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The Winter Collection

Page 4

by Alexa Riley

  It’s quick and intense, but that’s how we are.

  Gently, I sit her up and hold her against my chest as I carry her to our bedroom while I stay inside her. I’m not ready to leave her warmth and I’m far from finished with fucking her dark clouds away.

  “I love you,” I say, my cock heavy between my legs, and I move in and out of her.

  “Don’t stop,” she pleads and closes her eyes once again, reaching for me.

  Chapter 7


  The curtains are pulled back and the sun is already high in the sky. I’m cuddled in bed, but out of the corner of my eye I see my phone light up again, begging for attention. I lean up a little and look at it to see another Google alert has gone off. I sigh and fall back onto my pillow, ignoring it. I’m sure the story from last night is everywhere by now and will probably be the highlight over the next few weeks.

  I look at his side of the bed and see it’s empty. I don’t remember falling asleep after I woke up with him inside me. The sex was urgent and hard like he was trying to brand me. But even after all of that, something is still wrong. I could feel it in his touch early this morning and I’m pretty sure I woke up once with him sitting in the chair next to the bed watching me.

  Was my father right? Does Daniel see me as a piece of property? I’ve always thought the man is a little obsessed with me, but this is a whole new level. I sit up and take the sheet with me and wrap it around my body. I grab my cell phone to take a look at what the rest of the world is saying but instantly regret it when I begin to read it.

  “I was wondering when you were going to get angry.” My head snaps up as Daniel steps into the bedroom. He only has on a pair of pants that I’m guessing he threw on when he rolled out of bed this morning. He doesn't look like he got much sleep.

  “You can’t leave me.” His eyes meet mine in a challenge.

  “I’m not scared of you. Try that look on someone else.” I drop my cell phone down onto the night stand with a loud thud, not caring if I cracked it. I wouldn't mind throwing the damn thing away right now.

  “Why haven't you asked me if it’s true or asked me if I made a deal with your father?”

  “Don’t call him that.” I shake my head. “He’s not my father. I should have realized that when my mom never told me about him. She had a reason.” It’s all clear to me now. She was protecting me from him by keeping me away, but how she hooked up with him in the first place will forever be a mystery to me.

  Daniel’s eyes roam over me and I can tell he’s trying to figure me out. “Okay, I won’t call him that, but you haven’t answered my question,” he tries again.

  “Because I believe you. I remember that night and you were going to have me one way or another.” He closes the distance between us and grabs the sheet I’m holding around me. I knew the kind of man he was the moment I looked at him, and I think everyone else knows it, too.

  “Say you belong to me,” he orders as he lifts me.

  “I belong to you,” I answer, and I think he’s going to take us down to the bed but instead he turns and presses me against the wall.

  I moan as he reaches between us and frees himself right before he thrusts inside me all the way to the root of him. I’m wet and glide up and down his thick, hard cock easily. He groans in my ear as he moves and he doesn’t have to remind me who owns my body and my soul.

  “Say you’re going to marry me.” He’s gritting his teeth and I can see how desperate he is for me.

  “I’ll marry you!” I cry out as my body responds to his touch and my orgasm quickly builds.

  I dig my fingers into his shoulder as his mouth finds mine. He kisses me like he can’t get close enough and he’s trying to drink me into him. I cry out as his mouth moves lower and he ruts me into the wall. I call out his name just as perfection lights up my body and I climax around him.

  It’s so hard and fast that I see stars, but the next thing I know Daniel is lowering me onto the soft bed and kissing me gently all over.

  “Did I hurt you?” His words are so low and he’s trying to catch his breath.

  “Hurt isn’t the word I’d use.” I laugh until I see his face and then I reach up and touch his beard. He hasn’t shaved in a few days and I love the feel of it against my skin. “Why are you making that face?”

  For the first time in my life I see something in Daniel’s eyes I’ve never seen before. There’s a vulnerability there that I’m sure no one else has ever seen before, but he shows it to me. It’s probably because I’m the only one who can make him feel it.

  “I took you too hard. I should be gentle with you, but I lost control.” He strokes my cheek softly and I lean into his touch.

  “I enjoyed myself.” I nuzzle my nose against his as I wrap my arms around him.

  He audibly swallows. “I was scared you were going to leave me.” I would normally tease him, but the look on his face has me shaking my head.

  “I’m not mad at you. You know that, right?” I’m beginning to understand why he’s so on edge.

  “You’re not?” His voice is filled with shock and I can’t help but laugh. It’s a rare treat to shock him.

  “Why would I be mad at you? If anything…” I trail off.

  “If anything what?” he asks.

  “I’m a lot of work. I didn’t know you were helping him and I—”

  “I don’t care about him or anyone else. Without him there is no you, so if you want him around then I’ll let him be around. If you want him gone, then he’s gone.”

  My heart flutters because others might see his words as lacking feeling, but I don’t. He gets right to the point and lets me know where he stands. There are no blurred lines between us.

  “You make it sound so easy.”

  “It is. If it were up to me they’d be gone.” His finger traces down my jaw. “But you’ve lost something in your life already and I won’t take more. Even if I think they’re causing you more harm than good.”

  I nod in agreement. “I think they’re just hurting the life we have and the one we’re going to keep building. I want to make us a family, and you didn't know your mom either. I thought that this was a chance for us.”

  “Baby, you and your mom were a family, weren't you?” I nod my head again. God, he’s right. We were. “My brother and dad love you.”

  “I love them, too.” They’re so unlike my family with how they’re warm and affectionate. “You gave me your family and I didn’t have anything to give you.”

  “All I need is you, dream girl, you know that. The rest we’ll make together.” A tear slips free and he kisses it.

  “I was mad because people online are saying the worst stuff about you. I think my father is spreading lies.”

  “You think I care?” I laugh a little, knowing he doesn't but still it bugs me. “All I care about is what you think. Do you think I’m crazy?”

  “A little.” I try to fight a smile, but I can’t help myself. “About me.”

  “Obsessed,” he adds.

  “I know how you are. We might not be married, but I’ve been with you these past few years and nothing that’s come from you this last week is shocking.”

  “I went a little—”

  “Stop.” I put a finger over his mouth. He kisses the tip before giving it a small nibble. “If you’re crazy then I’m crazy, too. I love how you are with me. You make me feel wanted and loved.”

  “Because you’re my dream girl,” he says then kisses me.

  I won’t be leaving this bed until it’s time to say I do if Daniel has his way.

  Chapter 8


  The wedding day…

  I pace back and forth in front of the large windows and my brother watches me with amusement. “You act like she’s not going to show up.” I turn to shoot him a look that would make most people back down, but he doesn't even flinch.

  “Leave him alone,” my father tells Steven, but he won’t listen because he’s having too much fun w
ith all of this.

  “She’s already here,” I remind him.

  I know because I brought her with me. No way were we going to spend the night before the wedding apart. Yet I still pull my phone out and check on her location.

  “She in the next room! Jesus, Daniel!” Steven laughs.

  I don't hide my overbearing obsessive ways, but maybe I should with everyone other than my wife. Thankfully I lucked out in more ways than one when it came to her because she loves how much I need her.

  My phone rings in my hand and I answer it instantly. “Tell me it’s handled,” I say before anyone can speak.

  “It’s done, sir. As long as you’re on schedule it will go off perfectly.”

  I let out a sigh of relief. “Thanks,” I say before ending the call.

  My dad walks over to me and hands me a drink. I try to shake it off, but this time he gives me the same look I gave my little brother moments ago and I take the drink from him.

  “I’d normally enjoy seeing you worked up, but you’re putting me on edge. Drink this and calm the fuck down.” I do as I’m told and shoot the whiskey back before I set the glass down onto the table next to me.

  “You don’t think her family will try and show up, do you?” my brother asks as he pours himself another one.

  “No.” There’s no way they’d do anything to cause a scene, and besides they wouldn't make it within ten feet of this place. We’re away from the city in a quaint hotel that’s located in a charming little town. I didn't even know this place was here until my dream girl found it. I have security hidden everywhere to make sure there are no interruptions and nothing is going to stop this wedding from happening.

  After we had our talk, I made love to her again until I passed out. When I woke up, she was running around and changing all of the wedding plans she’d made. Now it’s totally different than before and this is totally her. Since we arrived here yesterday, I could tell she’s fallen in love with the small town and it has the wheels in my head turning.

  I enjoyed watching her buzz around our home in the city issuing orders to get ready for today. I sat back and watched her work and did as I was told whenever she asked for something. Each time I got a kiss. I didn't know planning a wedding could be so enjoyable or maybe I’d have done it the first time.

  More than anything I was shocked when I’d gotten an alert about a story that hit the news. Blakley sent out an email to all the local news stations without me knowing, but when I read it, I knew she was done with her father and stepmother. She hit them where it would hurt the most—their public image. It’s what they always cared about most and she told the world the truth about everything.

  John’s small empire won’t make it much longer without my help. I could take all of it away overnight if I wanted, but I know my wife wouldn't want that. She isn't vindictive and she saved them once again without them even knowing it. They’re losing more than he’ll ever know, but he doesn’t understand what love is. He’s stuck in a miserable marriage to a woman who hates him and that’s a fate worse than death.

  I stand up a little taller when Mindy appears in the doorway. She’s been helping my girl get ready. “It’s time,” she says as she smiles and walks towards me. “I’m glad I’ll get to see this one.” She kisses me on the cheek before my dad takes her hand and pulls her next to him. She laughs and leans into him and reminds me where I get my possessiveness from. It’s clearly a family trait.

  Time stills as my dream girl steps out from behind the soft white tulle and she moves towards me. For a moment I swear I’m paralyzed before I shake myself out of it and practically run down the aisle to meet her more than halfway across the room. I can’t see her and not be next to her.

  “You look so handsome,” she tells me, and it makes me realize that I haven’t spoken a word since she came into view. Jesus, I’m a fucking mess.

  “You look like a dream,” I manage to say, and she smiles up at me. Her pink plump lips are too enticing. We both know that I won’t last long, but I try and control myself because I know I won’t be able to stop if I start.

  “Let me make you mine all over again,” I say as I take her arm and guide her towards the two glass doors that lead outside.

  My brother opens them for us and lets the cool air in. It’s only going to be us and the minister out there along with the people that mean the most to us. That is exactly what she wanted from the start. This is our family, for now at least. In time I know it will grow.

  Today’s a reminder of how strong we are together and this is a new start. We are leaving things in the past and moving towards something better. When I asked if she would let me walk her down the aisle her face lit up like I had the best idea of my life. But the day I’d told myself I was keeping her will forever be the best idea I’ve ever had.

  “At least it snowed last night,” she whispers next to me. There’s a tiny amount on the ground next to us, but she isn’t getting the white Christmas she was asking for. It’s too bad because her heart was set on it.

  “You wanted it to snow on us?” I ask, and she nods.

  “I know it was a silly idea, I just thought it would be pretty.”

  We keep walking outside towards the place where the ceremony is being performed and I hold her hand tight. The small stage area ahead is covered in white roses and just as we approach it her mouth falls open in surprise.

  “Daniel,” she gasps as snow begins to fall all around us. “You did this?”

  I nod as her face lights up and I don’t have to look up to know more snow is coming. It might have taken a small army to get it here, but they’re on the roof with blowers to make it perfect and it was worth every penny.

  “I told you I’d do anything to make you happy,” I say, and her eyes fill with tears.

  “You are completely crazy,” she laughs, even as another tear slips down her cheek and I wipe it away with my thumb.

  “I’ll give you anything, too,” she says, and I lift her off the ground. Her feet kick behind her as the snow keeps falling all around us.

  “Hey, you’re not even to the minister yet,” my brother yells, and we ignore him.

  “I know you would,” I say to her and press my forehead to hers.

  She smiles even bigger at me. “I’m pregnant,” she whispers, and I close my eyes thinking this moment could not be more perfect.

  “Dream girl.” Her name comes out choked because I’m so filled with emotions.

  “Merry Christmas,” she tells me before I press my lips to hers, knowing that every Christmas we’ll have for the rest of our lives will be merry.



  Five years later…

  “I don’t understand why people want to see our house,” Daniel growls as he pops another cookie into his mouth.

  Minnie and I spent most of the day making them for the guests who have already started to show up. My husband is even more adorable with that grumpy look on his face and his light-up ugly sweater our daughter picked out for him stretched across his chest. Not that he cares if the sweater is beyond ugly.

  “You’re the one who agreed to it,” I remind him. His only response is to pick up another cookie and shove it into his mouth. At this rate there won’t be any left. “I’m glad we made so many of those,” I tease him. If we run out, I’ll break out the boxed cookies from the pantry.

  “Give me something else to eat that’s sweet and I won’t need to eat these.” He reaches for me, and I try to dodge him, but it’s useless. He has me pinned to the kitchen counter instantly and I laugh at him. He’s been trying to get me alone all day, but one thing or another has kept interrupting us. I’m pretty sure that’s why he’s such a grouch right now.

  “You can eat me later,” I say as he kisses my neck. “Behave, we have guests.” He drops his forehead to mine and takes a deep breath.

  “You’re all mine when they’re out of here.”

  “I’m already all yours.” I kiss him again before h
e finally lets me go and our little girl Minnie comes running into the kitchen at full speed towards Daniel.

  “Daddy! Santa is here.” She jumps towards him and he catches her.

  We moved to the same little town we got married in not long after we said our vows. We’ve been so happy here ever since, and I’m so glad we made the decision to make this our home.

  It’s Christmas Eve and the town has set up a trolley that goes from house to house to see everyone’s home decorated for the holidays. We were one of the families asked, but I’m not surprised because everyone loves Daniel.

  It makes me smile to see how different things are here. People enjoy his bluntness and honesty. They’ve even tried to get him to run for mayor. The town is so small that you don’t even get paid for the job, but I love that here everyone understands him. It helps that there aren’t any social hierarchies and people are who they are.

  “You ready to show off all the hard work you and Mama did?” he asks Minnie, and she beams at him. Our home is covered in holiday decorations Minnie had us pulling out five minutes after Thanksgiving dinner.

  “We have the best house,” she whispers, nodding her head.

  “I know, but we have to play it cool,” Daniel whispers back to her as he gives me a wink.

  “I’ll play the coolest,” she says, making me laugh.

  “Shall we go see Santa?” I ask them both.

  “Cookie me.” Minnie holds out her little hand and Daniel picks one up and gives it to her.

  “This will definitely get me that Dream Dollhouse.”

  “Someone’s been teaching you bribery?” I raise an eyebrow at Daniel and they both feign innocence. “I guess I’ll have to go sit on Santa’s lap myself and ask him if you two have been up to no good.” I throw over my shoulder as I walk out of the kitchen, knowing Daniel is hot on my heels. I turn the corner into the living room to see Santa already in his seat by the fireplace.


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