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Page 7

by Alex Isaacs

  The General told Simon it can be done; we need the equipment to start to do it right now. Simon wrote down on a piece of paper what equipment would be required, showing it to the General. Simon then got on his phone, telling them to add this extra equipment on the convoy coming here. We got back in the truck, Simon saying it is the same on the east side, rock along the sides before the road. We can work on the entrances so no one can drive right into the valley. We headed over to the lake, finding the stream that fed it from the ridge above the valley. Simon and the General agreed to run the cliff up to a point near the creek. We will have to figure out something different for this area. My dad looked at his watch, saying we need to head back for dinner.

  We got home; my mom got the guests sitting down first for dinner, Rose said that she and Joe would eat on the second shift, Rose helping my mom putting the food out. My dad and I got out of the way. Mandy and Marie dug right into the dinner, not long afterward, the other four were digging right in to eat. My mother gave the General some more; he did not object. Once finished, my mom ushered them out of the dining room, telling me to get my brothers. Rose and Joe quickly sat down; my mom had everything set up for the second sitting.

  After dinner, David went right over to Marie, asking her a bunch of questions. My mother told him to stop being nosey. David then asked my mom if it was alright to show Marie the horses and the rest of the farm. My mom said, alright, but do not get dirty. I saw Mandy looking at Marie heading out the door; my mom nudged me, looking at Mandy. I asked Mandy if she would like to come to look around, she got up saying yes. I saw Ann looking on, so I said come on Ann, do not sit there. I turned to see my mom smile. As we got outside, the other two were already at the corral with the horses. David was getting Marie to pat one of the horses. As we got to the corral, Mandy said this is such a nice farm. David and Marie then headed off towards the barn. I thought he was going to get into trouble. I asked if she knew how to ride a horse. Mandy looked at me; I said Ann now knows how to ride; the three of us can go riding tomorrow.

  We heard some screaming, then laughing coming from the chicken coop. The three of us ran to see what was going on. David and Marie were inside the coop, chasing the chickens around. Both of them covered in feathers and dirt. My mom was going to be mad at David. Ann and Mandy began to laugh at the two chasing the chickens still. The two fell again, then started laughing as they looked at each other. I got the two to come out of the coop, telling David to take Marie into the house. We followed then into the house; then I heard my mom yelling at David. My mom took Marie in to have a bath. I got the keys to the truck, telling my dad I was taking the girls to see the other farm.

  My dad told me to wait, Simon and the General will follow me over to the new farm. We left the two of them at the new house; I then drove over to the lake. I parked the truck; then we got out to walk around the lake. It was nice and calm; a few ducks were swimming on the lake with their family. Mandy asked if we could swim in the lake. I said I would ask my mom; we just bought this farm. As we walked around, we found a dock with a boat tied up to it. I wondered if there were any fish in the lake, my dad and I would find that out at another time. It was getting late; we got in the truck driving back to the farm. My mom asked if we had a nice time at the other farm, I said yes, we looked at the lake. I then asked if it was alright to go swimming tomorrow. My mom said she would think about it. Marie was now sitting on the couch with Rose. Mandy went over to sit with them; tonight would be the first night without their parents. My mom sat down with the girls, Marie snuggling into my mom now. My mom asked Rose if she wanted to take care of Mandy tonight. My dad got up from his chair, telling me to go makeup another bed in the barn. Marie and Mandy were starting to fall asleep. My dad picked up Marie first, taking her to sleep with my mom. Mandy was the next one taken to bed; Rose would go into sleep with her. My dad came out to the barn to sleep with us; it would probably be like this for the next few days.

  I woke up with my dad, getting ready to do the chores. The four of us got going, my dad taking the eggs into my mom. My dad said we would have to increase the hen house for the egg layers if we are going to have more people staying around with us. I laughed, then I told my dad that he would find out soon about the people coming up to work on the valley. I knew I could tell him that much. My dad said we would have to see how big the coop is at the new house. Plus, we should see how many egg layers there are over there. After the chores, I began to write down some notes; I could tell Simon about what we can do for some of the farms. We got the girls going; they had a good night. The Lieutenant came to hang out with us, my mom and Rose were trying to take care of Marie, but had extra help with David.

  I asked the Lieutenant if she liked horseback riding, she said her first name is Jenny, no need for formalities out here. Jenny said she grew up on a farm; she joined the army to get away from it. We both laughed. Jenny asked Mandy if she is going to stay in the army. Mandy said she is; she now has to take care of her sister. I said my mom would help with that if you do not mind. Mandy hugged me, saying thank you. Jenny asked Mandy if she wanted to keep up on the exercise routine, Ann and I looked at the two of them, Mandy saying I better had. Jenny said they would be back later to go riding.

  Peter came up to us, looking around; then, asking if he could talk about what is going on with the valley, he has heard mom and dad talking, I said yes, I could tell him as much as I knew, looking over to Ann winking. Peter asked if we were going to be doing farming for the army and the rich guy Simon. I said yes, they are trying to get better food strains going. Peter then asked me if it is true that he and David were going to have a farm of their own. I smiled, saying yes, asking him if he wanted to look at them now while we were not busy. The three of us drove into the valley, showing Peter the size of the new farm that mom and dad would be staying in after we move. The two farms near the east gate were the next largest in the valley; Peter said he would like to have one of these, David would probably want the other. Peter asked me if I would be taking over the parent's farm. I said I probably would be taking it over.

  We drove back to our farm, Simon and the General were now there. I told Simon that my dad wants to increase the chicken coop size at the new farm, to feed everyone that will be here. Simon said he and the General were wondering how self-sufficient my dad wants to make the valley. I said to cut down on expenses; he has an open mind as I do. The General said great; they are going to start to build the complex and maybe rebuild new houses on the other farms. Peter said great, Simon looking at Peter, I said that Peter wants one of the farms by the east entrance. Simon then turned to ask Peter if he minded raising chickens to feed the whole valley. Peter’s eyes lit up; he said yes, then he ran in to tell my parents. As soon as Peter was away from us, Simon asked what I had told Peter. I said that we are going to use all the farms, one will be his, another will be Davids. Simon asked which farm Peter wants; he would start on the new chicken facility this week. I asked how he could be doing this so soon. Simon said everything is already in motion; time is money.

  We went into see my dad, finding him with Joe. The two of them were already talking, saying that Peter will get the farm on the northeast side of the valley by the east gate, David can have the one to the south of it unless he wants a different farm. I asked when this will all start, Simon looked at his watch. He said the equipment would be rolling in later today. The battalion of men and women are coming across the border as we speak. I asked how will the border people not know of them coming across. The General smiled, saying they will walk across in pairs. There are buses already waiting for them. A Canadian company bought a bunch of new buses from this company in the states. Simon said the construction equipment is okay to come across because of the contract. The people working on the construction site would be from this area, which has made it easier to get the equipment in for us. In with the equipment will be the belongings of the soldiers in the engineering battalion, plus all their needs.

  Jenny and Mand
y came into the house, out of breath from their run. The General turned to Mandy, asking how she is doing; Mandy came to attention, saluting the General along with Jenny. The General told the two of them that there is no saluting while up here in the valley. They both said yes, sir, then Mandy said she likes it up here, but she has to make sure of her sister. The General asked me to get my mom and Marie. Marie came in, standing beside her sister, holding on to her closely; she knew something important was going on now regarding the two of them. The General said that the Isaacs are willing to take you in as there own, turning to my mom, saying is that not right, Mrs. Isaacs. My mom told the General to call her Jean, then she turned to the girls saying she now knows it is not her decision to make, but she would like to take them in with us. The General looked at Mandy and Marie; Mandy is looking down at Marie, saying we would be together here, back home, maybe not. Marie looked at Mandy, smiling, then she ran over to my mom, grabbing on to her. My mom was in tears, she looked at the General, telling him he is going to get a special pie tonight at dinner.

  I think I saw a little smile begin on his face, but he stopped, clearing his throat and turning back to Mandy. The General asked Mandy if she was going to stay here, as well. Mandy said she would like to stay in the army to support her sister. The General said he would arrange to keep her scholarship for her and make all the arrangements for Mandy and Marie. Rose, who had come in with us, said that Mandy could move in with them, she and Ann can share a room. I looked at Ann; this was all new to her; she looked a little shocked at first. Mandy said, thank you. My mom then asked to find out when everything back at Mandy’s home will be taking place; she will be going down with the girls. Simon said he would arrange everything.

  My brother David came into the room, asking if we could go swimming now. Mandy said they did not have anything for swimming. My mom said for me to take them into town to get them what they need. Six of us jumped into the truck to go into town. Jenny said she needed a bathing suit as well. We were back at the house within an hour; my mom had towels out for us all. She told us to be back in time for supper, and then told me to watch out for everyone, we do not know what the lake is like yet for swimming. I did not see my dad, Joe, Rose, Simon, and the General anywhere, but as we drove into the valley, I saw them going towards the farm that Peter is getting.

  After swimming, we saw the buses rolling in, along with some transport trucks, carrying equipment, and metal shipping containers. I drove everyone home to get ready for supper, looking to find Simon and the others. Just before dinner, my dad and the rest of the group with him showed up at the house. I told Simon that the buses and transports were showing up. Simon said thank you, they were there showing where to set things up. The General was happy when my mom brought out the pie for him; I think he and my mom were going to get along fine now.

  After dinner, I went with Simon, Joe, my dad, and the General to the valley. I wanted to see what they were up to now. More equipment arrived since I first saw them; they were digging the hole for the new farmhouse and barn complex. We then drove out to the quarry area; the machines were getting set up to crush the stone. Another set of equipment was now starting to take work on the quarry, extending the cliff face towards the south entrance. They were not wasting any time getting the valley ready. We went back to the main farm, Simon found out the dump trucks were arriving. On the way, Simon asked my dad if Peter and David would not mind working driving a couple of the dump trucks, bringing sand into the valley for them. My dad said okay, as long as it does not interfere with their schooling. Simon said he would make sure it does not. Simon will be shocked at how soon the two will catch on to driving the dump trucks, they have their licenses, and have been driving for a few years around our farm, the dump trucks would be easy for all of us to drive.

  Simon asked the General which of his soldiers will be driving to the roadwork up on the new highway. The General said he would have them ready in the morning to see where they have to go. Simon then asked to have the fuel dump at the entrance to the valley for now. The fuel transport should be here soon. As we stopped at the farm, Simon asked my dad where the best place to set up the solar panels temporarily to get power for everyone. My dad said the roof of the old barn would be good. Simon then asked that we need to set up washrooms for the personnel. My dad said they could get the water from the lake, but he does not want the water going back into the water system.

  I said to my dad that there is a small creek running out by the quarry from the lake, but where could we put the used water. My dad turned to Simon, asking how self-sufficient does he want the valley to be. Simon said it would be nice to have it completely running on its own. My dad turned the truck around, driving back out to the quarry. We got out, my dad leading the way as we walked towards a grassy area just outside the quarry. My dad looked at me, saying we could put in the ponds as they have at the trailer parks. Put the shit ponds out here; there would be no smell coming into the valley. My dad told me not to use that language. I apologized for saying that. Simon asked how many ponds, my dad said two to start; it depends on the total amount of people in the valley. My dad said we could set up a pumping station inside the west entrance away from the quarry, pipping it out to the ponds. We could use the honey wagons to bring it to the station. Simon took out his notebook, writing down what else he would need. The General said he would dig the ponds tomorrow.

  Simon got on his phone, giving a list of things that are needed, saying he will call again to add to the list. Simon said we would use the portable toilets, for now, that came up with the equipment setting them up in the west entrance with the showers. We got in the truck driving back to the center of the valley. I saw some equipment in one of the open areas. Simon said that it is for making the cement walls and floors for the buildings. There will be some more equipment like that going to the old farm, the people he is hiring would get trained on that equipment, making a few for the town’s complex, but some for us out in the valley.

  We got back to our new farm, Simon saying they would have us in a separate house from the barn complex, Simon getting informed that they can only go down three levels, so they are expanding the area for the complex. My dad asked if the old barn could remain up, it would be useful for storage. Simon said okay, they would set up the solar panels on the roof, using part of the barn to generate more power for the valley. Simon said they would take down the old house tomorrow after removing everything inside and useful. It will be built first with the complex for my dad's family to move into quickly. Simon said that the next farm would be Peter’s to get the large chicken facility going to help feed everyone. Joe asked when the cattle would be coming up to the valley. Simon said it the cattle would be on its way this week.

  My dad turned to me, saying we are going to have to get more grass in for the winter. Simon said he also has a couple of more farm tractors coming with them. I told my dad I would go look out the north entrance to see what is there. My dad said just open fields, which we could take the hay from this week. Simon then told me my classes start again on the fifth of August; I forgot that.

  We dropped then off at the house they were staying in, while my dad, Joe, and I returned to our old farm. Joe said that Simon is going to have this up and running quickly. My dad said that is good, we need to be out of this house soon. My dad told me to cut the hay in the field on our farm in the morning; we would move it to the barn on the new farm in the valley. We can also cut the hay on the farms in the valley this week. We went to bed; I had a busy day ahead of myself, the others would have to have fun on their own now.

  In the morning, my mom held back a bunch of the eggs; we would hatch them ourselves for the new chicken farm. We have a few of the chicks growing, but we use them for food for our family. I got my chores done; then, I began to cut the hay in the field my dad told me to cut. Once I had the grass off the ground, some trucks started to come in with equipment. I asked the driver if he was going back to the valley with the empty flatbed trailer. He said
yes, so I got him to come over to the pile of hay bales. I began to load them onto the trailer, telling him to meet me at the barn near the big hole in the ground. I hooked up the trailer to our truck, loading up the tractor and the hay bailer to go to the valley. The girls were watching me; they were bored. Jenny asked if I needed a hand with any work. I said, yes, please.

  The four us drove to the farm, the trailer sitting there with the hay waiting for me. Jenny asked to drive the tractor to move the hay inside the barn. I got the other two girls into help pile it up; the driver came to help; he had to wait until the trailer was empty. I thanked him for his help. I got Jenny and the other two girls to come with me. Jenny ran the tractor, cutting the hay. I got Ann to drive the truck as Mandy, and I put the bales on the trailer. Mandy was strong; the army helped to get her in shape. With the help of the girls, I got more of the fields done. We got back for supper, and after eating, Mandy and Ann sat down on the couch. Jenny came to get me; she was chuckling. She showed me the two had fallen asleep after they had sat down. My mom and Rose came in, my mom asking why they were asleep already. Jenny laughed, saying they were getting a lesson in farming today; I told my mom they were bored, they helped load, unload, and stack the hay bales.

  My mom got a blanket to cover the two up, no sense in moving them. Jenny said goodnight; my mom asked why Jenny was not sleeping with them. I smiled, saying Jenny ran the tractor for me; I could not let the girls do all the heavy lifting. I said goodnight, going out to the barn, I was fast asleep after climbing into my bed. The next morning after my chores, I looked to see if my help was going to come with me again. Jenny said she would teach Ann to drive the tractor; Mandy was in better shape; she could drive the truck while Jenny and I did the heavy work.


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