Rebellious and Reckless: College Sports Romance Stand-Alone (Campus Hotshots Book 1): Campus Hotshots
Page 16
The easy mood I’ve been in is spoiled the minute Luke comes waltzing in with several of the guys from the team. We haven’t spoken since I professed my love for Sky to him. He’s pissed, and I don’t fucking blame him. I can’t fault him for being into my girl because let’s face it, she’s a hard girl not to fall in love with.
When Luke spots us, his face pinches and turns in the opposite direction. I hate this. I hate that it’s this hard being brothers—it never used to be. Luke always followed me around when we were younger and tried to mimic everything I did. Mom always said I needed to set a good example for Luke because I was the big brother, and he looked up to me.
The thought of Mom makes me frown. If she could see what has become of us, she wouldn’t be happy. But to be fair, I don’t think if she was still here, all the shit that happened last year would’ve happened and Luke and I wouldn’t be fighting in the first place.
Sky studies my face and then traces my line of sight to Luke’s retreating back. “I hate this.”
I release a harsh breath. “Me too. I need to talk to him and work this shit out.”
When I take a step toward the direction my brother went, Sky places a firm hand against my chest. “Let me talk to him this time. I owe him an apology too, after all. Let me try to make this right between the two of you. You two are family—you need each other.”
I stare down at the sweet woman I love and mull over her request. The idea she wants to help heal my family makes me fall for her even more, and I’m sure the conversation between her and Luke will be a lot calmer than if I go marching over there demanding to squash the beef between us now.
I press a soft kiss against her plump lips. “Okay, but if shit starts getting out of hand, walk away. He may need more time to calm down.”
When she walks away, I chew on my thumbnail, completely unsure of how this is going to go.
The music is so loud in this part of the house I can barely hear my own thoughts. Over the past few days, I’ve thought about a million things I want to say to Luke, but as I approach him, all my nerves have wiped out my preplanned dialog, making my mind a blank slate.
Big burly men I recognize from not only the parties here but on the football field as well are playing beer pong while Luke stands as part of the observing crowd. I stand next to him, and his gaze flicks down to me before he turns his attention back to the match.
Ouch. The silent treatment is harsh, but I can’t say I blame him. If I were him, I wouldn’t want to talk to me either.
“Eat me!” screams a gargantuan man with dark, curly, black hair and a beard after sinking a ball into a red, plastic Solo cup. “Drink up, bitch!”
A leaner built but still all muscle guy with blond hair flips him the bird but picks up the cup and gulps the beer down, and then slams the cup on the table. “Let’s go again! Best two out of three.”
“No way, Sunshine. You lose. You pay. That’s the rules.” Gargantuan shrugs as he holds out his hand. “Gimme.”
Sunshine drops his head and then digs a fifty-dollar bill from his front pocket and then slams it in Gargantuan’s hand. “Fuck. That’s all I’ve got.”
The big guy smiles as he locks his hand around Sunshine’s, gripping him tight and effectively holding him in place. “Well, kid, it’s time to learn you don’t fuck with perfection. Ain’t that right, QB1?” Luke raises his cup but doesn’t say anything, so he continues. “Next time you challenge my man, Luke, here for the starting spot, you better be able to back it up. Otherwise, don’t try that shit again. You dig?”
Sunshine lifts his chin. “I got it.”
I swallow because the tension surrounding this game is thick. Obviously, this isn’t just about winning the simple game for this crew. It’s about teaching Sunshine a lesson about his place on the team.
The big guy releases the blond and sends him a shark-like smile that even I can tell is a warning.
“Is this some sort of hazing thing?” I ask Luke, but I’m unsure he’ll answer me.
He releases a sigh as though it pains him to speak to me. “You can say that. The freshman, Swain…the blond guy, told Coach he is a better quarterback than me. The guys caught wind of it and decided to let him know they aren’t cool with his actions. We’re a team, and we stick together. No one likes anyone who goes around stirring shit up. The sooner Swain learns that, the better. No one gives a shit he was the top recruit in the country last year. If he wants my job, he’s going to have to earn it, and he’s not ready. Playing college ball is different than high school. Not many can waltz on the field as a true freshman and get the job done. Guys like my brother…they’re a rarity.”
The mention of Baker makes my back stiffen and reminds me why I came over here in the first place. “Can I talk to you?”
“We are talking,” he says stiffly, and it makes me sad the easy relationship we had is now gone.
I step around him so he is forced to look at me. “Alone. I really need to offer you an explanation.”
His blue eyes soften a bit. “There’s no need for that, Sky. You want to be with Baker—I get it. We don’t have to keep rehashing it. I got the message loud and clear, so you don’t need to worry about me starting any shit.”
“I am sorry,” I tell him. “I guess I just want you to know that.”
He pauses for a long moment. “I accept your apology. It’s just going to take me some time to get over you. I need some space.”
My shoulders sag. “Okay. I understand.” I turn to walk away, and Luke says my name, causing me to spin around on my heel to face him. “Yeah?”
“For what it’s worth, I’m glad for the two of you. I’m just hurt right now, but I promise I’ll get over it. You’re good for Baker.” He tips his head in his brother’s direction, who I find is watching our exchange intently. “I haven’t seen him smile in a long time. You’re what’s making him happy and bringing him back to his old self, Sky, so thanks for that.”
I rise up and kiss Luke on the cheek. “You’re a good brother, and I hope one day soon the two of you can really work things out. I know he misses you, too.”
A sad smile etches into his face. “You better head back over to him before he gets any crazy ideas that I’m trying any more moves on his woman. I don’t need him going berserk and trying to beat my ass with his newfound boxing skills.”
I resist the urge to hug him because it would be crossing a line we’ve both clearly drawn in the sand now. He looks so defeated, and it breaks my heart knowing I caused his pain. This outcome was never my intention, but matters of the heart cannot be planned.
I head back to Baker’s waiting arms and snuggle into them.
“Everything all right?” Baker whispers into my ear.
“We’re good, and he actually said he’s happy for you—that I’m good for you.”
He pulls me in tight against his muscled chest. “He’s not wrong about that. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
I raise one eyebrow in challenge. “Even over a Heisman?”
“Is that even a real question?” He smirks. “That trophy collects dust somewhere at my father’s house, but you…” He slides his hands seductively down my spine. “You, I get to have every night, and that trumps everything in this world.”
Every nerve in my body tingles, and if we weren’t here with our friends right now, I would force him to take me home and cure this ache I have that only he can cure. Sex with Baker Finnegan is addictive, and I can’t believe I waited so long to jump his bones.
I grin up at him, and he presses his lips to mine. Suddenly, I can’t wait to get home.
“What’s up, Baker?” a female voice says behind me in what I like to describe as a baby voice, causing Baker’s back to go ramrod straight.
I’ll never understand what women think about sounding like a toddler is attractive to a man. On instinct, I whip around, and my eyes instantly narrow into narrow slits. It’s the girl Baker brought to our apartmen
t and kissed in front of me. An energy I can only describe as jealousy fills me. This girl has done nothing to me directly, but knowing she’s been with Baker pisses me off.
Baker wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me against me, effecting creating a wall between himself and the blonde. “Renee.”
Her eyebrows squish together as she appraises our closeness. “You haven’t called.” There’s a whine in her voice, causing me to feel queasy.
“And I won’t be,” Baker says, tightening his hold on me. “I’m off the market. You’ve met Sky, right?”
Her lip curls in disgust as she rakes her gaze up and down my body, not trying to remotely hide her disdain. “Her? The uptight bitch who wouldn’t let us fuck at your apartment?”
“Watch it—” Baker snaps, but I hold my hand up, cutting him off.
I twist my head around to stare up at him. “It’s okay. Renee here is pissed you’re mine now and doesn’t know how to put her big girl panties on and act like a lady and walk away gracefully.”
A disgusted huff comes out of her. “Whatever. He won’t be with you long, so live in the fantasy the two of you will be together forever while you can. Baker isn’t exactly known for lengthy relationships. He’ll be fucking around soon enough, and when he does, I want him to know my pussy wants to be his first stop.”
I lunge for her, but Baker keeps me from reaching her, which causes her to laugh in my face.
“Get the fuck away from me, Renee,” Baker growls.
She puckers her lips, blowing him a kiss. “See you around, baby.”
My heart thunders in my chest as I watch her retreating back and picture ripping her apart. Anger like this isn’t something I’ve ever felt before, and it scares me a bit to feel this possessive over another human being. Love can make you feel insane.
“I’m sorry about that. Renee can be evil and is trying to piss you off on purpose,” Baker murmurs in my ear. “Don’t let her get to you. She’s jealous.”
“I’m trying, but knowing you slept with her hurts.”
His skillful hands turn my hips, forcing me to face him. “The past is something I can’t change. I wish I didn’t have one, and I could tell you there were no other girls before you, but I can’t. I was fucked up for a long time and didn’t make the best decisions. Girls like Renee…I regret being with them now. If I knew you existed in this world, I would’ve waited for you, but unfortunately, fate didn’t bring you to me soon enough. You’re my future, Sky. You’re the only woman I want for the rest of my life.”
The idea he’s been with other women isn’t something I enjoy thinking about, but he’s right, they are in his past. In order for our relationship to work, I have to trust him because without trust, we’ll never work.
The fight Baker agreed to tonight is in Toledo, which is only a little over an hour from my hometown of Detroit. My mother would kill me if she knew I was this close and didn’t come to visit her, but if she saw the company I’m with, she’d ask questions I’m not quite ready to answer yet. At some point, I do want Baker to meet my family, but before it can happen, I need to be honest with Baker about who my father is.
“Are we almost there?” Milo complains from the back seat. “My legs are hella cramped.”
“You?” Miley says, “Baker’s seat is so far back, I’m practically sitting in his lap. At least Sky is shorter.”
“Sorry, guys,” Baker says. “Mustangs aren’t meant for long-distance travel.”
“All I’m going to say is this sucks. Just because Sky’s your girlfriend now doesn’t mean I should have to sit bitch in the back. I’m too damn big for this seat, and my balls are getting crushed.”
“I’m sure your little manhood is fine,” Miley teases and then laughs.
“Trust me. There’s nothing small about my manhood.”
“Milo,” Baker barks. “No.”
“What?” he says, amusement ringing through his voice. “I’m only speaking the truth, my man.”
“You remember what I said?” Baker says sternly, glaring at Milo through the rearview mirror.
“Yeah. Yeah. No hitting on Sky’s friends. I remember.” He folds his arms over his chest and rolls his eyes. “This girlfriend thing is taking the fun out of everything. I don’t see how me fucking her friends can cause problems between the two of you. My cock is a needy guy, and seeks out the hot girls.” He turns to Miley and waggles his eyebrows.
“Milo…” Baker’s frustration isn’t hard to see.
He holds his hands up in surrender. “Fine. I’ll stop now, but hopefully, Sky had the same talk with her friends because I can’t be held at fault if they come on to me.”
“Won’t be a problem,” Miley says dryly. “You’re not my type.”
“I’m every girl’s type,” he argues.
“Not this girl,” she replies instantly. “Man-whore is one I stay far away from.”
He opens his mouth to argue but instantly closes it. Guess she got him there. Milo likes to screw around, and everyone knows it.
Once we’re a half mile from our destination, according to the GPS, the houses on the street become increasingly larger. Sprawling estates line each side of the road with many of the houses hidden from view. “Are you sure this is the correct address?” I ask Baker as I study his phone.
“Yeah. It’s the one I was texted,” he confirms.
When he comes to 212 Capitol Drive, we’re greeted by a black, wrought-iron gate complete with a keypad, speaker, and camera. Baker rolls down his window and presses the call button.
“Can I help you?” The voice on the speaker answers almost in an instant.
“Baker Finnegan. Am I in the right place?”
“Pull ahead.” The gate opens, and Baker presses on the gas to inch us down the drive.
The path runs through some woods, and once we round the bend, a huge brick mansion comes into view.
“Holy fuck!” Milo says, awe evident in his voice. “No two places you fight are ever the same. Whoever is putting this one on has some mad bank. You should’ve held out for more than five grand.”
Baker’s face is stoic. If he’s nervous, he’s doing a damn good job of hiding it. There’s no way I could be as calm as him if I were going to fight at a place and had no idea what lie ahead of me. My anxiety would be through the damn roof.
A bearded man in a pair of khakis and a polo shirt greets us when we pull up to the house. “Fighters park in the rear, next to the barn. The other valet will show you where to park.”
Baker nods and then drives us in the direction the man points. Once we’re behind the house, it’s easy to spot a large building that looks a lot like an athletic complex you would see on a school campus. A paved parking lot surrounds the building. Whoever owns this property has money.
After Baker parks the car, he gets out, and the rest of us follow him as he heads toward the door of the building. Yet another guy in the same outfit the men who parked cars are wearing greets us. Baker gives his name and then checks his name off on the clipboard he has in hand. The man then asks each of us for our names, even checking our IDs before writing our names on the list too, explaining to us it’s a precaution to have a record of everyone in attendance.
He hands my identification back to me. “Baker, head to the locker rooms to your left. The rest of you go right into the gym and take seats in the back row.”
I squeeze Baker’s hand, and he stares down at me. Like the last time he fought, I’m worried. While I know Baker is fully capable of handling himself in the ring, I also know bad shit can happen. The worry on my face must be evident because Baker stops to look at me.
He slides his thick finger under my chin and tips my face up to his. “Hey, don’t worry. I’ve got this.”
“Be careful,” I whisper.
“Will do. Stick with Milo.” He kisses my lips.
“I will,” I promise him, and he seems satisfied with that answer as he turns and heads in the
opposite direction.
Milo steps up to me and extends his elbow to me. I hook my arm around his before he offers his other elbow to Miley, who reluctantly mirrors my actions.
We reach a set of wooden double doors, and I’m reminded of my high school gym entrance as we pass through. Inside is a huge basketball court that has a boxing ring erected in the middle. Folding chairs on outdoor carpeting surround the ring, and I’m reminded of all the times I’ve watched my father wrestle. The setup is very reminiscent of Tension Wrestling.
“Let’s sit next to the aisle so we can at least be close when Baker comes out of the locker room since we can’t sit up front and cheer him on,” I say as I tug Miley with me down the row to sit next to me.
Even though we’re early, half of the chairs are surprisingly already filled. The crowd again is mainly compiled of men, with the exception of women serving drinks. Unlike the last fight, the crowd is not formal—more of a business casual this time, the way men with money tend to dress down in khakis and polos. Still, we’re the most underdressed in the place in our jeans and hoodies.
“Way different from the last place, huh, Sky,” Milo says as he takes a seat on the other side of Miley.
“Yes. It’s so crazy to me this whole fighting circuit even exists. I’ve been around rings my entire life and have never heard of fights like this taking place.”
Milo knits his brow in confusion. “What do you mean?”
Miley’s eyes widen, knowing my dad’s identity is something I want to keep secret. Having a famous father is difficult. While I am proud of all he’s accomplished in his life, I hate living in the shadow of him and how people treat me differently once they find out who he is.
I shrug. “Nothing really. Forget I mentioned it.”
Milo shakes his head like I’ve lost my mind, and I swear I see him mutter ‘whatever’ to himself.