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Lost Girl (Rosewood Realm Book 2)

Page 20

by Dee Garcia

  "Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God!" I moan, pushing back against every one of Tavi's power-driven thrusts.

  He meets me tit for tat, his hands locked around my arse for leverage, which only lodges him deeper. He's so deep, I can feel the head of his cock ramming against the very hilt.

  It hurts, but it hurts so good.

  If only it were real.

  I'm not surprised my mind has subconsciously gone here. With how often Tavi and I are interrupted, it makes sense it’d be looking for some sort of release.

  Tempting me with all the things he could do to my body.

  How it would feel to finally explode with his name on my tongue.

  "Goddamn, this pussy," he grates, his voice drowned in that husky baritone that brings me to my knees. "I need you to come this time, baby. Don't give a fuck how long it takes, who's here. I want you gushing for me."

  Pretty sure I already am.

  Above the sound of our skin slapping, you can hear how wet I am.

  And I'm about to make it wetter for him.

  Snaking a hand between my legs, I reach for my clit and rub frantically. In tandem with his thrusts, it's not long before I feel the build-up come on. You know, those sparks that tingle at the base of your spine, the ones that form deep inside your clit, spreading to every nerve ending...

  "Don't stop. So close," I warn him, shivering as pleased groans meet my ears.

  "Are you playing with yourself right now, little wolf?"


  His chest drops to my back, hand threading in my hair, pulling my head back. "Filthy,” a decadent growl. “Absolutely filthy."

  "It's so good, though."

  "Mmm, you are. Delicious. Tight." Another thrust that leaves me fluttering around him.

  "Oh, God."

  "Getting closer?"

  "So close..."

  "Don't hold back, you hear me? I wanna hear you fall apart for me,” he growls.

  “So damn—”

  The front door slams open, then the bedroom door. Tavi and I both still, gasping as a draft rolls in with a strong gust. I can't hear footsteps. In fact, I can't hear anything at all other than the irregular sound of my breathing.

  "Who-who's there?" I ask Tavi, wondering why the hell he hasn't moved.

  But I'm not given an answer.

  "Tavi, who's there?" I repeat adamantly.

  I'm waiting for that reply, eyes latched onto the door, when something tells me to look back. It's not a voice resounding within the house, it's in my head. Much like the whisper, I can't ignore it—so I look back, and what awaits me is the very last thing I expected.

  The. Very. Last.

  I never thought I'd scream with such crippling fear when it comes to Tavi, but I do.

  He's motionless, just staring at me, every inch of his eyes black—a demonic black. He's still hard when I scramble off him to the other side of the bed, too, the head glistening with my arousal.

  What in the actual fuck is happening right now?

  I don't know whether to be more alarmed by him or by the fact that I can move.

  I can move!

  This is new, unlike all the other times.

  Grabbing the sheet, I move all the way to the wall, eyeing the door. I can't run, I don't think I'll make it. He doesn't seem sparked by my sudden withdrawal, still doing nothing but staring at me, but that could change any minute now.

  "You can't just stay there, though."

  There it is.

  I knew it was coming. A situation this fucked wouldn't be complete without the whisper.

  Don't worry, I'm not going to bother asking who they are this time. We're not getting that answer any time soon, friends.

  "You have to leave, Wendy. Run."

  The idiot in me listens, eyes cutting to the door, heart thrashing in my chest. What would happen if I just took a step?

  I do and he doesn’t so much as flinch. I try it thrice more, closer now to the exit—and he still hasn't moved.

  Taking a quick inventory of my near area, I look for something to protect myself with, but all I find is my nightie—the one that got ruined—conveniently hanging on the doorknob.

  And yes, it's still ruined.

  Dirty. Bloodied.

  I cringe just thinking about having to put it on, but it's better than nothing.

  Fuck it, I'm doing it.

  Very slowly, I release the sheet, revealing my naked body, and take three more steps, then six. Nine.

  I'm out the door, yanking the garment off the knob on my way out. I bolt through the front door after that, bypassing shoes to avoid stumbling, and all but fly down the steps. I have no idea where I'm going, but the second my feet hit the grass, I'm throwing my nightie over my head and sliding my arms through the thin straps.

  It's dark as hell, I'll tell you that—and somewhat chilly—but the moonlight helps, illuminating the worn-in path within the grass.

  Where am I even going to go, I think to myself.

  "Just follow me," the whisper sounds on my right, which I've come to memorize as the way to Tavi's property and the lake. Maybe I'll hide out there until I wake up.

  If I ever wake up, that is.

  Tavi isn't here to save me this time—I'll have to save myself.

  I glance behind me quickly to ensure I'm alone and book it to the opening in the foliage. Idly I realize what a miracle it is I haven't fallen flat on my face. I'm just moving through these grounds like I've roamed them forever and I haven't got shoes on.

  I don’t know if it’s because I’m dreaming or that I’m actually running that fast, but it feels like it only takes me half the time to near the small river. When the hiss of gentle stream begins meeting my ears, my morale boosts all the more.

  I'm close to Tavi's.

  It's not long after this point, maybe a mile or so.

  But as quickly as hope came, it goes, too.

  There's a howl in the distance, one I recognize too well. My heart sinks, knees wobbling slightly. I don't stumble then, but I will soon, especially if he is coming after me now.

  "Just keep going, he isn't coming," the whisper advises. "Cut to the right."

  I do, without hesitation, following along with the very source that's done nothing but burn a piece of my psyche since I arrived on this island.

  "That's it, keep going," it prompts.

  "Where?" I ask breathless, lungs burning from the exertion.

  "Follow the light."

  "What li—"

  The tiniest white orb flickers about five feet away. It's so bright, doing this tempting little dance within the air. Despite what the whisper may have said, I know Tavi's likely gaining on me—I can feel him—but my movements have slowed and all urgency has taken a backseat to this light. Fear still lingers in the shadows, though, waiting to take me for another loop on this hellish rollercoaster.

  Reminding me it’s never too far away.

  As if on some freakish cue, Tavi howls again, echoing louder and much closer, and right behind it resound several more.

  He's got the entire pack with him.

  Once again, I’m torn between instincts and following the whisper’s bidding. I know I should run, but I can’t. That light is just so intriguing, enticing me to chase its incandescent presence. Through my lower peripherals, I can just barely make out where my steps fall in the grass, it’s silken blades crunching beneath my feet.

  Until the sod begins tapering off, fading from lush to desiccated, to nothing but dark, barren terrain.

  My foot doesn’t make the touchdown, a ferocious snarl stopping me mid-stride. A flash of movement whips past me and then I see him. His eyes glow, a vivid honey unlike anything I’ve ever seen.

  What else haven’t I seen?

  A growl of this nature directed at me.

  The rest of the pack appears behind him, almost out of thin air. One by one they step under the moonlight, long canines exposed, streams of dribble glistening. With each that appears, their growls seem to meld with Tav
i’s and amplify the sound. It’s too loud, reviving the wild tempo of my heart beat.

  Thump, thump.

  Thump, thump.

  Thump, thump.

  “Get out of here,” his eyes warn. “Go!”

  But I’m frozen, rooted to the ground beneath me. That is, until he takes a step forward, moving me back a single step as well. Not a moment later, Tavi advances again, and again, I retreat another step.

  Before I know it they’re all stepping forward, forcing me back into the darkness of the forest.

  I don’t like this, not one bit. The Lost Boys have been on my side since day one, and here they are, turning on me, breaking my heart.

  And I haven’t a clue why.

  Can I wake up now?

  Of all the times I’ve endured an episode, this is by far the longest. I should’ve woken up ages ago, so why haven’t I?

  “Because there’s something you need to know,” the whisper states.

  “What? What do I need to know?”

  The wolves snarl at my voice, taking another tentative step toward me as a united front. My heart shatters a little more but I don’t have the time to dwell on it.

  Behind them, small flames begin to appear. Much like the wolves, they ignite one by one. At first I can’t tell where they’re coming from, they simply appear to be floating, but then I see it.


  Some I recognize like Tigerlily and Doctor Ward, even some of the Natives. Others I don’t. They’re just faces, all of them as angry and disproving as the wolves.

  “Do you hear them?” the whisper questions.

  I don’t answer in words, simply give a little shake of my head, straining my hearing with everything in me while praying to whatever deity might hear me that I’ll wake up right in this moment.

  I’ve had enough.

  I just want to breathe Tavi in, feel his arms burrow me into his chest as he tells me he’s got me—that I’m safe.

  “Not going to happen this time, little Wendy. Listen closely to what they have to say.”

  Takes several moments of straining my hearing, but when I finally hear it, I swear it feels like the ground splits beneath my feet and I’m free-falling to the fiery depths of hell.


  “You don’t belong here!”

  “Be gone!”

  Tears blur my vision as I watch their outrage continue to unfold through the downward spiral, my skin crawling with goosepimples despite the warmth licking at the bottom of my feet.

  “Get out!”


  “You don’t belong here!”

  Their warbled voices continue, attacking me from all angles until they just stop. Until I stop.

  I’m standing in the same spot I was before, them before me, illuminated by flames, and the forest behind me.

  “T-Tavi,” I call out for him, reaching my hand out, stepping forward in hopes of his touch setting me free, but that proves to be the wrong move.

  He lunges forward on a terrifying growl, snapping at me with those sharp teeth. The only reason he misses me is because I scream and take off running, bolting in pure, unrelenting fear.

  The darkened scenery whips past me on either side in a blur, heart thrashing wildly. I can hear them all behind me, chanting their protests of my presence, but I don’t dare look back.

  I just run, and run, and run, passing the Woodlands, then the Sanctuary.

  The clearing that leads to town, too.

  What’s starkly different?

  The incline leading to Hook’s palace isn’t in its usual state.

  No, it’s a jagged cliff, and judging from what I can see around me, the only way I’m getting up there. I haven’t a clue why I feel so compelled to seek safety behind the castle walls, but I haven’t much of a choice now.

  Either I climb or…


  “You don’t belong here!”

  “Be gone!”

  I’m climbing like I’ve never climbed anything before, using indents in the treacherous cliff to place my feet and all of my upper-arm strength to pull myself up. I won’t dare look down, but I don’t need to, their voices still resound, an orange shadow of their wicked light illuminating the way up.

  As if I’m climbing out from hell.

  Feels like an entire millenia has passed me by when I finally make it over the ledge on wobbly arms and legs. I barely manage to push onto my feet, but I force myself to stand tall and keep it moving. I’m almost there, their chants of resentment almost inaudible.

  Still, I run, for it’s not promised they won’t reappear out of thin air. I don’t trust a single thing happening, especially the whisper’s current silence. Heart thrashing, legs threatening to give out, I push forward resolutely, all the way to the giant palace doors, banging frantically on its hard surface with the side of my adamant fist.

  The booming sound echoes within the castle.

  In my mind.

  And that’s when it happens—when that familiar gasp shoots free from my mouth as my eyes fly open and the consciousness of reality takes its hold...

  I’m awake, but I’m not in bed. I’m still standing before at the palace entrance in the dark of night, baffled and disconcerted. Was it a nightmare? Was it—

  The door flies open, snapping my gaze on an equally puzzled Tinksley, one of her dark, sleek brows arched pensively.

  Before she can so much as open her mouth, I open mine and lock my hands around her wrists, crying out the word I never thought I would in her presence.


  ♫ Signal to Noise - Hampus Naeselius ♫

  My wake up call the next morning?

  My hand tugging my dick. I'm harder than hell, balls heavy from the constant build-up and a lack of release. I swear every time Wendy and I fall on that bed, there's an interruption before I can get her out of her clothes.

  Happened again last night.

  She was on top of me, her tits lodged in my grip, my tongue laving her nipples as she ground her hips against me, and BOOM—in came Soren from Kimi's. He'd left after a shower to go see her, giving us the illusion he'd be gone for quite some time.

  But he wasn't, obviously.

  Just another reason why I need that house done stat. I'm thankful he gave us a place to stay when my father wouldn’t, but the whole roommate situation is driving me mad.

  I might not be able to fix that right this second, but I'm about to give my little wolf exactly what she needs and finally finish what I started. Whether Soren’s home or not, I'm throwing us both over the edge before I drag myself out of this bed and get the day started.

  "Wake up, little—" Nothing but cold sheets meet my palm, springing my eyes open.

  She's not there, but the coolness is what's most alarming.

  Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I peek over my shoulder at the window, noting the sun is just rising, then turn back to Wendy's spot. Where is she?

  That's when I see it.

  A small sheet of parchment on her pillow. Something about it wrings my stomach like a sodden towel. My heart thunders as I reach a tentative hand out and retrieve it between two fingers.

  And just by the first few words I read upon flipping it open, I know exactly what the rest will say.


  This is the last thing I wanted to do, but I have to go. You weren't there to wake me up this time and the things I saw, what I heard, where I went, it made me realize I don't belong here. As much as I love this beautiful land, it isn't my home. I should never have thought it could be. Who knows, going home might be exactly what I need to rid myself of this evil, too. Because these dreams, they’re the work of evil, and I can’t endure them any longer. Teas at hand or not, I can't. I just can't. Please try to understand me. Please know I never meant to hurt you. Please know I had every intention to stay, to be with you.

  Please know I love you,


  I wasn't there to wake her up this time?

bsp; What the hell is she talking about? I was with her all night, watched her fall asleep beside me while I sifted my fingers through her hair. At no point did I hear her struggling through another episode. She hasn’t had one for over a week now.

  “Soren!” I’m scrambling out of bed, stuffing my legs into my sleeping trousers. “Soren!”

  “Yeah?” His sleep-bogged holler carries from down the hall.

  “Get out here, man! She’s gone!” My voice almost cracks as I utter the last bit. She’s gone.

  My little wolf is gone.

  Hulking footsteps sound in time with my own as I storm out of the room. We nearly run headfirst into one another just outside the door. "What the hell happened?" he rasps, wiping the remnants of sleep from his eyes.

  Handing him the note, I stand there with my heart in my throat as he reads through it. The words echo in my mind, threatening to drown me in a tidal wave of emotion at any given moment.

  She’s gone.

  She’s really gone.

  Soren looks baffled beyond belief when his gaze cuts up to mine, auburn brows bunched together. "I thought the teas were working?"

  "They were, so what the fuck is she talking about? I wasn’t there to wake her up? I didn’t even hear her going through another one. Unless I was out harder than usual? Did you—"

  "Tav, calm down,” he cuts off my rambling, motioning for me to breathe. “We'll figure it out, okay? Just—"

  "We don't have time to figure it out! She's gone!" My pulse rampages beneath my skin, stomach convulsing almost violently.

  What part of that doesn’t he understand?

  "I doubt she's gone already, brother. The sun isn’t even fully up yet."

  I shake my head resolutely, biting back the burn welling in my eyes. "She is, trust me. I can feel it."

  Soren hits me with that dubious brow, giving a little shake of his own head. "I don’t know, man. How would Wendy find her way out of here on her own?"

  “She wouldn’t. She had help,” I throw back, and again I’m met with nothing but doubt.

  "Who the hell would help her this early in the morning?"

  "Tinksley.” Her name leaves a metallic taste in my mouth. “She’s the one who brought her here and probably the only one willing to take her back.”


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