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Bless This Love

Page 27

by S M Mala

  Struck dumb, she looked at Joe and was more confused than ever. It’s when he pulled out an engagement ring she realised he was more than serious.

  ‘Say yes?’ he asked, and she noticed a tear drop fell from his eye.

  It was spontaneous.

  ‘Yes!’ she said and kissed him gently on the lips.

  There was still a hushed silence before a rapturous applause began, but she didn’t care, Joe was grinning and she was happy… confused but happy.

  ‘I don’t understand,’ she whispered.

  ‘I’ll explain later.’

  Joe stood up and kissed her hand. Just then, she caught her mother being hugged by some of the choir and a shot of hate from Janet Peters’ eyes.

  Jack was observing it all while wiping his brow with a look of relief.

  Walking away, Joe stood at the front and let out a loud sigh.

  ‘My first announcement is that Suri has agreed to be my wife.’ More cheers and applause. Suri found herself being given a large bear hug from Roger, whose cologne made her want to be heave. ‘And the second one is that I was offered a parish in Harrogate.’

  Immediately her stomach slumped and thought she was going to projectile vomit over the two nice gentlemen.

  ‘After careful consideration and Reverend Pinter’s divine intervention, I’m pleased to announce that I will be a permanent fixture here, at ‘All Angels.'

  The cheer was even louder than when he proposed, and Suri couldn’t help but smile.

  She got it totally wrong.

  But what a fuck up?

  It was perfect, like him.

  ‘It’s my grandmother’s.’

  Joe was holding her hand as they sat on a park bench an hour later. ‘Do you like it?’

  ‘I love it,’ she replied, looking at the pretty diamond. ‘Are you still mad at me?’

  ‘So much so, I proposed,’ he smiled. He was wrapped up in his coat and hadn’t stopped grinning since the proposal. ‘Only you could get it so wrong.’

  ‘I know what I heard.’

  ‘Listen, Laura wanted to speak to me and I didn’t want to let you know. I told her what I wanted to do, regarding the proposal. She wasn’t happy, but I thought best to tell her face to face. She says she still loves me and-.’ Suri put a hand over his mouth, shaking her head. He removed it from his lips and stared. ‘You can be friends with an ex, you know.’

  ‘Ted? He texted me in church.’

  ‘Not all exes.’

  ‘Why didn’t you take the job in Harrogate?’

  ‘Why do you think?’

  ‘My head’s still spinning,’ she whispered, closing her eyes. ‘I’ve been in a state for weeks. I’m not sure what’s going on.’

  ‘I proposed, and you agreed to be my wife, that’s what’s going on.’

  ‘But you said you didn’t want a relationship.’

  ‘I never said I didn’t want a wife, did I?’

  ‘Are you sure?’ she asked, turning to look at him as he pulled down her scarf so he could see her face. ‘Because you’re going to be based here doesn’t mean we have to get married.’

  ‘We don’t have to do anything. I want to. You were supposed to be happy today, not tearful.’

  ‘I thought it was over,’ she replied, swallowing hard and trying not to cry again. ‘I felt so upset. I’ve not had a good relationship for years. I’m so scared of it all being taken away. You’re too perfect, and that makes me afraid.’

  ‘About what?’

  ‘You’ll realise I’m not enough for you. Then you’ll go away and find someone else.’

  ‘Suri, you know that’s not true.’

  ‘But I can’t help it, the way I feel.’

  ‘You have to learn to trust your heart,’ he said, touching her face. ‘Trust in me and then all will be okay.’

  ‘You can’t say that,’ she said, blinking back her tears. ‘When I trust I’m then betrayed.’

  ‘No, that’s not true. I would never do that to you. I love you Suri Thomas, can’t you see? Come here!’

  He grabbed her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders, hugging her for dear life.

  ‘You’re squashing me!’ Suri yelped before he let go then she grabbed his face in her hands. ‘I love you so much Joseph Isley, I really do.’

  ‘You better do.’ Then he thought for a moment. ‘Why did he text you?’

  Suri groaned and handed over the phone, watching Joe shake his head out of annoyance.

  ‘Why didn’t you tell me about the calls and texts?’

  ‘And why didn’t you tell me about Harrogate and Laura?’

  ‘He knows you’re with me, so this has to stop.’

  ‘I’ve tried, believe me! He’s not listening.’

  ‘Then make him listen.’

  She slumped her shoulders and knew that was harder than he could imagine. Then she put her arm around him, kissing Joe gently on the cheek.

  ‘How long ago did you plan this?’ she whispered, rubbing her nose against his freshly shaved skin.

  ‘A few weeks,’ he replied, then shrugged. ‘I asked your mother’s permission.’

  ‘You asked her?’ Suri said, sitting back. ‘She agreed?’

  ‘Why wouldn’t she?’ he asked. Suri realised her mother had known that morning. ‘And she was very clear about me being an honourable man. I told her, I am a Vicar.’

  ‘And Jack?’

  ‘He knew and told me to seek professional advice.’ Then he laughed. ‘But I knew that was from the fear of you saying no. This morning, I really thought you might.’

  ‘You know I’d never.’

  They had stayed in the same position for a few moments before she let out a sigh.

  ‘And when are we getting married?’ she asked, knowing she hadn’t thought past her engagement. ‘A year or two?’

  ‘Late spring.’


  ‘Why wait?’ he asked, turning to look at her. ‘It’s so pretty here at that time of year and-.’

  ‘We’re getting married in the church?’ Suri sat further back. ‘That church? You said I wouldn’t have to go in again if I stayed today.’

  ‘I lied! Where else do you think we’d get married?’ he laughed out. ‘It’s my church, well, part of my church, and Jack would love to do the honours. He said he’d only help me today if he could do the ceremony.’

  ‘I bet he did.’

  ‘I’m very sensitive there.’

  Suri wasn’t lying.

  Everywhere he touched her; she was getting turned on. It was her who was on heat, not Joe. Two weeks on from the engagement, she’d practically demanded sex on a daily basis.

  They couldn’t just kiss.

  It would lead on to bigger and better things.

  The love making was both that.

  Then all he did later Sunday afternoon was gently kiss her on her nub. And Suri tried hard not to let it happen, but the orgasm was shockingly quick. As he licked her gently, her ecstasy went into over drive. Her body was shaking, and she couldn’t stop.

  ‘Oh my,’ he said as she kept gulping for air. ‘That was fast.’

  ‘I don’t know what’s wrong with me,’ she gasped.

  Then he put a finger inside, and she was off.

  Her body was tightening and exploding at the same time.

  When he pushed himself inside, she thought she was going to die.

  At one point, Suri thought she did.

  Slowly he moved, pushing in and pulling out, again and again. He held her arms over her head and made sure the thrust of his hips had a rhythm. Wrapping her legs around his back, she was enjoying his girth but for the life of her, she couldn’t stop having orgasms.

  He was very hard, and his hips picked up a fast rhythm. She help but stop from making loud noises, and deep throaty grunts.

  Even his expression was a mix of joy and surprise as he humped away.

  ‘I don’t want this to stop,’ she groaned.

  ‘I’ll try to keep goin
g but you are seriously turning me on,’ he gasped, pulling on her ear lobe with his lips.

  Another little orgasm happened. He grabbed her arse, squeezing it tightly.

  ‘And you feel so tight down there,’ Joe whispered. ‘I’m not quite sure how long I can…’

  He didn’t last.

  Joe was now writhing in her arms; madly kissing her face and grinding as hard as he could, pumping every last ounce of ecstasy from his body.

  ‘I don’t know what’s going on, but I love it,’ he eventually gulped, collapsing on her. ‘You’re very horny, do you know that? And, I’m not complaining, but every time we’ve made love since the proposal, it doesn’t take you long to come.’

  Suri shut her eyes, listening to her own heart beat and feeling his naked skin against her own. She licked his shoulder before unwrapping her legs.

  ‘Maybe it’s a relief knowing you love me,’ she eventually replied when he rolled off.

  ‘And you’re very sweaty,’ Joe whispered, rubbing her breasts very gently. ‘It’s not even hot in here.’

  ‘It’s you,’ she said, turning to look at his flushed face.

  ‘Are you sure you’re okay?’

  ‘Yes, I’m fine,’ she laughed, feeling stupidly happy after having sex. ‘Why do you ask?’

  ‘I worry.’

  ‘No need to.’

  ‘I love you and … don’t take this the wrong way. You’ve been a bit up and down over the past few weeks. I know with work and a few other things, you might be feeling a little vulnerable. You know, you can always talk to me.’

  Sitting up on her elbows, she looked down at him fondling her breasts with a smirk.

  ‘And this is how you speak to your flock?’ she asked, watching him grin. ‘While getting a handful.’

  ‘Only you.’ Joe then looked straight up at her. ‘Did you go to the doctors?’

  ‘Erm, with one thing or another I didn’t see the point. I picked up a bug, and I’m fine,’ she lied, knowing she’d felt a little poorly earlier on. ‘I find a good leg over helps me.’

  ‘Suri, you need to listen,’ he said, turning on his side and balancing his head on his hand. ‘You mean more to me than anything in the whole wide world. I don’t want to find out that you’ve got ill. Promise me you’ll go to the doctor this week and get checked out. Christmas is coming, and it’s a busy time of the year. We also have the christening this Saturday.’

  She watched how he rolled back and removed the condom before carefully placing it in tissue paper and putting it on the floor.

  He was a prime specimen, looking very fit and sexy then he pulled up the sheet and covered his lower half.

  ‘You made a lot of money with the tin last Sunday,’ he grinned, turning on his side to look at her. ‘Where are you getting the donations from?’

  ‘People,’ she sheepishly replied, glancing around. ‘It seems where there’s music, the coins come in.’

  Wondering how long she’d get away with it, Suri previously had a sign displayed when she rattled the tin.

  ‘Singing for the church. Please donate generously.’

  Then she decided to have some fun and called herself the ‘God Busker.’

  It made people laugh, and they handed over the money.

  And all she had to do was sing the same songs as Joe and no-one would be any the wiser. There had been odd requests, which she had obliged, but she sang these quietly so no-one could hear her from the church pews.

  The bench was out of sight from all angles.

  She’d cross checked.

  ‘The food bags are doing well. It’s sad that some people are so ashamed to come and pick things up. I’m getting a few phone calls and texts to discreetly deliver them.’

  ‘Now you’re a courier?’

  ‘I’m everything,’ he sighed and went back to stroking her breasts. ‘Just another thing on the list.’

  ‘I can help. I have a car, and you don’t need to do it on your own. I’m free until 1st March and then who knows.’ Suri hesitated. ‘When are you moving in?’ Joe flashed her a glance. ‘It’s far more sensible for you to be here.’

  ‘Why won’t you move in with me?’

  ‘Joe, really?’

  ‘What’s wrong with it?’

  ‘It’s for one person and this place is for two. And I want you in my bed all week, including Saturdays, when I promise not to touch you.’ She looked around her bedroom knowing that was an out and out lie. ‘There’s a loft to store your things, and the spare bedroom could be your study though there’s room downstairs. I have planning permission to build an extension and convert the loft into another room. I’ve not got the money, but maybe Edgar will sort this mess out with Ted and I’ll get a bonus for being good.’

  ‘They’re talking about renting a two bedroom place for when we get married.’

  ‘Why can’t you just move in here and get a percentage of the rent paid towards this place? Unless you don’t want to move in with me before we get wed, is that what you’re saying?’

  Joe sat up and looked at her, straight in the eye, before smiling.

  ‘And we’ve not discussed the imaginary wedding,’ she continued as he started to kiss her neck. Her body was tingling at the sensation of his lips. ‘You have to stop that or I’ll just pass out.’

  ‘June wedding, small reception and lots of sex,’ he whispered, now stroking her breasts.

  ‘Why June?’

  ‘It’s after Easter. I’ll speak to Jack and get a date then we’ll sort out the rest. Ideally, I’d like it to be intimate.’

  ‘Oh God Joe, can you please stop being intimate with me?’ she asked, his mouth moving down towards her breasts then covering a nipple with his mouth, gently sucking. ‘Or I’ll have to force you to have sex again and that won’t be a good thing.’

  ‘I won’t be able to get it up but I can do other things.’

  And good to his word, he did.

  ‘Do I look okay?’

  Suri was standing in the side room at the front of the church, nervously clasping her hands. She was wearing a demure purple dress with long sleeves and a shawl.

  This morning, she hadn’t felt well and tried her hardest to hide it from Joe who, unfortunately, had cottoned on.

  ‘You look beautiful, and I’m still not speaking to you,’ he said, covering her face in tiny kisses. ‘But I can still kiss you.’

  ‘I’ll go next week,’ she sighed then noticed a flyer to the side, picking it up. It was about entering the choir contest her mum had mentioned weeks ago. ‘Are you seriously going to put them into a competition?’

  He didn’t answer and stepped back, raising his eyebrows and nodding.

  ‘With my mum singing?’ Suri burst out laughing. ‘You know, before my dad passed away, even he said that she wouldn’t get into hell, let alone heaven, based on her voice.’

  Again, there was a disgruntled expression which only made him look devastatingly gorgeous.

  ‘She told me, way before I found out you were the Vicar. I laughed then, and I’m laughing now. And the final’s in May. They’re good, but they can’t really win, can they?’

  He folded his arms across his chest, and she copied.

  ‘There’s something about you, but I can’t put my finger on it,’ he mumbled. ‘You look different.’

  ‘You put your finger and mouth on it quite a lot. Are you saying something nice, or are you criticising?’

  ‘You’re radiating something sexy.’

  ‘Oh no! Is it my neckline? You think it’s too low, don’t you?’ she said looking down at her breasts. ‘My shawl will cover them up.’

  ‘Look, I’m not talking to you,’ he sighed, then grinned. ‘Go to the doctors and get checked out. I’m sick and tired of asking, now I’m telling you.’


  Suri turned and went to her handbag, sending a text to make a doctor’s appointment, knowing it took longer that way and they weren’t open on a Saturday.

  ‘Done,’ s
he said, holding her phone up so he could look.

  Joe yanked her arm and kissed her, pushing his tongue in her mouth and having a quick feel of her breast.

  ‘Not in God’s house,’ came the voice of Jack, who had stepped into the room. He was clean shaven and looked smart. ‘This is not a place for fornication. And you, young lady, need to leave him alone. The man looks exhausted most mornings, happy but tired, nevertheless. Once you’re married, that will all go, and you’ll only have sex on holidays.’

  ‘Is this the pre wedding lecture you’re going to give us when we do tie the knot? You get a leg over once a year?’ She started tutting. ‘And you wonder why people don’t want to get married.’ Suri walked closer. ‘You look nice. Are you going somewhere after the christening?’

  ‘I have an appointment and mind your own business,’ he said, pinching her cheek then slapping it. ‘I am here to watch my second in command do a christening and then I’m off next week.’

  ‘A holiday?’ Suri turned to Joe. ‘Are you allowed to take a holiday?’

  ‘Yes,’ Joe said, looking at his notes then turning his back to her.

  Taking a moment, she examined his backside before smiling. Then she noticed Jack looking at her, shaking his head from side to side.

  ‘And when I get back from holiday, we can discuss your wedding. Has he told you the date?’ Jack glanced over at Joe.

  ‘He’s not speaking to me,’ whispered Suri. ‘He’s hoping I’ll kick the bucket before the wedding.’ Joe glanced over his shoulder, shaking his head. ‘I haven’t told him that he’s stuck for life with me.’

  ‘Poor man,’ Jack said sincerely. ‘I have prayed a lot for him since he met you.’


  ‘27th June is the date. I’ve booked you in. Gives you both enough time to prepare.’

  Right then, Suri felt giddy at hearing it and promptly slumped onto a chair. Joe spun around, examining her.

  ‘I don’t know if that’s enough time!’ she said, starting to panic. ‘I don’t know what to do!’

  ‘Cold feet?’ whispered Jack.

  ‘Actually quite hot feet,’ she replied, feeling a little flushed.

  ‘Look, I’ve done a few weddings in my time,’ said Jack, sitting down beside her. ‘And I’ve had a couple myself, so I’ll help. Lots of wine and sausage rolls are all you need.’


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