Sweet Christmas & New Year Poems

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by Wilson Ayinbangya Amooro

Sweet Christmas


  New Year Poems

  By Wilson Ayinbangya Amooro

  Copyright 2014 Wilson Ayinbangya Amooro

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  Dedicated to YOU!

  What others are saying about Sweet Christmas & New Year Poems

  Sweet Christmas; a warm collection of poetry written by Wilson Amooro is one of the finest poetic book I have come across. The pages run with great emotions and the reader never regrets using hard earned cash to purchase a copy.

  There are two categorized poems. One for Christmas and the other for New Year. Pick a copy via amazon.com and experience what needs to be felt poetically. A must book. Grab a copy.

  James Robert Myers (MJ Jimmy), Author of Anthology: Breaking Silence- A Poetic Lifeline from Slavery to Love


  These poems are inspiring. They allow you to see Christmas in a whole new light; through a kid's eye in simplicity and joy. Wilson, is not only gifted and passionate, he has great skill of delivering his poems.

  Bernard Kelvin Clive, Amazon Author

  Wilson the Poet has created a beautiful collection of emotions expressed through poetry. I am glad to be one of the first to read his words.

  Shelly Dollar, CEO, President Making the Grade: Hope for African Youth. USA and Ethiopia

  This collection of poetry is written from the heart. It's not difficult to identify with the feeling of love, anguish, sorrow and hope as expressed by young Wilson, look out for more work by this great young writer.

  Mariska Araba Taylor-Darko, Ghanaian-U.K born Author (A Widow Must Not Speak)

  My friend Wilson is the most inspiring young poet I have ever met. He warms my heart and brings tears to my eyes. We spent a wonderful 24 hours together as mother and son from different cultures and countries. I am so proud of him! He is a man of GOD.

  Cheryl Thompson (American Godmother of Wilson),State University of New York at Geneseo Adjunct Faculty and Author of ‘Eli’s Rainbow’

  When the cynicism of my age and life get me down, I often find myself turning to one of the lovely works by the talented young writer from Ghana, Wilson "The Poet" Amooro. If you find yourself over whelmed by emotion while reading one of Wilson's touching poems, feel free to have a good cry.

  Judy Fane, Sociology Professor & Author of ‘Paddy the Pelican Survives the Storm’

  I love Wilson's writing style, which is all at once simplistic, imaginative, and thoughtful. The Christmas collection continues in that style. His poetry is unique and heart-warming. Just the thing to read this holiday season.

  Tiffany Howard, Tiffany Howard Marketing Services

  Wilson holds open the door of hope, even when the sea is bad and the sky is tired of being blue, and hope is something with wings that dwells in the soul and sings the tune without words, and does not stop ever.

  His poetic ego manifests agile in thought, crossing directional currents that bring to the moment in which time did not have the crown, to the moment in which the energies of love were free to scream.

  As Pope Francis says in his poem: ‘We, clay pots filled with hope....’

  His poems are full of emotions interwoven with hope. Hope nourished by the white robes in his great soul, made pure by the embrace of loving God.

  Thanks my Dear soul friend Wilson Ayinbangya Amooro (Wilson the Poet) for your joy in writing and giving your heart, through the wonderful ways that illuminate our hearts with the future.

  Your honored and Faithful Friend,

  Her Excellency Emanuela De Marchi, Mutlti National Diplomat, Malino ITALY

  Table of Contents

  Christmas Poems

  A little Child’s letter to God on Christmas Day

  Hold My Hands

  Granny’s Christmas Lipsticks

  Christmas Heartbreak

  In Santa Claus’ Arms

  Language of Christmas

  Beyond my Expectation


  Give, Believe, Live


  Christmas on a Sickbed

  A Minute to Christmas

  Blessed by Christmas

  Christmas Night Nurse

  Christmas Photographer

  Blessed Christmas, Granny


  Thank You Santa

  In the Eyes of Baby Jesus

  New Year Poems

  A Baby’s New Year’s Gift



  New Year’s Heart Of Many Colours



  This New Year

  Soup for the New Year

  Are you the one?

  Future is Ahead

  About Wilson Ayinbangya Amooro

  Discover other titles by Wilson Ayinbangya Amooro

  Connect with Wilson

  Something from Love Letters Book

  Christmas Poems

  A little Child’s letter to God on Christmas Day


  Dear God

  Many, many Christmases have passed me by,

  I sent you several letters,

  No sign to show you received any of them.

  Please tell me,

  If you are taking time to answer me in a special way,

  I guess that will be enough to console me with a hug,

  and make me feel just alright as your little child.

  I starved myself of the soft and yummy ice cream for weeks,

  saved my last pennies for my envelope and writing pad.

  And the other kids made me into a teasing stock.

  Oh, Dear God

  Hear me out

  Just this one moment

  Search through my heart

  Please, don’t let this last tear drop,

  Walk through my cheeks in vain.

  Is it because you know what I am thinking?

  I am a sinner

  I broke rules too

  And I didn’t do my homework the last time

  When I want to compare

  All the new things the other kids have for Christmas,

  It will only increase my pain.

  All I have is a piece of my heart I share in this letter.

  I have no more tears

  I wait for the day when I will also smile

  And when they see me from miles afar

  The teasing label will become a pleasing star

  Dear Lord, I don’t want much this Christmas.

  Bless my world to accept me for who I am.

  Hold My Hands


  A stranger you were

  A twinkle of an eye ago,

  With an endearing glimpse

  My hands you gently held.


  Hold my hands

  To cure my loneliness

  And let our mutual intuitive feelings

  Transcend to the land where we can

  unearth our true happiness.


  Hold my hands

  To glue your world

  To mine

  to form that unbreakable bond


  Hold my hands

  and gently draw it closer to your heart

  and feel its rhythmic beating


  With mine.


  Holding your hands

  Always send impulses

  traveling miles down my spine;

  A feeling beyond what sensation can discover.


don't wish for any other Christmas present,

  [Please, save your money]

  Your fine fingers,

  Occupying the empty rooms of mine,

  Is enough a treasure,

  To complete my being

  This yuletide.

  Granny’s Christmas Lipsticks


  I am seventy-five,

  I lived and survived, several storms

  I tell my memories to the children

  As we dance and sing

  To spark the Christmas fever.

  Both young and old

  We found we had much in common.

  Whenever dusk met our last moments

  Nothing more than to exchange

  Hugs to keep our gentle spirits alive.

  There was a kind little friend

  Who fell deeply in love

  with the moments we shared.

  Her ice cream price she spared

  For a home in my wrinkled palm.

  I couldn’t hold my tears

  For such a tender heart

  being my first real St. Nicholas

  For my many year’s walk on earth.

  She taught me a lesson:

  I dared to be a blessing,

  To the little creatures,

  On a special day like Christmas.

  All the pennies I saved from the generous kids,

  who poured their hearts out

  Emulating the example

  of the first little angel.

  I bought lipsticks to decorate

  All the cats in the neigbourhood.

  They are so docile and adorable

  They walk not in a hurry

  I am glad God made friends like that

  Who will always slow down and forget their own pains

  To cuddle us with more attention

  With a sweet purr or a gentle touch

  In our low and glow situations.

  Christmas Heartbreak


  I prayed

  you should stay

  this one Christmas.

  But you were needed

  somewhere else more.

  Work took you distance ashore

  far from the dreams

  we had.

  The night before,

  no sign of anything bad.

  We spoke of the many things

  we will be missing

  The memories still prick me

  to the core.

  Every moment that was spent

  staring at your eyes, a blessing.

  How would I know…

  Those were somehow

  The last moments as I flashback now

  As you journey beyond the lonely distance

  without a return,

  I only hope you comeback as promised

  before this Christmas candle burns out

  so I could tell the baby we are expecting soon

  You were a reminder of a part me

  I have lost to Heaven

  On one lonely Christmas Day.

  In Santa Claus’ Arms


  A stranger I thought you were

  Until your intoxicating scent

  Attracted me nigh

  And crowned an overwhelming rapture

  On throne ecstatic delight

  Conferring a glory Heav’n sent


  Your touch on my face

  Rejuvenated my wrinkle pain

  And made me young again

  Your touch on my soul like gold

  Cured my lonely cold

  And rushed all over me

  In impulses

  Driven by stroke of gentle lovingness


  The treasure of your soft words

  Bring healing within me

  Your wings---

  Illuminates the dark isle revealed

  And lit the future foreseen


  When I opened my eyes,

  I realized you were gone,

  To bless the other homes,

  Stay a while,

  Let me whisper wishes

  Not for me, but my generation and beyond

  Into your sensitive ears Santa.

  Oh, my sweetest angel for the season.

  Thank you Santa, for my candy gift.

  [It means a lot to me]

  Language of Christmas


  It is such a precious treasure

  piercing through territories,

  without borders and boundaries.


  Its fever soars exceedingly

  and shines steadily

  into embraced faces.


  The linguistics of Christmas

  reign universal

  amongst open hearts

  The nature of this language’s speech:

  [even without a single word muttered]

  is a deep fondness.

  The charm of this language’s gesture:

  is home to shelter.


  Can any man ever resist a smile?

  When she speaks…


  you are caught falling for it


  staring back.


  This language is the fever

  that comes every Christmas.

  As we share and care for one another.

  Beyond my Expectation


  When I had no identity

  You didn’t look down

  on me in my wretched pieces…

  With a new gown

  You redressed me

  with dignity.


  When I was vulnerable

  you didn’t forsake me,

  in your arms I found solace.

  Your love is more than able

  beyond my expectation.


  Before my life’s deadline

  I priced it for cheap rent

  To say a warm adieu

  to my frustrations.

  Out of nowhere

  you gave me a warm embrace

  and revealed to me not many reasons,

  but one secret:

  Why existence doesn’t count

  but finding the meaning of living

  in both great and small moments.

  So this Christmas

  is one of those relished moments

  Not to expect much

  But to embrace life’s touch

  whether great or small for me.


  Kindness, Lovely

  Smiling, Hugging, Singing

  Surprises for every desire


  Give, Believe, Live


  When you give


  When you believe


  When you live


  When you receive

  Don’t stop there

  Give, believe and live again!



  This is not a story; it is me:

  I used to pay daily devotion

  to mourning.

  One day, out of the blue,

  in a trance with eyes filled with water,

  [No words describe how the feeling started]

  Bright blue skies’ and radiant smile(s),

  greeted my morning,

  humbled by a gentle lift,

  that cheered my heart on.


  I knew I had found something

  Money can’t buy.

  As each hurt emotions

  of bitterness

  found a window to escape by…

  Now my-once-a-nobody

  worry’s me not.

  I embraced an inspiring voice

  encouraging me to be the choice

  I was hunting for.

  With a new identity of a somebody

  I take a deep breath

  Looking at the value of what I wasted.

  Now I know

  I am more powerful than I think.

  Born of favour and grace.


  In my weakness

  some didn’t criticize me;

  they held my hands

  gave me a reason.

  I am a believer

  I believe Christ is the reason for the season.

  I just wish a few of my friends,

  When they think about Christmas,

  Will wear on them, a piece of Jesus

  Thank you Lord

  for transforming me for the better.

  When I was too blind to see

  you never gave up on me;

  When I was too slow to know

  the follow of the flow,

  You never gave up on me.

  It’s your birthday, and my lifted spirit

  reminds me that,

  You in me

  is my most beautiful present for the yuletide.

  Christmas on a Sickbed


  I remember that night

  I couldn’t move a limb on that bed

  Where was the Christmas light?

  When I was being fed, through a tube

  I only hoped my fever

  Would disappear before the yuletide visits

  But the bullets dragged along

  And gunned me down like forever

  I bargained if my voice chords won’t allow

  my long rehearsed voice to hum along the carols;

  I wish my sleeping ears would wake me up

  to the sweet Christmas songs.

  I didn’t mean

  To suspend you my loved ones

  from the celebration,

  You were here by my side

  When I needed you the most.

  One of my greatest motivations, I live with inside.

  For this reason, I felt all wasn’t lost.

  It shows in my life

  That people need me in both good and bad times.

  When I had nothing

  Hearts were willing to walk with me

  in my wretched state.

  This to me was my first special Christmas on earth.

  A Minute to Christmas


  I stand as an imperfect man

  adorned in human weakness,

  so hard to grasp in me:


  Then, a dream came and said I can

  and unraveled the subtle

  Power all rested on my willingness

  [not on my weakness]

  in acceptance of my true identity.

  I’m just…




  “Hark, hark my gentle soul”


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