Sweet Little Secrets

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Sweet Little Secrets Page 12

by Travis Szablewski

  Peyton leaned forward and ripped the knife out of her foot…as Lillian lunged forward…leaping onto Peyton’s back from behind. Peyton slammed forward, smashing into the center island…as the knife and gun fell from her hands…and clattered onto the tile floor below. Lillian wrapped her arms around Peyton’s neck from behind…as Peyton choked for air…her hands clawing at Lillian’s forearms. Peyton then stumbled back…Lillian still latched onto her from behind…and slammed her back into the wall, smashing Lillian against it.

  “AH!” Lillian cried out in agony…as her grip slipped from Peyton’s neck, her frail body crashing onto the floor. Victoria crawled forward along the kitchen floor…

  The gun…just a few inches away. Peyton then rushed forward…and slid her boot across the floor, kicking the gun. The gun twirled along the slippery tile…and vanished beneath the fridge. Peyton leaned forward, snatching the knife from the floor…as she stared down at Victoria.

  “Oh, shit!” Victoria cried out as she fell back, backing away along the tile floor and along the side of the center island. Peyton rose the knife in the air…and stabbed it down towards Victoria. Victoria quickly looked to her right…to see a wooden cutting board on the countertop of the island above. Victoria snatched the wooden cutting board in her hand and held it above her head…as Peyton stabbed the knife into it…the wood nearly splitting in half; the knife, now lodged into the wood. Victoria then flung her right foot forward, slamming it into Peyton’s right ankle.

  “Shit!” Peyton cried out as she stumbled to the right, falling against the center island from the harsh blow. Victoria quickly spun around on the floor and crawled forward, moving into the tiny pantry closet in the corner. Victoria quickly stood up to her feet and pulled the door closed, turning the lock tightly.

  Fuck this.

  She couldn’t take this bitch on…

  She was going to die if she tried.

  Peyton reached down and wrapped her hand around the handle of the knife sticking out of the cutting board…and pulled…ripping the knife free. Peyton then charged towards the louvre door of the pantry and stabbed the knife forward. The knife stabbed into the wood shades of the door, smashing and snapping them into pieces as Victoria screamed in terror from inside…the pieces of wood clattering onto the tile below.

  “Someone! Someone help us!” Victoria cried out as she backed up into the corner of the pantry, surrounded by shelves of food and dishes. Victoria’s eyes widened in terror as she watched the knife blade stab through the shades, again and again. She was coming…whether she was ready or not. Victoria quickly turned and snatched a black iron skillet off of the shelf…and tightened her grip around the handle…ready to strike.

  Lillian then lunged forward, wrapping her arms around Peyton from behind. Lillian pulled back, yanking Peyton away from the mangled pantry door…as the knife fell from her hands and clattered to the floor. Peyton leaned back, shoving her weight against Lillian, slamming her against the sink counter behind her.

  Lillian reached forward, grabbing Peyton’s hair with one hand…and grabbed the detachable faucet sprayer from the sink with the other. Lillian pulled it forward and looped the long hose tube around Peyton’s neck from behind…and pulled. Peyton’s eyes widened as she choked for air…her hands clawing at the hose tube tightening around her jugular. Peyton then threw her head back as the back of her skull smashed into Lillian’s nose.

  “Ah! Fuck!” Lillian cried out as she tumbled back onto the floor. Peyton snatched the hose from around her neck and pulled it off, slamming it back into the sink. Peyton then turned…her eyes locking onto the knife block on the countertop of the center island. Peyton rushed forward…and reached for a knife…as Lillian threw both of her feet up…slamming them into Peyton’s back.

  “Ah!” Peyton cried out as she was thrusted forward, rolling onto the top of the center island. Peyton’s body rolled over the edge…knocking over a set of glass cups and the knife block. Peyton’s body rolled over the edge of the island and slammed onto the tile floor on the other side. Lillian quickly stood up and rushed forward towards the pantry. Lillian grabbed the handle and pulled the pantry open…

  As Victoria lunged forward, swinging the skillet towards her.

  “AH!” Victoria screamed as Lillian leaped back, missing the blow by an inch as the skillet slammed into the wall beside.

  “What the fuck!” Lillian snapped.

  “Oh, my God! I thought you were her!” Victoria cried out, struggling to catch her breath. Lillian then spun around…as she heard the front door bust open. Victoria quickly rushed out of the closet, dropping the skillet to the floor…as three police officers rushed inside…their guns drawn.

  “Is this the intruder?” one of the officers asked as another pulled Peyton to her feet.

  “Yes! God, you couldn’t have been here two minutes ago?” Victoria sighed as they both watched the officer pin Peyton’s hands behind her back…and secure them tightly with handcuffs.

  “This isn’t over, bitch! Not by a fucking long shot!” Peyton spat as one of the officer’s spun her around…and marched her out through Lillian’s front door.


  Connelly swept a broom in her hand forward, gliding it along Lillian’s tile kitchen floor; moving the broken pieces of glass and chips of wood into a neat pile. She had heard the police sirens from home, and when she saw them at Lillian’s house…she knew that her worst nightmare had come true; that Peyton had finally snapped.

  “You really don’t have to do that,” Lillian said, her voice hoarse from screaming, as she walked into the kitchen.

  “Don’t worry about it. I think you’ve been through enough tonight. I don’t want you worrying about this,” Connelly nodded as she placed the broom to her right, resting it against the side of the center island. “Are you…are you OK?”

  “I don’t even know how to answer that anymore,” Lillian smirked, shaking her head to herself, as she walked to the center island and sat onto the bar stool. Connelly followed her gaze…to see the mangled pantry door; the top five shades hanging from the wooden frame.

  “I’m just happy that you or Victoria didn’t get hurt,” Connelly said as she walked up to Lillian’s side and hugged her tightly.

  “I feel so bad,” Lillian said softly.

  “What? Why?” Connelly asked as she released Lillian and sat down onto the bar stool next to hers at the island.

  “Because…Peyton is in jail. She’s going to spend the next couple of years of her life in a cell. It should be me. I’m the one…” Lillian then stopped as tears rolled down her cheeks. “I’m the one that killed her sister. I’m the reason for all of this. I’ve taken one life and ruined hers. It just isn’t fair.”

  “Lillian, you can’t blame yourself for this. Peyton had no reason to believe that you killed Kylie. Clearly, she wasn’t as sane as she made you believe.”

  “I know that, but still,” Lillian sighed, standing up from the bar stool. “Everything around me…is just crashing down. I don’t even know what to do. I miss Gordon. I miss Tatum. I miss…I miss what my life was before,” Lillian cried as she glanced around the wrecked kitchen. “I keep digging myself deeper and deeper and…now I’m stuck. I feel so…lost. I feel so alone,” Lillian said, her voice quivering.

  “Lillian, listen to me,” Connelly said sternly as she stepped off of the stool and walked to Lillian, grabbing her arms softly. “Listen to me, Lillian. You can’t change what has happened. You can’t take back the things you did. All you can do…is try and figure out the best way to move forward. We all…made mistakes that night when…when Kylie died. You didn’t act alone. We are all just as guilty. You, me, and Victoria…we are all in this together. I know I don’t understand what you’re going through with Tatum. But I am always here to listen. I’m always here to help you in any way that I can. You’re stronger than you know,” Connelly nodded.

  “Then why do I feel so weak? Why do I feel like I’m just…stuck? I feel like no matte
r what I do…things are never going to be the way they were before; before Kylie…before that night…before…before this,” Lillian sobbed as she placed her hand to the small bump beneath her stomach. “I’m alone, Connelly. I…I know you say you’re going to be here for me. But you can’t always be here. I’m scared. I’m terrified that…that I’m losing myself. I’m losing everything I loved so much, and I can’t stop it. No matter how hard I try, I can’t get it back. I’m just…I’m empty,” Lillian cried out…as Connelly wrapped her arms around her, hugging her tightly.


  Lillian squinted in the morning sunlight that shimmered through the living room curtains as she made her way towards the front door. She tossed and turned all night last night. All she kept picturing was Peyton…with the gun in her hand…a few inches from her face. Deep down…Lillian almost wished she pulled the trigger; just to end her pain. Lillian reached forward and pulled the front door open…as she stared back at Tatum on the front porch.

  “I thought you weren’t coming till ten?” Lillian asked with a soft smile as she stepped back, letting Tatum inside.

  “Traffic wasn’t as bad as I thought. I can leave if it’s a big deal?” Tatum sighed as she stepped into the house. Lillian shut the front door behind her and followed after Tatum into the living room.

  “No, that’s…that’s not what I meant,” Lillian said softly, shaking her head. Tatum stopped in the living room and turned, her eyes locking onto Lillian.

  “So, are you…are you alright? Connelly texted me about…about what happened,” Tatum nodded.

  “Yeah, I’m…I’m alright. As good as I can be. I’m just…still trying to clean this place up,” Lillian said as she motioned towards the kitchen, eying the broken pantry door. “Did you…did you not bring Gordon?”

  “No, I wanted to let him sleep in. I also didn’t really want him here for this discussion,” Tatum nodded as she slowly sat down onto the sofa.

  “Discussion?” Lillian asked, swallowing hard, as she lowered herself onto the lounge chair across from the sofa. Lillian watched as Tatum dug into the crossbody shoulder bag on her side and pulled out a paper folder. Tatum placed the folder onto the coffee table and pulled it open, flipping through a few pieces of paper.

  “I went and saw a lawyer yesterday,” Tatum nodded as she grabbed one of the pieces of paper and slid it across the table to Lillian. Lillian reached forward and held the paper in her trembling hand.

  Tatum…was filing for divorce.

  “Wow,” Lillian said as she stared down into her lap, the tears filling her eyes. “This…this is how it ends? This is what you truly want?”

  “Lillian, I can’t…I can’t do this,” Tatum nodded sternly, her eyes burning into Lillian from across the coffee table. “You shattered what was left of us. You broke every single promise that you ever made to me; you lied to me…and you lied to Gordon,” Tatum nodded as a tear trickled down her cheek.

  “Tatum, please!” Lillian cried out as she stood up and rushed around the coffee table. Lillian sat down beside Tatum and grabbed her hands, squeezing them tightly. Tatum didn’t budge; her eyes, just staring ahead…not giving Lillian a second of eye contact. “I know I messed up and I know I can’t take it back. I know I broke your trust and I know I was wrong! But…you can’t do this! We are…we’re a family. What about Gordon? What about…what about us?”

  “You should have thought about us…about Gordon before,” Tatum said sternly, glaring at Lillian next to her.

  “Tatum, please! I…I will do whatever it takes to earn your trust! I’ll do whatever it takes to get you and Gordon back home! I can’t…I can’t live without you. I can’t live without Gordon. You both are my world, Lillian! Without the both of you, I have nothing,” Lillian sobbed…as Tatum ripped her hands from Lillian’s and stood up.

  “That’s your copy. I expect you to mail it to me…signed. You know my parents’ address,” Tatum said sternly as she walked into the foyer, making her way towards the front door.

  “Tatum, wait!” Lillian cried out as she rushed after Tatum, running into the foyer after her. “Can we not just talk about this? I can’t lose you, Tatum! I can’t…I can’t do this without you!” Lillian cried. Tatum stopped in front of the door and turned, her eyes glued to Lillian.

  “I wouldn’t count on seeing Gordon for a while,” Tatum nodded, her jaw tight, as she grabbed the door handle.

  “What?” Lillian asked, her voice cracking.

  “I’m going to do everything in my power…to get full custody,” Tatum nodded. “Try to fight it…I dare you,” Tatum said sternly as she pulled the door open, stepped out onto the porch, and slammed the door shut behind her.


  Victoria draped her arm across Harlan’s bare chest as the Egyptian cotton bedsheet tightened around their naked bodies, pulling them closer. Victoria rested her head onto Harlan’s shoulder as she stared up at his bedroom ceiling, watching the shadows of the raindrops that trickled down the window stream across the crown molding above. Thunder rumbled, vibrating the entire house, as Harlan turned his face towards her, kissing her forehead softly.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Harlan asked as he cupped his arm along her back, pulling her closer against his side.

  “There’s nothing to really talk about,” Victoria said as she closed her eyes tightly, breathing in the sweet scent of Haran’s cologne.

  “You could have died, Victoria. Peyton could have shot you,” Harlan said, stunned by her nonchalant tone.

  “You don’t think I know that, Harlan? She could have shot Lillian, too. I couldn’t just sit there and wait. She’s my best friend. I had to do something,” Victoria sighed.

  “I know that. I’m happy you were brave and took charge. Who knows what would have happened if you didn’t get in there when you did,” Harlan nodded, resting his chin onto the top of her head. “I don’t what I would have done…if something would have happened to you.”

  “You would have thrown a party,” Victoria smirked sarcastically as she tilted her head back, staring into Harlan’s eyes.

  “I’m being serious. I know…I know we’ve been through hell and back. I know we’ve had some bad times. But at the end of the day, I wouldn’t trade it all for anything. I’d do it all over again…every single time,” Harlan said as lighting flashed outside, the bright, white light flickering along the gray walls.

  “Are you just saying that because I just let you do anal?” Victoria giggled, slapping her hand onto his chest.

  “Can you not be serious for ten seconds, please?” Harlan laughed as he rolled his eyes.

  “I’m kidding! I’m kidding!” Victoria smiled as she turned, resting her chin onto his chest…her eyes staring into his. “I wouldn’t trade it for anything, either; not one bit of it.”

  “Is dad going with you to the banquet tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, he’s out getting his tux pressed now,” Victoria said. “Why?”

  “I didn’t know if you guys were going to be here tomorrow. I invited Piper over,” Harlan said softly as he combed his fingers through Victoria’s hair, pushing her blonde bangs from her forehead.

  “God, don’t make me gag,” Victoria groaned as she rolled off of him and turned, her back now facing him.

  “I’m breaking up with her.”

  Victoria’s eyes widened as she slowly turned in the bed, turning back towards Harlan beside her.

  “You’re what?” Victoria asked in shock.

  “I’m breaking up with her,” Harlan said once again. “It’s just a waste of time. When I’m with her, all I think about is you; all I want…is you.”

  “So, I ate that bitch’s dirty cooch for nothing?” Victoria groaned in disgust.

  “I enjoyed it,” Harlan laughed as Victoria rolled her eyes, struggling to hide her smile.

  “She’s going to go ape shit. She’s crazy, Harlan.”

  “I know, that’s what I’m worried about. If you thought she was crazy now…ju
st wait. I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do.”

  “You can’t break up with her, Harlan. She knows too much. She could…she could ruin everything,” Victoria said sternly.

  “What the hell do you expect me to do, Victoria? I’m not going to stay with her just to keep her quiet. Either way, I’m fucked,” Harlan sighed. Victoria’s eyes then widened…as a coy smile spread across her face. “God, what’s that look for? Should I be worried?”

  Victoria knew exactly how to get rid of Piper. She knew just what to do…to get Piper off of their backs…for good.

  It would be risky.

  And she would need Harlan’s help.

  But in the end, it would be worth it. In the end, it would solve all of her problems. In the end, it would kill two birds…with one stone.


  Connelly stared forward into the vanity mirror as she shifted on the bench, staring back at her reflection carefully as she twisted the end of a tube of lipstick. Connelly brought the lipstick to her lips and glided it along the curves of her mouth, nice and slow. Connelly popped the cap back onto the lipstick and sat it down onto the vanity as she stared back into the mirror. Connelly studied the loose, long, blonde curls that draped her face as she brought a mascara wand to her lashes and rolled it forward, coating every lash in the black goop.

  “God, you look gorgeous,” a deep voice rang out behind Connelly. Connelly quickly glanced over her shoulder…to see Silas…leaning against the doorframe of the open bedroom door.

  “Thanks,” Connelly said, quickly looking back into the mirror as she popped the cap back onto the tube of mascara. Connelly stood up and stared at herself in the mirror, her eyes slowly scanning the tight, long, white lace maxi dress that hugged tightly around her curves.

  “I hope you aren’t mad that I’m not going tonight,” Silas said as he stepped into the bedroom…and sat down onto the foot of their bed, his eyes locked onto Connelly’s buttocks.


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