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Wild and Untamed (Netherworld Series Book 4)

Page 6

by Olivia Hutchinson

  There were no decorations, nothing that indicated someone lived in the room apart from a small photo that sat by the bed. It was a picture of two small brunette kids and two adults whom she could only assume were their parents.

  “Your folks?” she asked, nodding toward the photo.

  “Yeah.” Kaleb started stripped the blanket and sheets from the bed. There was sadness in his voice that plagued her.

  Beth tossed her bag onto the hardwood and leaned over to help him.

  “Where are they now?”


  “Oh,” she said, not realizing. “I’m sorry.”

  He balled up the sheets and took them from the room. He came back a few moments later with a light gray set. Starting with the fitted sheet, she helped him make up the bed.

  “Slayers,” he said after a minute.


  “Yeah.” He sat down on the bed as he thrust a pillow into its case. “Most people, with few exceptions, think my mother died in a car accident. I didn’t know any different until I heard my aunt and uncle talking about it one night after we moved in with them. I don’t know if Gabriel even knows it was a slayer killing. We never talk about it.”

  “What are slayers?”

  “You've heard of the term vampire slayer? Or witch hunter?”

  She nodded. She watched movies.

  “Same thing, basically. They’re humans who know of our existence but find us to be an abomination. They’re usually religious zealots, but specially trained to not only hunt us but to kill us.”

  “Slayers killed your parents?”

  He nodded and shook the blanket out over the fresh sheets. “My mother. They attacked her on the road when she was on her way home. She managed to kill them before succumbing to her own injuries. My father died quickly after she was killed.”


  “One mate can’t live without the other,” he said. “It’s difficult to explain if you’re not familiar with it.”

  “He just died?”

  Kaleb shrugged, sitting down on the end of the freshly made bed. “Yes? They killed her, and he died with her.”

  “Oh. That’s...different.”

  “Comes with being an Other.”

  She sat down next to him, careful to keep a few inches in between their bodies. “Werewolves mate for life?”

  He nodded. “All the Others do. Humans are the exception, not the rule.”

  She whistled.

  Kaleb cleared his throat and stood up abruptly, tossing a pillow toward the top of the bed. She’d made him uncomfortable, but she wasn’t sure if it was related to the death of his parents or to the conversation about what mates were.

  “I have to work tonight,” he told her. With that declaration, he left her sitting on the bed, staring after him.

  Kaleb realized leaving Beth upstairs by herself probably wasn’t the best decision he’d ever made. She’d asked to come downstairs with him when he went to work, but he’d refused her. He’d tried to rationalize his decision by saying it was because he didn’t need any of the werewolves in the bar to sniff around her, but he knew it was because he didn’t want to be distracted by her presence.

  It was in everyone’s best interest if she just stayed upstairs.

  He didn't know what it was about that woman that got under his skin so much. He’d had zero intentions of ever telling her about what had happened to his parents, but he’d suddenly found himself spilling his history to her. It unnerved him that it had felt so natural to talk to her about it.

  What really didn’t feel good was the constant hard-on he’d had since her apartment. Her soft body pressed against his - even if she only did it to get away from the wacko roommate - was more than enough to stir the desire in his blood.

  She smelled just as good as he remembered, like cloves and mint. It was an odd combination, but one he found himself missing as soon as she’d moved away from him. Even now the desire to retreat upstairs to see her was lurking just beneath the surface.

  His beast paced just below the surface of his skin.

  “Hey!” Alex said, coming in through the back door as Kaleb grabbed a full keg from the cooler.

  Kaleb grumbled his reply. “Hey.”

  Alex waited as Kaleb lifted the keg and began to carry it into the front before following him.

  There was a shuffling noise above their heads.

  “Is Gabriel working tonight?” Alex asked, his nose turned up toward the sound.

  Telling Alex bits and pieces of what was going on would be unavoidable, but he was still weighing how much to divulge. On one hand, Alex would make good backup if something did go down. Plus, if he knew to be on the lookout for warlocks, Kaleb would have additional eyes on the place. Keeping Beth safe was now his priority and Alex could be an invaluable asset in that.

  On the other hand, he’d have to admit to having revealed their race to a human. While Alex was trustworthy, it could easily turn into an issue.

  “No.” Kaleb set down the keg and turned toward Alex. He didn’t want to have this conversation in the front. “It’s not Gabriel upstairs.”

  Alex’s blond brows furrowed.

  “Beth is staying with me for a few weeks. She ran into some trouble, so I’m helping her out.”

  “Beth...” he echoed, head tilted slightly as if trying to place her. “Beth Muller?”

  Kaleb nodded. “That’s the one.”

  “What’s going on with her?”

  “Just some personal issues. Gabriel is staying elsewhere until things clear up. I’d appreciate it though if you kept that information between you and I.”

  Alex nodded. “I’ve always liked her. She’s mouthy but she’s loyal as hell to those friends of hers. A good tipper, too. Might not want to tell anyone else she’s staying here, though. You don’t want to Novaks or anyone else causing problems. I’m sure they’d make a big deal about a human staying at your place.”

  He hated lying to Alex and he realized at that moment he couldn’t. They’d known each other ever since Alex’s family moved into Azarov territory a few years back. Kaleb didn't know what Gabriel thought, but he had to have known there was no way they’d be able to convince Alex that Beth was a witch. He knew her, unlike most of the other wolves.

  The bell that hung over the door sounded out front and he was reminded of how thin the walls were. Beckoning Alex back into the cooler, he shut them inside.

  “Swear a blood oath,” Kaleb demanded. A blood oath was a big thing to ask anyone and Alex appeared taken aback. Alex’s agreement would mean that he’d willingly offer his neck if he betrayed Kaleb. It wasn’t something any of the Others took lightly, especially a werewolf.

  “Serious shit?”

  “Yeah. Swear it, Alex.”

  Alex sighed but then nodded after a moment’s hesitation. “Yeah, fine.” He lifted his right hand, repeating the words they all knew by heart. “I swear on my blood and that of my ancestors that the words spoken to me shall never be repeated either through voice or action to another soul. Except you, of course.”

  Kaleb nodded. That was good enough for him. Alex would be foolish to think Kaleb wouldn't carry out the sentence if he reneged.

  Alex thrust his hands into his pockets; curiosity and worry twisted his features.

  “There’s more to it. Beth and some other women have practiced magic. Gabriel’s going to be gone for a while too.”

  Telling Alex that Gabriel was at Lila’s would only pique his curiosity so Kaleb remained mute about that. Gabriel's feelings for Lila were no secret. His brother tried to hide how enamored he was with her but it was obvious to anyone close to him. If the smell of the pheromones he gave off wasn’t enough to indicate his attraction, his complete dismissal of her whenever she walked into the bar was a pretty good indication.

  Scenting when everyone around you was turned on was not a benefit to his heightened senses. The last thing he needed to know was every time his brother got a hard-on. He�
��d learned to ignore it for the most part over the years, but whenever Lila was deal.

  “The warlocks believe the women are witches. They’re being hunted which is why Beth is staying here. It’s best for all the pack to believe she’s a witch as well if they figure out she’s here. Understand?”

  He nodded. “Better a witch than a human but you know it's not safe either way."

  “Yeah, I know. We’re just waiting it out which is why she's upstairs. And that’s why you need to let me know when or if she comes downstairs,” Kaleb stressed. “And also, why I may need you to work some extra over the next few weeks.”

  “No problem, boss man. Does she know what we are and what they think she is?”


  Alex frowned, conflicted by the information. “I’ve always liked Beth, but knowledge can be a dangerous thing.”

  “It is, but it's necessary for her safety.”

  Kaleb knew Gabriel would have and should have ignored the women's issues. If it hadn't been for Lila's intervention when he was attacked they would still be ignorant of the werewolves’ true nature. Revealing what they were to humans was not taken lightly by any of them.

  “Anything else I need to know?” Alex asked.

  Kaleb shook his head. “Just keep an eye out for warlocks.”

  It was blatant douchebaggery.

  He was gone, she wasn’t allowed downstairs, and there was nothing to do. Video games weren’t her cup of tea, the movies on sucked, and there was nothing to eat. The six-pack of beer called her name, so she finished it.

  She’d retrieved her cellphone from her bag and laid back on the sofa, putting the half empty bottle of beer on the table.

  People were so dull, she thought as she scrolled through her social media accounts. She didn't give two shits what Regina Brown was doing with her life, but for some reason, they were still friends on social media.


  When her phone vibrated in her hand, she almost dropped it on her head.

  A text from Lila flashed across the top of the screen.

  TMI. I want to do the dirty with Gabriel. He changed in front of me earlier and went into beast mode.

  Beast mode? Beth replied.

  I ran from him...FYI don't run from a werewolf...he chased me down and about assaulted me on my kitchen floor before you guys got here. Snapped out of it and started apologizing.

  Beth sat up on the couch, ready to pull on her shoes and hightail it back to Lila's. Did he hurt you? Do I need to kick his ass?

  No, it's all good. They lose themselves when they turn. Don’t know who they are. It’s weird.

  She thought about Kaleb downstairs. Earlier when he'd turned in front of her, a part of her had wondered if he recognized her at all. Thinking back on it now, she’d seen the spark of recognition, but it had been fleeting. Best not to tempt the beast, perhaps.

  Curiosity flashed in her mind, and she wondered what would happen if she didn’t listen to her protector. She found her shoes in the bedroom, pulled them on, and changed her long-sleeved shirt for a skimpy tank top before going into the bathroom. It would be hot downstairs, she told herself.

  Her phone vibrated again as she went into the bathroom. We made out in the kitchen before you got there. I'm ready to jump him.

  Beth laughed out loud. Bitch, please. Fuck him.

  You think it's weird? Fucking a werewolf?

  Beth didn't want to admit that she'd already had the thought. Lord, she’d wanted Kaleb at one time but that had been years ago. Now...ah hell, who was she kidding? She still wanted him.

  As irritated as she was with him if he walked into the apartment with a raging hard-on, it would take all her self-control not to fall onto her back with her heels in the air. The man just oozed pheromones.

  Glancing at herself in the mirror, she fluffed her hair before adjusting her breasts in the top. Cleavage, as annoying as it was, happened to be her greatest asset. It would be impossible for him not to notice, especially since she kept it covered most of the time.

  She shook herself, trying to rid the visual of Kaleb’s broad shoulders between her legs. It was hard to think of something that wasn't Kaleb.

  Lila was at least helping. Sort of.

  Yes, it’s very weird, Beth conceded. But hey, you only live once. Beth wondered if she could take her own advice. It was so easy telling someone else what to do.


  Do it. Just jump his ass. Best if Lila just ripped that band-aid right off.

  Why don't you jump your werewolf's ass?

  Beth squeaked when she read Lila’s text. We’re talking about you, not me. Don’t get confused here. There’s no simmering attraction on my end. Denial was her new best friend. Lila certainly didn’t need to know that Beth’s tits were currently half hanging out of her top and she was seriously considering going downstairs to wiggle them in the big werewolf’s direction. She slapped her forehead and debated just going back to the couch.

  I'm plenty confused, Lila wrote. He's hot then he’s cold. He babbles on and on about rules.

  It sounded like an excuse. Fuck the rules.

  How did I know you'd say that?

  What do you think friends are for? It's all about peer pressure, baby. Send.

  Beth knew it wouldn't take them long before they fell into bed together. Twelve hours, at most. Gabriel may act stoic and unaffected, but he’d cave. Lila was a sexy girl. If she were into women, she’d do her.

  Her own werewolf was a bit different. He’d had the chance once and had refused her. She jerked open the apartment door and headed down the stairs to the bar. She’d be damned if he kept her locked up like a prisoner. That thought spurred her on and sent her out the apartment door.

  We’re heading over to Andrea's in a bit. Lila changed the subject. The sinking feeling hit Beth like a punch to the gut and she hesitated just outside the apartment door.

  Looking for something?


  Beth sighed and went down the steps. Be careful.

  Will do. Make sure you are too.

  She stood up a little straighter, her breasts straining against the thin black cotton. She wasn't leaving much to his imagination.

  Ha! she typed. You’re a fucking pussy compared to my badass.

  She felt badass as she pushed open the employee entrance to the bar. It was Saturday night, and the place was bumping. Cell phone in hand, she sidled up to the bar to face Alex.

  “Amaretto sour,” she told the startled bartender. The tall blond was looking from side to side but his eyes kept going back to her chest as if drawn by a magnet.

  “You're not supposed to be down here,” he chastised her, his voice low.

  A big bald man bumped into her. He was easily a foot taller than her and a solid wall of muscle. She bounced off him and grabbed the bar top to keep herself on her feet. “Excuse me,” he said with a grunt as his eyes went straight to her tits.

  Well, her outfit worked on everyone else. She wondered if it would have the same effect on Kaleb. Baldy’s ogling was interrupted by her big werewolf.

  Kaleb unceremoniously cut in between them, bumping the big guy out of his way. He snagged her arm and pulled her behind him. His eyes darted around the room before he yanked her into the back hallway.

  “I told you to stay upstairs!” he chastised her in hushed tones, not bothering to hide his anger.

  Her cell phone vibrated again. She ignored Kaleb and looked at the text from Lila. Shut the hell up.

  Fingers flying over the screen, she responded, Gotta go, babe. My ‘protector’ is wigging out. Can't take a fucking joke, I swear. Be careful later.

  “You're not even listening to me,” he accused.

  She rolled her eyes, not bothering to look back up at him as Lila’s response flashed on the screen.

  Be nice to him, he's doing us a favor. Love you.

  Silly Lila, wanting her to behave...

  I'm always nice. Love you too. Send.

; The look of disbelief on his face made her smirk when she dropped the cell phone to her side. She felt like a rebellious teenager again.

  “I was bored. There's nothing for me to do and I wanted some, err...human interaction.”

  His hands were on his hips and his chest rumbled with a growl. “By showing off your assets to every man and werewolf in my bar?”

  “It’s not like I’ve never been here before," she argued. She didn’t know why he had such a big problem with her being downstairs.

  Shaking his head, he said, “That's not the point. You don't need to draw attention to yourself.”

  She glanced down at her outfit. “You think I'm drawing attention to myself?”

  For the first time in her life, she witnessed Kaleb’s face turning red. She wasn't sure if it was from anger or embarrassment but she didn’t care. She had his attention now.

  “You're not leaving anything to the imagination,” he said, his voice thick.

  The corner of her mouth lifted as she met his gaze. Those green eyes were dilated, making them appear almost black, especially in the darkness of the hallway. He held her stare until she pushed her hair back with her hand.

  “You’ve imagined me?” she asked him with a wiggle of her brows. She was fueled by the liquid encouragement and was in the mood to play with fire. She already felt like she was burning up. Maybe it was the heat that was radiating off his skin. She could feel it more and more with every step he took toward her.

  He inhaled a sharp breath, his eyes narrowing. “Beth...”

  His voice was a growl and her heart thundered in her chest. Electricity seemed to spark between their bodies as he took a step closer to her. Her back was pressed against the cold wall and suddenly she wasn’t sure if coming downstairs had been a good idea.

  He leaned over her, his nose pressing against her neck as he inhaled deeply against her skin. His hand caught her waist and she reached out, grasping his shoulders to steady herself when he jerked her against his chest. Kaleb’s other hand was pressed against the wall as he growled softly, his mouth vibrating against her skin.


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