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Dangerous Dreams

Page 6

by Roxanne Riley

  The first few days after waking up, I’d felt a little like I’d been hit by a truck, but by today, I’d gained a majority of my strength back and I’m feeling restless and antsy.

  “Tell you what, we’ll talk about it tomorrow, ok? But at least today, we’re just going to hang out and relax at my place,” Phillip says.

  I nod and gaze out the window. It’s weird, it’s been almost a month, but for me, it feels like just a few days. It makes the weirdness between Griffin and Phillip all the more bizarre to me, because it’s like they magically bonded overnight or something, even though I know they’ve been spending a lot of time together.

  And I feel a little stab of guilt. I know how much time they’ve both spent just sitting in the hospital worrying over me, and even though I couldn’t exactly help it, I feel bad for worrying them.

  The car ride home is quiet, a weird energy crackling between us all, and I wonder what’s going through their heads. “Is everything ok?” I ask finally, breaking the silence.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Well, I mean, you guys have barely said two words since we left the hospital.”

  “Rory, we, kind of…we have some things we need to discuss,” Griffin says.

  My stomach drops, and I feel like the blood in my veins has gone icy. “Ok, what the hell does that mean?” I ask, trying to keep the fear from my voice.

  “We’re almost to the house, we’ll talk about it there,” Phillip says.

  My heart pounds, and I’m terrified. What the hell could they have to talk about that’s got them looking so fucking worried?

  Mercifully, however, Phillip was right, and it’s only a few more minutes before we pull into the garage of his place.

  He scrambles out of the car to open my door and help me out, and while I want to gripe about it, I’m too lost in my fears to care about being babied. And beyond that, my legs are trembling and I’m not sure I could stand without the help.

  Griffin follows behind, and they guide me over to a plush couch. Once I’m settled, I look up at them both. “Ok, we’re at the house, now spill. What’s going on?”

  “Ok, Rory, before I start, just do me a favor and hear us out all the way, let us explain, ok?” Griffin says.

  He’s uncharacteristically nervous, and it makes my anxiety spike. “Ok,” I say slowly, “So explain.”

  “Aurora, I think it’s pretty clear that you and I have a connection,” Phillip begins.

  Um…well, that wasn’t what I was expecting.

  “And while you’ve been asleep, Griffin and I, well, we’ve, uh we’ve kind of discovered a connection of our own,” he continues.

  Definitely wasn’t expecting that.

  There’s a long pause and Phillip lets out a sigh of frustration. “I don’t know what to say, I told you I should have written something down,” he complains to Griff.

  “We’re both in love with you, Rory,” Griffin blurts, exasperated, “But we’re also in love with each other, and we haven’t figured out any of it, so…what do you think?”

  I open my mouth, but no words will come. It’s like my brain’s short-circuited and I’m completely dazed.

  Griffin loves me. Phillip loves me. The “unobtainable,” unrequited men I’ve been torturing myself over are both in love with me.

  “I don’t know,” I blurt finally, “What do I say? Am I supposed to choose? Or is this your way of saying the two of you are going to run off to Vegas and elope or something?”

  My head is spinning, and the idea of losing them both makes my chest constrict. I feel like I can’t breathe, and I start to shake.

  “Please don’t leave me,” I whisper, my voice trembling and tears filling my eyes.

  Phillip strides over to me and crushes me against his chest. “No, baby, no, that’s not what any of us want.”

  I take a deep, shaky breath, blinking quickly and chasing away the stinging moisture. “So…what can we do?”

  “Be with each other,” Phillip says simply, drawing back and brushing my hair from my face, “Love each other, and figure out the rest as we go….if that’s what you want. If you feel the same way about us.”

  In answer, I rise up on my tiptoes and brush my lips over his.

  I’ve kissed him before, but this is different. This is mine.

  And then I turn to Griffin. His eyes search my face, and there’s a nervousness I’ve never seen in his expression. My hand shakes as I reach out and cup his cheek. “You really mean it?” I whisper, “You love me?”

  “More than words can say,” he whispers,.

  “And you’re ok with this? With ‘we’ being a…three?”

  He nods, and I close the distance between us.

  I feel like I should know what to expect. It’s Griffin, after all, who knows me almost as well as I know myself, who’s been by my side for more of my life than almost anyone. But his kiss is a total surprise, sweeter and more gentle than I would have anticipated.

  But despite the tenderness, it still stokes the fire inside me, and when I pull away, I’m breathing hard. “Why don’t we take this upstairs?” I murmur.

  “Kinda fast, don’t you think?” Griffin laughs, but I can see in my own desire reflected in his face.

  “I’ve waited long enough,” I say firmly. I take his hand, then turn to Phillip and offer him my other hand. “Lead the way?”



  The moment my back hits the mattress, Griffin’s hand slides under my skirt. “Say it,” he murmurs softly, his lips dangerously close to mine as his fingers make their way up my thigh, “Tell me you want this, Rory, I need to hear you say it.”

  My heart pounds and I can feel moisture seeping into my panties. Phillip watches us, and I expect to find jealousy, but there’s only a ravenous anticipation. He’s enjoying the show while eagerly awaiting his own chance to play.

  My face flames and I can’t bring the words to my lips. I still can’t even believe this is really happening, some part of me is sure that I’m still in the coma and this is just a dream. A really, really, really good dream.

  But the fire under my skin, the heat blooming from his touch, it’s too intense to be anything but the real thing. The butterflies soaring in my belly are too vivid.

  This is Griffin. My Griffin. The same Griffin I’ve been fantasizing about since I was old enough to be interested in boys. But at the same time, this is also a whole new Griffin I’ve never met before. This isn’t just my manager, my friend, this is a man eyeing me with dark and primal needs that I desperately want to surrender to.

  “Say it,” he urges me again, his hand halting in place.

  His fingertips are dangerously close to the apex between my thighs, and I’m trembling, aching for him to reach just a little higher and touch me.

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  “Yes, what?” he asks, a devilish glint in his eyes.

  “I want this. I want you,” I breathe, “Both of you.”

  The corner of Griffin’s lip curls up in a smile, and with that, he closes the distance between us, his mouth over mine, and it feels like pure fire racing through my veins. A mewling little noise of pleasure escapes me and his hand ventures higher, brushing over the damp cotton.

  Just that tiny brush of his fingers over my sensitive flesh makes me shudder and gasp, and he pulls back slowly, that tiny smile spreading into a smug grin. That smile has always made my heart flutter, but now?

  Now it does so much more.

  Among other things, it fills me with a surge of confidence, and I glance from Griffin to Phillip before gently pushing Griff off of me so I can sit up. He looks puzzled for a moment, until I grip the hem of my shirt with both hands and slowly tug it up over my head. The bra beneath is simple, smooth pink silk, and I wish I’d thought ahead and put on something sexier. Something black, or lacy.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” Phillip murmurs.

  I look at him, and he’s drinking in the sight of me with eyes full of worship.
  “Absolute perfection,” Griffin echoes.

  I turn back to him and his expression mirrors Phillip’s. The smug grin is gone, replaced by an expression of awe, and any worries about my choice in lingerie are chased from my head. “Your turn,” I whisper, hoping my voice sounds less shaky and nervous to their ears than it does to my own.

  Griffin and Phillip both take the cue and peel their shirts over their heads. I’ve seen both of them without shirts before, but it feels completely new and different. This time, there’s no beach or swimming pool, no rolling camera, it’s just us.

  I can’t help myself. I reach out and touch them both, running my fingertips down each sculpted chest. They both feel like silk over stone, soft skin wrapping muscles hard as marble.

  Phillip leans down and steals his own kiss before trailing his lips down my throat. The stubble on his chin scrapes my skin pleasantly, and as he moves his way down my shoulder, he tugs down the strap of my bra with his teeth.

  I feel those delicious flames licking over every inch of my body. I feel like I’m ready to burst, the anticipation driving me positively out of my skin.

  And while Phillip lifts a hand to cup my breast, his thumb brushing the nipple through the bra, Griffin’s fingers delve back under my skirt. My head falls back, a moan rolling from my throat, and Griffin rubs my slit through the cotton growing rapidly wetter.

  “I need more,” I hear my voice blurt before I can stop myself, “Please.”

  Heat flares in my face and I’m too sheepish to meet their gazes, but they don’t have to be told twice. I hear Griffin’s low chuckle and it makes me shiver. “Good girl,” he murmurs, “Tell us what to do to you.”

  His fingers up the intensity and Phillip’s squeeze my breast lightly, but it’s not enough. I need their hands on my bare flesh.

  I reach behind my own back and with shaking hands, unhook my bra. With the one strap already slipped down my arm, one breast tumbles free easily, and I reach up to tug the strap down from the other side, tossing the pink silk to the floor.

  Phillip takes the hint and his mouth ventures further south, down my collarbone and over the curve of my breast until his lips reach my nipple. The heat of his mouth closes over the sensitive bud and I gasp. “Yes!”

  Griffin, meanwhile, shoves my underwear out of the way so his fingers can delve between my folds. When I feel the first brush of his finger over my clit, I yelp and my hips buck.

  It feels so fucking good. The pleasure is unlike anything I’ve ever brought to myself, electric and intense and overwhelming. Phillip’s tongue swirls around my pebble-hard nipple and Griffin works his fingers in tight circles around my clit, making heat and pleasure crest inside me.

  “Lay back,” he orders.

  Phillip scoots back a little so I can lay back against the pillows, and once I’m settled, Griffin hooks his fingers in the waist of my skirt and my panties. “Hips up,” he orders.

  That bossy tone is as familiar as my own heartbeat, but it’s got whole new meaning like this. So while normally my bratty side would flare and make me want to sass him, right now I desperately want to obey.

  I lift my hips and he whisks the skirt and panties over my hips and down my legs, throwing them somewhere on the floor.

  I’m pretty confident in my body, but being exposed like this is something alien to me, and I feel vulnerable in a way I never expected. I’m overanalyzing, worrying about the size of my tits, my hips, my ass. I’m suddenly stressed about not having gotten waxed, even though what little hair grows on my body is so light golden and soft it’s hardly noticeable.

  But Phillip and Griffin aren’t here to critique my body, they’re here to enjoy it, and while Phillip gets back to work teasing my nipples, one with fingers and the other with tongue, Griffin kneels between my thighs, parting them further.

  My breath catches in my throat as he dips low. Is he about to do what I think he’s-Oh, Lord, he is! His tongue dives between the slick folds and he makes a long, slow slide along the length of my slit.

  If it didn’t feel so fucking incredible, I’d think this had to be a dream. I can’t believe Griffin is seriously eating me out right now while Phillip sucks on my tits. This feels like a fantasy come alive, but one more deliciously filthy than anything I’ve ever been creative enough to conjure.

  High, breathy whimpers roll from my throat and I clutch at the sheets. Griffin flicks his tongue over my clit as Phillip sinks his teeth lightly into my nipple and the sound that rips from my chest is part scream, part moan.

  And I cry out again and again, ecstasy coiling through me as their mouths work their magic. It builds and I writhe underneath them until I feel it: I feel the delicious stirring inside me and I whimper helplessly. “Oh, fuck, don’t stop, please,” I beg, “I’m gonna cum, oh, fuck, yes!”

  My whimpers turn to howls and my vision goes black as the climax rips through me violently, shaking me to my core. My whole body trembles and every nerve is on fire.

  While I’m coming down, I hear some shuffling and hear soft murmuring between Griffin and Phillip, but my ears are ringing so loudly I can’t make it out. When I open my eyes, I see that they’ve swapped positions, and my heart pounds when I realize that they’re both completely naked.

  Are those supposed to fit inside me? I can’t help but wonder when I see what they’re both packing. I’m more than a little intimidated, but at the same time, I trust them not to hurt me.

  Phillip is kneeling between my thighs and Griffin is at my side. Griff reaches out and rolls a swollen nipple gently between his thumb and forefinger, sending a little wave of aftershocks fluttering through me.

  Phillip holds up a little square that makes my heart leap into my throat. “You ready?” he asks softly.

  I nod, and he tears open the condom. He rolls the latex down over his shaft and pushes my thighs a little further apart. “Wait,” I halt him, and they both freeze.

  “Can I, um, can we try something?” I ask.

  If all three of this are going to do this together, I want it to be all three of us, so I want to position myself with better access to Griffin.

  They both let me guide them into position, with Griffin on his back, me between his knees, and Phillip kneeling behind me, his hands roaming over my ass and hips.

  “Can’t say I mind this angle,” he murmurs, giving my ass a light slap that makes me yelp in surprise.

  I flick my gaze up to Griffin, suddenly feeling a little shy as I bend down. He meets my gaze. “You don’t have to,” he says softly.

  “I know,” I assure him, “I want to.”

  And with that, while Phillip teases my sopping wet entrance with his fingers, preparing me for his cock, I wrap my lips around the head of Griffin’s dick. There’s already a couple of salty droplets of precum beaded at the tip, and I’m surprised by how much I like the taste.

  The smooth, flared head slides easily between my lips and I slowly work my way further down, rewarded by Griffin’s groans.

  I feel the loss of Phillip’s fingers, and feel them instead replaced with something new that makes me tremble in nerves and excitement. Slowly, he inches his cock inside me, stretching me wide and filling me with new sensations.

  My body responds eagerly, bucking against him and driving him deeper. It feels strange and different, but good, and I’m so distracted I hardly realize how deep Griffin’s dick is buried in my throat.

  Griffin’s finger’s tangle in my hair, and I can feel the tension coiled in his body as he resists the urge to thrust into my mouth, his hips twitching to bring him more of the friction he craves.

  I slowly start to bob my head and Phillip drives his cock into me fully, making me gasp and nearly choke. I lift my head for a moment to steel myself and meet Griffin’s gaze. He’s panting, hard, and his blue eyes are glazed with desire. It’s an unfamiliar expression on a familiar face, but one that sends a thrill through me and spurs me on.

  Keeping my gaze locked on his, I lower my head again an
d take his cock between my lips. As I get back into a rhythm, I continue to peer up at him through my lashes, moans rolling from my throat and reverberating through his rod like a tuning fork as Phillip starts to thrust into me.

  The strange stretching sensations are giving way to nothing but pure pleasure as Phillip drives in and out. The three of us fall into sync, and it feels…otherworldly. I feel the strangest feeling that I’m…complete, somehow.

  Griffin has been a part of me for a long time, and while my bond with Phillip is newer, it’s just as real, just as intense. So to have them both, like this, our bodies all entangled together, it feels like something just clicking and falling into place.

  My heart, my soul, and now my body, are all theirs.

  The pleasure crests and I cum again, my head bobbing faster and faster as I lose myself in it all. Griffin’s fingers tighten in my hair and he shudders. “Holy shit, Rory, I’m gonna fucking cum.”

  He loosens his grip on me to let me lift my head, but instead I drive down further, and when the first hot spurt shoots forth, I swallow it down eagerly.

  Phillip isn’t far behind, his ragged thrusts getting faster and faster until I feel him surge deep into my pussy and hear him shout out.

  When they’ve finished, Phillip pulls out slowly and I lift my head, licking my lips. “Holy fuck, Rory,” Griffin gasps.

  “That was ok?” I ask with a sheepish smile.

  He grabs the back of my neck and yanks me down to him, kissing me hard. “That,” he murmurs when he pulls away, “Was fucking incredible.”

  Phillip flops down on the bed on my other side and I roll to face him. “And it was…ok for you, too?” I ask worriedly.

  He smooths my hair from my face and smiles. “It was perfect,” he murmurs.

  I smile, then lay on my back, gazing up at the ceiling. I’m a little dazed, and for a moment, I just lay there and try and soak in the fact that I really just lost my virginity to the love of my life.

  And the love of my life has turned out to be…well, loves.


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