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The Seduction Game

Page 18

by Damien Dsoul

  “You can say that. I don’t know if luck’s got anything to do with it. It was a rude surprise when I found out.”

  “You’re still fucking lucky, man. I know plenty of guys who’d love to get that sort of surprise, and I’m one of them.”

  Dave returned to them, all smiles as he pocketed back his phone and grabbed his beer.

  The back door opened just then and out came Jenny carrying a coffee table on top of which rested separate plates laden with scones and cheese cake.

  “Hope your drinks are in order,” she said as she lowered the table in the midst and asked if either would stay for lunch.

  “Honey, thanks for all this,” Dave came and kissed her cheek. “Your company will be here soon.”

  “What company? What’re you talking about?”

  “My buddy, Raymond. I just got off the phone with him; he says he’ll be here in ten or a little above that.”

  “Oh wow. You’ve got my nerves tingling. I’d better go wash up then.”

  She loosened the scarf that held her hair in a bun and it cascaded down her shoulders. She wore tight shorts and a tank top that showcased her nipples from behind. Howard’s eyes never left her, neither did Ted. As she shook her hair free from the scarf he was suddenly struck by her beauty, by the aura of attraction permeating from her. Although Jenny was not a young woman, it was easy to see how irresistible she was towards other men, black men in particular. Seeing her now and having become aware of her attraction towards other men besides Dave, it was hard to picture her as he previously did before all of this. Was this the same fate that awaited April should she continue traveling this road, he belatedly wondered.

  “Well, if you boys need any drinks, I’ll bet Dave here can get it for you. Won’t you, darling?”

  Dave kissed her again and she waved goodbye at them before returning into the house. Ted and Howard ogled her swishing behind. Dave caught what they were looking at and got a rise in his groin loving the way they undressed her with their eyes. It made him expectant Raymond who would be arriving at his home any moment from now.

  “You boys care to enjoy these cheese cakes before it gets cold.”

  They helped themselves to what was on their plates. Howard finished his beer and Dave went inside and fetched him another.

  “What were we talking about anyway? Yeah, you were telling me about Jenny’s first date with Olu.”

  “Oh, yeah, about that. Well, they both met - Uh-oh, what’s this?”

  His phone was sounding off again. Dave shot to his feet when he answered the call while Ted and Howard waited on him with curiosity.

  “Oh yeah, sure. I’ll be there in a second.” He hung up and turned to his friends and adjusted his glasses on his face. “Sorry, my buddy Raymond is here. Come on, I’ll introduced you guys.”

  Howard and Ted looked at each other as if invariably deciding if either was up to accepting the invitation or not. They left their chairs and followed Dave into the house through the kitchen.

  From the kitchen they trailed him into the living room holding their bottles of beer in hand but with neither desire to drink anymore. Raymond was all debonair smiles cocksure of himself as he entered Dave’s home, even when Dave introduced him to his friends.

  “What’s up, Dave. You wearing your chastity age today?”

  Howard and Ted stood back and their expression changed to one of disbelief as Dave unbuttoned his khaki pants to reveal that he was not wearing any pair of briefs underneath beside the alien contraption locked on his penis that resembled that of a silver-coloured spider and came with a little padlock on the side.

  “Jenny’s got the key with her,” Dave told Raymond as he buttoned back his pants. “I already told her you were coming; she’s upstairs wanting for you. But first, would you care for a beer - she made some cheese cake.”

  “Nah, maybe later. I need pussy right now. Let me get on upstairs first and not waste any time with her.”

  He went past Howard and Ted who stood like dumb sentinels watching him make his way up the stairs. Howard was a bit nettled by the way he seemed to dismiss them with hardly a glance as he headed up the stairs. It was as if the house belonged to him and Jenny was his personal property.

  Dave waited till he had gone up the stairs before going in that same direction leaving his friends behind as if to fend for themselves, but then realised that would be rude. He made it halfway up the stairs then called out to Raymond.

  “Is it okay if my buddies and I come upstairs to see how things are going?”

  “Yeah, sure,” Raymond stopped to answer him. “But give it a couple of minutes,” he added before disappearing from view.

  Howard drank his beer, feeling he was going to need as much alcohol before the morning was over. Dave returned to them with a sheepish grin on his face. He gestured at them to sit down. “We’ll give them ten minutes to get started and then head on upstairs.”

  “What about your kids?” Howard asked.

  “They’re over at the Morgan’s down the block. Hopefully they won’t be back till three, and maybe they’re enjoying lunch over there,” he was all wiry with excitement. “So what do you guys think about Raymond?”

  Howard and Ted looked at each other once again, baffled with whatever response to come up with the question.

  “Aww, come on, you guys,” Dave laughed. “We’re all adults here. In case you’re wondering, Howard, Raymond and I are buddies at work. He’s always had a thing for Jenny.”

  “I don’t want to sound rude, but does she by chance bill him for services?” this came from Ted.

  “Not for him, but his best friend has. Matter of fact, it’s his friend Max who’s got Howard’s woman hooked. It’s too bad you weren’t there to see it happen, Howard. I got them together at Max’s pad. They got to fucking before they got out of their clothes,” Dave laughed once more.

  “I wish you hadn’t said that, Dave,” said Howard.

  “My God, Dave, you’ve been having this sort of fun to yourself while I’m still figuring out how to get Holly to agree to do this,” Ted exclaimed. “You’ve got it made.”

  “I’m still working on your wife, Ted. Jenny is, too. Don’t give up on things yet.” He looked at his watch. “That’s enough time gone. Come on you guys, let’s go upstairs and take a peak. But first.”

  He went to double-check locking the front door then hurried into the kitchen to do the same to the backdoor as well before leading the way up the flight of stairs with Ted and Howard tagging behind. They went quietly like kids creeping to some mischief. When they got to the door, Dave gestured at them to be quiet then pressed his ear to it. He gave them a thumbs-up sign and rapped a knuckle on the door then gently turned the handle. To Howard it felt comical like watching a man steal into his own home as he peeped inside then gestured at them to follow.

  Howard and Ted caught the mesh-mash symphony of moaning cries, masculine grunts and cringing bed springs. They slipped into the room, their ears captivated by the raw sound of fucking going on.

  Raymond stood at the other side of the bed looking over Jenny’s shoulder. They had a view of her backside with her legs dangling in the air while he lifted her by her thighs as if he was sturdily curling iron. Their gasps intermixed with the sound of their bodies slamming each other. There was something primal about the way they fucked.

  Jenny tumbled backward on the bed with Raymond grabbing hold of her waist. He kept shoving her back and forth on his cock. Afterwards he let go of her and she turned over on all fours and pushed her bottom against his crotch. Raymond knew what she wanted. He smacked her butt which made her caw with lust. He pushed her hips towards him and she jerked forward with a whimper when he slid his cock inside her.

  Dave left his friends and went and got on the bed. He lay on his back a
nd managed to crawl under Jenny where he got a perfect view of Raymond’s cock sliding in and out of his wife’s pussy. Cum spurts splattered down on his glasses. He raised his face and held on to his wife so he could kiss her vulva. Jenny managed to unzip his fly to unearth his chastity-caged penis; Howard thought the contraption looked ugly on him.

  Raymond got onto the bed and maintained a sturdy balance while still pounding her behind. Dave rid himself of his glasses so he could rim first Jenny then Raymond’s butthole; Raymond stopped to offer his cock for him to clean up before slipping it back into Jenny. Howard jumped when Ted tapped his arm; he had forgotten that he was not standing alone watching the ongoing cuckold tryst.

  “Tell me I didn’t just see Dave suck another man’s cock,” Ted asked Howard with a voice dazed with awe.

  “Yes, he did,” Howard casually replied.

  Chapter 15

  They arrived at a posh apartment complex located in Lakeview District, a trendy neighbourhood that had sprung up in the south-west section of the city closest to the bay area. It was an area dedicated especially to yuppie, liberal-minded folks with twenty-first century mind set: plenty of eccentric-type nightclubs, gay bars, tattoo parlours, karaoke nightclubs and blocks of shopping malls. Howard seldom had any activity that brought him here except on couple of occasions when he had driven by but never to visit anyone residing in the area. It was so out of his realm to want to even attempt that. It was 08:23 pm. When they left home Howard had almost expected Dave was taking him and Ted to the same place where he had first met Shango. He was a little disappointed that it was not so. But if there was to be any comfort, they were bound to meet Shango again, this time with their friend Ted tagging along so they were sure to make excellent company.

  Dave drove into the building’s underground garage and they got out and entered a door which led into the lobby. They got to an elevator and Dave knew what button to press when they got inside. Neither Howard nor Ted knew what they were expecting to find here. Dave seemed to relish keeping that information to himself. It did nothing to rid from Howard the pensive feeling that tonight he was going to discover more than whatever he bargained for. And still he dared himself to want to find out, if only to assuage the curiosity drumming in his heart.

  The elevator deposited them on the fifth floor. Dave took a left turn in the hallway with Howard and Ted coming a step behind. They came to a door and Dave pressed the bell and smiled at them while they waited.

  The door opened to reveal an effeminate-looking individual wearing a sequined dress that stopped at the mid-rib. It took Howard seconds to realise he was staring at a man... or was he really? It was a little hard to tell from the meagre light. He had the contours of a woman but for numerous aspects that betrayed him when he stepped out into the hallway to hug Dave. His brunette hair was shaped like that of a page boy. He was decked in exotic make-up with fake eye lashes and jewellery holding a wine glass in his hand; he looked so much like a Gypsy queen than anything else. The timbre of his voice and even his body gestures were feminine to the near point of parody.

  There was raucous noise and upbeat music coming from within the apartment.

  “Dave, darling,” the effeminate man pulled Dave closer and kissed both cheeks. “So good to see you. So nervous was I to think you might not show.”

  “I didn’t feel mean to come alone. I brought two friends who’re dying to meet Master Shango.”

  Dave did the introductions. The effeminate man’s name was Charmaine. He raised his palm at Howard who seemingly had no choice but to kiss it; Charmaine burst into giggles when he did. Ted too did the same. He did not seem too baffled by the man’s outlook. The man ushered them inside, through a corridor that opened into a large living room that boomed loud music and wild noise.

  A chandelier hung from the ceiling that gave off a discotheque of revolving colours upon the crowd that filled the room. Dave went ahead with Charmaine; both of them got swallowed by the teeming gallivanting bodies of party-goers. Howard and Ted remained at the threshold for a moment before deciding to join in the flurry. It felt like being caught in a ribald costume type of wild party. Almost everyone was gaudy dressed. They were women and men as well there were cross-dressers like Charmaine; some were naked and did not appear to care.

  Charmaine came and grabbed their arms and propelled them through the revelry to a den that was much quieter. Few people were there lounging on sofas, some of them were even making out. A black man was sprawled on a divan with two white men decked in women’s clothing including hair wigs, make-up and high heels, taking turns at sucking his cock. Charmaine led them to the bar across the room and went around the counter while Howard and Ted sat waiting. He tried not to be drawn towards watching the threesome affair.

  Charmaine gestured at the display of exotic bottles of liquor sitting on the wall shelves. “What will it be for you lovely gents?”

  “Beer for me,” Ted answered.

  “You good with Coors or Budweiser, honey? Those are all the beers I have for now.”

  “Yeah, sure, Coors will do fine.”

  Howard opted for something stronger - Charmaine fixed him a glass of scotch with ice and lime.

  “Welcome to my home, darlings.” Charmaine pushed a bowl of grapes in front of them after handing them their drinks. “And as long as you’re friends of Dave and you’re here for Master Shango, consider my castle yours. You boys aren’t allergic to us cross dressers and sissies and trannies, are you?”

  Both men looked at each other for a moment as if trying to comprehend when he meant before then shaking their heads like marionette puppets.

  “That’s supper great. Some boys would love to just freak out at such. If you don’t mind me getting a little candour, I’m gonna share a secret with you darlings. Getting a blowjob from any LGBTQ fellow is the best ever,” he laughed. “I’m serious, it’s to die for. Trust me on that.”

  “Is there a difference between a transsexual and a... any of the other names you mentioned before?”

  “Depends whichever way you want to look at it, darling.” He popped a grape fruit into his mouth. His wrists carried a collection of bangles that made clicking noise with every hand gesture he made. “For simple-minded folk it’s all the same. Not saying they’re wrong, but who am I to tell them otherwise. We’re society’s ghoul that walks in both worlds. Being who we are has its perks.”

  “What exactly do you mean by that?” Howard asked. “Isn’t it the same as being gay?”

  “As I said, it all depends on how you want to look at it. Your friend Dave isn’t any different from me, same goes with you both. You’re here for the same thing as I am - we were put on this earth to serve our gods, our Black Masters, men like Shango. All white men are so,” he chuckled as he popped another pair of grapes into his mouth. “Sounds bold, but it’s the truth, even though many won’t admit to it. It takes time for it to sink in for most. But when we realise it, we know we can’t stop loving it.” He gestured at the two sissies across the room still kissing and sucking the black man’s rod. “It’s like joyful narcotic for the soul, black cock is. We love to fight over it like horny cats.”

  “Is Master Shango around?”

  “Oh yes, he around,” Charmaine pushed a strand of hair into place above his face. “He’s in one of the rooms fucking Lisa right now.”

  “Who’s Lisa?”

  “Lisa’s my wife, darling. I’m still a he, even though I’d rather remain a she for black men. Oh, which reminds me, we ought to go see how they’re doing. Just a minute, darlings.”

  He grabbed two bottles from the wall and two cocktail glasses and hummed a tune while he set about mixing drinks. Howard sipped his scotch whereas Ted swivelled in his chair to watch the ongoing threesome across the room.

  The black man was up on his feet and one of the sissies held up his dress
and went on elbows and knees on the duvet and the black man went on fucking him. Ted watched the other sissy remove his clothes and then he too assumed similar position beside his partner. The black man got done fucking the other then came onto him. Howard felt just as embarrassed watching the scene but like Ted found unwilling to turn away from them.

  “Okay darlings,” Charmaine came from around the bar holding both drinks in either hand. “Let’s go find out Master.”

  Howard and Ted left their drinks on the counter and went with him.

  The party was ongoing as they navigated their way through the frolicking crowd, some indulging in some form of foreplay or another. Howard observed women making out with men, women making out with women and men making out with each other too and it got so surreal he almost could not tell them apart. Charmaine did stop now and then to brief exchange words and sometimes a kiss with anyone that strayed into his path yet made sure nobody tampered with the drinks he carried.

  At the end of the room was a corridor with other rooms branching off it. Other people roamed the corridor back and forth, chattering amongst themselves or making out; some slipped in and out of other rooms. Howard caught sight of further revelry going on in one of the rooms they passed as Charmaine led them to the one at the end of the corridor where people seemed to have gathered to get a peek at whatever was going on inside. Charmaine called out and gestured at them to make way which they did, and he looked over at Howard and Ted and gestured with a nod of his head for them to follow, which they did.

  It was an austere bedroom with large windows looking out into the city beyond. A king-sized bed occupied the room which was the focus of everyone’s attention. People made room for Charmaine as he ventured forward. The crowd was surprisingly quiet. In the midst of the quietude came the grunts and moans and body-slaps happening on the bed.


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