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The Outbreak Series (Book 4): Deadlocked

Page 12

by Baker, Thomas

  The scene before her was chaotic and there was a chance of friendly fire, but she needed to help. She dropped the knife which clattered beside her, drew her pistol, and fired at the Runner.

  Her first shot missed the head. Instead it impacted the Runner's upper chest, making it again take a step back. JT hobbled like Hannah, holding one leg up as he faced his Runner.

  The other Runner was on top of Dodge, who kicked at it with a fury, his legs rotating like he was riding an invisible bike. It couldn't get past the man's blows for now, but it was only a matter of time before Dodge's energy gave out. The zombie would never stop.

  Hannah scooted on her butt up against the glass counter closest to her. With one hand she reached up and secured a grip on the handle. Inch by inch she wiggled and pulled herself up. Already Dodge's legs pumped slower and his blows landed softer.

  Once standing, she gave her ankle a test. Pain bolted up her leg, but it held. She pushed off and hobbled step by step closer to Dodge.

  She locked on to his panic-stricken eyes as she closed in. When she was within arm's reach of the zombie, Dodge gave one last big push with both legs at the same time.

  Hannah fell on the zombie more than tackled it, like she had hoped to do. The results were the same. The zombie hit the ground with her on top of it. It laid sideways under her, pinned for a moment. It was one of the most decomposed ones. She couldn't tell what it used to look like.

  She put her gun against the side of its head, closed her eyes and mouth, and pulled the trigger.

  Cold slime hit her hair, forehead, and cheeks. She rolled off and got back into a standing position. She didn't want to be near the undead body. With the sleeve of her jacket, she wiped the gunk off her face. She didn't know how her tummy kept its food down.

  When she opened her eyes, Dodge remained on the ground, staring at her in disbelief.

  "You risked your life to save me?" Dodge's eyes were as big as saucers. "Why? You barely know me. You don't owe me anything."

  Hannah huffed, her chest rose and fell in rapid succession. She felt the adrenaline, her muscles still shook. She answered in between whoops. "Because you're human. I might be here simply because JT once saved me. I've had a long time to catch my breath and reflect in the last year. After all the running and the battling since the start of The Outbreak. I don't know if it's the stress of surviving or the terror that's caused so many people to snap. Or maybe all these crazy people we've run into have the luck of the devil. During my down time I realized we shouldn't be fighting. Humans, we're on the brink of extinction. We could continue fighting each other, killing each other for whatever insane reason. If we do, it won't be the meek that inherit the Earth. It will be the undead."

  Exhaustion caught up with her and her legs gave out. She thumped against the wall. Emilio studied her like she was an alien creature.


  Emilio rested and attempted to catch his breath, still stunned by the attacking zombie. His mind didn't seem to want to wrap around what Hannah did for him. Not since his days in the Air Force had he seen such self sacrifice for your fellow man. He believed in that virtue at one time until the military abandoned him after he fell on hard times.

  He didn't expect that behavior from ordinary civilians, and he certainly didn't expect it from a woman like Hannah. He judged her as soft, her ideas as the dreams of a naïve person. Even with JT's help, he didn't understand how she survived The Outbreak. He had been wrong. Dead wrong. Deep inside, the woman must possess a spine of steel.

  When he and Cash crossed paths, and he saw what Cash was doing, he knew the man had the right idea. Plus, he'd get back at those who abandoned him. The strong needed to be on top if humans were to survive.

  Now, after seeing these two in action, and hearing the stories about their experiences over the past year... well, it shook him, he couldn't deny that. A feeling bubbled inside of him he swore would never return.

  He didn't take her earlier offer serious, not one bit. He couldn't even remember the whole thing, he'd only been half listening. As he sat there, on the floor, looking at her, watching her get control, he wondered if there was more than one way to survive the plague.

  He was pretty sure no one in Killain's group would do what she just did for him. In fact, he knew that to be the case. So many times members of Killian's crew were left behind in situations like this. If they were strong, they would find a way to survive. Most Emilio never saw again.

  JT stepped up to him and held out a hand. Emilio examined it while his mind flipped back and forth between scenarios. He was Killian Cash's right-hand man. In his organization he was important, trusted, looked up to. Was he thinking of leaving those things behind to become a cog in someone else's machine again? Or was he still one just dressed up in fancy terms?

  "Hey Dodge, hey man. I think it's all okay now. We might've cleaned the place out." JT looked down on him with concern.

  JT probably assumed he was in shock or panic stricken and was looking out for him. He decided to play into that, to give him time to plan his next move. He locked hands with JT. JT let out a grimace as he pulled him to his feet.

  Emilio admitted it had been a close call. He stuffed a pistol in his waistband for emergencies and almost pulled it several times. That would have blown his cover,, but he almost used it, anyway. The way the zombie came at him, he wasn't sure he had the time to get a shot off. Hannah might have saved his life.

  He had led them here to die. They weren't as hooked as he liked, they wouldn't go in without him. They boxed him in as they went in. Once in, his getting away should have been a cinch.. His makeshift plan to make a break for one of the fire exits in the rear had the scenario been blown to shit. Now he wondered if it would have even worked. Could Hannah and JT battled their way out of the ambush?

  He hadn't accounted for the strange behavior of the zombies or getting turned around in the dark. He also didn't figure on JT blocking him, putting himself at the rear as they entered. Had he misjudged that man as well. He seemed wary, but maybe he was even less trusting than he let on. He was a fighter. The dead zombies everywhere proved that.

  "It was as hairy as my ass there for a moment, wasn't it?" JT slapped him on the back. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to collapse next to my girl."

  JT jumped one legged next to Hannah. With care and ease, he leaned on the wall to get down to a sitting position. Emilio didn't see what the man had done to his leg, but he seemed unable to straighten it out. He slouched to put his head on Hannah's shoulder.

  "Aren't we a pair now," he chuckled. "Now we need Gus and Linda so they can push us around in wheelchairs but that slippery old man isn't anywhere to be found."

  Again, as he watched the two of them, it struck Emilio, the differences between his group and these two. If he had been the one kidnapped, Cash wouldn't have been happy, but no way would he send people after him, or go searching himself. Cash would say Emilio shouldn't have gotten caught in the first place. And if Emilio didn't break free and rescue himself, then he had no place at his side.

  Emilio turned from them with a frown. He was loyal. Wasn't he? He always prided himself on that trait. Didn't he admire the loyalty of these two? He shook his head, vehement with the thoughts he was having. Even if he wanted to, if he exposed that he was lying and agreed to take them to Gus, what would they do to him?

  Hannah he might be able to reason with. Even that would be a dice roll, with the odds against him. JT, he sensed the guy might just shoot him in the head first, then realize he should have asked questions later. Then what would Cash do once he learned that Emilio betrayed him?

  "Hey, Dodge," JT called to his back. Emilio put his mask of a confused, homeless man on before he turned back around.

  He rubbed one hand over his beard. "Yeah, yeah. I hadn't been that worried about... well, I haven't been that close to the zombies for a while."

  "Where were you trying to go?" JT tried to sound calm. Emilio heard the edge underneath the attempt at an
innocent question.

  "I... I guess I panicked is all. I made a mistake. I started running."

  JT laughed, not altogether pleasantly. "That's an understatement, man. We shouldn't have come in here." JT's voice dropped as he added an edge to it. "You wouldn't be trying to get rid of us, would you? Bringing us in here to die, then loot our bodies, or use us to loot the place?"

  Shit. "No, no, no way," he stammered, not having to act concerned about where this was going.

  "JT, I don't think this is the time to grill the man," Hannah said. "Our emotions are running way too high right now. Let's wait until we get out of here and catch our breath, then we can talk."

  JT reached for his knee and massaged it, a strained look on his face as he touched it. In the light from JT's lamp Emilio saw it was swollen when JT hiked up the leg of his shorts to better examine it.

  "When is that going to be, babe? Next Tuesday? I don't know if I'm going anywhere for a while. It's not like I can lean on you right now."

  The words tumbled out of his mouth to his surprise. "I'll give you a hand, It's the very least I could do for you right now." Emilio felt an odd sense of relief saying it aloud.

  "You seem like a stout fellow," JT said. "No offense though, you can't help the both of us out."

  "He can go get a cart. That's all I'd need to lean on to make it out of here. Seems my ankle got bruised up. I hope it's not sprained, that would be the worst."

  Hannah had a look of sorrow cross her face as she tried to twirl her injured foot in a circular motion. Emilio felt his heart stir for her. What is wrong with me?

  JT was silent for a few moments. He brushed Hannah's hair. The two had a bond, Emilio couldn't deny that. "That's not a bad idea. That will get us back to the truck at least. Luckily it's my left knee, I might still be up for driving it."

  "Thanks. A better idea would have been to not come in here until the sun was up. I'm sorry for charging along." Hannah's voice was solemn.

  "Hey, you're worried about Gus and the others. I understand. I've seen enough cop shows and Unsolved Mysteries to learn that the first few days are crucial. We don't even know for sure how long it was since they attacked the town." JT did his best to sound sincere, even though he had tried to halt the idea of the late night grocery expedition.

  Emilio couldn't stand the two any longer. With a simple, "I'll be back," he stomped off to the front. He patted his pistol, finding its shape reassuring, in case there were any zombies left in the store, or if this situation continued to unravel.


  JT cast a leery eye on Dodge as he left. Something seemed more off about him now than even before they got here. Once he was sure Dodge was out of earshot, he whispered to Hannah.

  "You think Dodge has some kind of, I don't know, mental illness and what he's doing is on the up and up? Or do you think something fishy is going on?"

  Hannah chewed her lip before answering. "I'm still undecided, to tell you the truth. Any time I offer him help, he hesitates. Maybe he's like me, he's been burned too many times. Whatever it is, I want to help him."

  Of course she did. He respected her for it and that her new, trusting demeanor came not from inexperience, not at all. Hannah had many terrible experiences, and she learned from each of them. Her wanting to help now came from a place of strength and her faith. That didn't make it less frustrating for him when he disagreed, like now. After what happened here at the grocery store, he had some suspicion that Dodge might con them. JT agreed to disagree with Hannah and vowed to watch the man's every more.

  While waiting for Dodge to come back JT brought up another thought to Hannah. "What if we never find Gus?" He choked on the last two words.

  She gave a curt reply. "I don't want to get into that now, not in this place. Why would you even bring up such a thing!?"

  That door slammed so hard, JT expected to see the vibration in the air. "Alrighty then."

  "Sorry." A long pause. "Is this what your knee is like all the time? If so, I apologize for all the times I called you slow ass."

  "Nah, only fifty percent of the time. Me big strong man, me handle it." JT mimed beating on his chest like Tarzan while replying.

  She smiled. It was nice to take a break from the tension.

  "You know what? I don't miss this shit at all. The zombies, the fighting, the life and death struggle. Gus owes me big time. I was comfortable where we were," JT said as he pulled her closer.

  Hannah dropped her head down on JT's lap. He stroked her hair, not paying much attention, picking out bits of zombie goo. He realized at this moment he had gotten so use to it all that zombie bits in his woman's hair didn't even faze him.

  "It's like that saying. You don't know what you got, till it's gone. I believe you don't miss almost becoming zombie food, or one of these things, but you got to admit, you were getting restless. You need more than just me."

  JT was saved from having to come up with a response to that when Dodge showed back up with a cart. Its wheels were reddish from the rust, and it veered to the left when he pushed it.

  Now it was Dodge's turn to take JT's hand and help him up. "Thanks, Jeeves." As much as he enjoyed sitting with Hannah, and could have done it all day, he was anxious to get out of this hellhole.

  "Uber for two," JT said, extending a hand to Hannah.

  Dodge gave him a smile like he didn't understand the joke. Of course, dumbass. If he was homeless the past few years, he's not going to be real up to date on society and technology.

  The two of them grabbed hold of the cart handle. It looked like they were about to do one of those races through the grocery store games.

  "Let's see how many groceries Hannah and JT will bring home tonight." He spoke in a cheesy announcer voice.

  "I can see why you were a bouncer and not a game show host sir," Hannah said, goading JT.

  "I feel sad for you, you poor, sheltered girl."

  "You two are so cute I want to hurl," Dodge broke in. "Can we get out of here now?"

  "Come along, hop along. Our chariot awaits." JT made a grand sweeping gesture and just about tumbled to the ground.

  "You goof," Hannah said between laughs.

  Dodge took the front of the cart, pulling it to the right while the two of them limped along behind. JT watched the boring view of his back as he led them past piles of expired food and trash in the aisles.

  "I can't thank you enough, Hannah," Dodge said as they went on, without turning around. "It's made me think about your offer earlier."

  Dodge stopped talking. To JT, it sounded as if Dodge had some conflict going on inside. He understood what that was like.

  A squeaking wheel was their soundtrack the rest of the way to the front doors. Emilio didn't continue talking, even though a few times JT was sure he was about to. Dodge pried back open the sliding glass door wider to accommodate the cart.

  They were back outside in a minute. Dodge let go of the cart and turned around to close the door. JT didn't know why and didn't have the strength to care or ask. He was bone tired.

  The horizon was pink, the sun would soon rise. JT took a deep breath of the morning air. It was like the world's greatest air freshener after being in the store. He closed his eyes to enjoy it more.

  "Oh my God! Hannah? JT? Is that you? Is that really fucking you!?" A familiar female voice called out from beside a smashed up SUV near their truck.

  JT's eyes snapped back open. He wanted to rub them, like this was some silly cartoon. The woman the voice belonged to crept out closer to their truck, holding up what looked like a golf club with a butcher's knife duct taped to it was Lindsay.


  "You guys? You're really here? How..." The words died in Lindsay's throat as she tried to speak.

  She looked as shocked and unbelieving as JT felt. They were on the right track. Here was a bold, neon sign.

  "Holy shit, you're here," JT spit out. "Unless you're a hallucination from exhaustion."

  "JT, I, I don't believe it!" Lindsay
sounded doubtful too. "Don't tell me this is your guy's truck?"

  JT wanted to rush over and hug her, but his bum knee didn't allow any rapid movement. Lindsay looked ragged, as if she'd had a rough couple of days. The smell from her wasn't pleasant either, as the wind wafted it his direction. He didn't care about any of that right now though.

  "How are you here?" Hannah asked, beaming herself. "How did you find us?"

  Lindsay lowered her makeshift weapon. Her words came out in a rush. "First off, I can't fucking believe this. I didn't expect to find you. I didn't want to hope you were looking for us, like Josh and some of the others did. I couldn't get my hopes up like that. I heard noises, like a battle, faint but increased as I came close by. Let me tell you, some crazy shit happ-"

  Lindsay dropped into a battle stance, weapon raised up over one shoulder again. JT looked around for the threat. The only thing that changed was that Dodge joined them. Dodge's face changed from tired but set to pinched when he saw Lindsay. He pulled his cap down lower on his head and looked to the ground.

  "Who is that guy?" Lindsay's voice rose in pitch and volume. "Who the fuck is he? Is that who I think it is?"

  "Whoa, Lindsay. His name is Dodge." Hannah put one hand up in a stop motion, keeping a grip on the cart with the other. "We ran into him and he's been helping us in trying to track you down. Is Gus with you? You have no idea how happy I am to see you, to find out we were right about the scant clues we discovered."

  JT watched Lindsay, tense and ready to swing, and Dodge, who looked ready to bolt. Back and forth he swung his head, trying to assess the situation.

  "That shit will have to wait, Hannah. Step up here, Dodge, if that's your real name. I need to get a good look at you."

  "W... who are you, lady? Are you going to attack us?" Dodge sounded nervous and had scrunched himself down. He looked like a dog afraid of being hit.


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