Book Read Free

Something Brave

Page 5

by Victoria Blisse

  “Ah, so you made your decision, then.”

  “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry I couldn’t come last night but—”

  “No excuses, you made your decision. You will take the consequences, but first, show me the cuffs.”

  The room appeared to have grown since the last time she’d been there. It seemed to take forever for Felicity to scuttle over to his table and place the little black box on the desk in front of him. She stood back and watched as he took off the lid and lifted out each link and carefully examined them.

  “These are precisely what I asked for. Thank you.” He smiled at her and for one brief moment, she felt calm. As mad as he seemed to be, there was a core of gentleness in there somewhere and he liked her handiwork.

  “You’re welcome, Sir. I’m glad you like them.”

  “I do. I would have liked them more last night when I wanted them.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir. I would have brought them but I live in a dodgy area and I don’t like to go out when the gangs are hanging out on the grass outside my block of flats.”

  “That is no excuse, Felicity.”

  She felt her jaw tighten in irritation. It was more than an excuse. It was a matter of safety.

  “You should have said ‘yes, Sir,’ then explained your situation to me.”

  “But, Sir—”

  “No excuses, Felicity. How many times do I have to tell you that?”

  “Sorry, Sir.”

  “You are my sub. When I ask you to do something, you do it. I will never, ever put you in danger. We would have worked around the problem if you’d said yes. Your refusal means that now I need to punish you. Do you understand why?”

  “Yes… Well, actually no, not really. It wasn’t safe for me to go out.”

  He shook his head and sighed.

  “You are mine, Felicity. Your immediate reaction should always be to do what I tell you to. Your immediate reaction was to worry, to not trust me, to not let me take care of you.”

  “I can look after myself,” Felicity snapped before she thought.

  “I am sure you can.” He pushed himself out of his seat and walked around the desk toward her. “You are clearly a strong, independent soul. I can see that when I look into your eyes.”

  Felicity turned to face him, and he cupped her cheek gently in the palm of his hand.

  “I like that about you. It’s part of what attracted me to you in fact but, Felicity, I am your Master, and part of that is trusting me and doing what I say.”

  “Sir.” She gasped, feeling the brush of his fingers against her chin and cheek. “Can I just say something?”


  “If I’d have agreed, would you have given me opportunity to then tell you why I couldn’t leave my flat?” She looked him squarely in the eye, searching for the truth.

  “Yes.” His stare never wavered. “I was going to offer you various options for getting here, including an option to have me send over a driver and car to pick you up.”

  “Oh.” Felicity deflated.

  “I am a gentleman, Felicity.”

  “Yes, you are, Sir.” She bowed her head, tears threatened to spill down her cheeks. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay, don’t be upset.” He lifted her chin and pressed his lips to hers. “You made a mistake. You’re still learning. I know you didn’t mean to upset me.”

  “I didn’t.” Felicity sniffled. “I really didn’t, Sir.”

  “I know, sweetheart.” He pulled her tightly against his body and she buried her head in his neck, drinking in his citrus freshness. He hugged her close, stroked her back with his hand. “But I still have to punish you. You understand that, don’t you?”

  She nodded against his shoulder.

  “Good girl. You remember your safe word? If you need to, use it.”

  She nodded again, reluctant to pull away from the warmth and security of his grasp.

  He moved back from her and she shivered at the chill of the air-conditioned atmosphere.

  Sir reached out and pulled open the bottom drawer of his desk. He confidently grabbed two pairs of steel handcuffs without looking. Felicity wondered what else he might conceal in there, and a shudder racked her body. Next, he walked over to a set of cabinets and pulled out the crop she’d purchased from the fair. Felicity’s knees quivered, and she leaned against his desk, unable to hold herself up anymore.

  “Come over here, Felicity.”

  He beckoned, and she followed him over to the large bank of windows.

  “Look at that view. Breathtaking, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, Sir.” She stood beside him and looked out over the cityscape, the high office blocks, the shops, the cars and buses on the roads, even the odd tree and green space.

  “When I had this office built, I had the windows designed specifically. Would you take your dress off, please?”

  His request barely registered, coming after such a mundane statement. After a few seconds, she realized what he’d asked and she looked at him with panic, swiveling her gaze from his face to the vista outside the window.

  “Now, Felicity. Don’t make me wait.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She gulped, stilled and attempted to slow her heartbeat, which seemed so rapid it would gallop out of her chest at any moment. She grabbed the bottom edge and, smoothly dragging the dress up and over her head.

  “Good girl. Now turn to the window. That’s it. Move forward until you’re touching the glass.”

  She knew better than to hesitate again. Even though she was petrified that someone would see her, she shuffled forward until her bra-covered breasts bumped against the chilled glass.

  “Reach up and grasp the frames.”

  Each pane of glass was surrounded by steel rungs, heavy duty and industrial with holes punched at regular intervals. She had to stretch a little but she could reach one on her left and one on her right. The metal was intensely cold against her hot palms.

  Her Master pushed his body up against her back, then with a click, he attached the cuffs to one wrist and one support and repeated the action on the other side. She was stretched out, displayed for all to see, only her underwear protecting her.

  He stood directly behind her, reached up and grabbed her wrists just below the cuffs, pulling her against the icy metal that bit into her skin with a shocking chill. He showed her she was completely trapped and at his mercy. He kissed her neck, trailing his fingers down each arm until his hands rested on her hips.

  She shut her eyes tightly, fighting against a wave of fear. An unreasonable fear of falling matched with the far more reasonable worry that someone would see her like this, extended, handcuffed and at her Master’s mercy. It would only take a quick glance from one of the other office windows to work out what was going on. Her knees weakened as she imagined an audience looking at her.

  “I wish I could watch us from that building over there,” he whispered, his breath warm against her ear. “I bet you get a perfect view.”

  Samuel inserted his thumbs into her knickers and yanked them down.

  “No.” She gasped in shock. “Please, no.”

  He didn’t acknowledge her cries but dragged the red lace down until her buttocks were bared to him and her pubis was on show to anyone who happened to look.

  Felicity’s cheeks flared with heat. She turned her head to the side and tightly closed her eyes as she squeezed her thighs together in a vain attempt to hide herself.

  “Oh, no, sweetheart, I have put you on display. Spread your legs, look straight forward.”

  She hesitated and a shocking slap shook her right buttock.


  His command was sharp and stern, and Felicity turned her face forward but kept her eyes closed and very slowly spread her thighs by an inch or so.

  Another slap, equally as hard, but delivered to the opposite cheek, made her shuffle her feet a little wider. It took two further impacts to get her to place her feet at shoulder width.

  “God, you’re naug
hty today, Felicity. What am I going to do with you?”

  She squeezed her eyes shut, expecting to feel another spank to her already stinging buttocks. She knew she should have responded quicker but just found it so difficult to display her body wantonly like that—the body she had severe doubts about.

  “The right answer to that question, Felicity, is that I’m going to do whatever I like with you and to you. Isn’t that correct?”

  “Yes, Sir.” She gulped, the words sticking in her throat.

  “That’s better. So you do remember how to be a good sub for me.”

  “Yes, Sir, I’m sorry, Sir. I’m very afraid, Sir.” The words tumbled from her lips. Once she started speaking, it was like she couldn’t stop. “It’s a long way down and I’m very exposed and people might see and I’m not all that pretty—”

  “Oh, my sweet, dear Felicity.” He pushed up against her back and wrapped his arms around her waist, the folded sleeves of his shirt tickling her belly.

  “I have built my business up from nothing because I am trusted to always provide the very best of the best. The products placed in the windows of my shops are the very top of their lines, beautiful and desirable. What I display, people want.”

  The comfort of his arms around her waist changed the moment he unfolded his hands to run them up and over her red bra—the only decent one she owned—to squeeze and appreciate the curve of her breasts through the lace. She gasped as he dragged down on the cup covering her left breast until the material folded under and revealed her flesh to the chilly air and the warmth of his fingers.

  “You are beautiful.” He kissed her gently below the ear. “You are stunning.” He plucked her nipple between his finger and thumb. It fattened and crinkled, hardened at his touch. “You are mine and I want to show the world how fucking proud of you I am.”

  “I want to tease and tempt with your gorgeous curves.” Samuel cupped her breast, squeezing and molding the soft mound until she whimpered. “All your gorgeous curves.” He dropped both hands to her stomach and rested them, his middle fingers pointed to her belly button.

  She tightened. Felicity was incredibly sensitive about her midriff. As a child, she’d been teased for being fat and greedy. She would eat anything put before her at dinner, since her free school meal would often be all she’d eaten in a day. As she’d grown up, she’d put on weight when food became more regular and available, and as much as she tried to diet, nothing seemed to get rid of the softness that padded her middle.

  “Every inch of you turns me on.” He squeezed his hands together and pressed up against her back. While he grasped the flesh she felt so ashamed of, his erection was firm against her buttocks. “Every inch.” He groaned and loosened his grip, slipping a hand down between her thighs, over her pubic hair and lower.

  “Don’t be ashamed of your beauty.” He pushed a finger into her wet slit and teased the tip of her clit. “Don’t shrink back. You’re better than that. You’re something special. I don’t own anything less than special, and you belong to me.”

  He rubbed her clit slowly, gently, and nibbled her shoulder. She was lost in pleasant sensation, the physical warmth of his manipulation matching with the warmth of his words. She struggled to believe what he said, but that didn’t stop her from appreciating the fact he’d said it.

  “And as much as I’d love to make you come like this, right now, I can’t yet.” He drew back from her, his warmth lost, the chill of the air raising goose bumps up and down her arms and legs. “I owe you a spanking first.”

  Felicity tightened. She’d been so caught up in his sweet words and sexual heat that she’d forgotten why he’d fastened her there in the first place.

  She noticed how loud her breathing was, how fast it came, and she tried to slow it. She noticed the ache in her shoulder blades and elbows from being stretched between two beams, the cuffs digging in on the underside of her wrists.

  The slaps of his hand jolted her concentration elsewhere. He started gently, the sting virtually undetectable, the blows only forceful touches, but after a few alternating cups of her arse, the pressure mounted, and with each few blows, it got harder. The sting echoed through her skin longer until her whole bottom was alive with prickling pain and she was twisting against her bonds.

  Each crack of his hand thundered through the large office, the sound almost as painful as the impacts and just as arousing. She bent forward, pressing her bottom back, supplicating herself, wanting more of the hot lava that flowed from the skin of her bottom through to her molten core. When she tipped forward, her bare breast pressed against the cold glass shocked a yelp from between her lips and reminded her exactly where she was. Felicity didn’t want to open her eyes, though. She didn’t want to know who was watching—if anyone was watching. Even if the idea made her stomach dance and not in an unpleasant way.

  “You’re taking your punishment very well,” he said and slid his hand over her hot, stinging buttock. “Very well, indeed.” He pressed his fingers between her thighs and easily slipped them inside her. “And fucking hell, you’re wet.”

  She groaned and tightened the muscles in her pussy, sucking his fingers deeper, enjoying their heft inside her. He pushed them farther in and dragged them back slowly at first then faster and faster. Felicity’s whole body shuddered as she went into passionate overdrive. She was certain she was going to come, just by this touch inside her, but Samuel pulled away before she could. He left her panting, hanging heavily from her bonds.

  “Not, yet, Felicity. You were far naughtier than that.”

  There was the swish of the crop, and she automatically stiffened, but it didn’t hit her flesh. He was teasing her. She inhaled deeply, remembered back to how it had felt before, the focused sting, the aching bruises it had left. She bit her lip and tightly cinched her eyes closed. She had loved and hated the crop, and the paradox swam inside her—eager to taste the leather while equally petrified of it.

  When she heard the swoosh of the crop, the air moved too. Before she could respond, the tip had hit and her burning arse exploded with pain in that one small area, leaving an echoing bite that made her wiggle in a fruitless attempt to shake the pain away.

  He hit again right on the same spot that was already in hot torment. She yelled out a protest that didn’t sound like a word, just a loud expression of how much it hurt. He took mercy a little, as the next strike hit the opposite cheek and deflected the ache to another site. Both sides stung equally, and he repeated himself, hitting in exactly the same place twice. She twitched and groaned. The pinpoints burning on her arse like a blush would burn on her cheeks, more intense at the center and diffusing out to envelope her whole body.

  Then the impacts of the crop became more dispersed but lighter, he was holding back a little, tapping all over her flesh, the hits ranging from a prickle to the start of a sting. He was building up to something, Felicity was sure of it. But what? That was the question that bugged her, and would she be able to take it?

  “Felicity, are you okay?” he asked, snapping her from her internal worries.

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied.

  “I’m not finished with you yet. I want to push you, to see what you can take.”

  “Okay, Sir.” Could he see her trembling? She wasn’t sure she wanted to be pushed to her boundaries or beyond them.

  “So I’m giving you another way to communicate your discomfort to me. If at any point you grow unsure about what you can take, you can tell me by saying amber, like the traffic light. I will slow down and wait for the green light. If you want something stopped immediately, you can use your safe word or just say red, and I will stop. Whatever comes to your mind first. Is that understood? Did I make myself clear?”

  “Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.” Felicity appreciated his care. She might not want something to stop completely, but being able to indicate it needed toning down made her feel more secure, a bit more in control, even though she was immobile and left at his mercy.

  “Good girl.�
� Samuel pressed a key into the first cuff. “Now when your arms are free, lower them gently to your sides and stay perfectly still. You will stand in the window, displaying yourself, not because I have secured you there, but because I told you to. You will show me what a good, obedient sub you can be.”

  When the cuff was released, Felicity’s hand tingled. As Samuel moved to her other side, she slowly lowered her arm, her stiff shoulder protesting. She flexed her fingers all the way down. Her arm felt strangely light, and so did the other when she lowered it in the same manner.

  She realized as she stood there, eyes closed, hands beside her, that she didn’t want to move. She was even brave enough to open her eyes and look out over the vista. She didn’t stare too hard at the windows of the office block opposite, just in case. It didn’t repulse her to imagine someone was watching, but she didn’t want any confirmation that they were, either.

  “Lean forward, place your hands on the glass and stick out that gorgeous arse for me, Felicity.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She snapped to action, shuffling her feet back a little and arching forward, pressing her palms to the cold, slick glass. The chill seeped in through the pads of her fingers and her palms, freezing her as if they were stuck to it. She hoped the window would warm up soon, and a shiver traveled the length of her spine.


  Felicity only had a moment to bask in the verbal praise before the crop made its threatening buzz and the impact shook her sensitive flesh. It wasn’t a hard strike, but she was getting to know his strokes. With her bottom already sore, it hurt as if it was. She tried hard not to wriggle.

  She couldn’t help moving when the next flick exploded at the same point. It hurt so much.

  “Stay still,” he growled.

  She clenched her fists, bit her lip and tried not to think of the pain that bathed her. She was fairly certain she’d had enough of the spanking section of the afternoon and would much prefer to get to the fucking.

  His hard slaps beat down on her arse, one cheek then the other, harder and harder.


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