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Beau's Redemption

Page 27

by Royal Blue

  “No, sir.”

  “Because you’re the best. I don’t question if you can be. I know you are. When I can get you to see what I see, you’re going to be unstoppable. You just have to believe in yourself like I do. Now let’s go. Get those arms up and show me some real punches.”

  And that’s what I do. I square up and take this fight back because Angel was right. It’s mine. I take this fight because I was born to do this and I’m the best. Boxing is in my blood and I love it.

  This is who I am.


  The moment the words come out of her mouth, I feel the atmosphere change. It’s like Billy breathed life into Beau just when he needed it. His entire posture changes, and he shifts the fight. I know this is a wrap when he changes to southpaw.

  Gone are the timid punches. He starts to throw precise blow after blow. He’s amazing in the ring. Right now, he’s looking more like a fighter in the first round rather than the ninth. His opponent is winded from punching himself out in the first half of the fight.

  The crowd gets to their feet and starts to chant Beau’s name. Beau James, they call, electrifying the arena, but I don’t think he hears any of that. He’s in the zone.

  He’s taking this fight back with everything he’s got. It’s like watching poetry dance in the ring. Fluid and rhythmic. The body blows smack like music.

  “Yes,” Billy cheers as she stands on her chair. “He’s doing it.”

  I place a hand on her head and shake it. “All for you,” I choke out.

  “Not for me. It’s for all of us. For the broken,” she says. “He’s the hero I can be. The hero you are.”

  The glow on her face says a million words. Just then the bell rings. I shake off my awe of this kid and get in the ring. I can’t stop smiling, but the best part is, neither can Beau.

  “Now that’s what I’m fucking talking about,” I say, playfully slapping him in the side of the head.

  He looks me in the eyes, and I see something I’ve never seen before. It’s a cocksureness that’s oozing off him. It’s sexy as fuck and well placed.

  This is Beau.

  “I need the knockout,” he says.

  “Yeah, to seal this without question. You do.”

  He nods. “Then let’s finish this.”

  I palm the back of his head and kiss the top. I don’t care. I’m so fucking proud of him.


  The pride in Angel’s eyes when he releases me and places my guard back in my mouth makes me feel like I’m ten feet tall. I’m ready to finish this fight. Doubts and fears try to creep in, but I shove them down hard.

  I turn to wink at Billy, and she beams back at me, giving a thumbs-up. Her excitement is palpable. A quick scan of the crowd, and I see my family and friends there with the same pride on their faces. Friends that always have my back.

  The bell rings and I’m up and charging. Gordon is winded. He’s a big boy and I’m going to need all my power to knock him on his ass, but I know I can.

  I size him up with a few jabs, just waiting for my opening. He sways left when I throw a combination. He’s weak on that side. Then it happens: I see it before it occurs—he exposes his left side, trying to compensate with his dominant right.

  I hear my daddy’s voice as clear as if he were in the ring with me.

  Take it, Beau. Use your uppercut now.

  It’s like it happens in slow motion. I shift out of southpaw and step forward. I throw my force into the punch, coming right under his chin. All two hundred and fifty-five pounds of Gordon Norwack drop to the canvas.

  My hands drop to my sides, and I hold my breath. Flashes of Roman’s lifeless body rush me. I stumble forward.

  No, not again.

  Silence surrounds me. You can hear a pin drop. My chest starts to rise and fall erratically. The panic attack begins to build; my vision blurs. A few seconds pass as they wave the smelling salt. Then I see it. He starts to stir.

  The crowd goes wild, and the next thing I know, Angel has me in the air off my feet. I’m stunned. I just won and he’s alive. Reality hits, and I throw my fists in the air.

  “You did it, Papi. I told you,” Angel croons. “I love you so much.”

  I bend to kiss the top of his head. “I love you,” I murmur into his hair.

  Angel places me back on the canvas and hugs me while people around me pat me on my back. Andres and Alejandro work to get my gloves off as people shout questions and congratulations at me. Yet, the greatest moment is when I feel a little body wiggle between me and Angel.

  I lift Billy into my arms. She wraps hers around my neck, squeezing as hard as she can. I kiss the top of her head.

  “You did it, Daddy. You did it.”

  “I sure did, sugar. Thanks to you guys.”

  “I love you,” she says as she cups my face in her small hands.

  “I love you too, darlin’.”

  And just like that, I win something greater than a fight. I won the heart of a little girl that was afraid to trust. A little girl who thought no one would love her.

  I pull Angel in and hold my family tight. I repeat my words of love to them both. Angel and Billy were just what I needed. Their love was worth the journey.

  It’s my redemption.




  “You’re such a good boy,” I coo.

  Cody smells like all things sweet and sunshine. I love my nephew. Or should I say nephews. Andres and Emma had twins, Cody and Christian. I feel for their parents. If these two end up anything like ’Dres and me… I shake my head at the thought. My brother doesn’t deserve half the shit we did behind our parents’ back.

  “You guys come to Uncle Angel. I’ll show you how to have fun without making your Papi lose his hair,” I whisper into Cody’s ear and laugh, kissing the top of his head.

  Looking around the gym, I can’t help the smile that comes to my face. The entire family is here. Mason and Billy are going for their orange belts today. No one, not even our extended family was willing to miss this.

  “I wish we had Billy when she was this small,” Beau says as he walks over to me standing by the ring with Christian in his arms.

  “B, I was think the same thing.”

  “Maybe we should think about adopting again or a surrogate.” The light in his eyes as he makes the suggestion warms my heart.

  However, I shake my head at him as I smile. Our lives are so full at the moment. Billy has ballet, martial arts, the school choir—that kid is in everything. I’ve taken over managing the gym and helping with the latest development Beau and Kyle have in the works. I don’t go on site much, but I handle most of the logistics behind the scenes to take a load off Beau.

  “Between trying to rebuild the city and training for this next fight when do either of us have time for a newborn?”

  He grins. “Who knows. This next fight could be my last.”

  “You don’t even sound like you believe that crap,” I snort.

  Cody begins to wail in my arms, causing Emma to jump up from her conversation with Jordan as they sit on the bottom bleacher. She rushes over to scoop the baby from my arms. Cody makes his demands known as he grabs for his mom’s boob.

  Emma’s cheeks turn red. “I’m still not used to that,” she giggles. “I’ll take Christian too, Beau. Might as well get them both fed.”

  “You can use my office,” Beau offers.

  “Thanks,” she says and rushes off.

  Beau turns to me, his brows furrowed. “Okay, maybe not a newborn.”

  I bark out a laugh and wrap an arm around his waist. I nod at Jordan now talking to Javi. So much has changed in the last few months.

  “He looks good. Is he any closer to getting back on the ice?” I ask.

  Beau purses his lips and narrows his eyes. “He’s ready for something but I don’t know if it’s getting back on the ice. Time will tell.”

  “Yo, Papi, Daddy,” Billy runs over and wiggles between the t
wo of us.

  My heart swells whenever she calls me that. She has gotten into the habit of calling Beau Daddy and me, Papi. Our little family has found the perfect balance. We work for us.

  “Hey, darlin’,” Beau replies.

  “What’s up?” I say.

  “Mas and Aryanna want to go for ice cream later. Can I go?”

  “Sure,” Beau and I say in unison.

  I grin at my husband. We spoil this kid. I don’t even know why she bothers to ask. She even got her dog. We’re going to have to learn to say no one day.

  I think about Billy’s request and narrow my eyes. I may not know how to tell her no, but Beau is another story. “You’re not touching that shit,” I say low in warning to Beau.

  He rumbles with laughter. I’m not laughing at all. I will not be up with him groaning over his stomach all night. Nope, not going to happen.

  “By the way Papi, Abuela said we better be in Brooklyn tomorrow,” Billy informs me.

  I laugh and look over to where my parents are sitting in the bleachers. Both my parents are looking at us with wide smiles. My moms gives me a pointed look.

  “We’ll be there,” Beau says patting his belly.

  Yeah, I love my family and my life. This is my normal. My prayers have been answered.


  I remember once praying to have a normal life back. As I look at my little girl pumping her fist as her uncle hands over her orange belt, my chest fills with pride. My daddy would’ve loved this. All these people here in his gym showing love and support.

  All this family.

  “We have a lot to be grateful for,” Javi says. “Come by the club tonight. We can all catch up.”

  “I’ll be there,” Chris says from his stretched out position on the bleachers above me.

  Daniel sitting to my right, puts his phone away before responding. “I have to fly out, but I’ll stop in for a sec.”

  Jordan gives a silent nod, pulling my attention as he sits in the row below me. His usual humor is absent, this is way too quiet for him. In all honesty, he’s been somewhere else all day. Before I can pry, Kyle’s words pull my attention.

  “The kids want to go for ice cream, but if you’re down, Beau, we can ride together.”

  “I’ll see if Angel’s okay with putting Billy to bed,” I say.

  “I overheard them plotting on a sleepover at your in-laws,” Ray says.

  I look at my friend as he smiles. Ray still likes to tease us about Billy and Mason. I’m not entertaining his ass. There will be no boys. Not even Mas.

  Kyle laughs. “Facts. Mas already asked.”

  Javi stand to stretch. “The offer was to all my family. It’s time Andy and Angel begin to join our toasts,” he says with a smile. “I’m off, amigos. See you this evening.”

  My heart swells. These are my brothers. Hearing the acceptance of my husband into our brotherhood at this level chokes me up. We’ve never allowed anyone else into our bond. Not even Dar joins in for our toasts and bonding.

  We all wave as Javier jogs down the bleachers to go hug Billy and Mas goodbye. Seeing how much love my extended family has for my new family is just a cherry on top. These guys spoil Billy almost as much as Angel and I do.

  Angel lifts Billy and spins her, causing her laugh to fill the gym. I can’t help the face-splitting smile that takes over my face. My life has become complete. Normal was my prayer, phenomenal is my answer.

  “You ready for this next fight?” Ray asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

  “I was born ready.”


  Hello again! So glad you shared your time with me to spend a little more in my head. Beau, Angel, and Billy stole my heart, and I hope they were able to capture a bit of yours. I absolutely love what I do, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to share that with you.

  Again, I want to thank all of those who have supported me as both Royal Blue and Blue Saffire. Thank you to all of you awesome readers. You are now family in my brain. You’ve been adopted, and I’m not turning you loose. LOL. Thank you for your support, kind words, and every email, comment, post, shout out. It’s heartwarming and always on time. Something to make me love this even more.

  As always thank you to my husband. You’re the best. Your support means everything.

  Only God can bless me with the life I have. He fosters the openings that I’m able to move through. I thank Him for my blessings. Forever grateful and giving praise. To God be all the Glory.

  About the Author

  The color blue is known for trust and healing as are the words of author Royal Blue. Blue started writing books to heal herself after losing her mother to breast cancer in 2007, followed by a miscarriage only eight months later. Books and words were one of the things that held her together.

  As a young girl, Blue’s mother introduced her to the world of love and music through movies like Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Bye Bye Birdie, and Neptune’s Daughter. Once she got her hands on books that sucked her into the magic that pages bring, an authoress was born. A story here, a few songs there, but she actually didn’t complete a manuscript until 2009.

  However, books were piling up and collecting dust as fear clung and whispered evil thoughts. Yet, fear was silenced in 2015. Needing to write in order to breathe and wanting to share, Blue Saffire, Royal’s alter ego, rose from the ashes and entered the world.

  The self-proclaimed hermit was born in Far Rockaway, NY, but is now a Long Island resident with her loving and supportive husband. The two work round the clock creating music and characters. There is no shortage of laughter or creativity in their home.

  Never in a million years did she think the passion that saved her sanity would allow her to walk around with blue hair and spend her days dreaming of hot men to put on paper. After all, an MBA in Marketing and Project Management, as well as a MED in Curriculum Design and Instructional Technology, tell a very different story. Although, it’s safe to say Royal would rather be doing something Blue with her time.




  Twitter: @authorroyalblue


  Instagram: @authorroyalblue

  Thank You

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  Other books by Royal Blue

  Kyle’s Reveal

  Jordan’s Commitment…Coming 2020




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