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The Seduction Game

Page 24

by Damien Dsoul

  Holly was frightened out of her head. She attempted getting away from him but it was too late. She yelped when Shango touched her thigh as he came down on her, his cock pressing hard against her buttock. Still she attempted fighting him off. Shango swore and smacked her butt once, then a second time, hard enough to leave welt marks on her skin. Holly howled from the contact; never had anyone been aggressive with her like him.

  “Don’t you fucking pull away from me, you hear?” he growled.

  Holly muttered a response that sounded like yes.

  “We’ll need to get this tight pussy of yours properly wet.”

  Shango inserted his glistened finger into her soaked cunt, then added a second one. Holly erupted with convulsion as she grabbed at his arm howling from his rapid finger-pumping action. She screamed till all that was left of her voice was a sputtering croak; she pleaded for him to stop whilst kicking her feet, struggling to flee from his grasp. Shango’s grip on her did not allow for that. Eventually he withdrew his fingers and she curled into a foetal position panting hard from the concluded exercise.

  “Come here,” Olu turned her over. “Taste your essence.”

  Holly did as instructed; her body hummed with energy as her pussy was still wetting the sheets. Her mouth opened to let Shango insert his fingers between her lips and he watched her lick his fingers. Holly had often tasted her cum on occasions when she needed relief masturbating herself but this was a first-time for her, being fed her cum by another man. The charge running through her body was unlike anything she had ever felt before, and never for a man aside from Ted. A man who seemed more brutish and rough like an actual lover would. Shango recognised the glazed look in her eyes as she rolled her tongue over his fingers and knew she wanted him badly now.

  He stroked his shaft as he positioned himself between her legs, holding up her dress to reveal the triangular strip of hair festering her pubic region. Holly was groaning earnestly as her body knew what was coming. Her legs parted for him and her pelvis rose inches from the bed in anticipation of his prick.

  The instant moment of penetration was out of this world for her.

  * * *

  Howard stood beside Ted watching him struggle to light a cigarette against the strong wind hitting them. They had wandered about the hotel premises with no apparent sense of direction after seeing Shango and Holly disappear inside the elevator. Ted had suggested they go for a walk down the beach. Shango’s prerequisite wish was for neither to be around while he had his way with Holly in case he required more time to break her resistance; neither men had dared to argue otherwise.

  They were not the only ones wandering the beach at that particular hour. Howard observed couples playing near the water, all looking like they were having a great time with their arms around each other. He sighted others strolling in the distance away from the hotel’s lights and wondered if they were seeking an ideal spot to fuck. Ted dragged on his cigarette and a strong gust of wind blew the smoke towards Howard’s face.

  “You okay?”

  Ted gave him a perplexing look as if puzzled by the question. “Yeah, of course. Why do you ask?”

  “I don’t know, you seem way too relaxed about everything.”

  “Wouldn’t you if you’ve got Shango handling your woman the first time?”

  Howard recalled the images he had of Olu Shango having his way with April. Thinking about it now brought a perceptible glow on his mind that made him blush.

  “I guess I would be high as a kite if I got to watch them make-out. You’re acting way too cool about it.”

  Ted laughed. “This is me trying not to let off. Trust me, I’m feeling high about everything right now.”

  “I thought he was going to invite us over to watch.”

  “Holly was so nervous when he drove here. The whole time we were at the table, I was worried she might get up to leave. Shango and I hashed it out earlier and told me she won’t.”

  “The guy’s got a strong way with women,” Howard mused.

  “You know how people say stuff like ‘you’re the man’? That’s just what he is. My feet was jumping under the table the whole time he chatted with Holly. I was fucking excited the whole time; why else do you think I’m smoking right now.”

  They were silent for a while staring out at the darkness beyond the waves crashing towards the beach. The wind was cold and strong. The only distinct light came from Ted’s cigarette which the wind irritably blew in Howard’s direction.

  “How long are we supposed to wait out here?”

  Ted looked at his watch. “Gone past a half hour already. We’ll get going once I get done smoking this.”

  Howard turned to towards the hotel. “Do you know which floor his room is at?”

  “Sure I do.” Ted took one final puff of his cigarette then stubbed it into the sand. “All right, let’s get going. But I’ll need to call him first to know if it’s okay. He told me earlier that if I knocked and the door didn’t open then he’s fucking busy.” Ted chuckled at his wit and elbowed his friend. “Get it, fucking busy.”

  Howard laughed along with him as they returned to the hotel.

  Inside, they approached the bank of elevators while Ted dialled Shango’s mobile. Ted gave up after a while.

  “He’s not answering,” he said. “But let’s still give it a shot.”

  They got out on the fourth floor and went in the direction that was Shango’s suite and knocked. No answer. Ted’s mobile started ringing - it was Shango.

  “Where are you, white boy?”

  “Right outside your door, sir.”

  “Give me a minute.”

  Ted slipped his phone back into his pocket and said, “He’s on his way.”

  The door opened and Shango invited them inside. He wore a pair of shorts and had a towel over his shoulder.

  They came behind Shango who showed them into the bedroom. Howard was at first disappointed when all he saw were the rumpled bedspread, the items of clothes strewn across the floor, and the pungent odour of sex, but no sight of Holly in the room.

  “She’s in the bathroom,” Shango said while running the over his face. Howard assisted him with picking up clothes from the floor while Ted went to see about his wife.

  “Honey,” he tapped on the door. “Honey, it’s me, Ted. Are you all right in there?”

  The door opened and Holly stuck her face between the door crack. Her face was sallow and wet; Howard looked at her and assumed she must have been crying. The door opened further and he saw water dripping down her body.

  “I was cleaning up,” she said, but stopped when she noticed Howard’s presence.

  Howard caught a glimpse of her naked self then looked away when she saw him. Ted gathered her clothes before joining her inside the bathroom. Howard went about putting the room in order while Shango changed into fresh pair of clothes; he appeared oblivious as if whatever activity occurring in the room was not of his concern anymore.

  The bathroom door opened again and out came Ted with Holly. Her hair was all wet and messed up; she had a tired look about herself too. Ted pocketed her ripped panties and garter belt. She blushed when she said hello to Howard; no further words were required beyond that.

  “Are you ready, darling?”

  Holly nodded as she slipped into her shoes. She tottered for a moment but Ted held her until she got her balance.

  Shango came and hugged her then kissed her. Holly tried to look away from him but Shango prodded her not to.

  “I look forward to hearing from you soon,” he said.

  “Yes. Me too,” she said.

  Ted said goodnight and with his arm around Holly they walked out of the room. Howard wanted to go with them but Shango’s hand fell on his shoulder, stopping him.

“Where do you think you’re going, white boy?”

  “But, I thought-”

  “You thought nothing, white boy,” Shango cut him off. He pushed his shorts down his thighs and his thick rod popped out. Howard stared with amazement at its size and was even surprised to see it was slowly becoming turgid.

  “The reason I called you here was to see how good your mouth is for myself. Now get down on your knees and worship me.”

  Howard swallowed a gob of spit down his throat. He looked towards the bedroom door as if expecting to find Ted and his wife watching except they were gone already; there was just him standing in Master Shango’s midst.

  “Don’t fucking waste my time, white boy,” Shango snapped.

  Howard dropped to his knees without a fight. He stroked Shango’s girth with both hands. He inhaled the musky irritating smell of cum and sweat emanating from his crotch, then brought his mouth to the swollen head of his penis. He shut his eyes and bopped his head back and forth. Shango gripped his head with his massive hands and forced more of his meat into Howard’s mouth. Howard grunted with effort, the whole time imagining how Shango must have fucked Holly and wishing for the day when April would get to enjoy him as well.

  Chapter 23

  April scrambled out of her house and raced towards to her friend’s home. Distress was on her mind, or that was the perception she got when minutes ago she received a call from Jenny demanding her immediate presence. Jenny did not go into details besides wanting April to drop whatever she was doing right now and hurry over. April had not been up to much when Jenny’s call came through. She had been hanging wet clothes on the clotheslines in the backyard and barely heard her phone’s distant ringtone from where she left it on the kitchen counter. She told Jenny she was on her way and finished with her work, changed into a new pair of clothes then dashed out of her house.

  April slowed her steps when she got to Jenny’s driveway, took a moment to recapture her breath before stopping at her front door. The door opened before she raised her hand. Jenny stood in the doorway beaming at April who still assumed there was a problem somewhere.

  “What’s up?” she asked.

  “Get in here will you,” Jenny pulled her inside then shut the door.

  April was perplexed as Jenny led her into the living room. The answer came when she saw who sat in the living room waiting on them - Holly Simms. April was friends with Holly though not as close as they were about to become. They hugged each other and Jenny impatiently forced them to disperse with pleasantries and sit the fuck down.

  “Holly here has recently gone black,” Jenny announced proudly to April.

  “Gone black?”

  “You know - she had her first black cock last night. Wanna take a strong guess by whom?”

  April shrugged.

  “None other than Shango himself,” Jenny crackled.

  April looked at her wide-eyed then at Holly who sat with both hands clasped together before her knees looking like a convent girl. April observed the rosy blush on her dimpled cheeks. Holly gazed down at her hands to avoid her stare.

  “You made out with Olu Shango?”

  “Know of any other man by that name, silly?” Jenny interrupted. “Of course she made out with him at his hotel last night.”

  Jenny tapped Holly’s arm making her jump. “Keep with us, Holly. Tell us what went down. Don’t worry about April here, she knows the deal. In fact, you girls get to talking while I go into the kitchen and fix us something.”

  Holly came alive when Jenny left the room. She came over and sat beside April, two women sharing an indelibly personal chat together, and narrated all that occurred last night starting with her and Ted meeting Shango at the hotel and ending with them returning home late with Ted making love to her afterwards. April did not interrupt her gist; it brought back memories of her questioning Jenny about her life as an escort.

  Jenny returned to them, this time carrying a bottle of Chardonnay with three wine glasses. She filled the glasses and handed each one then sat in their middle.

  “Holly said Howard was there,” April told Jenny, and then turned to Holly, “Did Howard know you and Ted were coming?”

  “I didn’t know at first, but later when I asked Ted, he had no idea Howard would be there.”

  “Go on and tell us more about the sex part,” Jenny prodded.

  Holly, cheeks all crimson, went into detail of Shango leading her to his suite and roughly taking advantage of her in his room. She included the part of him finger-fucking her pussy and how she had wet herself afterwards - that brought delight to April’s eyes.

  “How did his cock feel when he got inside you?” Jenny asked.

  “It fucking hurt,” Holly blurted, then joined in the laughter that broke when she said that. Her cheeks remained red but she did not appear to mind anymore.

  “But it did hurt... my God, he was soooooo huge! I’ve never had anyone as big as him ever before. I felt like I was on an astral ride the whole time he fucked me.”

  All three women crackled uproariously. While she laughed, April did try to picture just how big Olu Shango’s cock might be and how it would feel having him inside her. Could his size possibly measure up to her lover Max? How come Howard had not bothered telling her this last night, even though he craved seeing her in bed with Shango? She figured she would ask him that later.

  “Did he cum inside you?” April asked.

  “I believe he did, yeah. But I was too worn out to know when he did. Crazy as it sounds, but his cock was way too much for me to handle. I came multiple times it felt like a bomb went off inside me; not one and not two,” she added.

  “What was Howard and Ted doing while you two fucked? Did they watch?”

  Holly shook her head; Jenny took up the narrative for her.

  “Shango had them wait down in the lobby while he made out with her. Probably didn’t want them spoiling the fun watching, don’t you think?” she said to Holly.

  “I guess so. I’d hopped Ted would be there but then again I’m glad he didn’t. I was so scared of Shango. But when he got to kissing me... I just melted like an ice cube.”

  “Is he really big?” April asked Jenny.

  “Oh yeah, he’s a black cock machine and knows how to use it. Holly says he’s coming by this evening.”

  “But we’re not doing it here,” Holly said. “The kids are around and God forbid if somebody else finds out aside from you two. He called Ted an hour ago and told him he’ll be coming to pick me up.”

  “He’s gonna take you back to his hotel and fuck the shit out of you all night before bringing you back home,” Jenny declared.

  Holly spoke in a low voice. “Actually I’m spending the night with him; Ted said he’s okay with it.”

  They were silent for a few seconds before Jenny and April exploded. Jenny refilled their drinks and they toasted to each other’s health and sex life.

  * * *

  Howard leaned forward in his chair while Becca occupied his desk with her legs spread and her feet resting on the arms of his chair. Her skirt was bundled over her waist and she was leaning backward. Howard grasped her waist while his head stayed buried on her crotch. Becca moaned with lust. She lolled her head side to side, loving the weight and pull of his tongue and lips on her pussy. How she wished this would become an inclusive routine in their daily work.

  It did not take long for them to get done - it was the latter hours of the day. Howard’s door remained locked even as Becca freshened up in his rest room. Howard did later come in to wash his face, both delighted with the moment. Howard felt bold enough to reveal to her the burden that weighted on his mind.

  “You remember that first time at your place I asked if you’d do something for me?”

  Becca nodded while apprising h
erself in the mirror. “I remember you never said anything again.”

  “I was still thinking about it at the time. It might seem crazy, and I hope you don’t take it that way. But I’d love to watch you fuck someone else.”

  The world came to a stop. Becca looked at him as she was busy washing her hands. “Would you repeat that? I didn’t think I caught it the first time.”

  Howard took hold of her hands. He did it deliberately, fearing she might lash out at him.

  “What I said was I’d like to watch you fuck someone else,” he then added, “Preferably a black guy.”

  “How long have you wanted this?”

  “Ever since we started this of ours. It’s all I’ve thought about since we made love that day.”

  “That’s a strange request you’re asking.”

  “I know and I’m sorry. I don’t know why but the urge is something I can’t let go. Plus, that first day we spent together, when we talked and you told me about that former lover of yours, it drove me wild thinking about it. It just feels so right to me.”

  “You want like a threesome thing, is that what you want?”

  “No. I just want to sit and watch you have sex with a black man.”

  Becca did not say anything. She turned around and finished with washing her hands. Howard assumed he had offended her with his demand. He stood there hesitant with uneasiness, not knowing what else to do. Becca turned off the faucet and placed her hands under the dryer machine hooked to the wall before turning to him.

  “You’re going to have to let me think about this,” she said.

  “Sure, sure. I’d certainly love for you to do that.”

  He made to kiss her but she shook her head and held him off. She covered the distance to his office door, turned the key and let herself out of his office and shut the door behind her.

  Chapter 24

  Olu Shango arrived at the Simm’s residence for his date-night with Holly, but he did not come alone. Charmaine was his chauffeur for the evening, wearing a black tux and looking weirder with his makeup and hair tied in a bun above his head. Shango directed him where to go and he pulled to a stop in front of the Simms’ home. Shango came down from the backseat and walked towards the house while Charmaine kept the car running.


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