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Midnight Moon (Love and Blood Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Raven K. Asher

  “If I were you I wouldn’t worry about all of the ‘what if’s.’ Life is full of ‘what if’s’ and impending doom. If you dwell on it, you’ll drive yourself crazy.” Nix presses.

  He had a point.

  “You’re right. I just don’t like the fact that I have no control.” I reply.

  “No one does.” He sighs before motioning towards the doors. “Let’s just get this out of the way. Maybe you’ll feel better once you get your mind off of your troubles.”

  I nod and then begin moving forward.

  14- Disaster Strikes

  Under the full moon, the class ducks and dodges each other as we playfully chase each other through the trees.

  It was freeing in so many ways to laugh along with everyone.

  Nix had been right, for the moment it had erased that feeling of doom that had been hanging over my head.

  Still, I couldn’t help but look over my shoulder.

  I half expected someone to appear since Loki and Dominick were gone.

  Laughing loudly, I watch as Tinsley leaps from her position in a tree onto Matt’s back. They tumble to the ground before sharing an intimate kiss.

  I turn to give them some privacy.

  My laughter dies in an instant as I spot a familiar face with Kane in his grasp. The very vampire I had been afraid of seeing again was here.

  Kane fights against him uselessly as he pushes him forward.

  They stop just a few feet away.

  “Let him go.” I snap.

  “No.” He replies with a maniacal grin.

  “What do you want?” I then ask.

  “You know what I want.” He replies. “I’ve wanted you from the moment I tasted your blood. You belong to me, remember.”

  “Who are you?” I push.

  “I’m Lux.” He replies simply.

  A moment of silence passes before he speaks again. “Are you going to come with me willingly or am I going to have to play dirty?”

  “Don’t hurt him,” I reply instead.

  “Oh, I don’t intend to hurt him…much,” Lux replies as his grin turns cruel.

  He then studies Kane before looking towards me. “You like this one, don’t you?”

  “Let him go.” I try again.

  “I could, but I’d rather give him to you as a gift,” Lux replies as his fangs descend. “I want my girl to be happy after all, and if you like him, we can add him to our little family.”

  “That’s not what I want.” I bite out.

  Lux pins me with a glare while I glance around for some sort of help. Unfortunately, I was all on my own here since no one seemed to notice the predicament that we were in.

  We were screwed.

  Lux opens his mouth to say something but a presence joins us. Arms wrap around me, and I breathe out a sigh of relief.

  “Release him, Lux,” Loki commands.

  “No,” Lux replies.

  “This is the last chance I’m going to give you, Lux. Your behavior cannot continue. You have put us all in danger with your little stunts.” Loki growls.

  “I’m trying to make a family for us, father.” Lux spits out in response.

  “It doesn’t have to be like this, Lux.” Dominick tries as he holds onto me tightly.

  “Yes, it does. You have what’s mine. You’ve always been the good son, and you get everything.” Lux whines before he growls out fiercely. “You’ve got what’s mine in your arms. She belongs to me. I made her.”

  “Let the wolf go, Lux. We can figure this out together later.” Loki tries again.

  Lux growls again before he turns his attention towards Kane.

  “Babe, go to Nix,” Dominick instructs as he pushes me to the side where Nix was standing along with Tobias and a few of the others.

  Nix pulls me into his arms while Dominick begins moving forward with his hands held up in front of him.

  “Come on, Brother, we can share her.” Dominick insists.

  Lux doesn’t respond. He just continues to stare at Kane.

  Nix tightens his grasp on me as Lux opens his mouth. Kane fights against him one last time before Lux sinks his fangs deep into Kane’s neck.

  I scream and fight against Nix.

  In a blur of motion, Loki rips Lux away from Kane before Dominick drives a wooden stake directly through Lux’s chest.

  “Shit, this is going to be bad.” Tobias states before I scream out in agony.

  Pain slices through my entire body as Lux’s body falls to the ground. Seconds later his body turns to ash before it blows away with the slight breeze weaving its way through the trees.

  I fall to the ground with Nix as he continues to hold me.

  My entire body felt as if it was on fire. I swear I felt as if I would burst into flames at any second.

  “Someone needs to get over here now,” Nix shouts.

  Loki and Dominick rush over to me before they kneel down in front of us.

  “One of us needs to make her ours.” Loki states.

  “You should do it.” Dominick replies.

  “No. She’s yours.” Loki pushes.

  “Damn it, would someone just do something before she dies.” Nix snarls.

  “She’s not going to die,” Loki reassures before he nods towards Dominick. “You know what to do. Do it while I take care of the wolf.”

  With that Loki stands and then walks away.

  Dominick closes his eyes for a brief moment before reaching out to me. As soon as he touches me the pain stops but my body falls limp in his arms.

  “Is this what you want? Do you want to be bound to me forever or would you rather end this altogether?” He questions me.

  “I don’t want to die.” I breathe out.

  Somewhere along the line, I had accepted this life. I had begun to enjoy it actually, and I certainly didn't want to give it all up.

  Dominick nods and then smiles. “I was hoping that you’d say that.”

  I then watch as he lifts his wrist. He bites into it before placing it against my lips. While I drink, he glances around at the others with us.

  He sighs. “I hate to do this, but unless you all want one hell of a show, you might want to leave. This is going to take a lot more than blood to complete this connection.”

  Thankfully they get the hint and begin walking away.

  Nix stays in place though.

  “Will she be alright?” He questions.

  “She’ll be fine. Our connection was already strong enough to take away her pain. By tomorrow she’ll be back up on her own two feet.” Dominick reassures.

  Nix nods and then takes a step closer. He strokes his knuckles across my cheek before taking a step back.

  He then looks past us towards Kane. “I should probably help Loki.”

  With that he walks away, leaving Dominick and me alone.

  Dominick sighs as he looks down at me. “I really hope you fed because I’m going to have to drink from you until our blood completely mixes together.”

  He pulls his wrist away from my lips for a moment before laying me down on the ground below. He then moves over me before quickly stripping us of our clothing.

  I try and fail to move any part of my body. I couldn't even get my fingers to twitch.

  “You’ll be alright soon.” He promises as he gazes down into my eyes.

  With one swift move, he enters me before he lifts my head towards his shoulder.

  “You need to bite me and drink until I tell you to stop, okay.” He stresses.

  I respond by biting him.

  “Good girl.” He breathes out before sinking his fangs into my neck.

  Even though it should have been this wasn’t pleasurable at all. It was something altogether different than sex. It was deeper, and to be honest, it was painful.

  With every drop of blood that I drank, I could feel the connection between Dominick and me becoming stronger.

  To be honest, it scared me.

  Part of me was screaming to stop him while the other par
t knew this was what needed to happen if I wanted to live.

  The world spins around me as my blood flows into his mouth.

  All at once the pain subsides, and a wave of relief washes over my body. Dominick relaxes slightly before he releases a soft groan.

  My heart begins to beat in rhythm with his while his emotions spill over into my mind.

  It was an odd feeling but not an unwelcome one.

  After a few moments, he releases his bite before gently kissing my neck where he had bitten me. I pull back and then watch as the wound heals before I take in a much-needed breath.

  “How do you feel now?” Dominick asks as he searches my eyes.

  “I feel better,” I answer.

  “Good, that means it worked. You can consider me your maker now.” He announces with a grin.

  I snort and then reach up to place my hand against his cheek. “Shut up and make love to me.”

  “Oh, I intend to.” He replies as his grin turns cocky.


  The sky above us begins growing lighter while Dominick and I rush to slip our clothing back on. We had mere minutes to get into the school before we were in big trouble.

  As soon as I’m dressed, he grabs my hand and begins pulling me through the trees.

  I run as fast as my feet can carry me while Dominick does the same.

  We run through the main doors just as the sun's rays hit the building.

  Trevor slams the doors shut before he looks at us with a raised brow. “You two were cutting it awfully close. By the way, you totally got your shirt on backward, Ava.”

  I curse and pull my shirt away from my neck.

  Dominick chuckles as he squeezes my hand. “At least you got your shirt on. I didn’t find mine.”

  I laugh as I look up at him. Sure enough, he was shirtless.

  After our laughter dies down, Dominick turns his attention towards Trevor. “Any chance you know what they did with the wolf?”

  Trevor shakes his head. “No, I don’t.”

  “It’s alright; we’ll figure it out.” Dominick states before he begins pulling me down the hallway.

  We move upstairs before coming to a stop at my door.

  “Go in and get changed.” He pushes. “I’ll find Loki and figure out what they did with Kane.”

  “How will I find you?” I stress.

  “Just close your eyes and search for the connection we share now. Once you find it let it guide you to me.” He explains while placing his hand on my cheek.

  I nod and then close my eyes while leaning into his touch. “I really hope Kane will be alright.”

  “I’m sure he will be. He’s in good hands with Loki.” Dominick insists.

  I nod again and then sigh. I turn and then open the door.

  As soon as the door swings open Nix stands up from his spot sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “Nix…” I whimper.

  “He’s going to survive.” He answers my unspoken question.

  “Where is he?” Dom questions Nix.

  “He’s downstairs in the infirmary.” Nix answers.

  Dominick turns to leave, but Nix stops him while moving towards us. “Hold up, Dom, you can’t go running through the building like that.”

  Moving closer, Nix strips off his shirt before holding it out towards Dominick.

  Dom takes it and then slips it on before glancing down at me. “Stay with Nix for now, okay. I’ll be back as soon as I find out what’s going on.”

  I nod and then watch as he turns and walks down the hallway before disappearing down the stairs.

  “Are you going to be alright, Ava?” Nix asks as I walk into the room.

  He shuts the door behind me while I move over to my bed. I sit down and then place my head in my hands as my eyes fill with tears.

  “Ava…” Nix whispers as he kneels down in front of me.

  I look up at him as a few tears stream down my cheeks.

  “Don’t cry.” He breathes out.

  “I can’t help it. I didn’t want this to happen. I was completely helpless. I couldn’t save Kane.” I reply before choking on a sob.

  “You tried. If you had done anything differently, you could have gotten him killed.” Nix insists.

  More tears spill down my cheeks as I shake my head. “You were right. I’m a burden, and I just cost someone everything.”

  “Ava…” Nix sighs. “You didn’t cost him anything.”

  When my tears turn into sobs, Nix stands and then pulls me up into his arms. He holds onto me tightly even while my bloody tears splash on his shoulder.

  “Kane is going to be just fine,” Nix whispers softly into my hair.

  “How did this get so messed up, Nix?” I cry.

  “It’s not your fault. None of this is your fault. Fate just dealt you a crappy hand, that’s all.” Nix replies gently. “Somewhere along the line things won’t seem so bad.”

  He sighs as he pushes me back slightly to look into my eyes. “Look at the bright side of this. At least if Kane survives, you won’t have to worry about hurting him. You two could be together.”

  “Nix, he’s never going to want to be anywhere around me after this,” I argue while wiping at my face to erase my tears.

  “That’s not true. Kane likes you a lot.” Nix replies as he cups his hands on either side of my face before he wipes away my tears with his thumbs.

  “Believe me, that guy is yours. He hasn’t stopped talking about you since you spent the night together.” Nix laughs.

  I laugh sadly before closing my eyes while taking in a shaky breath.

  “That’s better.” Nix breathes out. “I don’t like to see you crying.”

  He wipes his thumbs across my cheeks once more while gazing into my eyes.

  “Nix…” I whisper while leaning into his touch.

  “Yes, Ava…” He replies softly.

  Before I can say anything the door opens and Dominick walks in. He stops and stares at Nix and I as we stand frozen in place.

  He motions between us after a moment. “Just kiss and get it over with already.”

  When neither of us moves, Dominick takes a step closer. He threads his hand through my hair before pushing me to look up at him.

  “Kane is fine. He’s going through the change.” He announces gently. “The guy is more worried about you right now.”

  “He is?” I whisper.

  Dominick nods. “Yes.”

  I breathe out in relief as I close my eyes.

  “Go see him, Ava. We’ll talk some more when you get back.” Nix insists.

  I reopen my eyes and then look towards Dominick.

  “You should probably get a quick shower first, Sweetheart.” He pushes.

  I nod and then step back before I turn and walk into the bathroom. I shut the door and then lean my head against it to listen to Nix and Dominick talk.

  “You need to figure this out, Nix. You’re only hurting yourself, you know.” Dominick stresses.

  “Don’t you think I know that? I’m just trying to figure out how to make it work without shutting myself off from my family.” Nix replies.

  “I wouldn’t pass this up if I were you.” Dominick pushes.

  Nix groans out loudly. “What do I do?”

  “Go through the change. You’re already a bad ass, why not make yourself stronger.” Dominick replies. “If your family disowns you then forget about them. If you join us, then we’ll be your family.”

  “That’s asking a lot of me.” Nix sighs.

  “…And that is why you shouldn’t take it lightly.” Dominick replies seriously. “You need to make up your mind and decide what you can and can’t live without.”

  “I still need more time.” Nix breathes out.

  “Then take more time. She’s still going to be here. I’m not going to hide her away from you. I’m not that kind of guy if you haven’t noticed.” Dominick replies with a light laugh.

  “I’m beginning to see that.” Nix chuckles. “You�
�re not as bad as everyone makes you out to be.”

  “I can be,” Dominick warns. “If you hurt Ava I wouldn’t think twice about snapping your neck.”

  Nix grunts in response and I step back away from the door.

  I turn and then strip down before I move into the shower. I turn on the water and then stand under it as it warms my body while washing away the dirt and blood away from my skin.

  For a moment I close my eyes and allow myself to drift off to a different place and time.

  After everything that had happened, I would have given anything to go back to a time before I knew that vampires and werewolves were real.

  Then again, part of me liked exactly where I was.

  I had a great guy who more than likely loved me, and even though he hadn’t actually said it out loud, I had felt it through our new connection.

  And now Kane was within my reach.

  Like Nix said, I needed to look at the good instead of dwelling on all the bad that had happened.

  Not everything was as bleak as I was making it out to be.


  “Sweetheart, are you ever going to come out of there or am I going to have to carry you out?” Dominick shouts through the door with a hint of amusement.

  I had taken my time in the shower.

  To be honest, I was avoiding going to see Kane.

  I had no idea what I was going to say once I saw him, or even what I was going to do.

  “You’re going to hold his hand and help him through the change. That’s all he needs right now, Babe.” Dominick calls out abruptly.

  Thanks to our connection it was hard to keep anything from him.

  I sigh and then finish brushing my hair before wrapping my towel around my body a bit tighter. Just as I turn towards the door, Dominick walks in with a raised brow.

  “How did you get the door unlocked?” I snort.

  He shrugs. “I have my ways.”

  “Are you feeling any better?” He then asks softly.

  “Yes.” I breathe out.

  “Good.” He replies before glancing back into the room. “I brought a little something. Please don’t get mad but I can’t stand drinking from those bags anymore.”

  “Dom…” I groan.

  I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. I couldn’t believe that he was trying this now, and in my room of all places.


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