Midnight Moon (Love and Blood Series Book 1)

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Midnight Moon (Love and Blood Series Book 1) Page 12

by Raven K. Asher

  While I didn’t mind him feeding at the club, I had forbidden it from my room. I didn’t want some strange girl lying on my bed.

  “It’s not going to be like that.” Dominick insists.

  “Where did Nix go?” I ask, changing the subject.

  “Nix left; he said that he would be back before dawn.” He answers before sighing while rubbing his hand through his hair. “He needs a little more time before he figures out what he wants.”

  “Now, let’s stop avoiding what’s going on. Just come out into the room.” Dominick pushes as he reaches out for my hand.

  I allow him to take it in his before he tugs me out of the bathroom.

  My eyes widen as I notice the guy standing near the door.

  “I figured you’d be more comfortable if it wasn’t a girl,” Dominick states as he motions towards the guy. “This is Andrew and his blood tastes like chocolate. He’s expensive but worth it.”

  “You paid him?” I question with a raised brow.

  “I did. I pay everyone I feed on. It’s only right.” Dominick replies.

  That was something I didn’t know about him. I assumed that he fed from them and that was it. I had no idea that he paid them.

  “I also protect them. Isn’t that right, Andrew?” He adds.

  “That’s right,” Andrew replies. “If it weren’t for Dominick some random vampire would have drained me years ago.”

  I sigh. “I still don’t know if I want to do this right now, Dom.”

  “You don’t have to. I’m not forcing you.” Dominick replies as he turns to face me.

  He cups my cheek in his hand before stroking his thumb across my skin. “If you ever feel like I’m forcing you to do something that you don’t want to do, tell me.”

  I nod and then sigh again. “Maybe later, okay.”

  Dominick nods and then glances back at Andrew before looking back at me. “Would you mind if I fed?”

  “Go ahead.” I give in.

  He grins and then leans in to brush his lips across mine before he pulls away.

  I move over to my dresser while Dominick waves Andrew to come to him. From the corner of my eye, I watch as Dominick pulls Andrew’s back against his chest before he gently sinks his fangs into Andrew’s neck.

  As he drinks, Dominick stares in my direction.

  His red eyes held so many naughty promises that I couldn’t help but shiver with need in response. There was an undeniable attraction to Dominick and the darkness that surrounded him.

  Dominick pulls back as I turn my full attention towards him.

  My fangs bite into my bottom lip as I watch Andrew’s blood drip down his chin.

  God, he looked sexy as hell like that.

  I take a step towards them but stop when the door opens abruptly.

  Loki walks in and then glances around the room before pinning Dominick with an angry glare. “What the hell is going on in here?”

  “I was having a little snack,” Dominick replies.

  “And what about Ava…?” Loki asks as he motions towards me. “I’ve been trying to keep her on bagged blood, so she doesn’t hurt someone. It’s better if she never tastes fresh blood.”

  “You can’t keep her from it forever. She needs to learn how to feed properly or else she will hurt someone.” Dominick argues while wiping the blood away from his chin.

  Loki growls and then turns his attention towards Andrew. “Leave now, human.”

  Andrew doesn’t waste a second to leave. He runs out the door and Loki slams it shut behind him.

  “What are you doing here anyway, Loki?” Dominick snarls.

  “I came to tell you that Kane has finished the change. He’s asleep right now, and he more than likely won’t wake up until tomorrow night.” Loki replies as he looks at me. “I came to let you know that you didn’t have to see him just yet. He’s expecting to see you when he wakes up though.”

  I nod. “Thanks, Loki.”

  “You’re welcome, Sweetheart.” He replies with a sad smile.

  After a moment of silence, Loki directs his attention to Dominick. “Can I talk to you alone for a few minutes?”

  “Yeah, sure…” Dom replies.

  “I’ll just get changed,” I state before I grab some clothes from my dresser.

  Once I have everything I need I turn and walk into the bathroom.

  As soon as I shut the door, I lean up against it to listen to what Loki and Dominick had to say to each other just like I had done earlier.

  For a few minutes, no one says a word.

  Loki speaks first. “Do you constantly have to rebel against me, Dom?”

  “I’m not rebelling; I’m living the way that you taught me,” Dominick replies.

  They go quiet again.

  “She’s listening.” Dominick chuckles lightly.

  “Of course she is.” Loki snorts.

  I groan and then take a step back. It was obvious that they weren’t going to say much with me trying to eavesdrop.

  With a heavy sigh, I toss my towel away before I begin slipping on my clothes.

  Once I’m done I move back towards the door. I place my head against the wood for a few moments, but only silence fills my ear.

  I slowly take a step back before opening the door.

  Loki looks up from his spot sitting on the edge of my bed.

  “Where did Dominick go?” I ask curiously.

  “He left so we could have some time to talk,” Loki replies as he stands.

  I move forward, and he walks towards me until we meet in the middle of the room. I glance down at my feet for a moment while Loki rubs the back of his neck.

  “Loki…” I breathe out as I look up at him.

  “Yes…” He replies.

  “I missed you,” I whisper.

  “I missed you too, Ava.” He replies sincerely. “I couldn’t wait to get back to you. Of course, I never thought things would go the way that they did.”

  He sighs. “I’m sorry about Lux. I should have taken care of him a long time ago.”

  “What happened to him?” I ask.

  “He lost his mind,” Loki admits. “Sometimes living for so long comes with consequences. Some can’t handle it the way that others can.”

  “Oh…” I huff out.

  “Anyway, I wanted to see how you were doing.” Loki states; pushing the conversation forward. “You seem happy with Dominick.”

  “I am happy with him.” I reply with a smile.

  “That’s good to hear. You seem to be good for him.” Loki replies. “…And he can give you what you need. He can give you what I couldn’t.”

  Raising my hand, I cup Loki’s cheek. “I still want you, Loki.”

  He places his hand over mine as he searches my eyes. “Do you, really?”

  I nod. “I do.”

  Loki leans in closer while searching my eyes. His lips brush against mine ever so lightly for a moment before he pulls me close. Our kiss quickly turns into something much wilder and demanding.

  It was so easy to get wrapped up in him.

  We only stop when Dominick clears his throat loudly.

  Loki pulls away but keeps his hands on my hips. I, on the other hand, hide my face against Loki's chest.

  “Is there anyone that you don’t have some connection with, Sweetheart?” Dominick snorts in amusement.

  Part of me expected him to be angry, but here he was, laughing.

  I turn my head to look at him with a raised brow.

  “Don’t look at me like that.” He chuckles. “I told you before I’m not jealous. I’m a little surprised though at how many guys I have to contend with. I thought I had a little more time with you to myself.”

  After a moment Dominick sighs while scrubbing his hand over his face. “We really need to get some sleep. It’s going to be night before we know it.”

  I nod and then reluctantly take a step back from Loki.

  “You’re more than welcome to stay with us, Loki.” Dominick insists.
  Loki looks to me for my response. “Do you want me to stay?”

  Without hesitating, I nod. “Yes.”

  “Then I’ll stay, but just this once.” He replies.

  Dominick breathes out and then begins slipping out of his clothing while moving to the side of the bed. He leaves his boxers on before lying down.

  “Come on, don’t be shy.” He snorts while patting the bed next to him.

  I shake my head and then move over to the bed to lie down next to him.

  Once I’m comfortable, I turn my attention towards Loki. He hesitates for a moment before he begins moving towards the bed.

  He strips off his shirt but leaves his jeans on before he lies down on my other side.

  Dominick flips a switch near the bed, and the room darkens dramatically as a dark screen covers the window.

  Once the room is bathed in darkness, Dominic pulls me snuggly against his body.

  I sigh happily while closing my eyes.

  After a few minutes, his hand slowly begins slipping under my shirt. I open my eyes and turn to look up at him as he grins mischievously.

  ‘No.’ I mouth.

  He ignores me. Instead, he presses his lips against mine.

  Before I can stop him, he slips his hand down my pants before pulling my back snuggly against his chest. I close my eyes and bite my bottom lip to keep myself from moaning out loud.

  It was nearly impossible to remain completely quiet though.

  With his other hand, Dominick reaches over me. He grabs hold of Loki before pulling his face towards mine.

  Loki hesitates for a moment before he leans closer on his own to brush his lips across mine.

  A soft moan escapes as Dominick trails his lips down my neck.

  In a matter of minutes, I find myself bare along with Loki and Dominick. Both men trail their lips down either side of my neck before their fangs suddenly cut into my skin.

  A loud moan falls from my lips while Dominick moves to join our bodies together. Once he does, he releases his bite as he releases a low groan.

  Moments later Loki cuts off my moan with a deep kiss.

  His tongue tangles with mine in an intimate dance.

  This right here was perfect. If I could have frozen this moment in time I would have. My heart was filled with love for these two men.

  Never before had I loved anyone else so deeply.

  These two had my heart completely.

  “I love you too, Sweetheart.” Dominick breathes out before he turns my face so that he can kiss me. “God, I love you too.”

  I chuckle lightly before my laughter quickly dies and is replaced with a moan.

  Dominick quickly brings me up and over the edge before he falls back on the bed.

  Before I can even catch my breath, Loki takes charge. He pushes me onto my back before he moves over me.

  His eyes never leave mine as he pushes himself into me with one swift motion.

  As he moves, I grasp the blankets below me tightly. I bite my lip to hold back my screams of pleasure. It doesn’t last long before they escape.

  Beside me, Dominick laughs. “Don’t break her, Loki.”

  “I’m not. Trust me; she likes it this way, don’t you?” Loki replies knowingly.

  “Yes…” I answer breathlessly.

  “You’ve been holding out on me, you naughty girl.” Dominick snorts as he pushes himself up on his elbow to look down at me.

  Loki causes me to reply with another scream of pleasure.

  Seconds later I fall over the edge as I reach up and dig my nails into Loki’s back. He groans and closes his eyes as he too falls over the edge.

  Moments later he collapses on me.

  He rests his head on my chest, and I begin to play with his hair absently. It was something we had done many times.

  “Do you feel better, Loki?” Dominick questions softly.

  “Yes, I do.” Loki breathes out.

  “Good,” Dominick replies. “Now you have no excuse why you can’t be with her. You can share you just don’t want to, and I can’t exactly say that I blame you, but you have to make compromises somewhere.”

  Loki grumbles in response, and I laugh lightly.

  He takes in a deep breath before looking up at me. “He’s right. I can make this work. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be.”

  I smile brightly. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  A smirk crosses his lips before he presses them against mine. “I love you too much to let you go that easily.”

  “I love you too, Loki,” I reply before pulling his head down to mine for another kiss.

  Once again Loki lays his head on my chest. After a few moments, his breathing stops as he falls asleep.

  It was normal for him, but it had terrified me the first time it had happened.

  Of course, then I didn’t know that was normal for all vampires. When we were awake, our bodies worked like normal, but when we went to sleep, it didn’t need to go through the motions of a normal human body so it would stop completely.

  “Is he asleep?” Dominick asks softly.

  “Yeah, he is,” I answer with a whisper.

  “Good. I don’t think he’s slept well in weeks.” Dominick replies. “I’ve never seen him like that. He was hell-bent on getting back here to you as soon as possible.”

  “I’m glad he’s back and that he’s willing to make this work,” I reply honestly. “I wanted it to work from the start, but it was nearly impossible. We kept pushing each other away.”

  “You’ve learned a lot since then.” Dominick insists.

  He was right. I had learned a lot about myself in the last few weeks. Dominick had helped me figure out exactly what I was searching for and how to make this harem work to benefit everyone involved.

  Now we just needed to figure out what Kane and Nix wanted.

  Once I added them, I was finished; I would have my hands full taking care of four men.

  I was both nervous and excited at the prospect of having all of them together. I only hoped that I wouldn’t mess things up.

  “Do you want me to move him?” Dominick asks after a few more moments of silence.

  “No. I sleep better this way. He’ll scoot off when he’s ready.” I reply before running my hand through Loki’s hair again.

  I sigh happily while closing my eyes.

  “Sleep well, Sweetheart,” Dominick whispers.

  “Sleep well, Dom.” I breathe out as I drift off.

  16-Major Changes

  Night comes way too fast, and it brings Tinsley bursting through my doorway to early.

  “Wakey, wakey, Ava. We have the weekend off, and we’re going to spend it together. I’m not going to take no for an answer.” She exclaims as she bounces around my room.

  “I know you’re going to spend some time with Kane, but I get you the rest of the night. Dominick can leave you alone for a few hours.” She adds.

  I groan in response as I sit up to look at her through the darkness.

  “What time is it, Tinsley?” I ask.

  “It’s time for you to get your butt up.” She replies before suddenly flipping on a light.

  Loki and Dominick groan beside me, and Tinsley stops in her tracks before she turns her attention towards the bed.

  Her brow rises in surprise before a bright smile crosses her lips.

  “Don’t even say a word, Tins.” I huff out.

  “I wasn’t going to say a thing.” She lies.

  I roll my eyes and then lay back down while placing my arm over my eyes.

  “Nope, you’re not going back to sleep,” Tinsley demands before she suddenly climbs onto the bed above me.

  I lower my arm and give her my best glare.

  Dominick peeks out from under the covers and laughs. “I like where this is going.”

  “That’s not happening.” Tinsley snorts.

  She then pushes her way between Dominick and me. I laugh out loudly when Dominick hits the floor abrupt

  He curses. “You play dirty.”

  Tinsley laughs. “You bet your ass I do.”

  I shake my head as Loki pushes up on his elbow to look over me towards Tinsley. “Don’t even think about trying that stunt with me.”

  “Oh, I wasn’t planning on pushing you off of the bed, Loki. I like you. You haven’t kept my best friend away from me like Dominick has.” Tinsley replies.

  “I didn’t keep her away from you,” Dominick argues. “I was trying to keep her safe.”

  “Uh huh…” Tinsley mocks.

  Dominick groans out dramatically before he sits up.

  “Have you seen Kane yet?” Tinsley asks, changing the subject.

  “No, but I need to see him. It’s my fault this happened to him in the first place.” I sigh.

  “It was my fault, Ava,” Loki argues. “Not yours.”

  “Can we not go through this again?” Dominick breathes out before he stands with a shirt in his hands to cover himself. “We can’t do much to change what happened now.”

  Before anyone can say another word the door opens and Matt walks in.

  He raises his brow as he scans the room. “Do I even want to know why my girl is in bed with yours and why you’re standing next to them naked, Dominick?”

  “Probably not…” Dominick snorts.

  Matt nods and then turns his attention towards Tinsley. “Didn’t I tell you to wait before you barged in here, Tins?”

  “You did, but Ava doesn’t mind, do you?” Tinsley replies.

  “Even if I did it never stopped you from walking in on Jake and me.” I laugh. “I’ve gotten used to this actually.”

  “I haven’t.” Dominick chimes in while Loki grunts in agreement.

  “Let’s leave them alone so they can get dressed, Babe.” Matt then pushes as he waves for Tinsley to come with him.

  She looks at me and rolls her eyes before moving off of the bed. “Fine, but I will be back.”

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less.” I snort.

  A bright smile spreads across her lips before she skips across the room. Seconds later Matt pushes her out the door with giving me an apologetic look.

  Once the door shuts Dominick releases a heavy breath. “I’m never going to get used to that girl. I don’t know how Nick and Matt deal with her.”


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