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Aurelian Prisoner

Page 6

by Corin Cain

  Instead, I look to him with pleading eyes – hoping for information instead. Anything that I can use against them...

  Kitos pauses for a moment. His slate-grey eyes peer down at me, although there's no expression on his strong, handsome face.

  “The law is the law," he finally utters…

  …and then I see it.

  His carotid artery is pulsing on his neck. His heart must be pounding so hard he can hear it in his temples. The alien warriors aren't just putting me in the brig to punish me. I suddenly realize that they need me out of sight.

  Each one of them is on the verge of the mating frenzy. They’re using every ounce of self-restraint to stop themselves from ripping my clothes off and fucking me – right here and now. It’s all they can do not to breed me and seed me – to plunge their thick cocks inside me until my legs don't work, and their huge, throbbing cocks have flooded me with cum.

  If they do that, they could never go back to Colossus...

  The Empire would strip them of their rank. If they were lucky, they’d spend a hundred years in jail. If they were unlucky, they could even be banished from the Empire forever – forced to become the Rogue Aurelians they’d posed as.

  They’d be shamed, disowned, and never trusted by their own species again.

  These three Law Enforcement officers shouldn’t be even thinking of touching their prisoner – and yet, I can plainly see the tormented desire rippling through Kitos’ body.

  My mind races. I can use this to my advantage!

  Heart pounding in my ears, I gently reach out – to run my fingers across Kitos’ broad, powerful chest. His body makes my own blood pump faster; but I have less to lose than they do...

  Kitos takes a huge, gasping breath of air as soon as my hand touches his chest. He aches for me – it’s so plainly obvious.

  His eyes widen at the touch of my hand…

  …and then he angrily slaps my hand away from him.

  He's so fucking huge that swatting my hand away – as if I’m nothing but a fly – sends a powerful jolt of pain through my arm. I stifle a cry.

  Kitos stiffens at the sound. For a moment he stares at me – like a child worried he’s broken one of his parent’s vases…

  …then he shakes his head, murmuring: "I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to..."

  I give the towering Aurelian my most charming smile – one that feels different to the forced grin I use when trying to seduce money out of clients at Spur's joint.

  I’ve had plenty of experience in what men want... and I have plenty of experience in what Aurelians crave. Their species is dominance incarnate. When a woman submits to their power, it's a thrill to them like nothing else…

  Yes, I know what these Aurelians crave – and I know exactly how to make them bend with that knowledge...

  Bend… and eventually break.

  My stomach is still lurching – feeling the pressure as the Reaver lifts off into space. One thing is for sure – my go-bag, and everything else I owned, is now in the past; left on the planet below.

  I’m on my own now – alone except for these three Aurelians.

  As I’ve always done, I need to use everything I have to my advantage.

  I see the concern on Kitos’ face, and I realize this is my first chance.

  "It's… It’s okay,” I murmur to him. “It’s okay, Kitos. You didn’t hurt me."

  Then, I lean up for a kiss...


  …and he throws me into the brig.


  I mean, I knew he would – and Kitos could have tossed me in there so hard that I’d have hit the other wall. Instead, he gave me the equivalent of a light push. It does the trick though – and he slams his palm against the button to seal the doors behind me with a hiss.

  So, this is it.

  The punishment brig.

  I turn and examine the chamber I’ve been locked inside.

  It's a room barely long enough to lie down in. There's a small bed in here – with the world's thinnest mattress on it. Sadly, though, this isn't much of a step down from my apartment back on the planet we’ve just left. When you spend all your income on plotting to escape, you don't have anything left over to spend on creature comforts. Sometimes I even sacrificed food to save more money.

  I gently cross my arms, and a smile comes to my face.

  Things look bleak – but maybe they only look that way.

  Most people would be hopeless right now – but I’m not most people.

  Okay, so I’m trapped on a spaceship with three huge, dominant aliens – and I’m facing twenty years in prison if they get me to their planet. If they succeed, I'll be a middle-aged woman by the time I get out. I'll have spent my entire youth, and my best adult years, inside a jail cell with other criminals.

  But that’s not going to be an option.

  I just need time. If I can get enough time, I know I can make these aliens break. The only problem? Thanks to the otherworldly technology of the Orb-Drive, it’ll take just days to get to the Aurelian home world of Colossus. What can I do to either delay this voyage – or accelerate my plan to break this triad?

  I’ve got a trick under my sleeve, but I don’t know how to deploy it without being caught. I prepared for this exact moment, and everything hangs in the balance of a blackmarket augmentation surgeon who took a month of my wages and nearly killed me.

  I looked around desperately. The cell is drab, even by the standards of Aurelian warships, which are notoriously spartan. Aside from the bed, there's also a little toilet in the corner – but no window. No way to gaze out into the vastness of space. If it wasn’t for the lurching feeling in my stomach – as we leave the gravitational pull of the planet below – I wouldn’t know whether we were on the ground, adrift in space, or orbiting a different world entirely.

  But that’s part of the reason for this punishment brig. It’s deliberately designed like this. In fact, I know there's also a slightly more comfortable room for prisoners on this ship – to gently encourage good behavior

  No such comfort for me. For trying to escape, I'll be relegated to this horrible little cell for most of the entire trip back to Colossus – unless I can think of something.

  All I know is that Colossus is at least two days away, even by Orb-Shift. This Reaver is an attack ship, which is capable of only short interstellar jumps. Larger ships could do the trip in one single jump – but the Reaver will take at least three, with course correction between each one.

  However, without an Orb-Drive, it would take at least twenty-five days to reach Colossus, relying on standard space-faring drive.

  A chill suddenly goes through my body. I’m getting an idea…

  Firstly – we’ve all heard about Orb-Shifting being... unreliable lately. It’s almost as if those eerie, glowing, blue-black balls of otherworldly energy have consciousness of their own; and they’re getting riled up lately.

  Secondly, sometimes you can reliably encourage things to be unreliable, if you catch my drift.

  Yes, this is definitely the beginning of a plan – and, luckily, I still have a few tricks up my sleeve to implement it.

  All I need is time. Just imagine – with twenty-five days, rather than just two, I could have these three powerful warriors eating from my hand. I know I could. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s how to manipulate men – even towering, dominant, alien men.

  And that’s all they are, really, isn’t it? Aurelians are just huge men – and men always think with their cocks. When the blood rushes between their legs, it leaves none left for them to use in their brains.

  I lick my lips – shivering in anticipation.

  There’s more to my plan than mere survival. It would also give me a sense of triumph to seduce these three Aurelians, the way I did the previous triad. It would prove to me that the first time wasn’t a fluke – that for all their muscles, and weapons, and haughty demeanor, I can still prove myself more powerful than them.

  And there’d be
other fringe benefits, I’ll admit. As much as I’m ashamed to admit it, I've ached for their species ever since I spent those weeks in the harem. Now I’ve lost everything, there’s no point in trying to deny my desire for these powerful aliens. No human man could ever compete with the feeling of ultimate surrender you experience when you have three powerful, dominant warriors that want to ravish and seed you.

  And as much as I try to pretend it isn’t true – that Aurelians are all cold-hearted, callous bastards – there’s a dignity and honor to them. Those three who accepted me into their harem weren’t Bonded with me – I wasn’t their fabled ‘Fated Mate’ – and yet they still cared for and protected me.

  In fact, the only regret I have in everything that occurred – more so than it sending me on the run from Law Enforcement - is that I ruined the lives of those three Elites. The Aurelians were prominent members of Imperial society, and they were left disgraced after it was revealed that I’d deceived them.

  This time, at least, I’ll feel no such guilt at doing the same to the three Aurelian Law Enforcement agents who just snatched me from Spur’s joint. They should at least know better. I infiltrated that harem – I deceived those three Elites. These Law Enforcement officers? They know who I am, they know what I’m capable of, and they’re fully aware that their culture takes a hard line against any misconduct towards female prisoners.

  If they slip up – as I fully intend to coax them into doing - it’ll be their own damn fault.

  Suddenly, the door hisses open.

  Kitos stands there, framed in the doorway again – practically filling it.

  For a second, I think my plan might come to fruition more quickly and easily than even I could have anticipated. I half-expect him to lumber in here and just rip my clothes off – pressing me against the bed and taking me…

  …but then I see that, instead of the panting, hungry lust he showed before, Kitos is now back and fully in control of his emotions and libido. His jaw is set and his eyes are stern.

  “Be warned – I know your games, vixen.”

  For a second I shiver. I know Aurelians possess the power of telepathic communication – between their Bonded battle-brothers at least – but Kitos’ sudden arrival and threatening words make me wonder for a moment if he could read my mind. Could he hear what I’d been silently plotting?

  No… No, that’s ridiculous.

  Even so, Kitos is keeping his distance from me – as if I’m a dangerous animal, and not a human female less than half the size he is.

  For a second, I’m tempted to step forward and tease his body again…

  …but, in truth, I’m intimidated by his cold, gruff words.

  Kitos continues: “This is our ship. On our ship, you listen to my rules and my commands. You obey me, and my battle-brothers. We’re taking you back to Colossus. There, you’ll face justice. The letter of the law carries higher authority than the Gods on this ship – understand me?”

  His cold, slate-grey eyes burn into me.

  “Answer me!” Kitos demands.

  “I-I understand,” I nod desperately, my voice a lot softer and less confident than I’d have liked it to sound.

  Fuck. I wasn’t expecting the second-in-command of this triad to be quite so aggressive and self-certain. This isn’t going to be as easy as I’d imagined…

  …or hoped.

  Seeing my expression, Kitos nods. Then, he shuts the door behind him with a press of the button.

  I shudder as I’m left alone. Yes – this Aurelian triad will be harder to tempt than I’d expected.

  I take a deep breath in.

  I’ve faced challenges before. They’re what keep life interesting.

  My life has been interesting enough, thank you very much!

  But I am going to make this alien commander lose his mind. I’m going to turn him and his battle-brothers into rutting beasts – desperate to take me, and willing to throw away everything they stand for and have achieved for a moment of pleasure.

  I will seduce these beasts...

  …because my freedom depends on it.



  My cock surges. My body is feverish with desire. I force myself to shut the door – to get myself away from her, even though every cell in my body is commanding me to return to Allie and make her mine.

  I stagger away from the brig and take my place at the gunnery station instead – peering out into the vastness of space as our vessel flies ever upward.

  Trying to keep my mind off Allie, I focus on scanning the ground below instead – looking for any sight of pursuit. I know there won't be any. Spur didn't seem like a proud man – just a businessman. The good thing about a businessman is that he’ll generally know when to accept a loss.

  I try… and yet I fail to keep my mind from that tempting little minx in the punishment brig. As I sit at the gunnery station, I hear myself growl in frustration.

  Gods-be-damned! I'm supposed to be the rational one of this triad! I'm supposed to be the one who can control his emotions…

  So, why does every instinct in my body tell me to go back to that cell, rip Allie’s clothes from her tempting body, and just fuck her – until she eagerly moans out my name?

  "Easy there."

  It’s the reassuring voice of my leader, as he pilots us away from the planet below.

  While I listen to his order, I know Daccia is hardly in control himself. I can feel the constant ache of lust through our Bond. The three of us are utterly lost. It's Allie’s fucking scent. She just smells... right.

  We’re all trying to focus on our roles in this Reaver – and avoid distraction. For example, Daccia is ignoring the frantic, incoming messages from the planet down below – their security and border operatives demanding to know where we’re going in such a hurry.

  Ha! If they want to question the presence of an Aurelian attack ship, they’re going to receive the wrong end of an Orb-Beam for their trouble. They lack the authority to question us – and the power to stop us.

  To prove that point, our Reaver finally punches out of atmosphere.

  Now we’re in the relative safety of space, I catch Hadrian striding down the hallway, fresh from the med-bay where the AI treated his punctured lung. An injury that could have killed him has been cured in mere minutes, thanks to our technology.

  I turn in my seat and grab Hadrian’s arm as he passes.

  "Where do you think you're going?"

  Hadrian snarls: "To see her.”

  I shake my head. Hadrian is the most impulsive of us three – and if he can’t control his lust, it’ll be up to Daccia and I to control it for him.

  But then I sense his emotions through the Bond – and I realize it’s not only lust driving Hadrian’s actions.

  “I need to know why she did what she did to those Elites,” my battle-brother explains. He looks at me sternly. “Why the fuck would she steal so much – a fortune – and yet still be living in poverty?"

  I shake my head. "Noble intentions – but you know damn well that the moment you lay eyes on her, you aren't going to be focused on questioning her."

  Hadrian's eyes narrow. He’s taken my challenge.

  My battle-brother squares off to face me. I look up – realizing that this might come to blows.

  Slowly, I stand and straight up to my full height. I've got an inch on Hadrian – but he has forty pounds of extra muscle on me.

  If it did come to blows, we’d be evenly matched – and sore for days afterward.

  But that’s much better than the alternative. Hadrian doesn’t have my self-restraint. Given how she nearly made me crack, I know Allie will play my battle-brother like a fiddle; and then we’ll all be lost.

  Hadrian seems to sense my disquiet. He reaches over and grabs my arm – not in an act of aggression, but to emphasize his words.

  "Come, brother – don’t deny it. You feel it, too. You're an analytical bastard – but even you aren't immune to the way she makes us feel.” He steps fo
rward, and hisses: “Don’t tell me you can’t feel it – deep inside your bones. We have to know for sure…”

  “Know what?” I ask – even though I already know what Hadrian is going to say.

  “We have to know if she’s our Fated Mate or not – before we hand her over to the authorities on Colossus.”

  I stiffen.

  My sense of duty and honor are strong – but I can’t deny Hadrian’s words. In fact, it’s a dilemma that has been burning in my mind ever since I saw Allie dancing up on stage.

  What is Allie is our mate? Are we expected to send the one woman who could sire our sons – to fulfil our purpose – to prison?

  I look over Hadrian’s shoulder. The planet we’ve just left is slowly fading away behind us, until it’s barely visible through the view windows.

  I’m pleased to be gone from it. The planet was a sad place – like so many of the planets that declared independence over the last few centuries. Those planets are controlled by humans, and no longer enjoy the protection or guidance of the Aurelian Empire.

  The humans thought independence would bring them prosperity and freedom. Instead, it’s brought slave trading, poverty, and human trafficking back to the forefront. Those are the sins of humanity – their curse when they don’t have the strong hand of the Aurelian Empire to tame them.

  Ha! Taming humans…

  All I want is to tame Allie.

  I want to throw that alluring wench over my knees and spank her until she whimpers and begs for mercy. I ache to ravish her – to claim her body, and to pound her into submission.

  But I force back those thoughts, ready to fight my own battle-brother to stop him from getting within ten feet of that temptress. If I can barely control my own lustful urges, I know that he’ll be utterly lost the moment he’s alone with her. Hadrian was always the most passionate of us – the most animalistic. His aura is a wild beast inside my mind, barely changed from our ancestor’s feral past.

  In battle, he loses all rational thought. In mating, he’s the same.

  There’s movement from behind us. We turn and see our leader, Daccia, step away from the helm. His jaw is set – angry with us both.


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