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Big Man’s Heat

Page 11

by Wylder, Penny

  It's from Mark. It has to be.

  My parents would never do something like this. They have no problem telling me what they're thinking or feeling to my face, regardless of how insensitive or negative it might be.

  My body begins to warm as I unfold the note. My stomach flips with excitement as I see his words on the paper.


  This isn't how I wanted to say goodbye, but I think it's the best for both of us. I can't let you ruin your life because of me. I'm not who your parents want for you, and I don't blame them. I'm just a simple man with nothing to offer you.

  You have the world at your fingertips and I'm just a paper cut that stings your entire family. It's not fair for you to have to choose between what you have and what I'll never be.

  I'm sorry I can't tell you this in person, but I know if I see you I might not be able to get the words out. You've risked enough these past few days, now it's time to go back to the lives we know. It was fun while it lasted, and I'll never forget it.

  Just don't give up on doing the things you love.


  My stomach drops, and tears are streaming down my face before I read the last few words. I didn't expect this. I thought he had maybe written me a few sweet words, maybe he was going to apologize for falling asleep and have some sexy date planned for us today.

  Instead I get a gut punch and a million feelings I don't know what to do with. I didn't ask for this. This is the exact opposite of what I want. I want more of him, not less.

  It can't end like this.

  I need a chance to talk to him. He needs to know how I really feel.

  I pull my phone off the charger and find his name and call him. It rings only once, then goes to voicemail. Hitting redial, I call him again, but the same thing happens. Over and over.

  Damn it!

  I pace back and forth in my room, squeezing my phone and willing it to ring. I need to talk to him. I have to. I can't just let him go without telling him the truth. About how I've never smiled like I smile with him. About how my heart skips and my belly flutters when he's close. About how this time together has given me a new look on the world. He needs to know all of it.

  The airport. . . I need to go to the airport.

  Quickly I throw on some clothes and grab my purse. I’m running through the lobby within minutes of reading his note. Ignoring anyone and everything else around me, I dart to the edge of the sidewalk, and throw my arm out, flagging down a taxi.

  “JFK Airport,” I snap eagerly. “And step on it, I don't have any time to waste.”

  “You got it,” he says, checking the mirror and hitting the gas so hard I jerk in my seat.

  My head bounces off the headrest, and my body rocks back and forth as he weaves in and out of traffic. I hold on tight to the handle above the door. Normally I'd be screaming to get out if any driver decided to swerve around like a maniac, but this is what I asked for.

  Through the bobs and weaves of the taxi, I order a plane ticket just to make sure I can get right to the gate. I don't want to be stopped by security and held back. I can't let him leave before he hears what I have to say.

  The cab is still rolling to a stop as I throw the door open and run into the airport. I'm frantic but trying to hold it together so I don't raise any eyebrows and get thrown out. I navigate quickly through security and I’m sprinting toward the gate.

  The flight I think he's on is set to depart in thirty minutes. Time is running out. I can't waste one second just standing around. I feel liberated just being here. I'm going after something I want even though I know my parents will condemn me for it.

  And I don't care.

  I don't care what they think. I don't care what they want. Mark's given me the ability to push past the social construct that is my life and realize that my happiness is what matters.

  The gate comes into view, causing me to slow to a stop. My chest is heaving as I try to catch my breath, and my eyes are scanning every face. I don't see him, but I know he's here. I can feel him.

  Finally, I spot him. And as if he senses me too, he looks in my direction and our eyes lock. I can't breathe. The look in his eyes is one of happiness and sadness, of excitement and anger.

  Standing up straight, he takes long sweeping steps in my direction, his head tilting to one side as he reaches out and cups my elbow. “What's wrong? Are you okay?”

  The second his fingers hit my skin, I want to melt into his arms. I can feel my muscles loosening, ready to give in and let him hold me up, let him carry me, giving me the strength I'm not made of.

  “You're wrong,” I say, holding my eyes steady on his. “You're wrong for leaving like this. You're wrong for thinking this is what's best for me. It's not.” I take a step closer and tip my chin up. “Look, I was relieved that I'm not pregnant, but not for the reason you think.”

  “I don't understand. If you were pregnant, your parents would reject you.”

  “No, if I were pregnant my parents would try and force us to get married. I'm done being forced to do one more thing by them. I do want a baby one day. I do want to get married one day. But I want those choices to be mine, not theirs.”

  “That's why I'm leaving. I'm causing too much trouble for you. It's too stressful and it's not fair to you. With me gone, your life will go back to normal.” His brows dip in hard, his face tensing up as if he's not just trying to convince me, but also trying to convince himself.

  “I don't want normal. . .” Pausing, I take another step in, slipping my arms around his neck. “I want you. I want everything that makes me happy, and it starts with you.”

  His hands wrap my hips, pulling me as close as he can. “But what about your parents?”

  “It's not about them. Happiness isn't a gift from your parents they can hold over your head. It's not built from money and fancy things. Happiness is being able to smile, it's laughing, it's comfort. It's everything I feel with you. And one day, I want us to have a baby that's born completely out of love, so they can know what happiness truly feels like.”

  “Love?” he asks, the corner of his lip curling to one side. “Are you saying you love me, Siobhan Andrews?”

  “Uh, no. Well, I mean, uh,” I say, my words all bumbled and not making sense. “I don't mean yet, I just think. . . I just—”

  “If you won't come out and say it, I will,” he says, pressing the pads of his fingers into my lower back, and bringing his lips close to mine. “I love you. I don't give a shit if we haven't known each other long, I know what I feel, and I know you feel it too. You said it, you can't take it back now.” Rubbing the tip of his nose against mine, he grins. “I love you.”

  I can feel the tears fill my eyes. “I love you,” I say, pressing my lips against his and kissing him.

  His hands move to my head, cupping the back of my skull. Digging his fingers in deep, he tugs at my roots, kissing me harder, deeper, as if we were long lost loves who just found each other all over again.

  When I pull away, I'm warm all over. “So, now what?” I ask with a grin. “Where do we go from here?”

  “A hotel. I can go home tomorrow, but I think we need one more night together before I do.”

  “You already bought your ticket.”

  “Yeah, but I can buy another one.”

  “Well, I bought one too.” Holding out my ticket, I smile big. “I wanted to make sure I could see you. I didn't want to get stuck at security and miss my chance to tell you how I feel.”

  “What are you saying? That you want to come home with me?”

  Shrugging a shoulder, I arch a brow. “Why say goodbye at all when we can be happy right now?”

  “What about all your stuff? What about your parents? What will you tell them?”

  “I'm not worried about any of that. My parents will get over it. I'm an adult, they can't control me anymore. As for my stuff, my stuff can't make me smile this way, only you can.”

  His eyes move between mine, bold and full. Crushing his mouth ag
ainst mine, he kisses me with love. He kisses me with excitement for the future. He kisses me like I mean the world to him.

  The plane starts to board, and Mark takes my hand, leading me to my new life.

  To our new life.

  I can't wait to see where it takes us.



  She looks beautiful.

  Mark squeezes my hand, his eyes on Melody as she walks down the aisle, her arm hooked in Ryder's. They both look so happy, but Ryder has an air of pride as he gives his sister away.

  It's creating an emotional wave in the air. The other guests all have tears in their eyes. Even I'm getting teary eyed as I see how much she's glowing.

  I lay my head on Mark's shoulder and he wraps his arm around my body, pulling me in and rubbing his hand up and down the outside of my arm.

  Melody and her soon-to-be artist husband are both wearing huge smiles. I think I even see a tear in his eyes too. I'm actually looking forward to getting a chance to talk to him once they're back from their honeymoon and things settle down. I've got a few questions about the art scene out here.

  This wedding is much better than the last. Not because I didn't enjoy Jenna's wedding and being a part of it, but because this time I have nothing holding me back, and I'm so much happier for it.

  I finally found my slice of heaven. This small town has welcomed me with open arms, and I've been nothing but grateful for it. Mark and I have fallen into a perfect rhythm, and I love it.

  This is where I belong. This is where I've always belonged.

  My parents aren't happy about my move and the choices I've been making, but they're being as supportive as I would expect. I haven't asked them for a dime, and every time I talk to my mother it feels like she's waiting for me to either beg her for help or beg her to let me come home.

  I haven't and won't do either of those things.

  I'm a different person completely, changed by the power of one person and his ability to show me the value of my own happiness. Mark is my savior. He's given me so much more than the city ever could with so much less.

  The ceremony ends and we all make our way to the reception in the hall of the only hotel in this town. I love how close knit this community is. Yes, there's drama. Yes, there are rumors about the locals, but you'll always get that wherever you go, it doesn't matter where. But the closeness is irreplaceable.

  Mark isn't as dressed up as he was at Jenna's wedding. He's in a button-up shirt and a pair of khakis. And he's wearing it just as powerfully as the suit. He could be wearing a paper bag and it would still look sexy as hell.

  Smiling, I eye him as he brings me a glass of wine. He can see the look on my face, and he knows exactly what I'm thinking, but he asks me anyway. “What?”

  “Nothing, you just look so handsome.”

  “Well, I know that,” he responds playfully. “So you're saying when we get home you want to rip my clothes off and bang my brains out?”

  “Yeah, that's exactly what's going through my head.”

  “I knew it.” He looks to the head table, his eyes settling on the bride and groom. “They look so happy.”

  “They should, it's their wedding day. I'd hate to see a wedding where the bride and groom are fighting.” Chuckling, I take a moment to admire them. “Melody looks amazing.”

  “You look amazing,” he answers. Mark leans over, planting a kiss on my cheek. “You want to dance?” he asks, pointing at the small crowd that's gathering on the dance floor.

  “One second,” I say, tipping back my glass, and downing the entire thing. “Now, I'm ready.”

  “So we're playing like that. All right.” Mark swallows down the rest of his wine. Holding out his empty glass, he exhales a pleased breath of air. “There, now we're even. That's what. . .” Pausing, he looks at the glasses in front of us. “Three apiece?”

  “I haven't been counting.”

  Mark takes my hand, pulling me to my feet. “Come on, it's time for you to really see my moves.”

  “So at Jenna and Ryder's wedding those weren't your best moves?”

  “Nah, that was me playing it cool. I didn't want to embarrass you or anything.” Holding my hand, he pulls me around in front of him, giving me a spin at the same time. “Now I'm not going to be as courteous.”

  “Good, I don't want you to hold back for me.”

  He throws his arm around my waist and moves me toward the dance floor. With my hand in his, and his arm keeping me close, he presses his cheek against mine.

  “I love these heels, you're almost eye to eye with me—almost.”

  Sweeping me around the floor, he leads us in this not so smooth, but very fun dance. I love it. I love how he treats me as if everything about who I am is special and amazing.

  “It's funny how things come around full circle like this isn't it?”

  “How so?” I ask.

  Braiding our fingers together, he pulls me off the dance floor and into the small room in the lobby with the ice and snack machines.

  When he turns to face me, he grabs me by the hips and pulls me in. “I mean, we started at a wedding. A wedding that brought two very unlikely people together, and now another wedding is taking us in a different direction. We're ending at a wedding. . .”

  My heart slows inside my chest as my stomach twists up like a pretzel as he takes a long pause. What is he talking about? Is he breaking up with me? What is he doing?

  Dropping to one knee, his eyes stay steady on mine as he pulls a small white box from his pocket. “Will you marry me?” he asks.

  My hands fly up to my face and cover my mouth. “Are you serious?” Mark nods. “You're really serious?”

  “Yes, Sia, I'm serious,” he says with a smile and laugh. “I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else. I found you, and I never want to let you go.” He takes the ring out of the box and lifts my hand, holding it to the tip of my ring finger. “So, will you marry me?”

  Tears stream down my face as my lips thin into a teary smile. “Yes, yes I'll marry you. I love you.” My hand is shaking as he slides the ring in place. “Oh my God, I can't believe this. It's beautiful, Mark.”

  The white gold band with a princess cut diamond fits my finger perfectly. The stone sparkles under the light, glittering like a star in the night sky.

  Placing his hands around my face, Mark wipes the tears away with his thumbs. Then he leans in to kiss me, but I pull back quickly.

  “I think we should probably keep this between us for now,” I say.

  “Why?” he asks as his face fills with confusion.

  “Because today is Melody's day. We can tell everyone another time, but every bride deserves her day.”

  “Yeah, you're right. I don't want to take anything from her.”

  I slide my hands up over his shoulders and clasp them behind his neck. “Now, where were we?” Pressing up on my toes, I push my lips against his.

  Mark's soft and controlled kiss is now hungry and savage. His tongue forces my lips open, swirling around mine. His hands glide down my ribs and over my hips, coming to a stop on my ass.

  I moan into our kiss, my back arched and my head tilted to one side. All I want to do is take him right here. I don't want to wait. I need him right now.

  “Let's get out of here,” I say between kisses. “They won't miss us.”

  “Done.” Mark quickly pulls away, digging his keys out of his pocket and dragging me along as he heads for the front doors.

  We climb into the truck and Mark starts the engine before I even have my seat belt on. Peeling out of the parking lot, his eyes are on the road, but he still can't keep hands off me. His hand is on my thigh, slinking up under my dress.

  I spread my thighs for him, and his fingers stroke my pussy. I'm not wearing any panties, and the second he feels the wet arousal of my freshly shaved pussy, I hear him growl with desire.

  With the tip of his finger, he massages my clit, causing my legs to widen more and my head to fall back a
gainst the seat. He's playing with me. Touching my clit, then pulling away. Slipping his fingers between my folds, moving down to my entrance, only to stop right before entering.

  Holding his wrist, I try to rock my hips up and force him inside, but he doesn't take the bait. “Uh uh,” he tsks as he pulls his hand away. “It's not time for that yet.”

  “You're so mean,” I say, my hips rolling without me even trying. I'm touching myself, pinching my nipples and cupping my mound.

  “But we're home,” he says as he turns the wheel and drives up to the house.

  “Stop the truck,” I demand.

  “Why?” he asks, bringing the truck to a full stop.

  “Put it in park.” Sitting up, I reach around my back and grip the zipper on my dress. Mark moves the shifter in place as I slip out of my dress, leaving the heels on for him. “I don't want to wait. I can't wait. I need you right now.”

  Climbing onto his lap, my hands work his pants free as he grabs my hips and pushes my waist down so I can feel the bulge in his pants. He pulls out his cock and I lift up on my knees and guide him inside.

  I don't care that we're fifty feet from the house. I want him here and now.

  Mark's length glides in easily as my juice slicks his shaft. Reaching down to the floor, he pulls the lever of the seat, reclining back. I dig my fingers into his chest and start to ride him. I'm going slow, teasing him a bit like he just teased me.

  Mark tries to slam my hips down, but I stop him. “Uh uh,” I say mockingly.

  He looks up at me, a smirk dancing across his face, and he places his arms behind his head, allowing me to go as fast or slow as I want. I don't go slow for long. I'm too turned on to fully control my body. Dropping forward, Mark wraps his arms around my back, jerking his cock up as I fuck him.

  “I love you,” he says, whispering in my ear.

  “I love you too,” I say back, my words vibrating over his chest.

  And as we make love surrounded by trees, fully hidden from the rest of the world as the windows fog up, I feel complete.

  This man has taken my heart and given it so much value.


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