Sweet Little Secrets

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Sweet Little Secrets Page 11

by Travis Szablewski

  “Is it safe to sit with you or will you drown me?” a deep voice rang out behind Victoria. Victoria glanced over her shoulder, squinting behind her Armani sunglasses…to see Tristan staring down at her.

  “It depends…are you sorry?” Victoria asked as she looked away from him and tilted her head back, letting the sun cover every inch of her face.

  “As sorry as I’ll ever be,” Tristan said softly as he moved around her lounge chair and sat down onto the edge of the small table beside her. Victoria glanced towards him, eying the tight white polo shirt and ripped jean shorts that hugged tightly to his muscular frame.

  God…if he was straight…

  “I just want you to know that there is nothing I hate more than a liar,” Victoria said sternly as she sat up, her eyes burning into Tristan in front of her. “That’s one thing I will not tolerate. I respect honesty…and openness. That’s all I ask. Don’t lie to me again; is that clear?”

  “I promise. I’ll never lie to you. Ever,” Tristan nodded.

  “Then we’re square,” Victoria giggled as she winked softly beneath her glasses.

  “Just like that? You’re…you’re over it?” Tristan giggled, patting his hands on his knees.

  “I will admit I was pissed when I saw the two of you together. I wasn’t mad at what I saw…but madder that Derek didn’t tell me the truth. I was mad that you didn’t tell me the truth.”

  “What the hell was I supposed to say? I wasn’t just going to out Derek right then and there, Victoria. That wasn’t my place. I mean, for God’s sake, I just met you. I…I’m new around here and I thought you were super cool. I didn’t…I didn’t want to lose the only friend I might have,” Tristan shrugged.

  “Well, we both came to an agreement. As long as he is safe, he can play. You’re welcome. I hope the dick he gives you is better than the one he gives me,” Victoria smirked as Tristan cackled loudly.

  “I really am sorry,” Tristan smiled as he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Victoria. Victoria slowly lifted her arms…and hugged Tristan tightly, her hands pressed tightly against his muscular shoulder blades.

  “Like I said…just don’t lie to me again…that’s my one condition,” Victoria said.

  “I promise,” Tristan said as he released Victoria and sat up on the table.

  “Well, there is another one,” Victoria smiled coyly.


  “Don’t tell anyone. Derek wants to keep it very private. He doesn’t want everyone knowing about…about him; about his interests. So, please…just…keep it discreet?” Victoria asked.

  “Hey,” Tristan nodded as he ran his thumb and pointer finger along his lips, zipping his mouth shut. “Fine by me.”

  “Promise?” Victoria asked.

  “I promise.”


  Connelly wiped her tired eyes as the doorbell chimed through the house, echoing off of the walls that surrounded her. She didn’t sleep a wink after she left Fiona’s last night. The fact that she took Silas in…when he did all those horrible things to her; it made no sense. She had to be lying. This had to be a game to her. But clearly there was some truth to her stories after what Silas had done to her in the kitchen. That wasn’t the first time he had done that to someone. He knew exactly how to hold her…how to pin her. It was too smooth. Connelly reached forward and pulled the front door open…

  As she stared back at Silas standing on the front porch.

  “No,” Connelly snapped as she began to push the door closed.

  “No, Connelly! Connelly, please!” Silas begged as he pushed his hand forward, pressing it against the door.

  “Silas, stop! Get out of here,” Connelly snarled as she pressed harder against the door, fighting against Silas’ strength.

  “Please, Connelly. Just talk to me. Just give me five minutes…please,” Silas cried out as Connelly slammed the door shut…and turned the deadbolt. She was done listening. There was nothing that he could say to her now that would change her mind. Connelly turned and began to walk away from the door as she heard Silas’ voice from outside. “Connelly, please! Just listen to me! I am so, so sorry for what I did. Baby, please. I don’t…I don’t know what the hell I was doing. All I know is that I will never forgive myself for what I did. All I know is that I will never stop loving you; no matter how much you hate me. But I promise…I will never…ever hurt you like that again. Now, please. I don’t have to stay. All I’m asking for is just five minutes. Please,” Silas begged through the door. Connelly swallowed hard as she slowly turned, her eyes locked onto the large front door ahead.

  All these years…all those tears. All the love…and all the magic. Was it right? Was is right to throw all of that time…all that love away? He didn’t have to stay.

  She didn’t have to listen.

  But she felt like she had to give him a chance to explain. Connelly sighed as she walked forward and turned the deadbolt. Connelly tugged the front door open and stepped back, her eyes burning into Silas.

  “You’ve got five minutes…not a minute more,” Connelly said sternly as she turned and walked towards the living room. Silas slowly stepped inside and shut the door behind him…as he stepped forward, following Connelly into the living room. Connelly plopped down onto the sectional as Silas slowly inched closer.

  “Is it alright if I sit by you?” Silas asked, his voice trembling.

  “I’d rather you not right now,” Connelly nodded, her eyes filling with tears. Silas nodded as he slowly turned and sat down into the lounge chair beside the sectional…a few feet away from her.

  “I know there are no words I can say to make this all better. I know there are no words to tell you how sorry I am,” Silas said softly, his voice trembling. “All I remember is coming home from the bar and…being so angry. I remember walking into the house and seeing you. I remember grabbing your wrists and then…after that, it’s a blur.”

  “You bent me over the counter and tried to rape me,” Connelly snapped, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Is that the part that’s a blur?”

  “I didn’t,” Silas said in disbelief, shaking his head as tears streamed down his cheeks.

  “Yeah, you did, Silas. You pinned my wrists back…threw me against the island…and pulled my robe off. Luckily, that mug was still on the counter; which explains the gash on your nose,” Connelly said, pointing to Silas’ bruised nose.

  “Oh, my God,” Silas sobbed, burying his face into his hands. “I’m…I’m so sorry, Connelly. I don’t even know why. I don’t even understand why I...” Silas cried out, his voice cracking. “I promise you…that I’ll never hurt you…ever again,” Silas sobbed as he looked up from his hands. “I know…I know I fucked up. I know I did the absolute worst thing that I could ever do to you. I can’t take it back but every God damn part of me wishes that I could. I love you…more than I’ve ever loved anyone else. I know I messed up. I know I screwed up bad…but please…please…”

  “I don’t even know what to say to you right now,” Connelly cried, wiping her cheeks as she stood up. “I think you need to go,” Connelly said as she walked towards the doorway ahead.

  “Connelly, please,” Silas cried out as he darted up, stepping in front of her. Connelly looked up, staring into his red, teary eyes…as his lips quivered softly. “I can’t explain why I did what I did. But I promise…I promise; that wasn’t me. I don’t…I don’t know what happened and I can’t explain it. I can’t tell you how fucking disgusting I feel after what I did. I can’t tell you how sick I make myself; how horrible I feel for doing this to you. But, please…all I’m asking…is for some time. I promise…I’ll prove it to you. I promise…I’ll show you how sorry I am. I’ll show you that I’m not that person; not anymore,” Silas said, swallowing hard as he wiped his eyes.

  Connelly stared forward at Silas’ chest as he leaned forward…and kissed her forehead softly. What he did to her…was horrible…terrifying. So why did his kiss feel so good? Why did she want him to touch
her…right here…right now? Why did she crave the feeling of his hands on her skin; his arms wrapped around her in bed at night? He made her sick…but she still felt the love inside of her…igniting slowly again.

  She needed time.

  She needed space.

  “You can sleep on the couch,” Connelly said sternly as she walked around Silas, stormed into the foyer…and rushed up the stairs.


  Lillian placed the cordless house phone to her ear as she listened to the line ring again and again. Tatum promised she would let Gordon call her this morning…and now, it was twelve in the afternoon. Taking Gordon to her parents was one thing…but to keep him from her without any contact was another.

  “Hi, mommy!” Gordon’s soft voice cracked through the receiver as he answered.

  “Oh, my gosh! Hi, honey! How are you?” Lillian smiled, tears filling her eyes, as she sat down at the kitchen table.

  “I’m good! How are you? I miss you,” Gordon said softly.

  “I’m…I’m doing alright, cupcake. I’m just…sitting here for now. I miss you more than you know,” Lillian said, struggling not to cry as she held the phone tightly against her ear…as if it would bring him closer. “Are you having fun?”

  “Yeah! I did a cannonball in the pool earlier! You should have seen it! I got papa all wet!” Gordon giggled.

  “Really? Wow! Buddy, I wish I could have seen it! I wish I could be there!” Lillian said softly, picking at the place mat in front of her with her nails.

  “I do, too. I really miss you,” Gordon sang into the phone. “Oh, mommy wants to talk to you!”

  “Oh, OK,” Lillian said nervously as she listened to the rustling noises through the speaker.

  “I didn’t…I didn’t want to talk to you,” Tatum sighed. “I guess he just assumed.”

  “Oh…oh, well. How…how are you?” Lillian asked, her voice quivering.

  “I’m fine. So, I guess I should get off here. We’re going to go out on the lake in a bit,” Tatum said, her voice hollow and void of any emotion.

  “Can you please…just…just let me talk to him for a little bit longer? Please,” Lillian begged.

  Lillian swallowed hard…as she listened to the silence ringing in her ear.

  “You’ve got one more minute,” Tatum said sternly…as Lillian listened carefully.

  “I’m back!” Gordon chimed into the phone with a small giggle.

  “Hey, big guy! Mommy said you guys were having a blast! I’m so ready for you to come home!”

  “I know, I am too! How is Mr. Bear?” Gordon asked.

  “He’s…good! He’s doing a great job at keeping me company!” Lillian smirked through her tears, clutching the phone tighter and tighter.

  “I knew he would,” Gordon said…as Lillian heard the rustling sound ring out through the speaker once again.

  “We have to go now,” Tatum said sternly.

  “Tatum, please just…just come home. I…I am so sorry for all of this. I don’t even know how to tell you how sorry I am. Please…please just come home,” Lillian cried softly.

  “I’ll have him call you tonight if we get back in time. We have to go,” Tatum said…

  As the line clicked.

  And just like that…they were gone.

  “God damn it,” Lillian cried as she slammed the phone down onto the table. All she wanted…was to hold her son. All she wanted…was for her family to go back to the way it was before…before this mess; before all of her lies came crashing down.


  Lillian spun around, nearly jumping, as she heard the doorbell echo through the house. Lillian glanced towards the clock.


  Shit. She was supposed to go dress shopping with Victoria. She had forgotten all about it. She was not in the mood to go, now; not after that phone call. She couldn’t face the world like this…not right now. Lillian rushed through the kitchen doorway and stepped into the foyer, making her way towards the front door ahead. Lillian reached forward and pulled the front door open…

  To see Peyton Richmond.

  “Hi, Lillian,” Peyton smiled.

  “Peyton…what the hell are you doing here?” Lillian sighed. What was up with this girl? Could she not take a hint? Was their last conversation not enough?

  “I just wanted to say goodbye. I’m actually about to head to the airport. Can I…can I come in?” Peyton asked softly.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Lillian nodded as she began to shut the door. Peyton’s foot then lunged forward…blocking the door from closing. Lillian glanced up…staring back at Peyton through the cracked door…

  As she watched Peyton raise a handgun. Lillian backed away, raising her hands up slowly…as Peyton stepped inside, pushing the door closed behind her.

  “Actually, I think it’s a great idea,” Peyton said…as she rose the handgun in her hand…aiming it right at Lillian’s face.


  Victoria stared back at Lillian’s front door as she pressed her pointer finger onto the doorbell once again. Where the hell was she at? Did she forget about their plans? She did not spend twenty minutes straightening her hair for nothing. Victoria listened as she heard the deadbolt turn on the other side. The front opened a few inches…as Victoria stared back at Lillian through the tiny space.

  “Hey, are you ready to go?” Victoria asked.

  “I…I’m really not feeling too good. I don’t think I’m going to make it,” Lillian nodded. Victoria stared into Lillian’s red eyes…as her stomach twisted inside of her. Something…was wrong. Something…was off.

  “Are you alright? Do you want me to come in? I can go get you medicine or something?” Victoria asked, leaning to the right…trying to peek inside behind Lillian.

  “No, I’m fine. I think it’s just…morning sickness or something. I really do need to go and lay down,” Lillian nodded, swallowing hard.

  “Are you sure? Are you sure you’re alright?” Victoria asked. Come on, Lillian. Give me a signal. Something…

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Kyle’s sister called me and said she was sick. I was with her the other night, so I think…I think I caught what she got,” Lillian nodded softly, her right eyebrow arching slightly.

  “Alright, well…I’ll let you rest. Do you want me to call you and make sure you’re alright later?”

  “No, I think I’m just going to take a bath and sleep it off. I…I have to go,” Lillian nodded…as she slammed the door in Victoria’s face.

  Lillian was good.

  Really good.

  Kyle…meant Kylie.

  Sister…meant Peyton.

  Peyton…was inside her house.

  Victoria quickly spun around and stared down the right side of the house, examining the closed garage door. She had to find a way in. She couldn’t just sit here and let Lillian suffer. Victoria rushed across the front of the garage and made her way down the side of the house, heading towards the back lawn ahead.

  She couldn’t be seen…or Lillian was a goner. Victoria stepped into the large back lawn and sank down, moving slowly along the back side of the house, her back tight against the siding. Victoria slowly turned…and peeked around the edge of a window beside her…

  To see Lillian sitting on the couch in the living room. Peyton stood in front of her…with a gun in her hand…pointed directly at Lillian.

  There was no more time.

  She had to act…fast.


  “Where is she, Lillian?” Peyton snapped, her eyes burning into her as she put her finger onto the trigger.

  “Peyton, I am telling you the truth! I don’t know! I don’t know what happened to her!” Lillian cried out, tears streaming down her face.

  “You’re lying!” Peyton yelled. “Do you not think I’ll shoot you? Because I will!” Peyton screamed as she placed the gun against the side of Lillian’s head.

  “I’m not lying! I’m not lying!” Lillian cried out, squeezing her eyes
shut tightly as snot brimmed her nostrils.


  “Please, just hurry,” Victoria begged into the phone as she listened to the police operator’s heavy breathing. Victoria quickly ended the call and shoved her phone into her back pocket as she rounded the back corner of the house…and stared into the empty kitchen through the glass patio door. This was her only way inside. This was her only chance. Victoria’s heart pounded inside of her chest as she wrapped her hands around the handle…and turned softly.

  Victoria swallowed hard as she slowly inched the glass door open…as she listened to Lillian’s cries coming from the next room. Victoria bit her bottom lip, her teeth digging into her tender flesh, as she sunk down onto her knees…and crawled along the side of the center island…keeping out of sight.


  “What the fuck do you keep looking at?” Peyton snapped as she looked from Lillian and followed her gaze…staring into the kitchen behind her.

  “Nothing. Please, Peyton! Just leave! I won’t tell the cops! I won’t tell anybody! I didn’t hurt Kylie! I swear on my life!” Lillian cried out.

  “Once a liar, always a liar,” Peyton snapped as she pointed the gun down at Lillian. “Don’t try me, bitch,” Peyton snapped as she slowly backed away from Lillian…and stepped into the kitchen. Peyton rounded the corner of the kitchen doorway as her eyes scanned the deserted room…not a soul in sight. “Come out, come out…wherever you are,” Peyton sang, pointing the fun in front of her. Peyton slowly rounded the end of the center island…and stared down to the floor…

  To see Victoria knelt down in front of her…a large kitchen knife in her hands.

  “Ah!” Victoria screamed out as she stabbed the knife down, stabbing the blade into the top of Peyton’s left boot.

  “Ah! Fuck! Fuck!” Peyton screamed in pain as the blade sliced through the bottom of her leather boot, penetrating her entire foot. Victoria quickly lunged to her feet…as Lillian rushed into the kitchen.


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