Sweet Little Secrets

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Sweet Little Secrets Page 13

by Travis Szablewski

  “I actually think it’s best. With everything that’s…” Connelly stopped. “It will be nice to just…spend a night with the girls,” Connelly nodded. “There’s some leftovers in the fridge if you get hungry,” Connelly said as she walked towards the bedroom door, her white heels clicking along the hardwood floor.

  “Connelly, wait,” Silas said as he darted to his feet and moved towards her. Connelly sighed as she slowly turned, keeping her distance…as he inched closer. How sad was it that she felt uncomfortable with her own husband in their bedroom? She knew that things would never be the same between them.

  But she had to try.

  She wasn’t going to throw it all away.

  Not yet.

  “What?” Connelly snapped sharply.

  “I just want you to know that…I’m thankful for you; for letting me come back home. I know I don’t deserve a second chance, but I can’t tell you how much it means to me…to be here…with you.”

  “The couch isn’t so bad, is it?” Connelly asked, smirking softly.

  “I could care less about where I sleep. As long as I’m here…with you…I don’t care,” Silas nodded…as he inched towards Connelly. Silas slowly raised his hand…and placed it gently against Connelly’s cheek.

  No. It was too soon.

  All she saw…was his hands…pinning her down. All she was…was his hands; ripping…clawing at her flesh…at her robe.

  “I really need to get going,” Connelly said, moving back as Silas’ hand fell from her soft cheek.

  “I’m…I’m trying here,” Silas said, smirking with a soft shrug.

  “I know that, Silas.”

  “So, can you cut me some slack? I really am trying to change, Connelly. I’m trying to right my wrongs here,” Silas sighed.

  “It’s been two days, Silas! Do you really think that you can right all of those wrongs in forty-eight hours? Are you that stupid, Silas? You terrified me! You scared me! You…you almost…” Connelly said, shaking her head as she tilted her head back…struggling to keep her tears from falling. “You can’t just walk back into this house and pretend like nothing ever happened. It did happen, Silas. It happened…to ME. You did this…to ME.”

  “I know that, but we aren’t going to get anywhere if you keep pushing me away. We’re just going to keep going around in the same circle…over and over!” Silas snapped.

  “Then GO!” Connelly screamed out, her eyes burning into Silas. “If you can’t accept the fact that this is going to take me a while to get over…then maybe you don’t understand the gravity of the situation at all. Maybe you’re just wasting your time here. Maybe I’m wasting mine.”

  “No, you’re not! I promise, you’re not. I just…” Silas stopped as he stared down at the floor, his eyes filling with tears. “I just…I want my wife back.”

  Connelly’s bottom lip quivered as she stared down at the floor, shaking her head softly as her long curls shook softly. It wasn’t that easy. Did he not understand how many lines he crossed with her that night? Did he not understand how traumatizing that night was?

  “I have to go,” Connelly said, holding back her tears, as she spun around and marched out of the bedroom.

  She needed to get away from this house.

  She needed to get away of Magnolia Cove.

  She needed to get away…from Silas.


  The last thing Lillian wanted to do tonight was to go to the stupid Magnolia Cove Banquet, but she had already promised Victoria and Connelly that she’d at least make an appearance. Lillian stared into the large mirror mounted on the back of her bedroom door as she ran her hands over the front of her pink and yellow floral summer dress. Lillian ran her hands through her straight brown hair as she turned to the side, eying the small bump that pressed tightly against her dress.

  She already dreaded the questions.

  She already dreaded the curious eyes that were going to be glued to her.

  Everyone was going to find out anyway. She might as well make the best of it. Lillian slowly sat down onto the edge of her bed…and slipped a pair of white high heels onto her feet.

  It was the same pair of heels that she was wearing that night; the night she ended Kylie Richmond’s life. Lillian closed her eyes…as her heart raced in her chest. The sound of the gun shot echoed through her ears…as flashes of Kylie’s white, cold face filled her mind. She felt the guilt…the pain…eating away at her every single day; chipping at her soul, piece by piece.

  She was someone’s daughter.

  She was Peyton’s sister.

  She was a person…and they just…dumped her like a piece of trash. She wouldn’t have a funeral. She wouldn’t have a future. No one would ever know about the terrible fate that Kylie suffered that fateful night. Lillian slowly stood up and walked towards the dresser in the corner. Lillian stared down at the set of sunflowers sticking out of a purple vase on top.

  The least she could do…was pay her respects. Maybe that’s what she needed to do…to get peace. She had to move on. She had to let go. She had to forgive herself…no matter how hard it might be. Lillian grabbed the flowers tightly and made her way towards the door.

  She had to go back…to where it ended. She had to go back…to Kylie.


  Lillian’s tires crunched along the dirt road as her car slowly rolled along, moving deeper and deeper into the thick, dark woods. She knew the spot like the back of her hand. Lillian pressed her heel onto the brake…and put her car into park.

  She had to do this.

  She had to move on.

  Lillian swallowed hard as she looked to her passenger seat…and grabbed the sunflowers tightly. Lillian pushed her door open and stepped out…as her heels crunched onto the dirt path below. Crickets chirped through the trees that surrounded Lillian as she turned, staring into the small clearing ahead…surrounded by the thick forest.

  There she was.

  Lillian slowly made her way through the thick trees, dodging a low branch as she warm summer air fluttered up her dress, the trim swaying beneath her…tickling her thighs gently. Lillian’s heart raced in her chest…as she moved closer towards the tiny clearing ahead as the bright moonlight shined down from the dark sky, the light cascading onto her through the tree branches above her.

  Lillian stepped into the small clearing…and stared down at the ground…as her eyes widened. Lillian’s jaw dropped open…as the sunflowers fell from her hand…and crashed onto the dirt below. Lillian stared down at the piles of dirt and mud, formed around a large hole in the center of the clearing. Lillian slowly inched closer…and stared down into the hole.

  Kylie’s body…was gone.

  “Oh, my God,” Lillian cried out as she covered her mouth.



  They were so careful. Now…her deepest, darkest secret…had been unearthed. Now, her life…was over.


  “Shit,” Lillian gasped as her phone sounded off from inside the pocket of her sundress. Lillian quickly pulled her cellphone from her pocket…and unlocked her phone. The bright light of the screen illuminated Lillian’s face…as she stared down at the text message. The number that sent it…was restricted. “What the fuck?” Lillian said, her voice quivering, as she opened the message.

  Lillian’s eyes widened as she stared at the cryptic text displayed on her touch screen. This had to be a joke. This had to be a dream. Lillian closed her eyes tightly…and opened them. But it was still there; the horrible message that stared back at her from the phone as it trembled in her hands.



  Victoria eyes scanned the large ballroom inside of the Harmony Community Center, eying the forty other couples of Magnolia Cove; all of them, dressed in their most glamourous gowns and most expensive tuxedos. This was like The Oscars for the citizens of Magnolia Cove. It was there chance to show everyone else just how much money they had…and just how “happy” their m
arriage was. It made Victoria sick.

  All the fake smiles and all of the forced small talk. It made her cringe.

  “Where is Lillian?” a soft voice asked as Victoria turned to see Connelly.

  “Thank God, you came! I thought I was going to have to suffer through this bullshit alone!” Victoria smiled as she wrapped her arms around Connelly, hugging her tightly.

  “You look amazing,” Connelly smiled. Victoria rolled her eyes as she stared down at her short, red cocktail dress.

  “I must look like the help to all these people. I thought it was going to be a little more casual this year. I guess not,” Victoria sighed.

  “Where’s Derek?”

  “He’s…doing what he does best; brown nosing with the other business elites,” Victoria smirked as she pointed across the room. Connelly followed the direction of her finger…to see Derek walking around the numerous round tables sat up in front of the stage…shaking hands with Edward Nelson, the richest man in Harmony.

  “Have you heard from Lillian?” Connelly asked.

  “No, but she told me she was coming. Have you tried calling her?” Victoria asked.

  “I did; twice. Maybe…maybe she’s not up for it. I mean, she’s been through a lot.”

  Victoria nodded as her eyes scanned the chaotic room…as she spotted a familiar face…step through the main entrance and into the ballroom.


  “God damn it,” Victoria snapped.

  “What?” Connelly asked as she scanned the room, confused.

  “I’ll…I’ll be right back,” Victoria smiled as she sped forward, shoving her way around the numerous people that blocked her way. She had to get to her…before she got to Derek and ruined everything; before she spilled every secret that she knew.

  Victoria rushed forward, pushing around a group of women…and walked towards Piper ahead.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Victoria snapped as she wrapped her hand around Piper’s arm.

  “Get your hand off me!” Piper snapped, ripping her arm from Victoria’s clutches.

  “This is a private party and you weren’t invited,” Victoria growled.

  “Harlan broke up with me,” Piper nodded, her eyes burning into Victoria. “Which was a really fucking stupid thing to do on his part…considering how easily I could break the both of you.”

  “Listen to me, Piper. This is not the time or the place to do this.”

  “Oh, but I think it’s the perfect time,” Piper growled.

  “Is everything alright over here?” a deep voice rang out. Victoria spun around…to see a tall, African American man; a pair of sunglasses covering his face.


  “No, this woman is trying to crash this party,” Victoria snapped as she turned, glaring at Piper in front of her.

  “Ma’am, I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” the security guard said as he stepped towards Piper, towering over her. Piper swallowed hard as her eyes traveled from the massive man to Victoria.

  “This isn’t over, Victoria. I can play this game, too,” Piper growled…as she spun around…and stormed out of the ballroom.

  Victoria smiled to herself as she crossed her arms over her chest, letting out a small giggle as she watched Piper rush through the entrance door and disappear around the corner.

  If only she knew…

  That Victoria had already won.


  Victoria sat down into a chair beside Derek and Connelly as she shifted in the seat, crossing her legs beneath the table. There was still no word from Lillian…not a text…not a call.


  “Alright, everyone! Now, for the moment we have all been waiting for!” Edward Nelson said as he stepped up to the wooden podium at the center of the stage, his breath echoing into the microphone mounted onto it. Victoria jumped as everyone sitting around her erupted in a cheer, their hands clapping louder and louder.

  “God, kill me,” Victoria mumbled to herself as she rolled her eyes. She was going to have to hear Derek bitch all night if he didn’t win.

  “Is everyone ready?” Edward screamed into the microphone as everyone cheered once more at their tables. Victoria smirked to Connelly beside her as Edward ripped open an envelope in his hand…and pulled a small piece of parchment out. “And the Citizen of the Year award goes to…Lillian Sinclair!”

  Victoria’s eyes widened as she looked to Connelly beside her, the both of them…stunned. She didn’t even know that Lillian entered into the drawing. Why would she not say anything? Why would she not tell them? Victoria’s eyes then darted to the left side of the stage…as Lillian slowly inched up the steps…her purse hanging from her shoulder.

  “Why did she not come and find us?” Connelly whispered into Victoria’s ear as they both stared forward. Victoria squinted, eying Lillian’s red eyes, as everyone in the room clapped loudly. Lillian slowly stepped up to the wooden podium as Edward moved to the far-right side of the stage…the spotlight shining brightly onto her from above.

  “Wow, I…I really don’t deserve this, Lillian said softly into the microphone as her hands wrapped around the edges of the podium tightly. “I mean that. I’m not saying that to sound humble. I mean…I truly don’t deserve this,” Lillian said, her voice quivering.

  “Something’s wrong,” Victoria whispered to Connelly softly, her eyes glued to Lillian at the podium ahead.

  “I’ve always tried to do the right thing in live…no matter how hard it was. I always tried my best…and in the end…I always failed,” Lillian nodded as she stared down to the podium in front of her. “I’m so sorry to disappoint all of you tonight, but I was the wrong choice. I’ve…I’ve done some terrible things.”

  “What the hell is she doing?” Connelly whispered, grabbing Victoria’s hand.

  “Ssh,” Victoria whispered, staring ahead.

  “I do want to thank my best friends for believing in me,” Lillian said softly as her eyes darted to Connelly and Victoria at the table right in front of the stage. “They’ve always pushed me to do better. They’ve always been there…through my best days and my worst days. But I’ve been living a lie. I’ve been…hiding so much from the people that I love the most,” Lillian said as a tear streamed down her cheek, her voice cracking in the microphone. “Connelly…don’t trust Silas.”

  Victoria’s eyes widened as Connelly’s eyebrows rose, confused by the statement. Victoria glanced around the room…as everyone began to whisper.

  “Connelly, just don’t trust him. Please,” Lillian cried into the microphone. “He…he was sleeping with Ally.”

  Connelly’s jaw dropped…as everyone in the ballroom gasped. Victoria’s eyes widened as she looked to Connelly beside her, the both of them…stunned…frozen in silence.

  “I should have told you from the beginning. I should have been honest with you and I am so, so sorry for ever lying to you. You didn’t deserve that. He isn’t the man that you think he is, Connelly,” Lillian sobbed into the microphone. “I can’t keep living with these lies and I can’t keep going on…pretending like everything is OK when it’s not. I’ve lost…I’ve lost everything; my wife…my son…my hope. I can’t…I can’t do this anymore. I can’t hide the things that I’ve done,” Lillian cried as she took a deep breath, her teary eyes scanning the crowded room. “I…I killed Kylie Richmond.”

  “Oh, my God,” Victoria gasped as she tightened her grip onto Connelly’s hand. Connelly quickly looked to Victoria beside her, the both of them…frozen; horrified by her confession. Everyone in the room gasped, their wide eyes staring at the stage…locked onto Lillian in shock.

  “I killed an innocent woman and I live with that every single day. I took a life…and I don’t even deserve my own. So, today…for once in my life…I am going to do the right thing. I am going to do…what I should have done a long time ago. There comes a time in your life…when you have to decide what you’re living for. There comes a time when you have to decide what makes you get
out of bed in the morning…what makes you smile…laugh. Everything that did that…everything I lived for…I have lost,” Lillian sobbed as she placed her purse onto the podium, her hands resting on top of it. Lillian’s eyes then slowly darted to Connelly and Victoria, both of them…wide eyed. Lillian squeezed her eyes shut tightly, tears streaming down her cheeks…

  As she lifted a small handgun from the inside of her purse…and placed the small barrel to the right side of her head. The entire room erupted in screams…as Lillian stared down at Connelly and Victoria.

  “I love you both so much,” Lillian cried…as she closed her eyes…

  And pulled the trigger.




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