Midnight Moon (Love and Blood Series Book 1)

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Midnight Moon (Love and Blood Series Book 1) Page 13

by Raven K. Asher

  “They love her,” I reply.

  Loki sighs while sitting up. “We should probably get dressed since we’re awake now.”

  He then groans. “But it looks like I’ll be going without my shirt for now.”

  Dominick glances down at the shirt in his hands before barking out in laughter. “I didn’t realize this was yours. I can give you one of mine if you’d like. I think I have a few stashed away in Ava’s drawers.”

  “I still have one of your shirts, Loki.” I chime in shyly.

  “You can keep it, Sweetheart. I’ll just run down to my room really quickly and then be right back.” He replies before leaning close to kiss the side of my head.

  Without another word, he moves to the edge of the bed before slipping on his boxers and jeans.

  I watch him as he stands and then pulls them up before he turns to face me.

  “Do you want me with you when you see Kane?” He questions.

  “You don’t have to be. I think I can handle this on my own if you two have other things that you need to take care of.” I reply before glancing towards Dominick. “I know I’ve kept you away from your stuff too long.”

  “I should get back to it.” Dominick sighs.

  “I could help,” Loki suggests.

  Dominick nods. “That would be great. I’ve got a little too much on my plate right now.”

  “Then it’s settled, you two can go to the club and get things in order, and I’ll go see Kane. Once I’m done, I’ll find Tinsley and then join you at the club.” I reply.

  “That sounds like a plan.” Dominick agrees.

  “Alright, I’ll be back in a few minutes then.” Loki states before he turns to leave.

  He moves to the door before opening it. He glances back at me once with a bright grin before he walks out into the hallway, shutting the door behind him with a soft click.

  I move to the edge of the bed and then stand. Dominick quickly pulls me into his arms before pressing his lips against mine. His bare body brushes against mine, and I sigh happily.

  Pulling back slightly, I look up into Dominick’s soft hazel eyes. “Would you want to join me for a quick shower?”

  He grins. “Gladly…”


  After a quick and steamy shower with Dominick, we parted ways at the door. Dominick had rushed off with Loki, and I was slowly walking downstairs to see Kane.

  I was anxious to see him, but at the same time, I was reluctant.

  Before I know it I find myself standing just outside the door where he was being held while going through the change.

  “Are you sure she’s going to come?” Kane breathes out from inside the room.

  “I’m sure Ava will be here soon. She’s kind of got her plate full at the moment.” Nix answers him. “She nearly died when Loki and Dominick staked the vampire who bit you.”

  “Seriously…?” Kane whispers. “Is she going to be alright?”

  “She’s fine. Dominick took care of her.” Nix sighs.

  “What aren’t you telling me, Nix?” Kane pushes.

  “It’s nothing.” Nix insists. “Just be glad that Ava has no reason to push you away anymore.”

  “No kidding. She has no excuses now.” Kane snorts before he becomes serious. “Hopefully she’ll still want me around. We still have a lot to learn about each other.”

  “Take your time with her. You’ve got a long time to win her over.” Nix replies.

  Before anyone says another word, I muster up enough courage to walk into the room.

  “Hey, Ava…” Nix greets.

  I give him a shy wave and a smile before turning my attention towards Kane.

  “How are you doing?” Kane questions me.

  “I’m alright. How are you?” I reply.

  “Thirsty as hell…” Kane snorts before becoming serious. “I’ll be alright. I just need to get the hang of this new reality. My stomach isn’t exactly excited about my new mixed diet.”

  “Is that normal?” I push, becoming worried.

  “Yes, it’s normal. His wolf side just needs to adapt, that’s all.” Mr. Blake reassures as he walks into the room with us.

  He holds out a glass filled with a thick liquid.

  Kane takes the cup before looking at Tobias in question. “What is this?”

  “It’s a mix of meat and blood. I figured it might go down a bit easier.” Tobias answers.

  “That smells horrible,” Nix grumbles while scrunching up his nose.

  Kane groans but places the glass up to his lips. His eyes turn a deep shade of red as the tips the cup back.

  Within seconds he empties the glass.

  Everyone remains quiet as Kane closes his eyes while leaning his head back against the headboard of the bed he was lying in.

  After a few moments, he lets out a heavy breath.

  “Are you going to keep it down this time?” Tobias questions.

  “I think so.” Kane breathes out.

  “Good,” Tobias replies with relief.

  An awkward moment of silence passes by before Nix speaks. “Why don’t we give these two a few minutes alone, Tobias?”

  Thankfully Mr. Blake nods in agreement before they quickly exit the room. They shut the door behind them with a soft click.

  Kane groans as his stomach grumbles.

  “Are you alright?” I stress.

  He nods. “I’ll be fine; it’s just going to take some time.”

  After a moment I move closer before sitting down on the edge of the bed. I bow my head and pick at my fingernails absently.

  “Where’s Dominick at?” Kane asks suddenly. “I didn’t think that he would leave you alone for a second.”

  “He’s at the club with Loki,” I answer before looking up at Kane. “I’m safe now, so he doesn’t have to watch over me constantly.”

  “Is he good to you?” Kane questions after a moment.

  “Yes, he is,” I reply. “He really is.”

  “That’s good,” Kane replies before letting out a heavy sigh.

  “Kane…” I whisper before pausing. “Kane, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for getting you hurt. This was why I pushed you away. I didn’t want to hurt you, but you ended up being hurt anyway.”

  “What that vampire did wasn’t your fault, Ava.” Kane insists as he sits up. “I shouldn’t have let my guard down. If I would have been more alert he would never have gotten a hold of me.”

  I nod and then look down at my hands again.

  No matter what anyone said, I would still blame myself.

  When I don’t respond, Kane moves closer and then places his fingers under my chin. He then lifts my face, so that I have to look at him.

  “Don’t blame yourself. This really isn’t all that bad.” He insists. “Honestly, I kind of wanted this to happen. Of course, I didn’t want it to be some random vampire who changed me.”

  He sighs softly. “I wanted it to be you.”

  “Kane…” I whisper.

  “I know, I know, you wouldn’t have done it, but a guy can hope, right?” He laughs.

  I smile and shake my head. “You’re something else.”

  “But you like it.” Kane pushes.

  “Yes, I do,” I admit.

  “Does that mean that you’ll give us another chance?” He then asks.

  “As long as you’re alright sharing me with Loki and Dominick, then yes, we can give this another shot,” I reply before continuing. “But I want to take things slow. I’m still figuring out my relationship with Dom and now Loki. I don’t want anyone to feel left out.”

  “I don’t mind, and I don’t mind going slow either. I’m just happy being around you again.” Kane replies with a bright smile.

  He cups my cheek in his hand, and I lean into his touch while smiling.

  “I missed your warmth,” I whisper.

  “That’s something that thankfully won’t disappear,” Kane replies.

  “Good.” I breathe out while closing my eyes.

fter a few moments, I sigh and then reopen my eyes. “I should probably go. Tinsley wants a night out with me, and if I don’t meet her soon, she’ll come after me.”

  “Then you should go. I’m not going anywhere tonight.” Kane insists.

  I stand. “Are you sure you’re going to be alright?”

  “I’ll be just fine.” He reassures.

  Without another word, I move towards the door. I pause for a moment and glance back at Kane with a smile.

  He grins and then waves me to go.

  I open the door and then leave.

  17-Unexpected Visitor

  I walk down the halls until I reach Tinsley’s door. I had already changed into something more appropriate for a night out with her, but I had been running off some of my pent-up energy.

  Now, I was ready to go.

  I raise my hand to knock on her door, but it opens.

  Matt raises his brow in question. “What are you doing here, Ava?”

  “I came for Tinsley,” I reply.

  “She already left. She thought you went to the club already.” He replies.

  “Damn it.” I sigh. “I was walking around trying to burn off some of this energy.”

  “Well, she didn’t leave that long ago so you’ll probably find her at the club,” Matt explains. “If you’re fast enough, she might not realize that you were never there, to begin with.”

  I snort and nod my head. “That might be my only option.”

  “You better go then.” Matt pushes.

  “Thanks, Matt,” I reply while turning to leave.

  “You’re welcome, Ava.” He laughs.

  Without hesitating, I take off at a full run. The halls go by in a blur as I push myself to my limits. In a matter of seconds, I find myself standing in front of the club.

  I walk inside and then scan the room for my best friend. I spot her in the corner of the room shouting and waving her arms around with Dominick.

  I inwardly groan before moving towards them.

  The second Dominick spots me his eyes soften with relief. As soon as Tinsley notices my presence, she turns around with an angry glare.

  “Where the hell have you been?” She snaps.

  “I took a little walk,” I answer simply.

  “Seriously…?” She blurts in disbelief.

  “Yes, I needed some time alone to think,” I explain.

  Her glare instantly disappears. “Oh…Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine.” I insist.

  “Good.” She breathes out before glancing back at Dominick. “At least now I know you didn’t lock her up somewhere.”

  Dominick barks out in laughter. “I wouldn’t dare. The last thing I need is more of your wrath.”

  “Don’t forget that,” Tinsley warns before giving me a bright smile. “Let’s dance.”

  Without warning, she grabs my hand before pulling me away from Dominick. I glance back at him once, and he gives me a wink and a smile.

  I laugh and then begin dancing along with Tinsley once we reach the dance floor.


  After what feels like hours of dancing Tinsley and I make our way through the crowd to the bar. Nick gives us a bright smile as he places two tall glasses filled with blood in front of us.

  Without a word, he moves off to help someone else.

  I take a sip from my glass before glancing in Dominick’s direction.

  “You can go and see him if you want,” Tinsley states abruptly.

  “I don’t know…” I sigh.

  “Ava, I’m fine with it. I know you two are madly in love.” Tinsley replies. “…And I know you’re dying to see him.”

  “But this was supposed to be our night,” I argue lightly.

  “The guys can join us. Matt just walked in, and Nick should be getting off of his shift soon.” She replies.

  “Are you sure?” I press.

  “Yes, now go before I change my mind.” She replies.

  I stand and then quickly hug her before moving through the building to where I would find Dominick.

  The second I find him I also find someone that I never thought I see again.

  Dominick had him in his grasp, and his fangs were deep in his neck. Jake, on the other hand, had his eyes closed and a smirk on his lips. It appeared as if he was enjoying himself.

  After a few moments, Dominick notices my presence.

  He watches me without ever releasing his bite. His eyes narrow after a few seconds before he finally pulls away from Jake.

  I glance at the blood on Jake’s neck to the blood dripping down Dominick’s chin.

  “Babe…?” Dominick whispers.

  I close my eyes and shake my head. None of this felt real.

  “Ava…?” Jake suddenly questions with a hint of surprise in his tone

  I reopen my eyes to look at him.

  “How do you know her?” Dominick suddenly snaps as he grabs Jake by the back of his neck.

  “She’s my fiancée.” Jake bites out.

  Once again I close my eyes. I pinch my nose and groan inwardly as I try to figure out my next move within my head.

  I had to treat this delicately.

  Before I can say a word, Loki wraps his arms around me. “He was her fiancé before she turned. That idiot was going to let her die though.”

  At that moment I was grateful for him.

  “What the hell are you doing here then?” Dominick growls out as he spins Jake around to face him.

  “I wanted to find Ava, and this was the only way to do it. No one would trust me otherwise.” Jake answers.

  “Bull…” Dominick snarls.

  “Why did you wait so long to find me?” I interrupt.

  Jake glances back at me. “The second you left the room I went after you. I was in shock after you bit me but I couldn’t let you go that easily.”

  “Let him go, Dominick.” I sigh.

  Dominick turns his attention towards me for a moment before thankfully releasing Jake.

  Jake turns to face me before his eyes travel over my shoulder to look at Loki. “I see it didn’t take you long to move on.”

  “What else was I supposed to do, Jake?” I reply.

  “You shouldn’t have given up on us.” He argues.

  “We didn’t belong together.” I breathe out.

  “Like hell,” Jake growls.

  “I’m not going to argue with you, Jake. I’m not the girl that left you at my parent’s house.” I reply sternly.

  “So, you’re going to act as if I never mattered; as if we didn't have our whole lives planned out together?” Jake bites out as he takes a step closer to me. “Hell, I’m the reason that you’re still alive. It was my blood that saved you.”

  Before he can take a step closer to me, Dominick grabs Jake from behind.

  “I will kill you if you even take another step towards her.” He threatens.

  “Go ahead and do it.” Jake snorts. “Give the humans outside of this town a reason to come in here and kill every last one of you monsters.”

  There it was; Jake never once accepted what I had become. He still believed we were monsters and that meant something else was going on here.

  “What are you really doing here, Jake?” I bite out as I move closer to him while Dominick tightens his grasp.

  He smiles. “I came for you.” He pauses and then continues. “I came to take care of you the way that I should have before you had the chance to bite me.”

  Loki pulls me back abruptly while Dominick and the rest of the vampires standing around us growl at Jake.

  Jake remains oddly calm as his smile grows.

  “We need to get out of here.” Loki stresses suddenly.

  My heart picks up speed as I focus my attention on Dominick. His eyes go wide the second that Jake holds up his hand.

  In his hand was a small remote with a single red button on the top.

  Dominick releases Jake seconds before his thumb presses the button.

  Loki shoves me to t
he floor as the club is filled with bright lights and ear piercing booms. Screams of agony fill the building while Loki moves his body over mine.

  I whimper and stare up at his as the air fills with smoke.

  “Loki…” I whisper.

  “Everything will be alright, Sweetheart.” He reassures.

  Bodies drop around us, and I close my eyes tightly. Loud shouts are followed by more screams and loud booms.

  Loki suddenly lets out a painful grunt before his body suddenly goes limp on top of me.

  I reopen my eyes and look up at him only to find his lifeless eyes stare back at me.

  “Loki…” I cry softly as I push against his chest lightly.

  He doesn’t respond.

  “Loki…Please.” I plead.

  I shake him again, and nothing happens.

  Tears fill my eyes, and I close my eyes again to keep myself from falling completely apart. I had to have faith that Loki wasn’t actually dead. He couldn’t be gone.

  Screams fill the air once more before everything grows silent.

  When Dominick’s voice breaks the silence, I nearly shout for joy.

  “Get them somewhere safe. Warn the Academy. Put the town on alert. We are under attack.” Dominick barks out.

  “Max, Tim, Nick, we need to find the survivors and take them to the school. We need to get as many out as we can before this building collapses on our heads.” Dominick then stresses.

  “I need to find Tinsley and Matt,” Nick shouts.

  “Find them and then help the others. I need to find Loki and Ava.” Dominick replies.

  “Dom…” I choke out.

  “Ava, Babe, where are you?” Dominick replies in a near panic.

  I raise my hand as high as I can get it.

  In seconds Dominick kneels down beside Loki and I. He scans me first before glancing at Loki’s back.

  He curses softly before closing his eyes.

  “Dom, please tell me that he’s going to be alright,” I beg softly.

  “He’s gone, Ava. I’m sorry.” He whispers hoarsely.

  “No. He can’t be gone.” I whimper.

  “I felt it earlier, Sweetheart. I felt the same pain that you did when Lux died.” He replies gently.

  “You’re not going to die, are you?” I cry.


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