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Collateral Damage

Page 9

by Susan Harris

  “Finish it!” he roared as the crowd suddenly stopped, watching the exchange with interest.

  Still holding his gaze, Derek grinned, pulling his eyes away only when he saw a bead of sweat forming on his alpha’s forehead.

  The crowd remained silent as the female wolf screamed for Derek not to kill her mate. Derek blocked her voice out and let the wolf take control, amber flooding his vision as he did what the man could not do alone.

  He placed his hands around the fallen wolf’s neck, and the sharp crack of bone echoed across the arena as Derek snapped his opponent’s neck. Clenching his fist, he punched a hole through the dead man’s chest and yanked out his heart. Raising the organ to his lips, he bit into it with relish, and blood spattered his face and chest. He swallowed and then threw the remains onto the ground. Blood dripped from his teeth as he marched over to where Neville stood waiting, studying him. Derek came face-to-face with Neville until Andrei edged him back.

  Derek and his wolf knew he had won, that he was strong enough to kill Neville Morris and remove that stain from the world. Something clicked in Derek’s brain, and he knew he needed to fight, to be stronger and kill.

  “Where’s the fucking training centre?” he snarled.

  “Are you going to behave?”

  “I’m gonna kill you.”

  “Very well then. Andrei, show Derek where he can clean up and where he can train. I look forward to the day we meet in battle.”

  Derek snorted and barged passed Andrei. He felt the eyes of the other wolves watching him as he went, but Derek didn’t care. The yowls of the female wolf faded as he left them behind.

  “Yo, D. You okay?”

  Derek jerked back to the present. When he lifted his head, he spotted Ricky standing by the edge of his desk. He gave his friend a weary smile and gestured for Ricky to sit down. When Ricky slid down the wall beside him, he tossed Derek a bag, and the hamburger smell wafting from it caused Derek’s stomach to rumble. Derek quickly pulled a burger from the bag and unwrapped it before biting into it. Images of flesh and blood raced into his mind, and he struggled to erase them.

  “Hell of a day, eh?”

  Derek shook his head. “That is an understatement, Rick.”

  “Era, we’ve had worse. Especially after a bucketful of alcohol.”

  Derek laughed and shouldered his best friend. “Yeah, especially when it always lands me in hot water.”

  “What can I say? I’ve got an innocent face.”

  Derek finished his burger and started another, sitting in silence as footsteps sounded outside in the halls, the regular cops getting on with their jobs while everything went down around them.

  “So you’ve been checking in with Lanie?” Ricky asked, playing with the ends of his ponytail.

  “Once or twice. She trusted she couldn’t break me, and from what I saw, you managed to give her the chance to back away herself. Shocked her into it, you could say.”

  “Yeah well, it’s not like I lied to her. I got a second chance with her, and I’m gonna take it. You hear about Fionn?”

  Derek shook his head, so Ricky continued.

  “He’s taken over the pride and has left P.I.T. Not that I’m bothered like, but we’re kinda short-staffed at the moment.”

  “We’ll manage.”

  “Just don’t get yourself executed, buddy. I kinda like having ya around.”

  With a snort, Derek yanked another burger from the bag. “You just like having a wingman. Sorry, but I’m a mated wolf now… no more drunken nights.”

  “We shall see.”

  They chuckled, and Derek felt a little tension easing out of his shoulders. His ears twitched as he caught the beautiful sound of Ever’s laughter as she walked up the hallway.

  “How did her session go?”

  Ricky’s brow furrowed as he said, “Wasn’t our usual shrink, D. She went in okay, but when she came out, your Ever had a haunted look in her eyes. I tried to pry it out of her but got nothing. Maybe you’ll have more luck.”

  “Thanks for looking out for her.”

  “Anytime bro… she’s easy on the eyes.”

  With a mock growl, Derek made to swat him upside the head, but the warlock muttered something under his breath and Derek’s hand froze. They locked eyes and grinned as Ricky shot up and released Derek’s arm.

  “Nice trick.”

  “I’m picking up a few recently.”

  Derek raised an eyebrow. “Trouble from the covens?”

  Ricky shrugged, his face impassive. “Nothing I can’t handle.”

  “I’m here if you need a paw or two.”

  The door opened before Ricky had a chance to reply. Ever stepped inside, bringing with her the scent of sunshine and sand. She glanced at them both, smiling.

  “Is this a private party, or can anyone join in?”

  Derek beckoned her forward. “Ricky was just leaving.”

  “Was I?”


  Grinning, Ricky pressed a kiss to Ever’s cheek. “Now that’s just mean. I buy you dinner, make you smile, and now you kick me out when someone better looking appears? My ego is seriously bruised.”

  “It’s not you, it’s me.”

  “Ha, like I haven’t heard that before. Now kids, behave responsibly, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” With a wink at Derek, the warlock slipped out the door, whistling as he went.

  “Hey,” Ever said, a coy smile on her face.

  “Hey you. Come join me wallowing on the floor.”

  A soft laugh brushed over his skin as he watched her slide down the wall beside him much as Ricky had done. When she was next to him, he didn’t know what to do. Ever solved that problem for him by resting her head against his shoulder and lifting his arm so that it hung around her shoulders.

  “So why are you in here brooding all by yourself?” she asked with a smile in her voice.

  “Did you not see Ricky? I wasn’t brooding on my own.”

  Ever sighed. “So are the griffins going to let you go? Have they finished questioning you?”

  “Your guess is as good as mine.”

  He tightened his hold on her, twining his fingers in hers. When she placed a hand over his chest, he all but purred. They sat there, content in the silent company of each other, the world continuing on around them.

  “So Chloe seems nice.”

  Derek barked out a laugh. “She said the same about you.”

  Ever tilted her head to look up at him. “I want to meet your family.”

  “Are you going to introduce me to yours?”

  “If I have to,” she groaned, wrinkling her nose.

  When Derek said nothing, she tapped his chest. “Don’t get all huffy, Mister Broody. I just think your family is a lot happier about us than mine.”

  “Screw ‘em if they’re not.”

  It was Ever’s turn to not say a word, so Derek broached a change of subject.

  “I’m wondering if planning this date means we will never get to go out and enjoy a meal. We should just rock up somewhere, no plans, in case another crisis comes along.”

  “You’re the one who insists on the date. I’d be happy to stay home.”

  “Are you happy about us?”

  How can he even ask me that? I swear to God, I’m sick of telling him how much I love him and that I’m okay with this mating… I’d kick him where it hurts if it wouldn’t work against me!

  Her thoughts projected into his head, meaning the mating bond had finally snapped back into place after his drugging.

  I love you, too.

  She yelped and slammed up her mental shields. “A little warning, please!”

  “Sorry.” He grinned, the feeling of her inside his head warming him.

  An image of him standing in Neville Morris’s courtyard, blood dripping from his teeth and a snarl on his lips flashed through his head, and he quickly swallowed it back.

  “What was that? I only caught a little glimpse.”


  Ever shifted to her knees and cupped his face in her hands. “Derek, I know that you feel a darkness in you, but you’re not the only one. We all have demons haunting us. But you and me, we’re lucky—we can chase them away together.”

  She leaned in, and he closed the space between them. His lips pressed against hers, his hand sliding into and tangling in her hair. The kiss deepened, and he growled, the sound vibrating through Ever as she bit down gently on his bottom lip.

  A throat cleared behind them, and Ever sprang back, colour flushing her cheeks.

  “Any chance I can get my ol’ squad room back, please?”

  “Sorry, Sarge.”

  The bear huffed. “You don’t look the least bit sorry.”

  Ever stood and held out her hand to help Derek up. Standing there looking at her, he bent to kiss her again when Sarge coughed and he went to her forehead instead. He moved away, thankful he had someone to share this path with.



  Ever masked her emotions as best she could; a swirling storm of confusion brewed inside her mind. Not only was she stressing about her mental state, but now Derek’s past was being dragged out for all to see, and from all accounts, Derek’s past wasn’t a particularly pleasant one. She had known about it, certainly; yet despite the fact that she teased him for brooding, this cold exterior was new and frightening to her.

  Ever’s relief when the mating bond snapped back into place surprised her. When it had vanished, she’d felt at a loss, as if a piece of herself were missing, and when she heard the seductive whisper of Derek’s words in her head, that feeling of belonging, that sensation that she had come home, rooted deep in her core.

  This is how it should be… the queen and her champion, fighting side by side. Time to remember, Ever.

  Ever shuddered as the voice rumbled in her head again. Why wouldn’t it just leave her be?

  The squad room had filled up again, all the members of P.I.T.—minus Melanie—cramming into the room. Apparently, after her encounter with Ricky, Melanie had deemed it more important that Ricky be at the station than her. And, by her own admission, Caitlyn’s Internet was far superior to the station’s crappy connection. Ever took that to mean Melanie could get more sleuthing done back at the house without the distraction of the sexy warlock. Not that Ever thought of Ricky like that—she preferred her men to be a little wild… like Derek.

  As if he felt her staring, Derek’s eyes turned and roamed over her, and he gave a lazy, slow, utterly devastating smile that sent her heart flip-flopping. Tom slapped him on the back of the head, and he turned away as Caitlyn glided over to her.

  The vampire scanned the room to see if they were being watched before leaning in and with a hushed voice whispering, “We really need to speak.”

  Ever gave a slight bow of her head. “I’ve a feeling with everything going on that Derek might be more overprotective than usual.”

  “It seems, after only three weeks, you have figured the wolf out,” Caitlyn said, bemused.

  “It wasn’t really hard… he is still a man. Can you tell me that Donnie isn’t the same with you?”

  Caitlyn glared at her, and for a second, Ever saw why most quivered at the mere mention of her name. Then, her expression softened as she sighed.

  “Donnie is no more than a twenty-year-old pain in my ass. But yes, he feels rather overbearingly protective of me… even as I demonstrate my ability to rip off a vampire’s head with my bare hands.”


  “Men,” Caitlyn agreed.

  They laughed quietly before Caitlyn continued.

  “Tell him you need to get some air, clear your head. He cannot leave the station, and with Humans Matter camped outside and demanding justice for the girl, it is best if he stays here anyway.”

  Rising from her seat, Ever strode over to Derek, who on her arrival, cautiously slipped a hand around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Tom halted the conversation as he caught Ever’s eye.

  “Hey, I’m just gonna slip out the back and get some air.”

  Derek’s expression turned grim, but Ever slipped from his grasp.

  “I’ve got a massive headache and just need a few minutes to clear the cobwebs.”

  Derek made as if to protest or say he would go with her, when Caitlyn interjected. “I’ll go with her, Derek. To be honest, a moment in the night air might be refreshing.”

  Hesitating for a heartbeat, Derek glanced from Ever to Caitlyn and back to Ever again. With an eyebrow raised, his lips twitched. “Girl talk?”

  “Girl talk.”

  He leaned forward and pressed his lips against the top of her head, inhaling the scent of her before he pushed her gently toward Caitlyn. “Go, before I change my mind.”

  Ever grinned at him but found herself laughing out loud as she listened to a brief exchange between Caitlyn and Donnie.

  “I wonder what would happen if I tried that?” Donnie grinned.

  “Try it, and you’ll come back with a bloody stump.”

  “I love it when you talk dirty to me.”

  Caitlyn growled, but that did nothing to deter the megawatt beam on Donnie’s face. She jerked her chin up and sauntered from the room, Ever on her heels. Walking in silence, the squeak of Ever’s sneakers was the only sound as they travelled through the back hall and down the steps to the car park around the back. Caitlyn strode toward what she could only imagine was a seating area for the smokers and motioned for Ever to take a seat.

  Ever’s heart hammered in her chest as she slid onto the bench, and taking in a deep breath, she braced herself for what Caitlyn had to say. As of yet, Caitlyn hadn’t brought up what had happened in the woods, and being the only witness to whatever Ever had done to save Derek’s life, three weeks of not knowing had gnawed on her. But Ever also understood that Caitlyn refused to speak of that night, even to Derek, until she had spoken with Ever.

  “Hit me with it Caitlyn… I can handle it.”

  Sitting across from her, the vampire stared at her as if she were judging how best to begin. She swept her hair from her face, and those hypnotising slate eyes studied Ever. Caitlyn slouched forward onto the table and managed somehow to make it seem elegant and poised.

  “I felt it was time to discuss what happened in the woods, and what I saw. You know I haven’t spoken of it to anyone, but I sense something is coming, and if you are supernatural, then we need to figure it out so it may benefit us.”

  “My mind is still fuzzy from that night. What happened in between is gone.”

  “When I happened upon you both,” Caitlyn spoke softly, “Derek was near death, and when I spoke to you, something came over you. A force inside you, in a voice unlike your own, demanded that Derek not die—that his soul was yours, and it was your right to command it.”

  Ever’s spine stiffened, but she remained tight-lipped, letting Caitlyn continue her story.

  “When you kissed him, I felt power flooding from you. It was… not of this world. And when you collapsed, you spoke to Derek as if you had known him before, as if there were an intimate connection between you both—and not the one currently between you and Derek, if that makes any sense.”

  Ever shook her head. “But I’m human… my blood was tested. How could I be supernatural?”

  “It is possible,” Caitlyn said as she twirled a strand of hair between her fingers, “that you are something a blood test can’t pinpoint. I’ve been looking into the significance of you being left on church steps. That golden glow that surrounded you could indicate that you were born of divinity.”

  Covering her discomfort with a snort, Ever dug her nails into her thigh beneath the table. “Are you trying to say you think I’m an angel? God, Caitlyn, I’m far from it.”

  You know what you are, Ever, if you would only accept it.

  It is your birthright.

  It is your destiny.

  That which is written in blood cannot simply be washed away with wishes.

  He is waking.

  And you need to be ready.

  The future of your kin depends on you and you alone.


  Ever clasped a hand over her mouth and trembled.

  Caitlyn studied her like a cat studied a mouse before it pounced.

  Ever closed her eyes, trying to block out the words the madness continued to spout in her mind. She was deteriorating quickly, and despite Caitlyn telling her that she had the power to save Derek’s soul, she bucked against the explanation, unwilling to admit she may be something not of this world.




  “Tom asked me to look into your birth parents and try and locate them, but I am having trouble tracking anyone down. Some of the nuns at the church have long since moved on, and the anonymous call Tom got was not traceable at the time. I promise I will do my best to find you some answers, but do you not feel Derek should know what we are doing?”

  “No,” Ever croaked, clearing her throat before she tried again. “No, he has far too much to worry about at the moment. I’ll tell him when we have leads or know more. With everything going on, Derek has to be our priority, not me.”

  “Yet Donnie is worried for you.”

  When Ever froze, Caitlyn waved a hand in the air.

  “Do not fret. He hasn’t said why, just that he worries for you. What he hears in people’s heads can be overwhelming, but with you…”

  “Is that why you didn’t like me at first? Because Donnie seemed more interested in me, trying to figure me out?”

  Caitlyn opened her mouth, then clamped it shut, shrugging. When Ever smiled, Caitlyn blew out a breath.

  “Observant thing, aren’t you?”

  “That’s kinda my job. Psychology professor here.”

  “Well, I consider us friends now.”

  “Somehow, I feel like that is the greatest compliment from you I could ever receive.”


  The vampire smiled, and Ever caught a glimpse of the real Caitlyn behind the cold exterior.


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