The Power Potion
Page 10
For this story, for today, the time has come to say…adíos!
adiós (Spanish / ah-DEE-ohs): goodbye, see ya later, alligator
amigo (Spanish / ah-MEE-go): friend, buddy, pal
ándale (Spanish / AHN-duh-lay): hurry up, come on, get a move on
asombroso (Spanish / ah-sohm-BRO-so): awesome, amazing
ay-ay-ay (Spanish and a Sticky favorite): depending on the inflection, this could mean oh brother, oh please, or you have got to be kidding
ay caramba (Spanish and a Sticky favorite / ai cah-RAHM-bah): oh wow! or oh brother! or I am not believing this!
ay chihuahua (Stickynese / ai chee-WAH-wah): oh man, oh no
bobo (Spanish / BO-bo): dumb, foolish, silly
cabeza (Spanish / cah-BAY-thah): head
estúpido (Spanish / eh-STOO-pee-do): stupid
excelente picante (Spanish and Stickynese / ex-sel-EN-tay pee-CAHN-tay): excellent and spicy hot!
fieras (Spanish / fee-EH-rahs): wild animals, beasts
freaky frijoles (Stickynese / free-HO-lays): literally, weird beans. But for Sticky, oh wow or how strange
gata (Spanish / GAH-tauh): female cat
genio beanio (Stickynese / hay-nee-oh BEE-nee-oh): genius!
híjole (Spanish / HEE-ho-lay): wow!
holy tacarole / holy guaca-tacarole (Stickynese / gwah-cuh-tah-cuh-RO-lee): holy smokes!
hombre (Spanish / AHM-bray): man, dude
horroroso (Spanish / hor-or-OH-so): horrible, terrifying, awful
lobo (Spanish / LO-bo): wolf
loco (Spanish / LO-co): crazy, loony
loco-berry burritos (Stickynese): literally, crazy-berry rolled tortilla sandwiches. But for Sticky, extra-specially crazy
matón (Spanish / mah-TONE): bully, tough guy
mi’jo (Spanish / MEE-ho): dear, my darling boy. For a girl, you’d say mi’ja (MEE-ha)
morrocotudo (Spanish / mor-ro-co-TOO-do): fabulous, wonderful
pistola (Spanish / pees-TOH-la): pistol, gun
ratero (Spanish / rah-TAIR-oh): thief
señor (Spanish / SEN-yohr): mister
sí (Spanish / see): yes
vámonos (Spanish / VAH-mo-nohs): let’s go!
zonzo (Spanish / SOHN-so): stupid, dumb
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Text copyright © 2010 by Wendelin Van Draanen Parsons
Illustrations copyright © 2010 by Stephen Gilpin
All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf, an imprint of Random House Children’s Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York.
Knopf, Borzoi Books, and the colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Van Draanen, Wendelin.
The power potion / by Wendelin Van Draanen ; illustrations by Stephen Gilpin. — 1st ed.
p. cm. — (The Gecko and Sticky)
Summary: Thirteen-year-old Dave and Sticky, his kleptomaniac sidekick gecko, try to keep a special potion from falling into the hands of the diabolical Damien Black.
eISBN: 978-0-375-89622-4
[1. Adventure and adventurers—Fiction. 2. Magic—Fiction. 3. Geckos—Fiction. 4. Lizards—Fiction. 5. Hispanic Americans—Fiction. 6. Humorous stories.] I. Gilpin, Stephen, ill. II. Title.
PZ7.V2857Po 2010
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