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Midnight Moon (Love and Blood Series Book 1)

Page 19

by Raven K. Asher

  Even as the entrance clears and the first bell rings for classes I stand in place not knowing what to do. I wanted to run away, but at the same time, I didn’t want to go home to my grandmother looking like this.

  Moving over to a nearby bench, I sit down and turn my face towards the sky as a few of my tears stream down my cheeks.

  Without warning, I find myself no longer alone as a stranger sits down on the bench with me.

  I glance over and slyly study his shaggy brown hair and his strong jaw.

  He was cute even with his nose scrunched up in disgust as he turns towards me. “You stink.”

  Turning my full attention towards him, I narrow my eyes. “Well, that’s what happens when a bunch of jerks, much like you, decide to pick on someone like me and throw god only knows what onto my dress.”

  “With that kind of attitude you probably deserved it.” He replies tersely. “And just out of curiosity why do you just assume I’m a jerk, you don’t even know who I am.”

  My eyes study him from head to toe with a raised brow. “The way you’re dressed speaks volumes. You’re probably friends with the jerks who did this to me.”

  Shaking his head, he disagrees. “I don’t even go to school here.”

  “Then why are you here talking to me?” I question curiously.

  He stands to his feet while looking down at me. “Honestly, I don’t even know. I saw a girl sitting down looking sad and thought maybe I’d be nice, but obviously, that was nothing but a mistake.”

  Standing up in front of him, I poke his chest in anger. “Maybe, if you would have used a better first line than ‘you stink,' I would have been a little nicer.”

  Grinning playfully, he holds his hands in the air as he backs away. “I’ll remember that next time I decide to talk to another pretty, sad, girl.”

  Turning on his heel, he ends our conversation.

  I’m left standing in place wondering what exactly had just happened and whether he really had complimented me.

  I smile shyly while moving back to the bench before picking up my discarded backpack to head home.

  Taking a step towards my normal path, I stop for a brief moment when Tucker calls out my name.

  “Snow, please stop.” He pleads as he runs up beside me.

  “I’m going home, Tucker.” I clip out harshly as I continue to walk.

  I just wanted to leave already, and I didn’t exactly want him to be seen with me.

  He gently places his hand on my arm, stopping me from taking another step away from him. “If you want to get cleaned up come to my house with me. I know you don’t want to take a bath in that cold water.”

  “I’ll be fine, Tucker, I can handle the cold.” I lie as I pull away from his grasp.

  He stops me again, this time by moving in front of me.

  “Please, Snow, just do this for me, so I know you’re being taken care of.” He pleads, using the same line that he always did to get me to cave.

  It almost works until I ball my hands into fists. “I’m not going home with you, Tucker. You don’t want to be seen with me. What would your friends think?”

  In a smooth move, he cups my face in his hands as his eyes search mine. “I don’t give a damn what they think, Snow. I’m tired of hiding what I feel for you. I’m tired of pretending. You know I want more.”

  In the next moment, his lips descend upon mine just in time for another bell to ring, allowing a group of students to come out and witness our, my, first kiss.

  Placing my hands on his chest I push him away, ending our moment.

  “We can’t do this, Tucker. We just can’t.” I whisper softly while bowing my head.

  “Why not, Snow?” He inquires as he tries to move closer.

  I motion between us while taking a step back from him. “We don’t belong together, Tucker. Can’t you see that?”

  Shaking his head roughly, he cups my chin again, bringing my eyes in line with his. “I don’t care that they say we shouldn’t be together, or what anyone one says for that matter, all I know is that I want you, no one else but you.”

  Closing my eyes, I sigh softly.

  “Please, come home with me, Snow,” Tucker begs softly, breaking down my defenses.

  Reopening my eyes, I nod slightly.

  He grins widely before wrapping his arm around my waist to lead me down the trail and towards the road that would take us home.

  Chapter Two

  Even though I had been to Tucker’s house a handful of times, I still hadn’t gone past the front entrance room where there were two sets of stairs leading up to a second floor.

  His house was huge, making my home look like an outhouse in comparison. I wasn’t really fond of all the wide open spaces his home offered or the cold marble floors.

  Give me worn floors and wood-paneled walls any day, at least my home felt inviting and cozy.

  “Come on; you can take a shower in my room. I’ll give you some clothes to wear until my housekeeper can clean your dress for you.” Tucker coaxes as he holds out his hand to me at the bottom of the stairs.

  I nod and walk over to him and take his hand in mine before allowing him to lead me upstairs, then towards his room located at the end of a long hallway.

  Stopping at his door, he opens his mouth to say something but closes it before opening it again to speak. “My room is…a bit different than the rest of the house.”

  Raising my brow in question, I wait for him to elaborate.

  “Let me just show you.” He replies with a sly grin, reading my expression.

  Opening his door my jaw drops at the unexpected change inside his room.

  Walking in, I look around in awe.

  His room was a dream. The floor was covered with a plush white carpet that gave the sense of walking on a fresh blanket of snow.

  The walls were painted with trees that had long lost their leaves, and hanging from his ceiling were hundreds, if not thousands, of twinkling lights giving the appearance of falling snow.

  “This is absolutely beautiful, Tucker.” I declare as I spread my arms and twirl around in the center of his room.

  “I’m glad you like it,” Tucker replies as he captures me in his arms before pulling my back snuggly against his body.

  I nod and then lean my head back against his chest. “I love it but what possessed you do your room like this?”

  “It reminds me of home.” He answers simply.

  I nod again before turning in his arms to face him. “I’m sorry about earlier.”

  He grins down at me as his hand rises to cup my cheek. “Don’t be sorry, Snow, just give us a chance, please.”

  “I just don’t know if it’s smart, Tucker. It’s not just about school and your friends. I’ve never had a boyfriend, and heck until you kissed me earlier I had never been kissed.” I confess before going on. “I’ve always looked at you as my best friend. You’re like a brother to me, Tucker.”

  I sigh softly while closing my eyes. “…And I don’t want to lose you if things don’t work out between us.”

  “You won’t lose me, Snow.” He promises. “We will always be friends no matter how this may go. Nothing will change that.”

  After a brief moment of silence, he smirks.

  “Was that really your first kiss?” He then questions with a mixture of disbelief and amusement.

  I nod while becoming bashful. I pull away from him while watching as his eyes gleam with pride at my confession.

  “Can I get a shower now?” I ask abruptly to change the subject.

  I was beginning to feel absolutely disgusting in my dress.

  He nods before motioning towards a dark wooden door to his right. “The bathroom is right through there. It has everything you should need right under the sink.”

  “Thanks, Tucker,” I state gratefully as I begin moving towards the door.

  I’m not at all surprised when he moves in front of it, stopping me.

  Without a word he places his hand on either sid
e of my face before bringing his lips down towards mine as he searches for permission in my eyes. I willingly give it to him as I thread my fingers through his hair. I close my eyes while his lips caress mine and his tongue teases my mouth to open for a deeper more passionate kiss.

  Minutes later we pull apart, panting for our breaths as we place our foreheads together.

  “I’ve dreamed of this moment forever,” Tucker admits softly.

  “I dreamed of this moment too. I have to admit it was never with you, but now that it’s happened I wouldn’t change it for the world, Tucker.” I reply sweetly before I kiss his lips tenderly. “I’m glad you were my first kiss, and second, and third.”

  Laughing lightly, Tucker strokes his knuckles over my cheek. “I’m glad I was your first too, Snow, and I’m glad that I didn’t disappoint you.”

  “You could never disappoint me, Tucker,” I reply honestly.

  Not once had he ever let me down and he hadn’t given me a reason to be disappointed in him either. He had always been kind and caring towards me, and I knew that he would never do anything to put me in harm’s way.

  Those facts were the sole reason I was allowing him the chance to be something more than just a friend. I was comfortable with him, and that comfort and stability was something I needed right now.

  Add the reality that my crush had completely embarrassed me in front of the entire school before walking away, and it had me clamoring to reassure myself that I was worth better.

  There was no reason for me to continue chasing after someone so cruel either. Tucker was the only one who wanted anything to do with me so it was silly to shield myself from something that could be good for me.

  It was a leap in the darkness that could go one of two ways. Either it worked, and we could eventually tell our kids about how we ended up together, or we would go our separate ways and remain friends.

  Either way was beginning to look good to me.

  Reaching behind his back, Tucker turns the handle opening the door to the bathroom which was huge and decorated with the same theme as the bedroom.

  For a bathroom, it was absolutely stunning. The shower could have held a group of people…and the tub…oh…I could see myself laying in hot water within it for days.

  Moving over to the shower Tucker begins turning knobs until a steady stream of water cascades down from a mock waterfall.

  He grins as he glances back at me. “It’s pretty awesome, right?”

  I nod in agreement. I had no words for how amazing it actually was.

  “Alright, I’ll leave you alone now. Just yell if you need anything.” He insists. “I’ll be just right inside the bedroom.”

  Tucker stops before walking out the door to say one more thing. “Oh, when you take your dress off just hold it outside the door, and I’ll have Rosalie clean it for you.”

  I nod, and he leaves, shutting the door behind him.

  Slipping my boots and socks off first I place them next to the door before slipping out of my dress. I sigh while looking down at the ruined material. I wasn't sure if it could even be saved at this point.

  Hopefully Tucker’s maid would have some luck with it.

  Standing behind the door, I open it and peek out.

  Tucker jumps to his feet from his bed and moves over towards the door before taking the dress from my outstretched hand.

  “Is everything alright?” He asks nervously.

  I nod. “I’m great, maybe a little sad about my dress but other than that I’m good.”

  He nods once before walking away.

  Shutting the door, I quickly shimmy out of my panties and then climb into the shower. Moving under the cascading water, I groan happily as its warmth washes over my skin.

  My body relaxes as I unbraid my hair and allow the water to wash it clean with the strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner that had already been in the shower.

  It was heaven to finally be clean.

  A little while later I reluctantly climb back out of the shower before grabbing a soft white towel from a rack on the wall along the way.

  Wrapping it around my body, I move over to the sink where there was a large brush and some lotions laid out.

  Picking up the brush, I move over to a bench and sit as I pull my hair over my shoulder before getting to work to untangling the many knots I was sure to have.

  Making my way steadily through my hair, I listen to the silence coming from Tucker’s bedroom. Curiosity had me wondering just what he was doing on the other side.

  I nearly jump out of my skin when Tucker speaks abruptly.

  “Is everything alright in there, Snow?” He calls out.

  “Yeah, everything is fine,” I reply quickly as I hold my towel closely while opening the door slightly to peek out at Tucker.

  “Good, I found some clothes that should fit you.” He then states while holding up a stack of folded up clothing.

  “Thanks, Tucker,” I reply gratefully as I take the clothes from his hands.

  Without another word, I shut the door and then move back over to the sink to change into the clothes that he had given me.

  My brow rises as I hold the clothing up in front of me. I found it odd that the pants and shirt were just my sizes. It made me curious about where Tucker had gotten the clothes from.

  As if reading my mind Tucker explains. “I bought them for you, Snow. I was going to wait until your birthday to give them to you…but now seemed like the right time.”

  “How did you know my sizes?” I laugh as I hold the shirt against my chest.

  “Gram helped.” He answers simply.

  “Of course she did.” I snort.

  I slip the white shirt over my head and then pull it down into place as I study my reflection in the mirror above the sink.

  Tracing my fingers over the intricate design of the snowflake on the front, I smile. It was beautifully done with black and silver highlights.

  The soft pants matched the design, but instead of black and silver on white, they were black pants with silver and white flakes down each side of the pant legs.

  With a grin on my face, I walk out into Tucker’s bedroom.

  “You look great,” Tucker exclaims as he scans me from head to toe. “How do you like the clothes?”

  “I love them, Tucker,” I reply gratefully. “Thank you.”

  “Good, because I have a whole bag of clothing that I bought for you.” He replies quickly.

  “Tucker…” I try.

  “Don’t, Snow. Let me pamper you for once, please.” He insists sternly.

  I give in with a nod. “Just this once, Tucker, but don’t make a habit of it.”

  He grins triumphantly while moving closer. Once he’s in front of me, he lifts his hand to cup my cheek while staring into my eyes.

  “Are you going to be alright with all of this, Snow?” He asks softly.

  “What do you mean?” I push.

  I wasn’t quite sure what he was getting at.

  “Are you going to be alright being with me? I mean being out in the open, being in front of people at school.” He explains.

  “I don’t know,” I whisper honestly.

  “Like I’ve told you before I don’t care what they think, Snow, and you shouldn’t either,” Tucker replies while smoothing his thumb over my cheek.

  “I’m just not sure if I’m ready for them to attack both of us, Tucker.” I sigh.

  I was used to them targeting me for their cruel entertainment, but I wasn’t sure if I could stand back and watch anyone treat Tucker poorly in front of me.

  “That’s not going to happen. I won’t allow it to.” Tucker reassures.

  “Could we keep this hidden until I’m more comfortable with it?” I insist.

  Thankfully he nods. “Yeah, if that’s what you want, we can.”

  I happily wrap my arms around Tucker’s neck as I grin up at him. “Thank you. I really want this to work out for the best.”

  He nods and then leans down to br
ush his lips tenderly against mine.

  A bright smile crosses his lips as he pulls back slightly. “As long as I get to kiss you and hold you like this I’ll do whatever you want.”

  I giggle and then back away from him before taking his hand in mine to hold onto him a little longer.

  “I’m sorry about what Mandy, Anne, and William did to you today.” Tucker sighs as he releases my hand to sit down on the edge of his bed. “I should have stopped them.”

  “It’s alright. I actually met someone afterward that made things a little bit better.” I reply while thinking back to the stranger I had met on the bench.

  Tucker tilts his head as his eyes narrow. “Who did you meet?”

  I shrug and then turn to look out Tucker’s window. “I didn’t ask his name, but he was kind of a jerk.”

  “Does he go to our school?” Tucker pushes.

  “No, I’ve never seen him before actually,” I answer.

  “Maybe he was just passing through,” Tucker states as he stands up and moves in behind me. “I wouldn’t worry about seeing him again, and if you do you can tell him that you have a boyfriend who’s going to take care of you from now on.”

  I snort and turn in Tucker’s arms. “You’re going to be my knight-in-shining-armor?”

  He nods as a smirk crosses his lips. “Yes, I am.”

  “Now how about we get you home before Gram misses you.” Tucker then states as he releases his hold on me again.

  Time had flown by while I had been enjoying my shower.

  I nod in agreement. “Let me get my boots on, and we’ll go.”

  Tucker nods, and I rush back into the bathroom to grab my boots before bringing them back out into the room. I sit on the edge of Tucker’s bed and slip them on.

  Once I’m ready to go, I stand up.

  Tucker grabs a bag from his closet and then holds it out to me. “Here’s the rest of your gift. I added some new socks in there too.”

  I take the bag and peek inside. “You really didn’t have to do this.”

  “I love you, Snow. That’s why I do all of this for you.” Tucker replies softly.

  “Tucker…” I begin.

  “Let’s go.” He interrupts before I can say anything else.


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