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Diamond in the Ruff (Pedigree)

Page 1

by Jodi Kendrick

  Diamond In The Ruff

  A FUC Academy Story

  Jodi Kendrick




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  About the Author

  Copyright © 2020, Jodi Kendrick

  Cover Art © 2020 Dreams2Media

  Produced in Canada

  An EveL Worlds Production :


  This story is a work of fiction and the characters, events and dialogue found within the story are of the author's imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, either living or deceased, is completely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or shared in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including but not limited to digital copying, file sharing, audio recording, email and printing without permission in writing from the author.


  Corra Terry is a newly enrolled cadet at the Furry United Coalition Academy alongside her BFF Bryah Lam. After her experiences at the hands of Bryah’s crazy ex-boyfriend, Corra has decided that becoming a FUC agent is the best way to get dangerous shifters like him off the streets. And nosy, arrogant tomcats have no place in her plans.

  * * *

  Ladies’ man, Darcy Karak is enjoying the single life while deep in his training to become an agent. When his roommate Caleb Terry’s newfound sister enrolls at the Academy, his curiosity gets the better of him and he can’t help his sudden determination to teach Corra Terry how to have some fun - if he can ignore her bark and evade her bite.

  * * *

  This is...Until Family members suddenly show up and throw monkey wrenches into their business sending them on unexpected missions to save Darcy’s future and inadvertently uncover Corra’s past.

  * * *

  Tough Nut is part of Eve Langlais' Furry United Coaltion Newbie Academy (F.U.C.N.’A.) EveL Worlds!

  * * *

  Note: This book is a standalone, but if you want to read all about Bryah and Caleb's adventure, check out Tough Nut by Jodi Kendrick!

  Does this premise and world seem familiar? That’s because it is based off the Eve Langlais Furry United Coalition. Eve Langlais has invited her author friends to come and play in her world. To find out more, visit


  Thank you!

  * * *

  To my family, friends and writing community.

  Your continued love, support and encouragement keep me going. Without you, I’d still be dabbling and drifting.

  * * *

  John & Kevin – for the extra eyes on the rough spots.

  * * *

  Kim – for cleaning up my messy language.

  * * *

  To Eve Langlais – my deep appreciation for your generosity in opening your creative world.

  For Jenny.


  Corra Terry stepped back from the final touches she and her roommate, Bryah Lam, were making to their new dorm room at the Furry United Coalition Academy.

  Bryah flicked the switch, and Corra smiled as the fairy lights they'd taken with them from their Montreal apartment cast light around the room. "Think they'll let us keep them?"

  Corra shrugged. "I guess we'll find out. I can't believe we're here."

  Bryah's smile was as bright as the lights. "I know! Isn't it great? How perfect is this? Training to be an agent! No more short-shift work, running from job to job just to make rent. And... And you get to be closer to your brother." A brother she hadn’t even known existed until recently, after Bryah had done some digging.

  Corra snorted. "Perfect for you. I foresee many nights getting locked out of our room. I can't believe all the sexting you two have been doing since our last visit here. I think I'm traumatized."

  "Hey, that will teach you for putting your eyeballs on my messages!"

  "I thought I was doing you a favor, relaying important information while you were getting dressed. At least it wasn't a dick pic. I don't think I'd have survived that."

  Bryah grinned. "Those came later."

  "Oh, ew! TMI, Bryah!"

  "You're such a fuddy-duddy," she said, laughing.

  "I'm not." Changing the subject, she said, "You're working at the Hub this weekend, right?"

  "Yeah. Bear's flight left late last night. He was so nervous it took him an hour to choose what beads he wanted to put on his beard braids. It was adorable."

  How ironic was it that while Bryah was searching for Corra's family, she actually stumbled across her own! Bryah’s discovery that Bear was actually her biological father was incredibly awesome. Fate was so cool sometimes.

  “I wish I’d been there when you told him about the paternity test.”

  “Corra, I wish you’d been there too. I’ve never seen such a big burly man tear up like that.” Bryah’s eyes glistened as she spoke."Has he been to Hong Kong before?"

  Bryah shook her head."I hope he finds your mom. They deserve a second chance. Are you going to see her too?"

  Bryah shrugged, twisting her hands. "If she's interested."

  "Hey, I'm sure she will be," Corra said, hugging her best friend. "You pushed me into meeting my long-lost family. I'm going to do the same for you. At least she's still alive and you have the opportunity to reconnect."

  "I know, you're right. Which reminds me, have you and Caleb talked family stuff yet?"

  "Not yet. It's still so new and awkward. I don't know what to say, where to start. You know how much of a people-person I am not."

  "Why don't you both come to the Hub when I go in? Have a drink, play pool or darts."

  "Not darts, I might impale someone. It's safer if I stay here and read. I’m so nervous I might knock him out with the cue ball…"

  "You’re the most coordinated person I know. Quit making excuses to get out of going. Just do it!" Bryah said, exasperated.

  "Bryah, I don't know if I'm ready for this."

  "It'll be fine!"

  "So you keep saying."

  "And it always is."

  Corra gave Bryah a hard look. "Is it? I seem to recall not so long ago you saying 'It'll be fine!' before taking off across the country, which stressed me out incredibly, by the way. And then your ex-boyfriend happened. That wasn't okay."

  "Well, that part wasn't so great, but everything else was! I reunited you with your family, and we had the opportunity to change our lives here at the Academy too. Win-win."

  "There's no talking sense into you."

  "You worry too much."

  "Someone has to. I'm the only thing keeping you out of trouble on a daily basis."

  "You need more getting into trouble."

  A knock on their door cut their bickering short.

  Corra opened it to find her newfound big brother. "Hi, Caleb." She opened the door wider so he could enter the room.

  He smiled at her, and then his face lit up when his eyes turned to Bryah.

  "Lunch time!" Bryah chimed, double stepping to Caleb. "Come on, Corra. You're not hiding out to read all day. Le
t's have some fun before your meeting with Professor Columba." She grabbed Corra's hand and dragged her out the door.

  Darcy Karak glanced in the mirror. Hair in place—check. Wrinkle- and lint-free quality suit—check. Charming smile—check. He chuckled at his reflection then leaned in to ensure his white teeth had no pepper or broccoli wedged among them—time for an evening of drinks and fun at the Hub.

  He'd resigned himself to the lack of variety in the small town closest to the Academy. At least there was one establishment of quality, even if the decor was rather rustic for his taste. He knew his presence would give it a step up on the panache factor. His father always told him that a well-dressed man in a fine suit added to the environment in which he found himself.

  As much as he missed the urban clubs and high life on occasion, he didn't regret the choice to enroll at the Academy, even though he knew his parents were deeply disappointed with his decision not to take his place in the family company. His mother thought it was a fun phase. His siblings… Well, his closest sister, Katz, understood that it was more than that.

  Though he reveled in the hard training and challenging coursework the Academy had to offer, he also relished the downtime to go out and strut. Have a few drinks, warm a couple of beds.

  Enjoy life. It was too short to be serious all the time.

  With a glance to ensure his shoes had their proper shine, he frowned at the scuffs he'd forgotten about. He'd have to order a new pair. These had gotten mucked up in the kidnapping fiasco a little while back. The new girlfriend of his roommate, Caleb Terry, had been taken by her insane ex-boyfriend.

  There was no way he would have let Caleb go alone. Darcy wasn't going to lose another friend if there was anything he could do about it.

  And there was no talking Caleb out of putting himself on the line for a cute smile.

  Darcy rolled his eyes.

  That was all right. Caleb could occupy himself with Bryah. Just meant there'd be more warm bodies for Darcy to mingle with in the Caleb's newfound sister, Corra. She was a real looker, and he found himself looking forward to seeing her again, now that she and Bryah had made the move to the Academy. She seemed to be as serious and low-key as her brother. Maybe she just needed someone to show her how to have fun. Everyone needed real fun in their lives.

  And Darcy was just the guy to facilitate it.


  In her canine form, Corra glanced up to see Bryah launch herself from branch to branch overhead as they raced through the dense forest in their animal forms. Corra's paws and forelegs were flashing blurs of blue-gray fur as she flew over roots and rocks embedded in the path. Bryah's squirrelly form swooped on transparent wings, gaining the lead as they followed the worn trail that Caleb had shown them.


  Corra's claws dug harder and faster through the dirt trail that ran straight from the Academy to the back lot behind the Hub, where their clothes and shoes were cached.

  "There you are, slowpoke." Bryah grinned, pulling her T-shirt down over her head.

  "Nice to see you have more control over those go-go-gadget wings of yours."

  "I know, right? Professor Columba gave me some great tips that have really helped. And I do have to say that beating you here is a great motivator."

  Corra rolled her eyes as she pulled her jeans up. "Glad I could help."

  "Hey, come on, as much as it was fun riding on your shoulders, all the bouncing was bruising my ass."

  "Funny, hasn't stopped you from riding Caleb—"

  "Shush! I don't need your distracting innuendos when I'm going into work. You'll give me the dropsies!"

  Corra snorted and finished dressing.

  Corra and Bryah entered the near-immaculate Hub, Bear's pride and joy. Bryah was taking on some of the management for him alongside Old Carl in his absence. Bryah went to catch up with Carl while Corra got to work. Having waitressed for years, it was automatic for her to grab a tray and rag to clean up the tables from the day’s customers. Corra waved at Carl as he left to resume his post as the hotel clerk around back.

  She piled the empty bottles and dirty dishes on the bar and proceeded to wipe down the heavy wooden tables that crowded the center of the space and the booths that lined the perimeter of the room. By the time Corra had finished, Bryah was busy sweeping the floor. They worked comfortably together, chatting with the few regulars that dotted the place.

  "Caleb is coming by tonight."

  Corra glanced up at Bryah's remark. "Okay?"

  "To see you."

  She knew what that meant, and she wasn't sure she was ready for this particular discussion. "I see."

  "It'll be fine, I promise."

  Corra turned to Bryah. Her eyes were large in her face, and she could see the uncertainty in her expression. She was so easy to read. "Yes, I'm sure it will be. It's just... well, you know I don't like talking about my mother. And yes, I know it's time. And I appreciate everything you did to help me find out more about what happened to my family. You know I do. I'm just—"

  "Scared. I know. But Caleb doesn't bite. Well, he won't bite you." She laughed. "I can't get over how much you two have in common."

  She couldn't deny the similarities.

  Bryah was head over tail for the man, and the way he looked at her friend, it was obvious the sentiment was reciprocated. And well…he'd helped rescue her from Leonard Couleuvre.

  For a millisecond she wished someone would look at her the way Caleb looked at Bryah. She brushed the sentiment aside just as quickly. Corra was happy just as she was.

  The main door of the Hub opened with a gust of autumn air, swirling through with the familiar scent of her brother. She instantly suppressed the pang of disappointment that he was alone.

  At the twitch of Corra’s nose, Bryah spun to see who'd come in. Her smile lit her face in delight, eyes following him as he made his way to her.

  Caleb bent to kiss Bryah, his hands gentle on her face and shoulder. Then he turned his attention to Corra, eyes and smile full of kindness. He seemed pleased to see her, but she could also sense the uncertainty in him too.

  "Hey," she said.

  "Hey," he replied.

  "Drinks?" Bryah chirped.

  "Yes, thanks," Caleb said.

  Bryah's smile was blinding as she winked at Corra and waved her toward a booth. "Go sit. I'll get them."

  "Where's your shadow?"

  "Darcy?" He laughed. "Oh I'm sure he'll be along shortly. He always needs to be where things are happening." His eyes narrowed on her face in suspicion. "Any particular reason you're asking?"

  She shrugged, glancing at the quiet bar. "Not much happening here tonight."

  They slid onto opposite benches, the table between them, and Caleb began with small talk. "You settling in okay?"

  Corra nodded. "It's good to be back. We enjoyed the time we spent here before. I think this will be good for us, to leave Montreal." She was quiet for a long moment.

  Bryah had talked her into giving the Academy a try. It was way better than waitressing and cleaning other people's houses for a living. Corra just hadn't had a clear idea of what she'd wanted out of life. Not like Bryah. Bryah always seemed to have dreams and plans. No matter how wild they could get, there were always plans.

  And now Corra did, too. "After our experience with Len, I realized that working for the Furry United Coalition would be the best way to get jerks like him off the streets and behind bars." And the guy that had abducted their mother. She quickly reburied that thought.

  She could feel him study her face and was relieved when Bryah appeared at the end of their table, placing drinks in front of them.

  "Stella for you," she said to Caleb. "And Patron for you." She placed a shot glass in front of Corra.

  She smiled at Bryah in thanks. She was going to need it.

  "I'll bring more later." Bryah winked and was gone again.

  Caleb saluted Corra with his pilsner, and she lifted her glass to him then knocked back the te

  She let the smoky liquid finish its slide down her throat before drawing a breath. A moment later it flared in her belly, working its way through her limbs. "Okay, where do we start?"

  Caleb didn't waste any time. "Is she alive?"

  The question knocked the breath out of Corra like the tequila hadn't managed to do. A crack formed in the pit in her stomach. "No."

  She saw his throat work as he nodded, looking down at the bottle between his palms. His voice gruff, he said, "Okay. Your turn."

  "What was he like?"

  "Dad?" He sighed. "Big heart. Complicated. Loyal. Stubborn as hell." He took another swig from the bottle. "Devastated after Mom left. I was young, but I do remember that. It changed him."

  The pit in her gut widened as she looked into her brother's hazel eyes. His eyes and blond hair were the same as her own. The tequila churned, and she grew restless on the bench. They exchanged a few more Q&As about their parents.

  Bryah returned, setting refills and glasses of water on the table without a word and was gone again.

  "What else do you want to know?" he asked her.

  "Tell me about you." She reached for the water glass. "Bryah mentioned you grew up not far from here? Though, she didn't really give me anything else. Just kept telling me to ask you myself." She gave a short laugh and took a sip.


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