Sweet Christmas & New Year Poems

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by Wilson Ayinbangya Amooro

Here comes a new identity

  For all nations, come taste for free

  Wealthier than a shopping mall spree.

  It’s Noel

  Speaking to hearts it will be well

  Come, come, come new born King

  and take me as your own.

  Ennoble on the throne of my heart

  your inner peace that won’t depart.

  Let the carols’ symphony sing,

  The candles’ light burn bright

  And welcome in me the rains

  That Christmas joy may bring

  Mockery, sorrow, pain once upon my soul---

  All are now history

  All because, the Lord Jesus reigns in me now.

  I have in my hands now

  sixty seconds

  to make my wish for Christmas

  ‘’To the wondrous birthday of the new born King of the world

  Come, come, come dwell in our hearts: as our new birth!’’

  Blessed by Christmas


  You are the reason why…

  You may be tempted to ask who and maybe how?

  The way I was simply chosen,

  among the countless

  who were far better than me.

  With each test,

  you drew me closer, nearer, dearer

  to your secret places of no secret

  and made me stronger—

  When all else saw a no-one in me

  You saw that small light left in me.

  Just wondering was that reason enough

  [Ssssssshh followed by silence]

  The more I am tempted to ask

  The more you keep on, keeping on.

  It is Christmas time.

  Others call it a season of luck

  I call mine a ‘’blessing’’

  to be the reason

  for others not to lack today’s beauty.

  Christmas Night Nurse


  As everyone was in the shopping mood

  I wasn’t the only one in the neigbourhood

  Who fell for the season of good

  As I walked into the busy shops

  I scanned round, round and round

  I touched, compared, stared

  But still haven’t found

  what caught my eye.

  Then, my next turn

  I bumped into a little girl

  By accident we broke her pot full of flowers.

  She didn’t make me feel embarrassed,

  but was so kind enough

  to apologize first for staining my uniform.

  Together on bent knees

  we collected the broken pieces

  for the trash.

  I gave her extra cash,

  for wasting her time.

  We became friends within seconds.

  She was patient enough

  Walked me upstairs

  for me to make a new choice of flowers for her

  There standing in silence

  I was surrounded by such beauty.

  This feeling told me

  I have arrived at that point.

  Yes, I didn’t think a second round

  I grabbed that one piece

  that right smiled back at me.

  I placed it close to my heart.

  The shop manager said our stuffs were free

  He fell in love with our beautiful story.

  On Christmas evening

  I didn’t want this Christmas treasure

  to be lonely at home.

  I gently found a bag for it,

  dashed away for my night duty shift.

  The patients had loved ones

  visiting them on Christmas evening with presents.

  There was this old guy,

  whom everyone walked passed,

  without notice.

  I stared at my new found treasure

  Then to the man’s anticipating face;

  His endearing smile

  was worth more than the flowers.

  When he was asleep

  I placed the flowers gently by his side

  With a note:

  ‘’Gift from Heaven to you Mr. Bruce’’

  When he woke up from bed

  He called me, ‘’Nurse, Nurse, Nurse’’

  And he asked,

  ‘Did you see the angel that visited me last night?’’

  He kissed my hand, not knowing who the angel was

  I held back my tears

  As he said, ‘’this is the priceless birthday gift

  I have ever received in my entire life,

  as I celebrate my 90th birthday today.’’

  Christmas Photographer


  Each click

  a step to capture

  hidden memories.

  As each memory

  Becomes a narration,

  Now reveals the very things we never saw,

  when our eyes were soaked in joy and more.

  As we stare at the past

  Connecting each image

  to how young we were yesterday

  it conveyed joyful sentiments

  of what we wished had stayed,

  with us forever.

  As the master crops,

  resizes and reshapes.

  Adjusting the lighting

  to blend the shade.

  He opens his mind to find

  the detail to each storyline

  aligning the fine outline

  to suit our shine.

  As we sit and flip through

  the pages in the gallery

  with radiant smiles

  in recollected memories

  for last year’s Christmas

  The most important person

  is left out .

  He was behind the lens

  doing what he knows best.

  The reason now

  for the fresh memories of last season’s wows.

  He has no regrets

  Because whenever you pose and smile

  It gives him the energy for the extra mile;

  And when you pause and say thank you

  He takes a deep breath and forgets, his loss

  Focusing on the value

  Just the way you imagined it.

  Blessed Christmas, Granny


  Grandmother you got the biggest heart

  I have ever known.

  The mere thought of you alone,

  cures strange feelings unknown

  to my body, soul and spirit.

  And I always know you are the one

  Because it feels

  exactly like the cuddle

  you gave to my heart with a lift.

  The other children

  are asking Santa for toys;

  I opened my heart to God

  [as you taught me to pray]

  to keep you forever for only me.

  [I am sorry, if I sound so selfish]

  It is because you are my pure joy.

  You knew me better,

  before my lips moved or uttered.

  I got a standing ovation

  from my headmaster.

  When I answered the question

  What is Christmas?

  My simple reply was,

  “When grandma has a special tissue for every raindrop from my eyes’’

  You are my motivation

  To be the best grandpa someday

  To my future grand kids.

  Blessed Christmas, my best grandmom.

  As you dance with the angels above

  pour gently into our fragile hearts now some of your love.


  Beauty, Cheerful

  Blessing, Sharing, Caring

  Everyone enjoys the birthday


  Thank You Santa


  I'm very grateful for the time

  You cuddled my heart fondly

  Just w
hen I needed you,

  I'm so thankful for the moments

  You kissed away my dying pain

  Just when I didn't expect you,

  I wish I could scribe beyond ink

  To tell you how much you mean

  to my longing soul.

  You are more than kind.

  In the Eyes of Baby Jesus


  Long, long ago

  my sight walked steps into slumber

  Blinded by the distracted world.

  When I focused on the lowly manger

  home to the eternal manager

  I instantly got arrested by goose bumps.

  The eerie feeling

  defined images glowing belonging

  confined no more to the lowly spell;

  The explosion of past dancing emotions

  blew me away.

  As I happily released

  the long rehearsed unsung sweet melodies,

  A dawn of affection

  replaced my old skin of dejection.

  As the wise men were mused by the star

  I follow my heart to Baby’s Jesus

  Triumphs from grass to grace.

  The heart is the window to our soul.

  This Christmas,

  I pray my heart enables me see more than my eyes.

  New Year Poems

  A Baby’s New Year’s Gift


  When a baby holds my hand

  I will hold on to love

  and let go the pains.

  When a baby smiles towards me

  I will smile

  and pretend my worries away.

  When a baby soaks me with its innocent tears

  I will leak out the hurting emotions in me

  to cleanse my heart.

  When a baby playfully bites my suckling teats

  I will not fight back my enemies,

  my sweet revenge is staying happy.

  When a baby laughs with me

  I will teach myself

  to enjoy the present to pamper my morrow.

  As fond as a kiss may be,

  so do I drink love as my painkiller!

  As talented as an artist may be,

  a simple smile is the best talent I have mastered.

  As fast as a bullet can travel,

  so will I quickly forgive my wrong-doers

  and count my treasures.

  As we each learn from our mistakes,

  I promise my mind freedom to freely express my emotions.

  As sweet as a melody may be sung,

  I sing out the sweet moments of everyday as my gift.



  When you think it a competition

  You become a prison.

  The reason

  for you missing

  the lessons.

  But, when you think it a blessing

  The daily hurdles and tension

  Altogether won’t be completely gone,

  “But they are a treasured lesson”

  When you have fallen

  Take one step…

  Wipe that tear, to shame the fear.

  Another reason

  Telling you yesterday’s tiny lessons

  Are today’s MIGHTEST blessings.

  Happy New Year, as you live and see life each moment as a blessing.



  Is it bad I Miss You?

  You know how to hold me right

  You know how to squeeze me tight

  When I focus

  on your charming presence

  I see us,

  When I see US, without you in it …

  You are missed:

  your absence can’t be dismissed.

  Having someone hold you,

  to the heart is a beautiful kiss;

  Having someone squeeze you

  a bit tighter is a Heav’nly bliss.

  Having both is divine intimacy.

  I have a true and an unfailing love

  from my God above.

  Wrapped in this New Year

  As my blessings.

  New Year’s Heart Of Many Colours


  Quest for a wish

  And I hand you a purple heart,

  enthroned with robes of royalty.

  Desire for friendship

  And I give you a white heart,

  dressed with the blameless gown—of purity.

  Hunt in me what you cherish

  And I release you a pink heart,

  to grow our mutual discovered beauty.

  Life is an art of beautiful colours

  if you invite others

  to come into your heart.


  Freely, Friendly

  Touching, Healing, Sparkling,

  Story written in eternity.


  A smile is the secret

  to make you look forever young, every year.



  With you,

  my being was defined.

  Within you,

  I discovered me.

  Without you,

  I miss the reason to live.

  Each day is a brand new blessing.

  Hold it and Relish it.

  This New Year


  Swallow your pride,

  before it chokes you up inside.

  Humble yourself,

  before you are brought to nothing.

  Be content with everything,

  before self-centered virtues weakens your spirit.

  Soak up your pride

  in meekness.

  The label of a boastful pride

  denies us of our purest possessions inside.

  The price of a lowly heart

  a warm home it brings,

  invited among queens and kings

  a walk of dignity envied by others.

  Embrace humility as your hallmark this season.

  And many good surprises will surprise this good spirit.

  Soup for the New Year


  Life is but a sauce soup mixture

  with many ingredients

  to choose from…

  Blended by fate

  It may turn sour

  Or the toss of a dice luck sweet

  Either ways…

  you the chef can’t decide.

  Let destiny unfold it.

  Enjoy every drop of your meal beautifully

  The way it comes out,

  and you’ll envied by others.

  Life is a blend of bitterness and sweetness.

  We have to be ready for any of the taste.

  That is reality.

  Enjoy your meal the way it comes out in style.

  Are you the one?


  One word can build a relationship

  One kiss can heal the pain

  One hug can comfort a heart

  One thank you can speak volumes

  One kindness can transform an entire life

  One friend can love you more than your own blood

  One truth can answer the mystery

  One simplicity can exalt you

  One silence can convey peace

  One surprise can give birth to more surprises

  One dream can make you rich

  One YOU can make all that happen

  As you absorb into this passing year onto the new one!

  Are you the one?

  Yes, YOU are the one!

  Future is Ahead


  Life may not promise you roses today.

  Look ahead

  and catch your star.

  And those who were quick

  to condemn you everyday

  will be same angels to recite your eulogy.

  You have a future.

  A dream is an understatement

  To have been a dis
cerner to recognize

  that you will be a well-spring of camaraderie to many.

  You don’t need hate to erase hate

  One thing you need


  A heart that can dance even in a broken shoe.

  Believe in yourself today

  And press onto the future

  where anything is possible.

  Find a fertile ground

  and nurse your faith

  to make the birth of the morrow irresistible

  like nectar to Ms Hummingbird.

  You have a future

  don’t wait for someone else’s opinion.

  On the road to the top

  sometimes you’ll stumble or even fall,

  You still got it all

  So far as you have life

  I promise you

  ‘Hope’ will be the map

  to hold your hands on the way.

  Rejoice today

  to prepare the ground for your future.

  Know that this pain won’t last forever

  It is going to ‘bittersweet’ pamper you

  for your prize.

  You have a future.

  You no longer belong to your past;

  Imagine yourself surrounded,

  by your once-blameless- identity.

  As you close your eyes gently to pray

  Say to the Lord

  ‘May my re-told story stay to warm someone’

  And grow in many a promising future.

  My last words before my ink run dry

  ‘The Future is ahead. Go for it.’

  Future may not promise roses but it sure does promise something...HOPE... a fertile ground to nature and nurse our dream. That is better than roses.

  You are already into the future, if you stop listening to those discouraging voices. The future begins now with us, let nothing and/or nobody stop you.

  Happy New Year to you and yours.

  Sending you my blessings for this year and beyond.

  Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for your support.

  I hope you enjoyed reading this book. Please remember to leave a review for my book at your favorite retailer.

  Without YOU, I am no me!

  Biography of Author:

  Wilson Ayinbangya Amooro, known internationally as Wilson the Poet, has won recognition for creating poetry that speaks deeply of the human experience. Drawing from his own experiences of life, love, faith, and loss, his work has garnered him praise from awarding bodies and the appreciation of his fans. He began writing in 2003 at the age of 14, when his first piece entitled "Mother's Love" won him the second runner up prize in a national competition organized by Nestle Ghana Limited. He continued to write poetry, and began gaining more exposure in 2013 when his work received acknowledgment by the United Nations via the International Organization for Migration (IOM). That year he was featured on Top Radio 103.1 in Accra, Ghana, and in the annual edition of Gong Gong Magazine. His poetry has been featured in the poetry anthology "Breaking Silence: Poetic Lifeline From Slavery to Love." His work can also be found in the Amazon-published anthology "Nelson Mandela Tributes," and he regularly video blogs performances of his works. Wilson is an active member of Poetry Foundation Ghana, and the Ghana-based People of Equal Thoughts and Spirit (P.O.E.T.S).


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