the battle and outcomes against the Brotherhood. There were several Allung prisoners and liberated slaves to tell their story to the media. The Earth personnel were determined to crush the reputation of the Brotherhood. They wanted people to loath the Brotherhood and treat them like the vermin they were – that required propaganda. The courier ships could warn of any conventional approach by an enemy and the ES and ERF could redistribute forces to counter any attack.

  The Exploration Service manual had been scanned when received from Captain – now Admiral – Umma and copies were sent to Earth. The couriers returned from 47 and 30 Tau before the ship returned from Earth. The changes were propagating through the Exploration Service. Earth was moving up in the pecking order of the Service. The Exploration Service got a new lease on life and could actually cover all its member systems now. They decided the frigate courier system was the best they could do now. It became standard to set up an extensive sensor system around sparsely protected planets with a courier alert system to a strong reserve force. The planetary contributions required through Exploration Service treaties changed from grudgingly given to willingly given.

  The Allung attack on Earth did not occur immediately. An unexpected happening delayed the attack and changed the scale of the attack. The Allung had recently been overextended in the spiral arm and faced passive resistance. They had a major setback at Rigel of all places. It was 860 light years from Earth and the Exploration Service personnel there had just heard of new tech from Earth. The commander of the base was an old coot who, just happened to have had his mother killed by the Brotherhood. His sister had been harvested for her skill as a navigator. The courier ship had just brought him the Earth presentation on the Allung. It was like pouring gasoline on a fire. The Allung had sent scouts around the planet where he was stationed. These scouts killed his aide before departing. He had no force worth counting but had no compunction about using anything to stop these vermin.

  He wasn’t sure he believed this entirely new Earth tech but the courier frigate had left him a new missile as a demonstration. He sent the courier ship to ask for backup as soon as the Allung Brotherhood task force was detected. He didn’t expect anyone to come in time – it took months to get to this outpost.

  The flagship of the Allung fleet was a battleship and a lone ES destroyer stood in its path. The Master Coercer of the Allung fleet was amused this old captain would so foolishly stand before him. He had just demanded the capitulation of the entire planet to the Allung when the ES captain aimed his one, new missile at the bridge of the flagship. The missile worked flawlessly and sliced out the bridge and secondary controls of the battleship. The Allung had been so confident that they had been having a pre-battle celebration. The senior officers of the fleet disappeared with the bridge.

  The reserve Exploration Service fleet of cruisers appeared adjacent to the temporarily leaderless Allung fleet. The Exploration Service disabled and destroyed the Brotherhood ships without mercy. It was a rout – a crushing defeat for the Allung Brotherhood. The aging ES captain became a hero and started touring ES bases.

  The Threat from Earth

  All was not well with the Allung Brotherhood. The five most senior Arbitrators had just heard the news from Bellatrix and Rigel* (*Earth designations).


  “How could this trivial, backward planet near the fringe of the spiral arm threaten an empire two thousand light years across?” demanded Master Arbitrator Cetosme. “We have had major defeats at Gralon 3 and Narselon 4. Those planets had just been scouted and intelligence said they were nearly defenseless. Is it poor scouting?”

  “I suspect a leak within the council,” said the Most Senior of the Phlemm in the room.

  “What!” Cetosme exclaimed. “I have heard no rumor of this!”

  “Exactly,” said the Most Senior. “Let us examine the facts. Our scouts had done a thorough job extracting information. We even interrogated the aide to the commander at Narselon. We had sent a force large enough to defeat any conceivable resistance. The Exploration Service commander meets us with one ship – one! He is old. He happens to fire a new weapon at the flagship that somehow destroys a gathering of the fleet leaders. Two – the only two ships that escaped, confirm these facts. Furthermore, the Exploration fleet was waiting for us – waiting for us. They have some new type of stealth technology that allows them to hide from our sensors. Someone is leaking our plans – someone in this room I suspect.”

  The room clammered with ‘Not me” for a few seconds until Cetosme spoke.

  “There is rumor of a new drive Most Senior,” said Cetosme.

  “I have heard them. What is more likely? These Earthers arrive by conventional drive and invent new drives that suddenly appear throughout the Empire or they distribute their known stealth technology to the Exploration Service?” the Most Senior said.

  Cetosme replied, “What new stealth technology? Why would they give anything away?”

  “Humpf,” grunted the Most Senior. “I have had seven confirmed reports of their soldiers becoming invisible and reappearing later. Traders from all over the Brotherhood Empire have reported where their soldiers have turned invisible and their suits fight for them. Many – many reports.”

  “Well yes…I had heard those reports,” Cetosme said.

  “Which would be more likely? Which would explain the precise targeting of our command group at Narselon? Why would they lure us into complacency with one harmless frigate at an out-of-the-way planet? Which explanation would be most likely?” said the Most Senior.

  “Sound reasoning, Most Senior, but I have doubts,” said Cetosme.

  “Be minded, Cetosme, that new members of the council – like you – should be very circumspect when questioning the advice of more senior members. We must plan to root out this menace. Already I see our hard won reputation faltering. We are getting resistance from areas that never troubled us before,” the most senior said.

  “As you say, Most Senior,” said Cetosme.

  “I detect a note of resentment Cetosme. I have faced resentment many times in my reign as head of this council. Let us handle this issue this way. Cetosme – you are now to plan the pacification – the acquisition and harvesting of Earth. Make your plans well because you will be accompanying that fleet. The council will give you all the support you deserve. You are dismissed to begin your planning,” the Most Senior said.

  Cetosme tried to hide his resentment and backed out of the room…dismissed from the rest of the meeting! He was furious. You can’t dismiss a member of the council from a council meeting…or…he thought you couldn’t…

  …and that support you deserve meant that they would only give him the ships that they thought were necessary. He would not fail in this – ah – he knew where he would go…yes… his mood lifted and he walked swiftly.


  The research and development center for the Brotherhood consisted of a huge complex with the most pampered of the harvested. Scientists and techs from many species were sequestered here and treated very well – if they produced and kept producing improvements. Cetosme swept into the building and the guards fawned over him as he was escorted to the research labs. He found the Tros sitting at a desk, tinkering with some apparatus.

  “Is it possible to make a ship invisible to our sensors?” he demanded.

  Rett did not like being disturbed – never did… especially by the Allung Brotherhood since his capture. He had been tortured for days until he said he would work for them. He had not even have a chance to cash in all he had earned working for the humans. He did not get the accolades for his improvements to the Earth systems. He did not like his prison. The wonderful treatment he got here did not even rise to the level of accommodations aboard an Earth space ship. What impossibility did this smelly being want now? He had improved their lasers and drives. They had given him more food and a larger room after that but that was the extent afforded their slaves.

  “I do not know…possibly,” he said. He had learned never to give them a flat negative.

  “You have met the Earthers?” Cetosme asked.

  Rett was silent.

  “I asked you a question,” Cetosme said. “Answer me?”

  “Sorry. I thought you were making a statement since I had clearly told others that I had,” Rett said thinking they all looked alike.

  Cetosme held back showing his anger at this slave’s impertinence. “Can the Earthers turn invisible?”

  “They have suits that can make them invisible,” he answered.

  “I have told this before,” Rett answered. He had been tortured before and learned to tolerate it.

  Cetosme was furious. “Why have you not shown us how to do this feat?”

  “I did not have the materials to make this possible. I still do not,” he said.

  “…but you have seen them do it?” Cetosme asked.

  “Yes – on many occasions,” Rett said.

  “Can you make a ship invisible to sensors?” Cetosme asked again.

  “I do not know enough about multiple dimensions in space to do that…” Rett said flatly.

  Cetosme paused and contemplated his situation. He was not in a trusted position on the council but if he could turn this around – he would gain support and cast doubt on the Most Senior.

  “I will give you access to additional information that gives us an unstoppable weapon. I will grant you your freedom if you can get this stealth technology working,” he said.

  Rett looked at him waiting for him to say more. “I would be interested in learning this new information,” Rett said knowing he would be killed as soon as his contribution became limited. They could not afford to let him go – knowing more than he knew now. Learning more would be useful to stay live a bit longer and be treated well.


  Rett was led under guard to a new building and through a maze of doors into a huge vault. In it were devices and research papers from dozens of species he had never seen. Some of the devices were strange and some familiar. The three guards took him to a restricted area within THIS restricted area. He was given food and liquid and told to learn from this material. It didn’t take him long to realize that this information would take years to understand. He did get a shock when he saw a video of the creature that had made these notes.

  The video was in an obsolete recording format that hadn’t been used in hundreds of years. It showed a grainy recording of some type of water-based life form speaking through a translator box. The creature would make clicks and high-pitched chirps. Some of the sounds seemed out of the audible range but the box spoke in recognizable Trade and was describing the makeup of multi-layered space-time. It described how dimensions were wrapped around each other and how most beings follow the entire length of the wrap in normal space in a seemingly continuous journey. The creature described how you could jump between dimensions with a high enough velocity and with the right frequency.

  It explained how 698 lights generally was enough velocity to jump dimensions but the transition would be extremely damaging. Faster transitions would be more accurate and smoother. What Rett didn’t understand was when the being described a multi-dimensional math showing transitions would be longer and less accurate because of rebound pressure. The creature went on to explain a fascinating weapon to be fitted on the front of Allung ships. It would project a field and would pass through any ships and send them through multiple dimensions.

  Rett could see how the weapon worked. He also saw how it could be adapted to have the entire ship moved smoothly through multiple dimensions. The weapons specifications were to transition at 720 lights. That velocity would have the ships damaged as they transitioned. Rett wasn’t sure if he could make a sensor system but he had no intention of letting the Phlemm learn anything about instantaneous transport. Field propagation must be along the wrap and that limits detection range. How could he limit detection? Stationary ships could be detected at nearly 20 light years now.

  What would happen if they produced a transition wall field in front of the ship? An external field covering the front of the ship would mimic a dimensional wall. A moving ship was much more difficult to detect and the detection sphere was much shorter when either the detector or the detected were moving. New sensors cut the detection distance to about 5 light years. The Allung ships already had the projectors as a weapon. If the field size were increased, it would hide them as they approached. He could tell them to approach at 698-700 lights so if they accidentally transitioned an entire ship – it would be torn apart. He would ask to field test the device and keep changing little things so they would think him useful.

  Maybe he could escape. He could not escape from an entire planet of Phlemm but in space, he could probably steal a shuttle they would use in testing. These files are dangerous. These files would give anyone the knowledge to create instantaneous transits of space. Rett started methodically erasing all the files…then he demanded to see his keeper.

  The guards brought Cetosme to the records area.

  “This had better be important,” Cetosme said with a grim tone.

  “Master. I think I have found a way so you can hide an entire fleet until they are very close to a planet. It would only shield the fleet from those directly in front of it,” Rett said in his best subservient tone learned from the humans. Hah, he thought. I am an actor…

  “This had better be doable. What do you need?”

  “Master, I cannot see all the information because most of these records are so old. Do you have any backups where I can check the data? We may be able to do this fairly easily if the backup records show what I surmise. We would then need to do some simple tests. We should get close enough to touch before they could see us. You could appear next to a target that never saw you coming. Is that acceptable?” Rett asked.

  “I will release you if this works,” Cetosme said…into space, he thought.

  “I thank you, Master,” Rett said thinking how soon the Phlemm would kill him if this worked.


  Rett erased all the backup records he could find. There were paper (pre-Riz) records left but they were incomplete. He then started working on the project to upgrade the existing secret weapon. The modifications would take several days.

  They scheduled an installation test with an old frigate and a shuttle. The frigate was to try to detect the presence of the shuttle. The shuttle modification was to take the normal secret weapon and enlarge the field grid so it extended well past the sides of the shuttle bow. The field did not cover the shuttle so the entire shuttle would not transition when it reached 700 lights. They took the shuttle six light years from the frigate. The shuttle turned toward the heading of the frigate and extended the field grid. At the appointed time, they engaged the field and the drive at 700 lights. The elapsed time ticked off and they cut the field at the appointed time and then reengaged it for a div.

  When they cut the field a second time they could see the frigate in their sensors and approached with the grid extended but turned off. There was a short communication with the two Phlemm on the shuttle.

  “Cetosme left word that if the test was successful we should reward you. His agent aboard the frigate wants to congratulate you on your test. It was fully successful. We were totally visible on sensors and disappeared the moment the field came on. Master Cetos
me will review the test results,” said one of the two Phlemm guards.

  “We need to do one more test to see if we have to be moving for it to work. I need both of you to help,” Rett said.

  “We are not technicians,” said the second Phlemm.

  “I just need you to see if the edges of the grid flash or glow when I cut on the field. It would give away our position. You will have contributed in a major way to the success of this test if this works. I want to see just at the moment I turn on the field while stationary,” he said. “I also need you to inform the frigate of this last test. Have them observe us very carefully and communicate the second I turn on the field.”

  The two Phlemm moved to better observe the two edges of the bow grid and informed the frigate of the upcoming test.

  “I will count down from ten to zero,” Rett said.

  “Why from ten?” asked the second Phlemm.

  “It gives everyone a chance to get ready. Ten…nine…eight… Rett moved behind the first Phlemm and took the long, thin needle he had secreted in his clothing and shoved it into the rear base of his neck. The Phlemm dropped and Rett never missed a beat with his counting…four…three…two… he shoved the needle into the base of the second Phlemm’s skull. At zero… Rett cut on the field along with the drive and drove the shuttle through a major portion of the frigate at 700 lights. It was if he had cut the frigate in half lengthways.

  He headed to the nearest Exploration Service base. He just hoped he could get the collar off before the daily timer cut in. He scoured the shuttle but it had had all tools, food, and weapons removed. He went through the belts and uniforms on the two Phlemm. He found a small disruptor in a sloppily sewn skin pocket on one. He would have to be desperate to try to remove his explosive collar with a disruptor. It would remove the hull or his head. He was not that desperate – yet. Divs passed. He grunted and sat down by corpse one.


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